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<sb0> whitequark, what price?
<sb0> and that's in oil I suppose?
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<whitequark> sb0: hang on I found 100g
<whitequark> that's for $5 or so, so I'll take that
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<sb0> whitequark, in oil?
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<cr1901_modern> whitequark: Why is or1k-linux necessary to enable shared library support (as opposed to or1k-unknown-elf, which still outputs binaries w/ relocation info)?
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<whitequark> sb0: no oil
<whitequark> just bought it
<whitequark> cr1901_modern: because binutils literally has a branch on whether the triple has "linux"
<whitequark> there's no real reason for it
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<whitequark> sb0: it's granulated, and slightly oxidized
<whitequark> lemme get you a pic once i'm home
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<cr1901_modern> whitequark: Do you remember which part of binutils has this branch (to save me some pain looking through
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<whitequark> cr1901_modern: find . -name linux*or1k*
<whitequark> it has some sort of target description file or such
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<sb0> whitequark, then what is it in?
<whitequark> sb0: air. it's in a small PET bottle.
<whitequark> sb0:
<sb0> are you sure it's calcium, and not calcium oxide/nitride?
<whitequark> yes, I'm sure it's calcium
<whitequark> let me throw it in water and set on fire
<whitequark> uploading...
<whitequark> no
<whitequark> ugh
<whitequark> why doesn't it work properly in the browser? the web is a piece of shit
<whitequark> anyway just open it in vlc
<whitequark> sb0: convinced yet? :)
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<sb0> so the oxide layer protects it from further oxidation?
<whitequark> yeah, passivation
<whitequark> actually, no, that doesn't even count as passivation
<whitequark> more like not being active enough?
<sb0> hmm, maybe we can get rid of that layer of crap by evaporating it under vacuum
<sb0> thermal evaporation tables say CaO can be done with a tungsten basket