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<hno> wtf, Andoid inventing their own USB accessory protocol. Isn't there sufficient diversity in USB protocols already?
<mnemoc> G's NIH
<hno> this one stinks NIH and a bit of vendor lockin.
<mnemoc> at least they made it open...
<hno> Don't know... to make a device you MUST use Googles USB vendor ID.
<hno> and their product IDs depending on the type of accessory.
<hno> Or... those are actually used on the device (phone etc)..
<hno> smells as if they have just plain given up on OTG and gone for device-only mode on phones.
<mnemoc> wtf... been receiving overtraffic notifications since yesterday :( 2-10GB/h this will soon eat all my 5TB/M :(
* hno have not touched anything
<mnemoc> do you know any "wrapper" I can put in front of the web server to control the per-ip traffic ?
<hno> is there any specific IPs which chews too much bandwidth?
<mnemoc> haven't yet setup any monitoring
<hno> a simpler alternative is to push offending IPs into a tc class with reduced bandwidth.
<hno> Most reverse proxies also supports bandwidth limitations. I.e. delay pools of class 4 in Squid would do the job quite well.
<hno> making it possible to throttle an IP to low speed after downloading 500M or so.
<mnemoc> .oO
<mnemoc> that's exactly what I want.... but kind of fear a beast like squid :p
<hno> don't nginx have something similar?
<mnemoc> it has a dumb per-connection limit_rate
<mnemoc> I don't want to limit not-abusers
* hno is president of the Squid software foundation, Don't look that much on other reverse proxies.
<mnemoc> :)
<mnemoc> even the "advanced" throttling plugin for nginx can only deal with fixed rates. no thresholds
<mnemoc> and I would need to compile nginx myself, instead of using the one handled by the package manager
<hno> you should be able to add plugins to the provided nginx
<mnemoc> recompiling :p
<mnemoc> hno: do you have a suggested tutorial to get that thing done with squid?
<mnemoc> not fond to have build-your-own things on servers
<mnemoc> was hoping to find a reverse prodxy dedicated to throttling and DoS handling
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<hno> In squid delay pools it's done using a large pool size and slowish refill rate.
* mnemoc fears the big cephalopods
<hno> There is some commercial ones which is have that focus, but those only make sense in multi-gigabit use cases.
<hno> To handle a DDoS requires you to have a significant amount of bandwidth available to swallow the attack.
<hno> seems our CONFIG_ dependencies is not quite in shape.
<Yaku> that new usb implementation is parallel to otg or replace otg ?
<mnemoc> new usb implementation?
<Yaku> that new protocol you´ve been talking about before
<Yaku> well i was interested in using my arduino more together with android in the future too
<hno> Yaku, it's not using OTG.
<hno> expects that the pheriperial that you connect to the Android phone/whatever acts as an USB HOST and queries a hardcoded USB vendor+device ID on the Android.
<hno> the perpherial must also power the USB bus.
<hno> so the Android with all it's smart CPU power is reduced to act as an USB device and might even charge from the pheriperial.
<gzamboni> mnemoc i can set up a mirror if you want. i have a 100mbps server with unlimited traffic
<mnemoc> gzamboni: a mirror of the wiki doesn't make much sense :p
<gzamboni> i thought the bandwitdth came from the
<mnemoc> I don't see much activity in the access logs of dl.l-s.o nor dl.cb.o... but not measuring bw
<mnemoc> please mail me your ssh public key so you can get rsync
<gzamboni> k
<mnemoc> so much stuff to do and so little time :(
<hno> mnemoc & gzamboni, doesn't it make more sense with a cache than a mirror?
<mnemoc> dl. only has stitic files
<mnemoc> static*
<mnemoc> the wiki/php part already has caching, but that consumes the same bw
<hno> Hmm.. no insmod/modprobe in my Debian image.
<mnemoc> o_O
<gzamboni> we can do a dns round robin an i can cache the wiki
* mnemoc wonders if mediawiki will like that
<mnemoc> gzamboni: let's try caching dl. first
<mnemoc> where is your server?
<mnemoc> .fr?
<gzamboni> yes
<gzamboni> i have other services on it, but i dont use a lot of the bandwidth
<gzamboni> i just sent you the pub key
<mnemoc> preferred username? gzamboni?
<gzamboni> :) yes
<mnemoc> wow, dss. years without seeing one of those
<mnemoc> 14GB between 9:00-10:00...
<rm> <gzamboni> we can do a dns round robin an i can cache the wiki
<rm> so it's a matter of luck which copy you will edit!
<rm> sounds pretty exciting
<mnemoc> POST pass-throw :)
<gzamboni> yeah, edit doesnt use an specific hostname
<gzamboni> wont work
<mnemoc> dl first, it's simpler :p
<gzamboni> ok
<mnemoc> gzamboni: try to ssh to
<mnemoc> will remove dl. from https now
<gzamboni> one sec
<mnemoc> but hno is probably right about doing a caching proxy instead of a mirror for dl.
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<gzamboni> i sent you the worng key, i will send you a new one, i'm sorry
<mnemoc> gzamboni: paste it on /q
<mnemoc> or mail, both will work for me
<gzamboni> just mailed it
<gzamboni> the other one was an old one i dont use anymore
<gzamboni> still dss :)
<mnemoc> try
<mnemoc> /srv/http/sunxi/ and /srv/http/tom/
<gzamboni> not working :(
<hno> caching requires no preparations outside DNS and avoids downloading crap which no one ever visits.
<hno> well, a little configuration of the cache obviously, but other than that.
<mnemoc> +1
<gzamboni> i never did it
<hno> gzamboni, want me to set up a Squid for you?
<rm> I'd say the first step should be to try understanding what's with the unusually high traffic
<mnemoc> hno: if you have time it would be appreciated if you can setup the squid delay pool on as well :p
<gzamboni> hno: i would like to learn it :)
<mnemoc> just a pass through but throtling people downloading more than 500m in an hour or so
<mnemoc> damn. 1h of battery left :(
<rm> for example recently we had a website randomly suspended by web hoster due to high load
<gzamboni> mnemoc, it keeps asking for the password
<rm> that was a great hint to check the access log
<rm> turns out someone was bruteforcing a password to a wordpress blog
<rm> many attempts per second; and this was what caused the high load
<gzamboni> hno, thanks
<mnemoc> gzamboni: try again to see if something is logged
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<gzamboni> Permission denied (publickey,password).
<gzamboni> after 3 atemps of wrong password
<mnemoc> there is no password. let me inject my key and see
<mnemoc> gzamboni: worked fine... so it's not the account
<gzamboni> humm, one sec
<mnemoc> and i doubt ubuntu's openssh doesn't support dsa by default
<mnemoc> at least I see a dsa key in /etc/ssh
<mnemoc> will need to move to another place to charge the laptop... but no irc from there :( ... the damn squid proxy only allows http/https out :(
<mnemoc> gzamboni: still have 20m, so please hurry :p
<mnemoc> normally have 6h of battery but last night forgot to plug it
<gzamboni> 6h , what laptop do you have ?
<mnemoc> thinkpad x120e
<mnemoc> with an e-350 (and ssd) inside
<gzamboni> bought it without the windows license ?
<mnemoc> nope, had to pay the ms tax
<hno> mnemoc, freenode have web chat.
<mnemoc> *g* ... good point
<hno> plus I can relay an SSH for you on port 443 if you like
<mnemoc> will squid let it pass?
<mnemoc> well... I connect using the web chat thing once there (~30m) and we can test :)
<mnemoc> bbl
<hno> Squid will pass it if wrapped up in an CONNECT.
<hno> Yes! USB ethernet dongle works on the A13, so can run apt-get natively to add missing packages..
<gzamboni> im reading about squid, never used and it seems to be a nice solution
<gzamboni> can it do imap caching ?
<hno> no, squid is an HTTP proxy.
<rm> yaay dongles rule
<hno> now I just need to figure out what packages are missing.. no ping, no automatic loading of modules, no most things...
<rm> hno, is it possible to add HTTPS to that example config? even if it will be without caching, just a "CONNECT"-like redirection
<hno> rm, sure, but it needs to act as an https server then. The use of https on each side of the proxy is indenendent.
<rm> well it could just redirect the port 443 connection to the actual server
<hno> well, it is a proxy not a tunnel/relay.
<hno> most people doing this also want to cache, and in many cases not even using https on the actual server.
<rm> you may ask what's the point and why not use iptables-based redirection, and the point would be to have these connections also recorded in the same Squid access log
<rm> ok
<hno> rm, it would only be able to record source IP + start time of session + total amount of traffic.
<gzamboni> i supose the squid-cache works only for GET requests, right ? how it will deal with post and GET querystrings when they are used to update info in the database by php for instance ?
<hno> gzamboni, if the web application is well behaved then it will work just fine.
<hno> for PHP you usually have to think a bit to at all allow Squid to cache. Default in PHP is "nothing can be cached ever by anyone"
<gzamboni> is it possible to use squid-cache concurently with apache in the same port 80 ?
<gzamboni> because i have other websites with apache on this server
<rm> actually I checked how my current setup works, I use Lighttpd as a reverse proxy acting as HTTPS server, and the backend is plain HTTP
<rm> gzamboni, no
<gzamboni> there are some cache modules for apache, but i dont know if they work well
<hno> gzamboni, it is possible to chain squid->apache or apache->squid is you want.
<gzamboni> any howto on the wiki ?
<gzamboni> you're into the squid project right ? i used it for sharing internet on some networks in Brazil. they use a lot it over there
<gzamboni> its a very nice project
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<hno> For Squid->Apache you change Listen in your Apache conf to, then set up Squid to forward your web sites to that cache_peer.
<gzamboni> good idea
<gzamboni> lot of universities , companies and gov unities use them. Very very used in the corporative world
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<hno> I know. It's not that used around here any longer, mostly because we have ample amounts of bandwidth and servers nowdays.
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<gzamboni> they use also to control the access.
<gzamboni> i use it with zentyal, its a very nice distro. i use it for a router server
<mnemoc_webchat> hno: any easy way to test if I can do something other than real https over this http proxy?
<hno> mnemoc, I have an SSH on
<gzamboni> brb lunch is ready :)
<hno> mnemoc_webchat, if the proxy do not require authentication then "telnet ip.of.proxy 3128; CONNECT HTTP/1.0<enter><enter>"
<gzamboni> mnemoc_webchat, if you can create an hostname A record to like
<gzamboni> for the moment i will just rsync it and set it up on apache
<mnemoc_webchat> HTTP/1.0 200 Connection established SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.8
<mnemoc_webchat> I suppose that's a good sign :)
<hno> it is.
<RaYmAn> sslh is pretty good for those cases too if you only have one ip. It lets you share e.g. port 443 between https, ssh and some others:
<rellla> whats the best email address to get in contact with allwinner? service@...?
<RaYmAn> it's also nice cause if people go to the ip (e.g. after seing in logs), they'll get a valid website :P
<hno> rellla, not sure there is a best one..
<rellla> hno: now that i know, how eva looks like, maybe she would be the one to write at...
* rellla wants to make them know of the linux cedarx-lib bug.
<hno> Yes, Eva is the primary contact. Official channel always goes via her.
<hno> RaYmAn, thanks, looks handy. Wonder what logics they fingerprint SSH clients by.. silence?
<hno> yep, silence.
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<RaYmAn> :)
<rellla> thanks hno, and her email is?
<hno> Don't remember. Have given up on trying to email her.
<rellla> thats the problem of blacklisting :P
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<rm> thanks hno, set up one of my VPSes in Germany as a caching reverse proxy in front of my home web server (not used for much though) :)
<rm> actually I use Squid there as my 'forward' proxy
<rm> so it was only a matter of adding some more config lines
<hno> rm, good. Feel free to ask if needed.
<hno> annoying.. rtl8192cu module seems to almos twork. It finds the card, configures it, and even associates with the access point, but seems to not actually transmit any packets.
<mnemoc_webchat> hno: /q
<rm> not sure what's up with rtl8192cu. I think for me it did transmit packets, even
<rm> but locked up soon
<rm> and/or failed to re-associate
<lunra> Sorry if this sounds obvious, but have you guys tried turning powersave off?
<rm> that's for 8192cu
<rm> it works fine with powersave off
<rm> but what we were talking about is rtl8192cu, a different driver
<hno> 8192cu works for me, but lacks many features I need.
<hno> an effect of not really being an Linux wifi driver.
<lunra> rtl8192cu and 8192cu are not the same thing? Or am I misreading?
<Dreadlish> probably yes
<hno> It's two different drivers for the same chipsets.
<hno> rtl8192cu is the mainline driver. 8192cu is from Realtek.
<lunra> Ah
<eebrah> hno: the mainline driver has more features than the vendors driver?
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<Turl|web> hi mripard_
<hno> eebrah, yes, as is always the case.
<hno> gah.. the version numbers of the modified hostapd that realtek ship do not exists.
<mripard_> Turl|web: hi
<Turl|web> mripard_: your clock patches look good
<Turl|web> mripard_: are they 3.10 or 3.11 material?
<mripard_> Turl|web: I don't know, it will depend on what mike thinks
<mripard_> It would be best to have it in 3.10, but 3.10 works well on the A13 without it, so...
<Turl|web> yeah, it's a subset of the gates
<mripard_> yes
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<gzamboni> Is it possible to compile the linux kernel modules directly to current used filesystem lib dir ? i was thinking in compiling modules directly from the arm a10 to its own debian filesystem /lib
<gzamboni> so no need to crosscompile, remove sdcard put at the development pc overwrite, remove, reput it to the cubieboard to try the modifications out
<gzamboni> or maybe crosscompile it and overwrite the current modules from the lib dir using ssh, so no need to always remove/put the sdcard
<Dreadlish> ech
<Dreadlish> just get gcc for arm
<Dreadlish> get kernel headers
<Dreadlish> and compile it
<Dreadlish> it isn't any problem...
<Dreadlish> it can take years, but should work...
<gzamboni> mnemoc rsync form the linuxsunxi dl: sent 84098 bytes received 31241031217 bytes 8667253.52 bytes/sec
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<gzamboni> i will crosscompile and overwrite it using ssh, it will be faster, i just wanted to know if i can touch the modules files on the lib dir when the system kernel is runing
<shineworld> so, what about open accessory ? Is a doom for me at this point...
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<shineworld> Seller don't would to stop my order so I've purchased 100 tablets which couldn't be used .... sigh
<shineworld> I don't see so much differences in android sources between AOSP and openbox in usb related code
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<shineworld> my guilty... rule : try a piece compatibility before to purchase it
<shineworld> ;|
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<mnemoc> gzamboni: cubieboard's dl is much fatter
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<mnemoc> gzamboni: added dl-fr1.D instead of a dl2.D
<mnemoc> gzamboni: will turn the current into dl-de1.D and set dl.D into two CNAMEs
<mnemoc> gzamboni: but try to see the alternative of setting up a caching proxy
<mnemoc> to avoid syncronization issues
<hno> mnemoc, you can't have two CNAMEs.. only A
<mnemoc> :(
<mnemoc> damn
<hno> CNAME means "this entry is really named..."
<hno> can't be combined with anything else, including CNAME. Must be alone.
<mnemoc> so dl needs the set of A and AAAAs directly
<hno> yes.
<mnemoc> in which case I wonder if it makes sense to create the extra dl-foo.
<hno> it's not hard to automate keeping them in sync.
<mnemoc> maybe if someone explicitly wants one server and not a random (rr)
<hno> yes.
<hno> if using bind then put the address records in a separate file and include in both labels.
<mnemoc> using a free dns hosting (, not my own... so I'm limited to the annoyances of a web interface
<mnemoc> but we won't be adding mirrors daily anyway
<hno> indeed. Only gets slighly annoying when changing one of the mirrors..
<gzamboni> mnemoc, im trying out squid3 here
<mnemoc> cool
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<gzamboni> if i pass 5tb/month they will reduce it to 10mbps, but i dont think it will happend
<mnemoc> same case for me
<mnemoc> but I'm getting worried with these 10+GB/h notifications
<gzamboni> yes, lets load balance it
<mnemoc> i we *really* become popular enough to justify >10TB/M I have no problem in paying the $ for extra TBs at 100Mbps, but not if it's because of abusers
<hno> mnemoc, so need to dig a bt in the logs to see what is going on.
<mnemoc> yes
<hno> hmm.. wonder if this massive update of rtlwifi will work. Merged all that could be merged reasonably clean from 3.9
<mnemoc> but first I need to use the little spare time to move to the new server (to return the old and save the $$), and then I'll install squid in front to handle the abusers
<hno> it did work.
<mnemoc> into 3.4?
<hno> yes. But I only merged commits touching rtlwifi so likely broke a number of other drivers.
<mnemoc> *g*
<mnemoc> isn't there maintained rtlwifi tree out there somewhere?
<hno> mainline
<mnemoc> :(
<mnemoc> hope for a consistent but fixed 3.4 tree from rtlwifi people
<mnemoc> hoped*
<hno> can try to bisect which of the changes made a difference.
<hno> there is only 54 commits.
<mnemoc> :(
* mnemoc needs to finish forward porting the rtl8188eu driver from stage/3.0 to stage/3.4 ...
<hno> who is using RTL8188EU?
<mnemoc> too many people :(
<hno> I guess it's the successor to RTL8188CUS. Pretty much the same specifications.
<mnemoc> the rtl drivers are a mess
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<hno> Any drivers which originates out-of-tree is per definition a mess. Mess to maintain, generally broken, and years behind.
<mnemoc> some of the rtl monster drivers even have filenames in chinese :\
<hno> mainline rtlwifi do not even mention 8188EU
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<mnemoc> 14GB 15:00-16:00... meh
<mnemoc> we had under 200M/h until two days ago
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<mnemoc> but $work$ first :|
<gzamboni> i did put at port 81 for testing it seems like its redirecting
<gzamboni> is it normal ?
<gzamboni> what is strange is that i configured to proxy and not
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<gzamboni> cache_peer parent 80 0 no-query originserver name=myAccel
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<hno> lets see..
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<gzamboni> if i do: http_port 81 accel no-vhost i get errors and service doesnt get up
<gzamboni> so im using: http_port 81 accel vhost
<gzamboni> otherwise everything looks like the exemple in the wiki
<mnemoc> it might be because the upstream server is not handling that name
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<mnemoc> will you need me to setup the alias on the server?
<mnemoc> or you can handle the difference in the proxy?
<hno> mnemoc, yes, or alternatively rewrite in the cache.
<gzamboni> i dont know
<mnemoc> ok
<hno> gzamboni, see redirect_program
<gzamboni> k
<mnemoc> try now
<mnemoc> need to teach my scripts to handle server name aliases :<
<hno> better done in the cache, if not the cache gets split on the different names.
<gzamboni> still goes to the wiki
<mnemoc> `curl -H 'Host:'` works fine
<mnemoc> but the name (obviously) goes to your server
<mnemoc> maybe you need to set it up as
<mnemoc> instead of dl-fr1
<hno> gzamboni, see
<gzamboni> thanks hno
<gzamboni> let me try it out
<gzamboni> mnemoc its working only at port 81 for the moment
<mnemoc> you can set it up as and use /etc/hosts until I change the dns
<mnemoc> you'll fool the server and your machine, but no inocent will go there until dns is changed
<hno> the posted script will deal with it.
<mnemoc> ok
<hno> Err. forgot one line.
<hno> gzamboni, corrected script:
<gzamboni> k
<hno> mnemoc, can't even find RTL8188E* on realtek site.
<gzamboni> :( it didnt work
<mnemoc> I cherry-picked it from allwinner's tree
<gzamboni> maybe i'm doing something wrong:
<gzamboni> this is my squid.conf
<hno> does "squid -k parse" complain on anything? Which squid-3 version are you running?
<hno> and is the script executable?
<gzamboni> Squid Cache (Version 3.1.6)
<hno> gzamboni, ok, then slightly different syntax
<hno> url_rewrite_children 3
<hno> uri_rewrite_concurrency 1024
<hno> and url_rewrite_program as before.
<gzamboni> k
<gzamboni> squid3 -k parse gives: 2013/04/30 17:15:04| Processing Configuration File: /etc/squid3/squid.conf (depth 0)
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<hno> You also need to adjust http_access rules a bit.
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<gzamboni> 2013/04/30 17:19:04| parseOneConfigFile: squid.conf:12 unrecognized: 'uri_rewrite_concurrency'
<hno> sorry, typo there. url_rewrite_concurrenty
<mnemoc> rellla: around?
<gzamboni> :) k
<rellla> mnemoc: hep, yeah
<gzamboni> concurrently you mean
<mnemoc> beware the cephalopod! looks nice but it can eat you alive!
<mnemoc> rellla: /q ?
<rellla> ???
<hno> gzamboni, I give up on typing in IRC. See
<mnemoc> rellla: "pm"
<gzamboni> url_rewrite_concurrency 1024 :)
<hno> mnemoc, no, it's just me that can't type today.
<rellla> ok.ok. no audio here :)
<mnemoc> :)
<mnemoc> hno: :)
<gzamboni> thanks hno
<hno> gzamboni, you also need to set up http_access to allow general access to
<hno> acl sunxi-org dstdomain
<hno> http_access allow sunxi-org
<hno> or similar.
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<gzamboni> k
<Turl> mnemoc: did you move the websites? do you want me to switch dns?
<gzamboni> done, but it still redirects to the wiki here
<mnemoc> Turl: haven't moved yet. only dl. will try to do it tonight
<gzamboni> maybe its a cache thing
<hno> gzamboni, what did you try to request?
<hno> and what did access.log say?
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<gzamboni> k, in opera it worked fine:
<gzamboni> i cleared the cache in firefox and its fine now
<mnemoc> always test with curl. browsers are evil
<gzamboni> ;)
<gzamboni> i have to set some resources limits and put it to port 80 now
<gzamboni> thanks for the help
<Turl> download mirror? nice :)
<shineworld> At lest 04-30 13:54:23 I/20080411: PASS
<shineworld> *least
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* hno tests with telnet
<hno> shineworld, what made it work?
<shineworld> ah just executed CTS test suite but I've already checked that first part of connection with device (FTDI FT311D) works because I recover Manufacturer, model, description, version, etc...
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<shineworld> unfortunately after that nothing work and connection is not established
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<shineworld> I'm not an expert in that so I'm trying to understand
<hozer> is there a recommended/clean way to have multiple kernels to boot?
<shineworld> - checking the AOSP code vs openbox code of
<shineworld> - and after trying to understand if kernel code and usb drivers are ok
<shineworld> but last is very hard for me
<shineworld> unfortunately in AOA doc is only write that AOA is supported by all devices with 3.1+ (honeycomb)
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<shineworld> so I've purchased a lot of tablets A13 powered, with 4.0.4 and kernel 3.0.8+ thinking that I can connect the FTDI USB to UART converter to it
<shineworld> but doesn't work....
<shineworld> same thing for cubieboard
<shineworld> probably is a kernel problem or missing
<shineworld> sometime when I attach the USB to FTDI FT311D I lost also adb connection (redirected to TCP with adb tcpip + adb connect x.x.x.x
<shineworld> something goes very bad
<hozer> interesting
<hozer> I seem to have data corruption on my SDcard
<hno> hozer, did get massive data corruption when I tried using discard mount option on one of my cards.
<hozer> it's not so much massive as if I do a lot of IO random single bits seem to get flipped
<hno> shineworld, is FT311D an AOA device?
<shineworld> of course
<hozer> I suppose since I want the filesystem on nand anyway and not SD ..
* hozer debootstraps
<shineworld> already connected with success to Asus Nexus 7 and Samsung Galaxy Advance S with back-port library (because sgas is 2.3.6)
<hozer> oh, and what is the best filesystem to use on NAND? Is ext4 going to have flash wearout issues with journaling?
<xenoxaos> well, ext4 is used on cell phones
<xenoxaos> and iirc the nand driver for sunxi does some wear leveling
<xenoxaos> i could be wrong though
<hno> yes the Allwinner block emualtion layer does wear leveling to some extent.
<hozer> so, why didn't they just use /dev/mtd ?
<hozer> NIH syndrome?
<hno> shineworld, There seems to be support in our 3.4 kernel. No idea if it works or even compiles (haven't tried)
<shineworld> could 3.4 be used with android openbox ?
<shineworld> just yes/no then I will try
<hno> the kernel part is in the android usb gadget driver, with the open accessory part in f_accessory.c
<hno> I can't answer. Not following Android developments. Others here know Android far better.
<hno> Turl maybe?
<Turl> what's up?
* Turl reads
<Turl> what do you guys want to know?
<hno> mnemoc, pushed the rtlwifi changes to my github repo.
<hno> sunxi-3.4-rtlwifi branch
<shineworld> I've to use Android Open Accessory Mode to connect AllWinner tablets (and cubieboard based prototype) to FDTI FT311D chip which is an USB to UART/IO/PWM chip
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<Turl> shineworld: iirc the usb device needs to act as host and implement some protocol for android
<hno> shineworld, you got it the wrong way around. You connect the cubieboard to the FTDI chip...
<hno> Turl, yes. The question is about the status of our kernels for Android usage. The kernel driver part is in the Google Android gadget driver.
<shineworld> with some minimal modifications
<Turl> do we have f_accesory? is it enabled?
<hno> Only looked in stage/sunxi-3.4 and it's there, unconditionally built if the gadget driver is built (same driver also used by adb)
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<Turl> then it should work I guess
<shineworld> I've only followed what wrote in that page : - With Nexus 7, SGSA and SG S2 (CyanogenMod 10.1) worked fine at first try
<Turl> what problem do you have with sunxi?
<shineworld> ok so I will download and build kernel from for 3.4
<Turl> it should work on 3.0 too
<shineworld> work only first part and often crash adb (I'm using adb tcpip 5555 - adb connect to device ip)
<shineworld> I can pastebin dmesg and logcat
<Turl> paste them please
<shineworld> just 5 min to power up the system
<shineworld> and I will add also N7 logs to compare
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<techn_> shineworld: so wip/usb didn't help :(
<techn_> ?
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<shineworld> I've got some problems to implement it
<shineworld> So I'm back to original openbox sources + very limited fixes (only big bugs)
<shineworld> I've passed 6 hours waiting the build phase ....
<shineworld> however I've already downloaded the entire wip kernel
<shineworld> so I can try just after catch the log for you
<shineworld> techn_, At first, when I connect the FT311D EV board to cubieboard the dialog "Open UART Loopback when this USB accessory is connected?" appear. So first part of AOA support seem to works fine.
<shineworld> techn_, after a little pop up window show "Accessory connected" and "Manufacturer, ID etc info"
<shineworld> That is what I've said "OK, works, check the purchase of tablets"
<shineworld> But when I try to put a data (is a loopback UART program which send entered string and get any UART data from dev board) none work and EV Board don't light the connect led.
<shineworld> looking at logcat and dmesg at this point there are errors
<techn_> :(
<shineworld> a sec for capture
<techn_> but it's better than earlier?
<shineworld> no same result
<shineworld> now catch the log, send to dropbox and after I try to use wip kernel (if compile right)
<shineworld> move that to android is enough fast because I'm running on uSD
<shineworld> what take me crazy is that after (not ever) adbd seem don't work or my device result often 'offline' at adb devices
<shineworld> like now....
<shineworld> every time I unconnect usb from FT311D ev board to connect to computer android os THINK to have the same Accessory Board and reopen the signed APP and show manufacturer info match...
<shineworld> Is crazy
<shineworld> reboot
<shineworld> I need to switch adb to tcpip because after dev board connection/disconnection cubieboard OTG USB don't connect to ADBD
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<shineworld> what's hard because when the kernel change USB mode after seem can't back so I've moved adb to tcpip
<shineworld> when USB change mode there are a lot of info in dmesg that I've omitted by log to simplify
<shineworld> so I've catch only log just of application execution
<shineworld> application was automatically started when I've connected cubieboard to ev board
<shineworld> by a registered intent
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<techn_> ah.. nevermind
<techn_> or is it becouse this line: E/ProductConfig( 913): cubieboard not have framework config class
<shineworld> this is only a useless message because is used MELE configuration
<shineworld> in ProductConfig
<shineworld> I've to add cubieboardSpec but before I need to contact matson
<shineworld> I've tried in cubieforum but nothing at moment
<shineworld> I've other openbox issues solved to submit to github (that is closed at moment)
<shineworld> I've to choice : fork the git or have possibility to submit patch
<shineworld> I don't like to fork
<shineworld> is a waste of energies and code
<techn_> but for me dmesg log looks fine.. expect that "binder: 304:304 transaction failed 29189, size 92-0" row
<techn_> following errors cause this print: err_alloc_t_failed:err_bad_call_stack:err_empty_call_stack:err_dead_binder:err_invalid_target_handle:err_no_context_mgr_node:
<paulk-desktop> The wiki seems unable to send mails
<paulk-desktop> Mailer returned: Unknown error in PHP's mail() function.
<paulk-desktop> that's to confirm the email address to edit pages
<techn_> you could add more debug for binder, set "debug_mask" module parater to 0xffff
<shineworld> how to set (sorry I'm a noob in kernel matter)
<shineworld> at least in linux kernel because I write firmware by 25 years
<techn_> I'm not sure if this works but add "binder.debug_mask=65535" to kernel command line. Like in here
<shineworld> penbox/kernel/allwinner/common/drivers/staging/android/binder.c
<techn_> or if it's module you could add that to modprobe / insmod command
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<shineworld> ok .. I will try now
<shineworld> can I with echo "65535" > /sys/module/binder/parameters/debug_mask ?
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<shineworld> ah none parameters
<shineworld> path
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<shineworld> but:
<shineworld> hine@shine:/$ lsmod | busybox grep binder
<shineworld> shine@shine:/$
<shineworld> not binder
<shineworld> Jp
<shineworld> J
<shineworld> I'm not using boot.scr with android, I'm booting from uSD with u-boot
<techn_> shineworld: echoing would work too :p
<shineworld> but I haven't a xxxbinderxxx module running
<techn_> so it's build-in?
<shineworld> could be... damn... I'm a very dumb in that
<techn_> then you can set that to kernel command line
<shineworld> fexfile=script.bin
<shineworld> kernel=uImage
<shineworld> boot_mmc=fatload mmc 0 0x43000000 ${fexfile}; fatload mmc 0 0x48000000 ${kernel}; bootm 0x48000000
<shineworld> extraargs=root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 loglevel=8 rootwait console=ttyS0,115200 rw init=/init mac_addr=E2:40:02:93:5D:59
<shineworld> that is mine
<shineworld> extraargs=root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 loglevel=8 rootwait console=ttyS0,115200 rw init=/init mac_addr=E2:40:02:93:5D:59 binder.debug_mask=65535
<shineworld> could go fine ?
<techn_> yes I think so :)
<shineworld> oK time to mount and change
<shineworld> works (binder) the boot is very very very slow
<techn_> yeah.. now you should have better traces of what happens
<shineworld> ok now I will log all phases with a little description of steps
<shineworld> uhm android goes in troubles ... to much slow
<techn_> oh.. you could drop some debug bits
<shineworld> binder is a delicate part of android :)
<shineworld> but slowdown seem exagerate
<shineworld> 10 mins and I'm yet on bootload animation
<techn_> or maybe it crashed
<shineworld> the system is so delayed that android logcat record a lot of ANR
<shineworld> I will try to remove some flags
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<hozer> what's the difference between the regular linux MTD drivers and allwinner /dev/nand*
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<hno> hozer, allwinner NAND driver is a block driver, and provides a block device for regular filesystems. MTD is Linux standard NAND access.
<hozer> so what's the deal, was allwinner NAND a one-off , or did they just not understand how to use MTD?
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<techn_> hno:!searchin/linux-sunxi/Update$20NAND$20IDs$20from$20sunxi-3.0$20branch./linux-sunxi/ujMHKyR8z5Y/RqZnPQbzGNcJ
<shineworld> techn_, with binder.debug_mask=1599 (only errors) the system in very slow and android don't work well:
<shineworld> E/gralloc ( 76): FBIO_WAITFORVSYNC failed
<shineworld> E/gralloc ( 76): FBIO_WAITFORVSYNC failed
<shineworld> I/InputQueue-JNI( 313): Sending finished signal for input channel '41212d10 (client)' since it is being unregistered while an input message is still in progress.
<shineworld> I/InputQueue-JNI( 313): Ignoring finish signal on channel that is no longer registered.
<shineworld> E/gralloc ( 76): FBIO_WAITFORVSYNC failed
<shineworld> W/InputManagerService( 147): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of:$Stub$Proxy@411bfa3
<techn_> hno: And is there also other u-boot patches pending ;)
<techn_> shineworld: try dropping next two highest bits
<shineworld> I've call: adb shell /proc/kmsg and when I've attacched the evb the flow is stopped:
<techn_> now I cannot see "transaction failed" print
<techn_> did it work?
<shineworld> nope
<shineworld> before the evb is acquired and intent sent , now with debug the intent isn't sent and registered app not started when I connect the evb
<shineworld> I try to be more clean possible
<shineworld> but is hard to do in that case
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<shineworld> what I don't understand is "why adb connection fall when I attach EVBoard if adb is connected in TCP mode"
<shineworld> i need to read sw_udc.c code a little to understand what's happen
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<shineworld> <4>[ 385.340000] [sw_udc]: IRQ: suspend
<shineworld> <4>[ 385.340000] [sw_udc]: ERR: usb speed is unkown
<hno> techn_, patches is best filed in the tracker.
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<mnemoc> mele's factory is nice :)
<Yaku> how do you know ?
<Yaku> is there a youtube factory visit ?
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<mnemoc> watched charbax' video
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<mnemoc> but the *censored* decided to reuse their a10-based names in their newer models
<Yaku> really nice, i wonder if we have soon lost even the ability to make electronic devices in europe
<hozer> Yaku: join #homecmos
<mnemoc> who still manufactures electronic devices in eu?
<mnemoc> mass production I mean
<Yaku> even nokia went from hungary to china due to the short supply lines and that was too late
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<mnemoc> most factories near my city shrank and repurposed themselves as mere repacker/rebranders of products made in china, india or bangladesh
<shineworld> china... there are much people than work :)
<shineworld> like here....
<shineworld> great
<shineworld> very cool to see factory inside
<shineworld> and how much human beings works for a product
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<shineworld> if they aren't bored....
<shineworld> ha ha ha I joke
<shineworld> lunch pause I guess
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