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<sb0> oh great, recent versions of vivado segfault when synthesizing
<sb0> this is a cool new problem
<cr1901_modern> litescope isn't fast enough?
<sb0> doesn't have the right features, I need multiple clock domains and cross-domain start/stop triggers
<sb0> this is a really shitty bug
<cr1901_modern> "cross-domain start/stop triggers" This sounds nasty. You mean the logic to start/stop is logic in one clk domain, it receives a (delayed) version of data being captured in another domain to determine when to start/stop?
<sb0> the other way, but yes
<sb0> well, it captures data in a domain, and takes (approximate) triggers from another
<sb0> seriously, vivado crashes in the verilog *parser*
<sb0> how the fuck did they get that wrong
<sb0> it's mor1kx that crashes it
<cr1901_modern> clifford has been having trouble getting Xilinx to respond to his bug reports :/
<sb0> yes. xilinx used to have good customer support via the 'webcase' system, but they closed most accounts a few years ago, including mine
<sb0> it sounds like vivado chokes on `include "mor1kx-defines.v"
<sb0> the full path for mor1kx-defines.v is over 100 characters. for lm32_config.v it's under 100 characters. did they write char[100] and strcpy?
<cr1901_modern> Would you be surprised if that were true?
<sb0> hmm, that's not the problem
<cr1901_modern> I wonder if ISE chokes
<cr1901_modern> (prob not)
<sb0> stekern, have you tried mor1kx with recent (2016.4, 2016.3) vivado?
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<mithro> So.. A Record() object -- can you assign to the signals inside it individually?
<mithro> AttributeError: '_Assign' object has no attribute 'list_clock_domains'
<mithro> <litex.gen.fhdl.structure._Assign object at 0x2b8e87a120f0>
<mithro> Hrm....
<mithro> I've obviously sometime wrong...
<sb0> mithro, yes
<sb0> what did you do with the assign object?
<mithro> sb0: I didn't do anything with an assign object, I assume it is combing from somewhere I'm doing a "record.a.eq(signal)" ?
<mithro> s/combing/coming/
<mithro> Sorry, I'm a bit tired, it's something simple I've probably done stupidly - been sick all week while still trying to get things ready for LCA recording
<mithro> Or actually... It might be coming from the Tristate...
<mithro> sb0: Let me push this code somewhere so you can shame my terribleness
<GitHub54> [artiq] sbourdeauducq pushed 1 new commit to master:
<GitHub54> artiq/master 6805feb Sebastien Bourdeauducq: drtio: report truncated packets
<sb0> _florent_, does ElasticBuffer really need a depth argument?
<sb0> if so, shouldn't it have a default value?
<bb-m-labs_> build #1210 of artiq is complete: Failure [failed python_unittest] Build details are at blamelist: Sebastien Bourdeauducq <>
<mithro> sb0: Should the specials module prevent you from assigning things to it which aren't specials?
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<stekern> sb0: I have not
<rjo> sb0: i checked 2016.3 a while back (the install should still be there on lab). are they both crashing in the same way?
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<GitHub182> [artiq] jordens commented on issue #654: @whitequark Could we catch this type of invalid indirect calls of kernels through RPCs early so that Aaron would have known what the problem is?
<GitHub190> [artiq] jordens reopened issue #654: LOAD_FAILED message on TTL pulse
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<GitHub20> [artiq] jordens pushed 1 new commit to master:
<GitHub20> artiq/master 93a71b9 Joe Britton: phaser: clarify J1 termination; scope configuration...
<bb-m-labs_> build #1211 of artiq is complete: Failure [failed python_unittest] Build details are at blamelist: Joe Britton <>
<GitHub34> [artiq] sbourdeauducq pushed 2 new commits to master:
<GitHub34> artiq/master d3dfbdf Sebastien Bourdeauducq: typo
<GitHub34> artiq/master 0edffb5 Sebastien Bourdeauducq: drtio: fix packet truncation detection in RTPacketSatellite
<bb-m-labs_> build #309 of artiq-board is complete: Failure [failed conda_build] Build details are at blamelist: Sebastien Bourdeauducq <>
<bb-m-labs_> build #1212 of artiq is complete: Failure [failed] Build details are at blamelist: Sebastien Bourdeauducq <>
<GitHub139> [artiq] whitequark commented on issue #654: @jordens Not sure about "early" but we could definitely return a cause with the LOAD_FAILED message, which would address this as well.
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<key2> hi
<whitequark> hi
<key2> I am implementing a single wire protocol like in a xilinx FPGA, but for some reason, when I look at the signal with an osciloscope, the 0 part (gnd) are a bit too high and therefor not detected as 0 on the other side
<key2> is there a common mistake that could be done that results in 0 being detected as 1 ?
<whitequark> the pullup is too strong?
<key2> maybe
<key2> but i removed pullup
<key2> on the FPGA side
<key2> but on the other side in fact there is a pullup
<whitequark> show the schematic
<key2> single pin
<key2> like 1 IO going from FPGA to the other device (+ gnd)
<key2> no external pullup/down
<whitequark> you have just said there is a pullup on the other side
<key2> ah inside the device yes
<key2> i said that because I see that when I am not connected, it is pulled to !
<key2> 1
<key2> its like i2c but without the clock
<key2> on the left part it is the device speaping, on the right one is the FPGA
<key2> as you can see, the gnd is not at 0 :(
<sb0> bah maybe you have contention or something, measure the current, isn't it too high?
<sb0> I wish I was dealing with *your* bug right now...
<whitequark> key2: is it even a pullup?
<whitequark> that looks like a strong 1 drive
<key2> what would you call a strong 1 drive ?
<sb0> contention. the other side driving high with a lot of current capability.
<key2> ok
<key2> which means I should be using a transistor to force it to 0 ?
<key2> rather than the FPGA ?
<sb0> probably not, the reason it is driving is probably because it is trying to send something
<key2> nah
<key2> for sure it is not
<sb0> if you force it to 0 not only will it not work but you can also damage things
<key2> then consider it is not this
<sb0> what is this for anyway?
<key2> its a mux
<sb0> ?
<key2> basically you send it a special code, and it switches
<key2> its for a connector to a phone
<sb0> what mux?
<key2> proprietary
<key2> the phone lets you chose the pair (uart, usb, debug, swd...) based on a code you send over this 1 wire protocol
<key2> but it's weird it could come from contention as this pin is not used to be used for anything else than reading what the right mux should be
<key2> btw it works fine with a papilio pro but not artix
<key2> so spartan6 seams to be ok
<sb0> increase the drive strength
<key2> aha
<key2> how do I do that with migen ?
<key2> MISC ?
<sb0> Drive
<key2> thx will give it a try
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<sb0> whitequark, how is TCP coming along?
<whitequark> let me push the TCP socket code...
<whitequark> mh, need to sort out the smoltcp dependency first
<sb0> okay. please leave it in a branch until the unittests pass - I'm using master for drtio development and lwip is good enough for most of the tests I'm doing
<whitequark> okay
<cr1901_modern> sb0: Perhaps related to your Vivado woes?
<sb0> vivado crashes before here