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<bdari> Hi...
<bdari> any sample about socket programming for push messaging?
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<SeanTAllen> bdari: i'm not sure what you mean by "push messaging".
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<hobomatic> @SeanTAllen: on the 8th I wrote something here about there being no string() on Array[], and no good way of puting a constraint on a type parameter for some rank2 time, like Array[A]. And your response was that "thats because an array might not be stringable". My 4 day later response is: yes, but if you constrained the type variable, like in Arrayt[Stringable], that could not happen. My expectation was that the method would only exist for
<hobomatic> Array[Stringable], since there would be a constraint on the reciever.
<hobomatic> the expectation is coming from prior experience with languages with both generics, and methods where the reciever is an explicit parameter
<SeanTAllen> Pony currently has no way expressing that one a class. You can use a fun on a primitive that takes an Array[Stringable]
<SeanTAllen> if you would interested, you could open an RFC about syntax for how to add to classes directly
<hobomatic> yeah, I will probably do that, I just wanted to make sure the idea that lead to the expectation was understood
<hobomatic> Ok
<SeanTAllen> Yup. got it.
<Praetonus> hobomatic: FYI, a part of this is covered by the `iftype` feature, which isn't fully implemented as of now. Here's the associated RFC:
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<SeanTAllen> I'd forgotten that existed Praetonus
<hobomatic> yes, specialization was another usecase that was rattling around in my head
<hobomatic> that seems like a much more interesting way of doing it than I was thinking of.
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<hobomatic> yeah I am starting to sweat just thinking of all of the ambiguity between case functions, iftype and ... what looks like its trying to be dependently typed pattern guards?
<hobomatic> well, dependently typed guards.. for case functions
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<endformationage> I think I may've found a clue to my strange array behavior. Perhaps it has something to do with how constructors work? Please take a look here:
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<endformationage> See also lldb sessions included in the gist. (Gist made them appear out of order :\)
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<SeanTAllen> sounds like something is stepping on memory
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<SeanTAllen> endformationage: does it seem like something else is getting allocated into the same location as your array?
<endformationage> I've not been able to reproduce outside my codebase.
<SeanTAllen> ok
<SeanTAllen> but
<SeanTAllen> does it seem like that is what is going on?
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<endformationage> Hmm, I suppose. I guess I don't have the knowledge to know/find out if this is the case.
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<endformationage> If I simply avoid pre-allocating the array in the map in the constructor, it seems to work OK.
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<endformationage> I'll try moving the pre-allocation to the very end of the constructor.
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<endformationage> BTW, the pre-allocation in the actual code base can be found here:
<SeanTAllen> so
<SeanTAllen> moving the allocation would put it in a different memory location
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