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<Wetomelo> hi
<Wetomelo> I have an MiniX, i'm very lost trying to compile some modules
<Wetomelo> i downloaded the source tarball, but i think i need to make some symlinks and configure some files
<Wetomelo> because i'm unable to compile de hello-1.ko example!!
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<Wetomelo> __linux_arm_arch__ is not defined
<Wetomelo> ahhhhhhg
<Wetomelo> what is happening?
<Wetomelo> :(
<Wetomelo> hey
<Wetomelo> where i have to put or to pass
<Wetomelo> __linux_arm_arch
<Wetomelo> to compile some modules? because make is yealing for unknowing the value
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<shineworld> something goes very wrong with linux-sunxi git today
<shineworld> remote: aborting due to possible repository corruption on the remote side.
<shineworld> that's is my third try to git clone
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<oliv3r> shineworld: let me try to clone
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<shineworld> oliv3r, do you got my same problems with git ?
<oliv3r> shineworld: it clones VERY slowly, but it's cloing
<oliv3r> 3% of receiving objects :)
<shineworld> I catch problems after 100%
<oliv3r> resolving deltas now
<oliv3r> fatal: cannot create directory at 'arch/parisc/kernel': No space left on device
<oliv3r> crap :p
<n01> lol
<n01> 'moning btw
<oliv3r> good morning
<shineworld> ok so I will try to clone another time
<n01> shineworld: I'll try to clone
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<oliv3r> almost done cloneing :)
<Dreadlish> ehm
<oliv3r> 2 MiB/s
<Dreadlish> .git directory weights about 1,3GB ;d
<shineworld> many branches :)
<Dreadlish> and if its doing it slowly, blame github
<shineworld> overall is a free service
<oliv3r> github dorks and works well
<oliv3r> though i admit, it's a bit slow today
<shineworld> ok I will clone .. thank you for fix
<oliv3r> but lets be honest, 3 MiB/s is still fast
<oliv3r> shineworld: mine is resolving delta's now, almost done
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<n01> [OT] github or bitbucket? the new bitbucket seems as good as github
<oliv3r> shineworld: cloned fine
<oliv3r> haven't seen the new bitbucket
<shineworld> I'm cloning too ... thank you
<shineworld> just if you know: there is a way to notify system the real display dimensions ? with script.fex I can only pass widht and height in pixels, so framebuffer found widht and height = 0 and use 160dpi by default.
<n01> shineworld, oliv3r: remote: aborting due to possible repository corruption on the remote side.
<n01> wtf
<oliv3r> overload
<oliv3r> it cloned fine here
<oliv3r> shineworld: no idea, sorry
<shineworld> I'm a 10% (my wimax net is very slow .... 270 KiB/s)
<shineworld> oliv3r, ok, when I find a good solution I will report here
<oliv3r> shineworld: wiki is better :)
<paulk-desktop> hi
<oliv3r> hello
<paulk-desktop> so I got android to start, however I lack touchscreen drivers for my a13 tablet
<paulk-desktop> script.fex gives: ctp_name = "ekt3632"
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<paulk-desktop> do you know if that driver was released somewhere or is it totally unknown to anyone here?
<paulk-desktop> also, where are the allwinner source drops released?
<oliv3r> gah, github is sooo slow today
<oliv3r> paulk-desktop: it's probably not released at all; let me check some of the code leaks
<paulk-desktop> ok
<oliv3r> they should be up on amery's repository
<oliv3r> i'll check
<paulk-desktop> thanks
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<oliv3r> paulk-desktop: nothing so far :(
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<shineworld> oliv3r, clone goes fine ! very well
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<paulk-desktop> any luck?
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<shineworld> yes
<shineworld> remote: Total 3158752 (delta 2578358), reused 2997225 (delta 2433750)
<shineworld> Receiving objects: 100% (3158752/3158752), 935.07 MiB | 281 KiB/s, done.
<shineworld> Resolving deltas: 100% (2578358/2578358), done.
<gzamboni> remote: aborting due to possible repository corruption on the remote side.
<gzamboni> fatal: early EOF
<gzamboni> fatal: index-pack failed
<gzamboni> :( git clone again
<shineworld> I was able after 3 retries
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<oliv3r> paulk-desktop: would be easier if I knew how to grep amonst multiple branches in one go :)
<oliv3r> paulk-desktop: but looks like you may have to search for it elsewhere; allwinner doesn't have it in its repo's
<paulk-desktop> I guess so, indeed :)
<oliv3r> paulk-desktop: obviously if you do get your hands on a datasheet (i can help if you can't find any source) we can put it on the wiki; and if you have code, we can host it :)
<oliv3r> gzamboni: yeah github is beig extremly slow
<paulk-desktop> oliv3r, there is some HTC code
<paulk-desktop> that's all I could find
<oliv3r> ktf2k; interesting
<paulk-desktop> I guess I'll try to write a driver for my tab from that
<oliv3r> well i searched inside the source, and there chould have been a ctp_name = ekt3632 bit somewhere
<paulk-desktop> the driver from the original android is also called ektf2k
<oliv3r> paulk-desktop: technically, it should only be a small modification on that
<paulk-desktop> ok good
<oliv3r> you'd only have to check script_para, assign i2c port and that should be mostly all
<paulk-desktop> like to handle the script.bin stuff
<paulk-desktop> I can do that I gues
<oliv3r> paulk-desktop: plenty of touchscreens for that
<paulk-desktop> ok
<paulk-desktop> so I'll do that
<oliv3r> assuming those touchscreens are similar
<oliv3r> i do wonder though how mainline deals with touchscreen, if fdt is enough for that
<oliv3r> i mean, 1 single touchscreen can work amongst 100's of devices
<paulk-desktop> indeed
<oliv3r> paulk-desktop: hmm, looks like that's slightly different model? should be a pretty good starting point nevertheless
<paulk-desktop> well it has the same name as the stock android module
<paulk-desktop> so I guess that's a match
<paulk-desktop> but I will likely have to adapt offset or such
<paulk-desktop> (coordinates offsets, etc)
<oliv3r> ah, yeah, i'll grep for ektf2k then
<paulk-desktop> ok
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<oliv3r> paulk-desktop: can't find anything at all
<paulk-desktop> ok :/
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<paulk-desktop> ah, there is already
<paulk-desktop> i'll go
<paulk-desktop> bye
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<oliv3r> funny to see leftovers from the AW_FPGA_pLATFROM development stages
<oliv3r> slapin: ping
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<jorgegeorge> I'm having trouble on cloning: "remote: aborting due to possible repository corruption on the remote side"
<oliv3r> jorgegeorge: github is being iffy today
<oliv3r> try again and it should go through
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<oliv3r> wingrime: ping
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<wingrime> pong
<oliv3r> wingrime: hey, i saw you updated the sram page; i'm redoing the math there for the A10 (from the datasheet, i noticed some really sloppy mistakes :p)
<oliv3r> anyhow, howcome the A13 has only 48 kiB A memory? the datasheet looks like the SRAM is identical
<oliv3r> though the Video Encoder (C1) really appears to be 512 kiB; which is a LOT! i guess if you disable cedarX, you could evne clame C1 :p
<oliv3r> claim*
<oliv3r> i wonder if you can claim it for SPL;
<wingrime> oliv3r: we can even drop SPL
<oliv3r> with 512kb? probly:)
<wingrime> oliv3r: I smply wireed datasheet info
<oliv3r> wingrime: but i think we are still limited by the 20k load limit of the BROM; it will only read max 20 kiB
<oliv3r> but you can chainload it calris said
<oliv3r> wingrime: hmm, the A13 datasheet also says 64k of Sram A
<wingrime> oliv3r: see secttions
<oliv3r> wingrime: i made some ugly typo's and horrible math on A10 sram section
<oliv3r> oh yeah!
<oliv3r> a10 is same, 48k of SRAM A
<wingrime> oliv3r: 512 kb it need confurm
<wingrime> oliv3r: it maybe still unmapped
<oliv3r> wingrime: well it'll need some heavy testing
<oliv3r> wingrime: but if it is truely for the Video Encoder/Decoder
<oliv3r> SPL should be able to claim it
<oliv3r> and I can understand the huge memory requirement
<oliv3r> you have to have some big buffers to decode those frames in
<oliv3r> quad HD
<oliv3r> 2160k
<wingrime> 512 too small for it
<wingrime> it may be cache
<oliv3r> well you can store some blocks of data :p
<oliv3r> not all of it, but big junks
<oliv3r> you need to be able to keep the decoder satisfied
<oliv3r> not good having ac ash runderrun
<wingrime> olvi3r: make sure that umaped spaces can be saved somewhere else
<oliv3r> CPU lvl2 cache seems to be smaller
<oliv3r> if you can confirm it really is 128k; then that's the big difference
<oliv3r> but it should be the same i've heard
<oliv3r> wingrime: dump to SD card at bootup to examine?
<oliv3r> wingrime: but every powercycle should restore sram C
<wingrime> wirire random file to whole sram
<wingrime> wirire and dump
<oliv3r> aye calris was testing things in that regard
<oliv3r> write generated data in there, and check its known CRC value
<oliv3r> no need to dump then
<oliv3r> dump can be done from console
<wingrime> simply say if hi bits of address not connected xx111110x0 if you will write "to 1111111x0" you actualy will write 00111111x0
<wingrime> I saw this with som SOC
<wingrime> I dumped whole address space
<oliv3r> once i have my microSD breakout board; i'll test
<oliv3r> sd -> uart
<wingrime> and bootrom have repeated maytimes
<oliv3r> wingrime: hm?
<wingrime> Soc Have some PROM
<wingrime> that started form 0x0
<wingrime> and repeated may times
<wingrime> Simply say, HI address bits was unwired
<wingrime> I read xxxx00000x0 and get 0000000x0
<wingrime> so it like warning to you, You may write to some other place
<wingrime> it simple undestandable effect
<wingrime> Can you wirte a10 full memory map
<wingrime> ?
<oliv3r> wingrime: BROM, bootrom
<oliv3r> haven't tried, don't have SD Breakout board yet :(
<oliv3r> hopefully next week or in two weeks
<oliv3r> wingrime: is there anyway we can 'test' the amount of cache (runtime) that we have?
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<oliv3r> I strongly think the datasheet may be wrong with 128 kiB L2 cache for A13
<wingrime> maybe
<wingrime> I prefer use All sram for cpu cahce
<oliv3r> and I strongly think, that C2 may be useable on A13 (from SPL atleast)
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<wingrime> WFT: Default value A10: 0x00001300
<oliv3r> wingrime: well you can use C1; when not using cedarx :)
<oliv3r> wingrime: probably bug in datasheet
<wingrime> you realy think that you write
<wingrime> 0xff - 32 bit register
<wingrime> It can have only 2 hex digs
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<oliv3r> 0xffff yeah
<oliv3r> probably should have rounded it down :p
<oliv3r> but some registers have 0x7ffffffff as default
<oliv3r> explain that :)
<wingrime> oliv3r remove sunx4i/sun5i add A10 and A11 row
<wingrime> and fill with "x" and "-"
<oliv3r> wingrime: probably better :p
<wingrime> also add "Usable"
<wingrime> and remove "possibly used by AHB"
<wingrime> and in usable "?" "Y" "N" with reference to bottom
<oliv3r> I had useable :p
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<oliv3r> hmm, i changed sun4i to x -; but it's gone now i'll try again later
<oliv3r> wingrime: maybe you can use C2 for cache :)
<oliv3r> try it!
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<wingrime> oliv3r: It may be not possible
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<mdp> hno, do you have plans to repost your u-boot patches upstream?
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<Tartarus> Things do look cleaner than when the series was posted last
<mdp> Tartarus, in u-boot-sunxi.git, you mean, right?
<Tartarus> Yes.
<oliv3r> wingrime: if C2 is not wired inside the sun5i soc, no; otherwise, maybe!
<oliv3r> i saw more recent work in hno's personal git repository i think; or atleast upstream merged back in
<oliv3r> mdp: are you working on the dma driver? do you have a git repository for it?
<wingrime> oliv3r: Physical CPU memory space are defined using AHB
<mdp> oliv3r: yeah, was that you that mailed me? I'm still recovering from the holiday weekend and haven't replied to everything :-/
<wingrime> oliv3r: CPU caches connected directly to cpu
<oliv3r> mdp: i probably haven't; wingrime has been investigating the DMA heavily the past few days :)
<mdp> oliv3r: I should have a branch up shortly with the spi driver...I only have a skeleton of the dmaengine driver
<oliv3r> mdp: cool :) you do read the sunxi-ml though?
<mdp> oliv3r: essentially the approach is that I really need a slave driver that uses normal/direct dma's not much use without a client driver
<mdp> oliv3r: still getting caught up on things, but yeah
<oliv3r> mdp: i know nothing about dma :( wingrime has dug a lot. He did find something rather interesting. the MMC controller may have its own way of doing dma
<mdp> oliv3r: it has its own dma controller
<oliv3r> mdp: actually, I know little of anything :)
<wingrime> mpd: you have finite state machine rtansit table ?
<oliv3r> mdp: should I think of this, like in the 'pc' world, one 'channel' for mmc, 1 for 'the rest?
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<oliv3r> I've only started to read lddp3 it think it was called and read the dma chapter
<oliv3r> wingrime: you think the nand controllers' 2 kiB connect directly aswell?
<mdp> the sunxi mmc block doesn't use the normal/direct dma
<wingrime> Yes
<mdp> so the mainline progress page seems to imply that it's blocked on "dma", meaning dmaengine, when its not
<wingrime> mpd : mmc have internal dma engine
<oliv3r> mdp: i changed that this weekend allready :p
<mdp> right
<mdp> ahh, ok
<oliv3r> well mentioned it is more the like
<oliv3r> i think i saw in boot0 code, that it can work with and without dma aswell (but my memory may be off here)
<oliv3r> haven't checked u-boot SPL code if it uses dma actually
<wingrime> oliv3r: who tested "B" on a13 ?
<oliv3r> wingrime: on a13? nobody you! if you can access u-boot console
<mdp> for upstream, it's always ideal to design the driver to work in pio-only mode as well...if the block works without it
<mdp> that was a major mistake TI made on the omap driver not separating it cleanly ;)
<oliv3r> :)
<mdp> whereas most others allow for pio only operation
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<mdp> oliv3r: so I'm actually focused again on this and should have some working branches posted in my github tree soonish
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<oliv3r> mdp: what's your github? /mdp/?
<mdp> hey, so one thing, are we done with #arm-netbook for devel discussions now? I'd like to prune a needless channel from my list ;)
<oliv3r> mdp: i'm not on arm-netbook anymore :p I was there for sunxi discussions, and while I think they do great work there, i don't have any hardware from there :p
<oliv3r> so i think yes, if all you 'care' about is sunxi; this is the place
<mdp> ok, that's all I care about ;)
<wingrime> mdp: you realy work in TI
<mdp> that's my day job, yes
<oliv3r> mdp: no conflict of interest here? :)
<mdp> no
<wingrime> mdp: TI have nice msp430 mcu
<oliv3r> awesome
<Dreadlish> yup
<mdp> wingrime: I have several
<Dreadlish> and msp's are cheap
<oliv3r> yeah I missed the TI chronos ti-deal
<wingrime> mdp: I have chronos
<wingrime> mdp: nice clock
<oliv3r> back then i wanted to experiment with RF and opentag using the choronos
<mdp> the stellaris lm4f120 launchpads are nice too
<mdp> especially if you got them early at 5USD each
<wingrime> mdp: I saw 0.5$ msp430 on aliexpress
<mdp> comparable to stm32 which is also great
<mdp> wingrime: or order some free samples ;)
<mdp> for hobbyist stuff, I like to just sample everything
<Dreadlish> in poland cheapest msps are for about 0.30pln
<wingrime> mdp: stm32 have crap docs
<mdp> yeah
<Dreadlish> (ca. 0.09USD)
<oliv3r> though atm i like my avr's :>)
<wingrime> mdp: stm32 crap comparead avr msp430
<wingrime> mdp: stm32 are marketing shit
<Dreadlish> but they have arm core
<mdp> good floating point
<Dreadlish> and higher clock than avrs ;d
<Dreadlish> also - they have hardware fp, not emulated like avr one ;d
<wingrime> mdp: stm32 have many-many bugs
<mdp> right, TI parts are bug-free
<mdp> :P
<wingrime> mdp: still better than stm32
<mdp> I'd agree..but somebody might call me subjective...though those parts are in a different universe than where I work
<wingrime> mdp: and where?
<Dreadlish> meh, everything have bugs
<wingrime> Dreadlish: thay make aggresive marketing, free dev boards, and buggy mcu without good docs and big errata
<Dreadlish> wingrime: so, maybe you have something better with arm core?
<wingrime> Dreadlish: maybe atmell
<oliv3r> i only have experience with avr's, but what I really miss, is a wiki-like datasheet. up to date, clickable with errata's/warnings etc, it's just a bunch of PDF's; hope you have the right one etc
<oliv3r> Dreadlish: sunxi :p
<Dreadlish> wingrime: which one.
<wingrime> Dreadlish: every complay now have Cortex -M mcu
<wingrime> Dreadlish: TI have too
<Dreadlish> oliv3r: sorry, i haven't saw bulk a{10,13} to buy ;d
<oliv3r> Dreadlish: :p sad but true
<Dreadlish> they are working only with oems unfortunately ;d
<wingrime> Still wait cortex a in dip)))
<Dreadlish> you can only dream ;d
<oliv3r> mdp: dmaengine-am335x-3.7-rc1 your most current dma work in?
<Dreadlish> it would probably fit in package, but what with pins ;d
<Dreadlish> smallest arm i've ever seen was with 48 pins
<Dreadlish> i haven't seen dip48 anywhere ;d
<ssvb> wingrime: if I ever get sun6i/sun7i hardware, the first thing that I'm going to check is the ar100 openrisc core
<wingrime> run linux)))
<oliv3r> ssvb: sun7i doesn't have ar100 i think, only sun6i
<wingrime> sunxi67 are big dissapointment
<oliv3r> wingrime: i haven't seen sun7i perform, but i do know I want one :)
<oliv3r> sun6i i'm don't care for
<wingrime> oliv3r: it better for sunxi send us free devboards)))
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<oliv3r> wingrime: ask allwinner :D but i think a20 hasn't been released yet
<oliv3r> it is delayed by a few weeks
<ssvb> wingrime: cheap devboards are also fine for me :)
<wingrime> ssvb: what we can do with aw_clksrc ?
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<ssvb> wingrime: should we do anything about it? the arm chromebook and omap3 seem to have a comparable performance when doing gettimeofday polling
<oliv3r> a13 only has 1 pwm channel ;(
<ssvb> wingrime: on the other hand, intel atom seems to be roughly 10x faster :)
<wingrime> ssvb: we have advantage no cooling
<ssvb> wingrime: is being able to do just ~1 million of gettimeofday calls per second too slow for us?
<mdp> oliv3r: that's for a different part..I don't have anything up there for sunxi yet
<mdp> oliv3r: lots of stuff up there for different parts
<oliv3r> mdp: busy man :)
<mdp> just old stuff
<oliv3r> *sigh* sun4i manual has one half of the register description, sun5i has a nother quarter :S incomplete datasheets, *sigh*
<wingrime> ssvb: we can add wait_for_event ))))
<ssvb> wingrime: cortex-a15 in chromebook is generally significantly faster than intel atom, it's just the gettimeofday where atom for some reason leaps ahead
<ssvb> wingrime: no, we can't :) we can only speed up this code by reducing the amount of hw register reads
<wingrime> ssvb: we can low rating \
<wingrime> so system will use other timer
<ssvb> wingrime: the loop that you tried to remove only does one or two hw register reads, it is not like it is running many iterations
<wingrime> mpd: how do you think it better "finite state machine" teory for dma code
<wingrime> ?
<oliv3r> time to go home :)
<oliv3r> bb
<ssvb> wingrime: I will try to check how gettimeofday is implemented on intel atom and why it is so fast, but will need to recompile the kernel to get the symbols for perf
<ssvb> wingrime: atom is very slow :( and unlike ARM devices, I'm compiling the kernel natively for it
<wingrime> ssvb: I hope AW make some thing on a15)))
<ssvb> wingrime: I hope that AW is not going to enforce serious security in their devices
<wingrime> ssvb: realy, there is a reason?
<ssvb> wingrime: TI is a PITA, and seems like Samsung is also gradually getting worse with the regards to what is allowed to do with their hardware
<mnemoc> there are rumours about a "high end" soc from allwinner during this year
<wingrime> good
<mdp> mnemoc: the rumored a15 design?
<mnemoc> i suppose it's the same
<mnemoc> but obviusly nothing will be confirmed until it's already cooked
<mdp> right
<jinzo> With the A20 and A31 delays... I don't think they can ship anything this year
<wingrime> a10/a13 popular at all
<wingrime> on cheap hardware
<wingrime> rk3066 for more expensive
<mdp> considering how crappy A7s are, it'll be a welcome upgrade on the roadmap
<ssvb> mnemoc: do you know if anyone has got some A31 device already and compiled his own kernel for it from sources?
<ssvb> mdp: do you have some hands-on experience with Cortex-A7 cores?
<mdp> via colleagues
<mnemoc> ssvb: I think ZaEarl tried
<mdp> they're intended as a single core bargain basement core or for big.LITTLE implementations
<mdp> the dual/quad implementations allwinner does are suboptimal compared to the same with A9
<wingrime> Aw get typical bottle-neck problem 4 cores and slow dram ctrl
<mdp> they just aren't designed for that
<mdp> but they can at least advertise "Quad-Core!"
<mdp> ;)
<wingrime> mpd: thay want do baseband I think
<wingrime> mpd: with ar100
<mdp> yeah
<jinzo> it's china... so yeah, the A10's 1.5Ghz n'stuff :D
<mdp> I'm ok with's all a price balance
<ssvb> wingrime: compared to Cortex-A8 and even early Cortex-A9, Cortex-A7 should have a beefed up memory interface (at least TLB is bigger, has automatic hardware prefetcher, etc.)
<mdp> my only complaint about the roadmap is that the SGX core ended up on the A31 instead of Mali...disappointing
<wingrime> ssvb: Why thay not enable use whole SRAM for L2
<wingrime> ssvb: Only single register for it and we get big boost
<ssvb> wingrime: that's a kind of silly question, because there is no universally fast "SRAM"
<ssvb> wingrime: L1 cache is "SRAM", and L2 cache is also "SRAM", however L1 cache is significantly faster
<wingrime> ssvb: I hope
<ssvb> wingrime: just like "DRAM" performance can also vary a lot depending on implementation
<ssvb> wingrime: the SRAM built into SoC is nowhere as fast as CPU L1/L2 caches
<wingrime> ssvb: more speed may be slow in fact (bottle-neck)
<ssvb> btw, I scrolled back and noticed that you discussed a large SRAM from CEDARX
<ssvb> have you managed to mmap it and test?
<ssvb> because it does not seem to work for me
<wingrime> ssvb: I not sure we have 512 sram for it
<wingrime> ssvb: we have 512 reserved address-space for it
<ssvb> I only tried 64KiB of SRAM B(Secure) on Allwinner A10
<wingrime> and it worked?
<ssvb> yes, that's what I tested here -
<wingrime> you can try video but you need change sram register for it
<wingrime> ssvb: can you use sram for somesing in userland?
<ssvb> wingrime: do you mean for something useful?
<wingrime> somesing for speedup
<wingrime> somesing cachng etc
<ssvb> I doubt that, it is too small and too slow
<wingrime> ssvb: you also try use dma for mem copy
<ssvb> not in userland
<ssvb> wingrime: for 2D graphics there is G2D unit (Mixer Processor) which has 4 DMA channels for reading and 3 channels for writing
<wingrime> ssvb: how much you support in G2D?
<ssvb> wingrime: and it is indeed faster than copying memory with the CPU, not to mention that CPU is free for other things
<ssvb> wingrime: not too much, just for copying data inside the framebuffer
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<ssvb> wingrime: as for the SRAM use, as hramrach suggested earlier we may try to evaluate using it for MMU page tables
<ssvb> wingrime: SRAM has lower random access latency than DDR3, so if it works, then it *might* be a performance win
<wingrime> ssvb: mmu tables maybe in l2 now
<ssvb> DDR3 is hard to beat for sequential accesses because it uses large bursts (64 byte cache line fills and evictions)
<ssvb> wingrime: yes, they are in L2
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<ssvb> wingrime: hmm, but you are right, if we enable caching for SRAM, then the latency for cache line fills might be not so good anymore
<wingrime> ssvb: botle-neck too
<wingrime> ssvb: best - use sram for L2 fully
<wingrime> ssvb: but I don't know is it even possible at all
<ssvb> it's a different SRAM, not suitable for L2
<wingrime> but situable for L3
<ssvb> I guess video accelerator uses SRAM in order not to steal too much bandwidth from the main memory
<ssvb> 1080p video encoding/decoding is very memory bandwidth intensive
<wingrime> 512 kb are too small to fit single frame
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<ssvb> but maybe enough for temporary scratch buffers
<wingrime> ssvb: I reworked (not fully) dma IRQ handler
<wingrime> that must make speed up
<wingrime> but strange thing, only nand is broken
<wingrime> why,and how???
<wingrime> sound and usb use dma and work good
<wingrime> maybe becose nand slow as pain?
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<mnemoc> wingrime: hi, I was going to apply now the */3 serie of pm patches, but you replied Re: [linux-sunxi] [PATCH 3.4 3/3] Implement pm suspend. with some comments. was that sorted out here? should I still hold it?
<wingrime> don't push 3/3
<wingrime> CpuDoIdle have no normal suspend exit
<mnemoc> any idea how to solve that properly?
<wingrime> 1/3 2/3 looks good
<wingrime> mnemoc: we need reconfigure some device as exit source
<wingrime> mnemoc: witch means we need some thing send IRQ
<wingrime> mnemoc: also 1/3 simular with mine
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<wingrime> for example we need enable LRADC and enable his IRQ (exit on volume keys)
<wingrime> mnemoc: 3/3 not usable in this state
<mnemoc> ok
<mnemoc> will you send fixes for the ofending drivers? :)
<wingrime> mnemoc: it better rewrite it to drop binary
<mnemoc> can we without breaking android?
<wingrime> I don't know what android do for suspend , but considering that it was broken we can't make it brokern more than be before
<xenoxaos> Challenge Accepted
<wingrime> I hope techn try make android do full suspend
<wingrime> or trul
<wingrime> Then we will able test/fix and improve
<mnemoc> :)
<mnemoc> wingrime: go go go :)
<wingrime> mnemoc: I have more priority with usb unification and preformance fixes
<mnemoc> fair enough ;-)
<wingrime> mnemoc: also, I hope, we will get docs for nand
<wingrime> mnemoc: and drop most part of "nand" that representing block device and replace it with mtd
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<mnemoc> wingrime: nand docs? did I miss something?
<techn__> wingrime: android suspend worked well with 3.0.52 kernel atleast
<techn__> now trying to fix that regresion with usb
<wingrime> mnemoc: we did't have Nand controller documents
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<wingrime> tenh__: that my fix, it you redo this you broke loadable gadgets
<mnemoc> wingrime: I know we didn't. I thought you found someone who can get them
<wingrime> a31 have shared 1Mb L2
<wingrime> 32 sram + 64 secure
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<ZaEarl> ssvb, I didn't get very far compiling the A31 sources. I have some new A31 sample tablets coming this week, so I'll probably try again on the kernel next week.
<oliv3r> ZaEarl: are you going to do any A20 tablets?
<ZaEarl> possibly, haven't seen any production units yet.
<oliv3r> no inside info either :p
<oliv3r> i know hipboi said they where delayed by a few weeks
<oliv3r> possibly a month or two
<oliv3r> but that is a few weeks ago again :)
<oliv3r> wingrime: what register do you think we need to set to enable sram access from cedarx; SRAM_CTL0_CFG? change it to 0?
<oliv3r> argh, i should work out how to use fel mode to test these things :) but i don't wanna break my tablet just yet :)
<oliv3r> wingrime: dropping nand for mtd may be possible, we have a very basic mtd driver now, and slapin and hno did some early work too. also we have some other code; but i think hno and slapin dispersed :(
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<wingrime> olive3r: so just change mapping bit to CPU
<wingrime> olive3r: mtd faster than AW's ?
<mnemoc> problem with AW's is that they implement everything themselves, partitions, leveling, randomness, ...
<oliv3r> wingrime: atm, it's about the same I think, not much difference, the nand (controller?) is extremly slow; 5-15 MiB/s
<oliv3r> even if the mtd driver is horrible, it has to be really bad to be able ot underperform that :)
<Quarx> still no one got cedar/hmid on android 4.2 a10? i want try get it working.
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<leowt> is there anything wrong with 8192cu in 3.4?
<oliv3r> Quarx: nope, but not much work going on either
<oliv3r> leowt: i haven't had issues with it; though come to think of it, sometimes it resets
<ssvb> mnemoc: I wonder whether the quality of the allwinner nand code is any different from the quality of average FTL layer on no-name SD cards :)
<leowt> oliv3r: mine cant scan anything
<mnemoc> ssvb: :)
<oliv3r> i wouldn't be supprised that there isn't any FTL layer :p
<oliv3r> but with mtd, there's other choices of FS : )
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<oliv3r> leowt: what image are you using?
<leowt> a compiled one
<oliv3r> hansg's fedora 18?
<leowt> oliv3r: debianfs
<xenoxaos> marsboard looks to be reasonably well built...
<leowt> any up to date instructions to setup nand's uboot?
<oliv3r> leowt: if you want to test the driver, your kernel etc; it's probably a good idea to have a 3gb+ SD card with hansg's fedora image, it works really well and i've used many custom builds with custom modules
<oliv3r> xenoxaos: marsboard still not out is it?
<xenoxaos> i dunno....
* xenoxaos has one on my desk though
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<techn__> ssvb: dunno what is the problem with xbmc but it spends almost 20% of time in that get time function
<techn__> and biggest problem with that function is that it disables interrupts
<wingrime> dma driver like bees hive
<ssvb> techn__: maybe it is heavily polling the clock in a loop to make sure that video and audio are perfectly in sync?
<techn__> ssvb: even it there is no video? :)
<wingrime> ssvb: we have avs module for it
<techn__> ssvb: anyway hasng had idea to use different clocksource for it
<ssvb> don't know, somebody needs to profile it :)
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<techn__> clocksource which doesnt need latching
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<wingrime> techn__ : you tryed comment out wait?
<techn__> wingrime: yes.. and removed interrupt disable code
<techn__> didn't notice any bad effect.. but hadn't courage to send patch :p
<ssvb> it probably disables the interrupts to ensure that the 64-bit counter read is atomic
<ssvb> because low and high parts are read separately
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<techn__> ssvb: yes.. touching to that logic causes effects which could happen once in lifetime :p
<wingrime> techn: i talkin this string while(TMR_REG_CNT64_CTL & (1<<1));
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<techn__> wingrime: yes.. me too
<wingrime> and after, xbmc worked good?
<techn__> wingrime: yes.. it was way more responsive
<techn__> and cpu time in that function was only 8%
<wingrime> i hope this is not placebo
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<jorgegeorge> I have just found a little bug related to gadgetfs and .config, where should I report it (I already have a proposed fix as well)
<mnemoc> jorgegeorge: the mailing list
<jorgegeorge> which one? I found many about the A10
<techn__> jorgegeorge: ,
<jorgegeorge> tnks, done
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<techn__> jorgegeorge: I just noticed that sun5i works only in deviceonly mode :p
<techn__> there is no config to enable OTG mode
<jorgegeorge> # CONFIG_USB_SW_SUN4I_USB0_HOST_ONLY is not set
<jorgegeorge> # CONFIG_USB_SW_SUN4I_USB0_OTG is not set
<jorgegeorge> in .config there's a set of otions:
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<techn__> but for sun5i there is only HOST_ONLY and NONE.. code assumes also OTG is possile
<jorgegeorge> About sun5i, is there now some linux boot working for the A10S ?
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<techn__> hansg was working.. dunno current state
<techn__> wingrime: what you mean with "fix gadget init after loading as module" ?
<techn__> which module you load and unload?
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<wingrime> techn: you can compile "gadgets as modules"
<wingrime> ether printer muilt
<wingrime> android can be in kernel only
<techn__> yes.. they are modules by default
<wingrime> so you need insmod
<wingrime> without patch this is not work
<techn__> it works
<wingrime> you can insmod /rrmod
<techn__> android enables them from userspace
<wingrime> techn__: we talking about "non andorid gadget"
<techn__> when module is loaded.. everthing is disabled.. after that userspace tells module to enable
<wingrime> adroid is not only one for a10
<wingrime> we do "linux-sunxi"
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<wingrime> try debian with/without patch
<shineworld> someone know why android (android TV) change display settings after first steps of boot ?
<shineworld> I've configured rightly a LVDS which work till is in bootanimation and died after that
<shineworld> *die
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<techn__> wingrime: non android gadget seems to do enabling during bind.. to get this fixed properly we need to get rid of "WRN:L2675(/home/techn/sunxi-bsp/android/kernel/allwinner/common/drivers/usb/sun5i_usb/udc/sw_udc.c):.." warnings
<techn__> this allows real logic work freely
<techn__> and how that is done.. maybe uncommenting line 3668 will help.. most likely it breaks something
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<wingrime> techn__: add #ifdef for android gadget and send patch
<wingrime> techn__: It totaly crap
<wingrime> techn__: if we use android gadget don't do "my patch"
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<mnemoc> oliv3r: can you check the 2/10 patch of your sound serie? on one side it doesn't apply on any branch, and on another it only deletes.... no machine_is_sunNi() code added anywhere
<Turl> mripard_: ping
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