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<oliv3r> Turl: ram, mmu etc doesn't matter to BROM. It doesn't use any of that. The BROM should (really it should) assume everything is dirty. It is initializing everything from an unknown state :)
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<rellla2> hi all. i'm searching for good links, where i can start reading from, if i want to dig a little bit into this whole video/graphics/layer/rendering/gpu/vpu thing?
<rellla2> i'm an absolutely noob and want to stop mixing up this things and wanted to get explained terms and relationships between that all.
<rellla2> maybe there is something on the web, which can facilitate me the basics.
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<hipboi|cubie> slapin_nb, pong
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<slapin_nb> hipboi|cubie: hi! could you please reply to that mail
<slapin_nb> ?
<hipboi|cubie> :O
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<oliv3r> rellla: if you speaking of general 2D/3D things, then there should be some docs online
<oliv3r> rellla: for the A10 source bomb, it's one giant big mess :p
<oliv3r> rellla: what are you most interested in? 2D, 3D? Video Acceleration?
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<rellla> oliv3r: i want to read a litte bit about all that 2D,3D and video acceleration.
<paulk-desktop> is there a way to set a boot splash from u-boot?
<rellla> what are shaders, overlay, how is that going on with layers, what does gpu and vpu handle, how do they speak with another, how comes all to the framebuffer...
<rellla> this are really really basic noob questions. i only want to understand a little bit more of it ;) i got dumb reading a10 xbmc/vlc source code. it's a mess, if you don
<lunra> Best to learn these things from desktop gpu information, IMO
<lunra> I mean, except for the specific things
<rellla> a mess, if you miss the basics and are not weak with C even :P
<lunra> But I'll tell you that basically a shader is a program that executes on a graphics card to render an image. Commonly you have a vertex shader and a fragment shader. A vertex shader is called once per vertex, and a fragment shader is called once per pixel
<lunra> (as for the other stuff, I don't know, so I'm not very helpful ;) )
<rellla> lunra: thanks. this it what i want to find in the web or in a book, where i can dig in, if i want.
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<wingrime-android> oliv3r: any positive reeults with dma?
<wingrime-android> *results
<oliv3r> rellla: oh that is all interesting reads, and I don't think its' all well documented
<oliv3r> rellla: not that I know, if you do find something, share the links :D
<oliv3r> rellla: I know a _little_ bit, what 2D is, what 3D is, but how the overlay sticks all that together, what is 'a' layer? etc etc, yeah I don't know all that either :)
<oliv3r> rellla: I have a hard time understand the difference between, framebuffer, directFB and X in that regard too :)
<wingrime-android> oliv3r:ping
<oliv3r> wingrime-android: lo
<oliv3r> wingrime-android: haven't done anything with DMA yet :( except for testing your patch that one time
<wingrime-android> and some results?
<oliv3r> paulk-desktop: I know my original firmware did it, but that was done from boot.axf. I don't know/think if u-boot currently can do ANYthing graphical with the A1x
<oliv3r> wingrime-android: i posted those to you ages ago via; very very small improvement, but not sure if it was relevant :p
<wingrime-android> (
<wingrime-android> oliv3r: can say anything about hw rnd gen?
<lunra> The framebuffer is a block of memory that you write to that represents the entire display's image. DirectFB is a library that abstracts some of that writing. X is a major abstraction/list of hoops you have to jump through to, essentially, perform a naive memcpy()
* lunra is't fond of X on platforms that don't reaaaally have working graphics drivers anyway (yes, it does work, but it's hard to get working)
<paulk-desktop> oliv3r, too bad -- on omap3 devices, I know it's possible
<lunra> But I have a feeling I just dumped a lot of info without really understanding what you wanted, in which case I'm sorry :|
<oliv3r> wingrime-android: turl was working on it, but without DMA, i'm starting work on PWM now, and afterthat, if nobody has, will play with crypto as that looks like a fun driver, but will require DMA
<oliv3r> paulk-desktop: i'm sure it's possible, I think we simply don't have drivers for it in u-boot :) patches welcome :D
<oliv3r> paulk-desktop: the little android you see at boot, is by boot.axf which chainloads u-boot. I have seen a boot animation during u-boot/kernel load until the kernel takes over on my native firmware image
<oliv3r> paulk-desktop: but i have no clue how u-boot was involved
<paulk-desktop> yes I understood that
<oliv3r> paulk-desktop: but a graphics patch, to show splash during u-boot would be awesome. to have it show animated png's would be even more awesome :)
<paulk-desktop> ok
<paulk-desktop> I'll look if I have time :)
<oliv3r> :D
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<rellla> lunra: it's very ok. i'll have to search the web on my own - after i read into the new cedarx-sources...
* rellla tried to be humorous - nothing new here :P - seems i missed april fool's day
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<shineworld> I'm trying to reduce boot time but there are some piece of code that I don't understand the mean, like this:
<shineworld> in init_disp.c:
<shineworld> int sec = 1;
<shineworld> ERROR("to sleep %d seconds.\n",sec);
<shineworld> ERROR("has waken up.\n");
<shineworld> sleep(sec);
<shineworld> none was done just a sleep of 1s after entry in init_initdisplay()
<shineworld> there are also other places with similar code
<shineworld> what do you think ? is safe to remove the delay ?
<shineworld> In my app the boot must be very fast to accomplish customer needs
<wingrime-android> some displays may be need that delay
<wingrime-android> hdmi displays may be
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<shineworld> uhm display will be enabled also before the init_initdisplay ?
<shineworld> in fex I've catch, at end, that:
<shineworld> [boot_disp]
<shineworld> output_type = 3
<shineworld> output_mode = 5
<shineworld> auto_hpd = 1
<shineworld> I don't understand where is used and not document at moment
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<shineworld> checking on kernel (3.0.52) I haven't found use of [boot_disp]... perhaps is something have to do with nand bootloader ?
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<oliv3r> shineworld: the fex may lie
<oliv3r> shineworld: if you can not grep the name in the current source, it's not there :)
<oliv3r> sometimes it sounds like script.bin is some magic thing that setups the soc. what it really is, is just options for the drivers to parse
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<techn_> shineworld: where you found init_disp.c?
<shineworld> openbox/system/core/
<shineworld> I two targets for this week:
<techn_> oh.. that's android
<techn_> you could ask that from Tom
<shineworld> - add LCD support with actual HDMI, CVS, etc
<shineworld> - reduce the boot time removing useless parts
<shineworld> - run all (or possible in ram) so I can remove power without a full shutdown
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<shineworld> I habit on android at moment
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<shineworld> I don't know linux os enough to do something of good with Graphics...
<shineworld> I don't know Tom
<shineworld> Actually I don't know any here :)
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<oliv3r> lol
<oliv3r> well always remember, android still runs ontop of linux :p
<oliv3r> android is nothing more then an application framework ontop of the linux kernel :)
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<techn_> shineworld: hipboy :)
<techn_> most likely knows something of that openbox android
<techn_> or that matsonhall
<shineworld> yes I know that, but I'm already able to create good GUI with android and I don't have enough knowledge to move to linux + somelib to do my things at moment
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<shineworld> ok, I think is too much to ask Tom "Cubie" to follow my problems ;)
<shineworld> Better to leave it to develop new boards ...
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<ssvb> libv, rz2k: has any of you attempted to get r3p2 mali kernel driver working on sunxi hardware?
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<rz2k> hey ssvb
<rz2k> I didnt try, but it will work with 99% chance
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<rz2k> you only need to fill the new config.h replacement structure and declare what you want to do on driver bring-up (what was in your platfrom.c)
<rz2k> it was enough to get it working on exynos
<rz2k> any reason to go r3p2?
<rz2k> exynos was forced to it because our r2p4 did hang all the time on it
<ssvb> are you sure? config.h does not seem to work for r3p2 drivers anymore and they need to be initialized in a different way
<techn_> do we have userspace libs yet?
<rz2k> yes, you grab your settings from config.h, read the arm/ directory as an example and fill it with desired data. now you need to declare something like MALI_400_MP1(base address) and then it will calculate all the offsets itself
<ssvb> r3p0 and r3p1 have a rather annoying bug which makes life difficult
<rz2k> s/arm//platform/arm//
<rz2k> that mali_400_mp1(stuff) define is actualy defined to the old config.h format, if you read the mali_utgard.h
<rz2k> they just tried to do it better
<ssvb> yes, I mean that the old config.h can't be used directly and needs some tweaks, and I wondered if somebody has done this already :)
<rz2k> yeah, it cant be used
<rz2k> but its easy to convert
<ssvb> if not, then it's something for me to do
<rz2k> check the exynos r3p2 and r2p4, they are in one directory in the odroid-3.0.y kernel
<rz2k> also dont throw bricks at me if you will find some nasty fustercluck in the platform code, I just wanted to get it working :p
<ssvb> techn_: theoretically even without the userspace mali blobs for sunxi, libv's lima can be tried as a test
<rz2k> ssvb: we can grab the exynos ones if you dont care about the license
<rz2k> they are covered with some weird eula
<rz2k> that states not an exynos platform, but st-ericsson.
<ssvb> yeah, we can probably try them as a test, but can't use for real
<rz2k> they also can do the openvg
<rz2k> thats the only ones that can do that, guys from hardkernel pushed on guys from ARM for openvg fixes and somehow got fixed libs :p
<ssvb> rz2k: thanks for the hints about the kernel driver
<rz2k> you are welcome
<rz2k> I wanted to do it sometime in the future, but I'm now focused on other things. Need to get the damn a13 boot linux from nand
<rz2k> allwinner-pack-tools gave me cancer.
<techn_> rz2k: use sunxi-bsp :)
<rz2k> but it cant do the nand
<rz2k> or?
<techn_> yes it can
<rz2k> wat
<rz2k> livesuit image?
<techn_> it uses lichee-dev branch
<techn_> or lichee-dev branches precompiled u-boot
<rz2k> I need livesuit image or atleast lichee-dev u-boot and remapped /dev/nand*
<techn_> notice that kernel modules goes to nanda.. you need to make symlink from nanda to /lib
<techn_> havent had time to finish it :(
<techn_> also scripts/ can do also android style images
<rz2k> ./
<rz2k> I've been working with dragon last three days
<rz2k> didnt got much
<rz2k> does sunxi-bsp swap the boot0/1 for sun4i/sun5i?
<techn_> yes
<techn_> those files are under allwinner-tools/livesuit/<soc>
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<jinzo> hm, the allwinner source drop - anything new?
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<ssvb> rz2k: looking at the tables in the sunxi mali kernel driver (r3p0 for now), do we really need 64MiB of reserved memory for it? Can't just a single OS_MEMORY section be enough?
<rz2k> you can play with that
<rz2k> dedicated memory was faster on exynos
<rz2k> you can also use os memory
<rz2k> I'm not sure about how big the section should be
* rz2k calls libv's emergency mali-400 support service
<ssvb> rz2k: yes, I have already tried removing this reservation and everything still seems to work fine
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<UltraHatomiK> yo
<UltraHatomiK> here you create R18 for linuxino A13 ?
<techn_> rz2k: did sunxi-bsp help? :)
<techn_> UltraHatomiK: hansg made that fedora release
<techn_> he's offline but you could try to connect via
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<ssvb> rz2k: hmm, seems like a bit longer investigation is needed, while running glmark2-es2 memtester complained "Solid Bits : testing 39FAILURE: 0xffffffff != 0xff00ffff at offset 0x0b43e09c."
<libv> ssvb: i have r3p2 working on odroid though
<libv> but only locally
<libv> no code has been pushed out yet, i am procrastinating on it, a bit :)
<libv> and no
<libv> r3p0 userspace definitely will not work on r3p2
<libv> i have to bend over backwards in lima to make that work
<libv> at runtime
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<UltraHatomiK> olinuxo A13 R18 is debian or ubuntu, no fedora
<libv> UltraHatomiK: read the wiki
<libv> but use the .fex from the olinuxino wiki
<libv> FirstSteps describes how to do it
<libv> although the howto still is pretty badly mangled
<ssvb> libv: what about mali r3p1? are all the releases breaking compatibility every time? I know that they are bumping version numbers, but still wonder about the scope of the changes
<libv> r3p1 is where the huge break happened
<libv> r3p2 is just a small break
<libv> i give it only 20% chance that it will work with a r3p1 kernel
<libv> ssvb: the scope of the changes is mostly their inane usage of an enum for the ioctl numbers
<libv> the even remove the entry _before_ API_VERSION in r3p1
<libv> i really would love to find out who in arm introduced that code
<ssvb> hmm, r3p2 is a major break in the way how the driver is initialized (resources mapping, etc.), so upgrading is not an obvious merge of sunxi changes :)
<libv> because he should get excuted.
<libv> executed even
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<libv> no
<libv> how would we know?
<libv> ssvb: the driver we are now talking about is some completely different part than what this tom cooksey guy is dealing with
<libv> ssvb: and airlied should stfu in this case.
<ssvb> well, at least it looks like tom cooksey is responsible for the xf86-video-armsoc mess (totally botched 2d part)
<libv> he is trying to play linus and likes to kick other peoples asses like linus does, but airlied lacks the clue for that
<libv> and the moral backbone
<libv> arm has big issues across the board
<libv> not sure whether they are fixable
<libv> wait and see...
<libv> tom cooksey responds correctly though, in the way that airlied would like to world to respond to him
<libv> sadly top posted...
<ssvb> he is not in a good position for providing a rude reply
<libv> airlied isn't in any position either, sadly the world hasn't been following all stories of the last decade as closely as some
<libv> he still does not seem to have fully grasped the fact that throwing modesetting badly in with the rest of drm was a huge stupid mistake
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<libv> popular interfaces, which allow for differences in usage, will be abused, period.
<vgrade> ssvb: yea , we're puzzled by the 1/2 frame rate
<ssvb> vgrade: is the cpu usage 100%?
<vgrade> have the Pi connected atm, but Stskeeps mentioned he;s seen the same on qualcom hw
<ssvb> if there is memory copy somewhere, then such framerate is more or less expected
<vgrade> I did try governor settings which made no differnce
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<vgrade> we should not have any cpu buffer copies. I'll ping when I have device up
<ssvb> ok
<vgrade> what fps do you have with fully visible window
<ssvb> right after the start and without trying to do anything it is ~45-50fps for 1280x720 window
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<ssvb> vgrade: what is the mali clock speed divisor on your board?
<vgrade> ssvb: reading down your mail further our intention is that hybris should not add any extra buffer copying just a tiny overhead in tranlating the calls from libc to bionic
<ssvb> yes, I understand and fully support this
<ssvb> you can find mali clock speed information in dmesg log
<ssvb> in my case it is [ 860.930000] Mali: mali clock set completed, clock is 320000000 Hz
<vgrade> sec while I boot cubie
<vgrade> same here
<vgrade> which demo are you using ? The rpi one ?
<ssvb> yes, with PathAnimation part commented out in content/Mainview.qml
<ssvb> same as in your instructions
<ssvb> just the width/height set to 1280x720 in Qt5_CinematicExperience.qml
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<ssvb> vgrade: is the cpu usage below 50% (with performance governor at 1GHz) when you are running this demo?
<vgrade> sec
<vgrade> 100% with stock gov
* vgrade finds page with guv settings
<vgrade> still same with echo performance > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor
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<ssvb> do you have any profiling tools?
<ssvb> the suxi kernel hassupports performance counters
<ssvb> oops
<ssvb> the kernel has performance counters enabled and they should be working fine
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<vgrade> not sure we are bulding perf tools for Mer
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<ssvb> vgrade: seems to have at least oprofile
<vgrade> ssvb: cheers
<ssvb> but I think oprofile is not enabled in the kernel, only perf would work out of the box
<ssvb> in any case I still suspect that some buffer copying may be there
<vgrade> something is eating the cpu yes
<vgrade> it looked so smooth I did not think to check cpu. I#m assuming Stskeeps is not seeing this with his qualcom and mali
<ssvb> hmm, but why did you disable PathAnimation?
<ssvb> I thought that this shooting start animation flying around might have been a bit jumpy with low fps ;)
<vgrade> crashed with an assert
<vgrade> sec
<vgrade> assert: "i >=0 && i< elementCount()" in file painting/qpainterpath.cpp
<libv> vgrade: why do you need libhybris?
<libv> vgrade: we have fb and x11 binaries
<ssvb> vgrade: I built Qt5 from qt-everywhere-opensource-src-5.0.2.tar.xz
<vgrade> for platorms which dont have those
<libv> vgrade: such as?
<libv> we have nvidia hf binaries as well
<libv> vgrade: what are you proving with sunxi?
<vgrade> the process, as I know we have drivers for A10
<libv> we have several sets of binaries for many mali kernel versions, for 2 different windowing systems
<libv> btw, i was the one who handed mdfe sunxi stuff
<libv> since he was down anyway, he was an easy victim (unlucky sod was in the hospital with an infection for a few days)
<vgrade> he's done a good job with the Jenkins
<libv> he was bored, sadly he's been inundated with work since :)
<libv> anyway, please use libhybris on other hw, or, constantly remind people that we actually have working fb and x11 drivers, and that proper open source drivers are around the corner
<vgrade> point taken
<vgrade> how's lima work?
<ssvb> libv: sunxi makes a nice target for testing libhybris because we can easily compare all these drivers
<libv> ssvb: have you ever tested x11 versus fb?
<libv> start there
<libv> as fb really gives all that the mali hw has to give
<libv> mali maps it directly
<libv> no copies, libv certified.
<libv> vgrade: i just brought lima up on r3p2 on odroid-x2
<libv> 146fps q3a at 720p, fully memory bound
<libv> err, fully cpu bound
<libv> 126fps q3a at 1080p, fully memory bound
<libv> i just starting my initial poking at mesa
<libv> and just built a standalone swrast driver
<libv> need to clean up the build still
<vgrade> good to hear, always work to do
<libv> vgrade: why has there been absolutely no demo of mer running on fb/x11?
<vgrade> mer?
<vgrade> do you mean nemo?
<libv> or plasmactive or whatever
<libv> whatever it was you showed of on libhybris
<vgrade> could not get plasma fitted into my mele a1000 as it only has 512 RAM
<vgrade> the hybris demo was shown on x11 by ssvb
<vgrade> well the app I was runnig on libhybris
<ssvb> it was not libhybris demo, it was the same Qt5 app on X11 to be precise
<libv> ...
<libv> so the demo that circulated was not even running on top of libhybris?
<libv> and had absolutely nothing to do with the story described?
<ssvb> there is more than 1 demo
<libv> tell me i misunderstood this
<vgrade> there are two demos of the QT5 app, one on libhybris and one on x11
<ssvb> one on libhybris, and one on x11
<libv> ok... so the libhybris story failed to mention this also being possible on plain x11
<libv> how does the performance of the two compare?
<vgrade> not good
<libv> my guess, pretty bad, as it seems we are always copying on xf86-video-mali
<libv> did anyone try using fb?
<vgrade> not fb
<libv> any technical reason for that?
<vgrade> no
<libv> well, give it a go, it is just running 'make config EGL_TYPE=framebuffer' in sunxi-mali
<libv> and then a make install ofcourse
<vgrade> I will make a new package in Mer OBS
<ssvb> my understanding is that vgrade is mostly trying to test libhybris as a universal solution for any GPU and also for enabling wayland
<ssvb> that's why testing and fixing libhybris performance issues is important
<libv> it can be a short term solution only
<libv> just like with firefoxos and ubuntu phone
<ssvb> it depends
<libv> really?
<libv> it's just a matter of time
<libv> soon one of the vendors will fall
<libv> and some others will follow
<libv> actually, nvidia will fall soon
<libv> ssvb: you should know, apparently, as some nvidia research guy very openly stated that at syysgraph
<vgrade> libv: especially with great efforts of RE and libhybris putting pressured on
<vgrade> wihtout that pressure we woud have the ststus quo
<libv> vgrade: i do not see libhybris helping atm
<vgrade> ok
<libv> vgrade: especially on hw that has binary drivers, and with the other side being ignored
<libv> vgrade: if a commercial entity like mozilla, canonical or jolla does it, then we can put that down to commercial pressures and blahblah
<libv> but the open source folk should not occupy themselves with binary wrapper games and then try to sell it as "just as good as direct support"
<libv> you might as well cut off your foot right now, the wound will be cleaner in the long run
<libv> given that i made sure that sunxi-mali is useful today, and that i convinced mdfe to form the basis of what you worked off, this is especially, as the germans state it, "bitter"
<vgrade> as I said above I take your point that using sunxi was a bad choice for me to test libhybris
<vgrade> and I tried to give credit for the work I was using
<libv> to what extent is libhybris still relevant, actually, nvidia tegra has x11 binaries, mali has many sets of binaries for different usecases
<libv> freedreno is becoming almost useful
<vgrade> there are still lots of cases I think where support is not complete in those, wayland for instance
<libv> ?
<libv> and the solution that the android binaries and libhybris provide is...
<libv> less hard to implement on the mali fb drivers?
<ssvb> is odroid already providing mali fb drivers?
<libv> ssvb: i think rz2k provided a howto for sunxi drivers
<libv> ssvb: i think i remember r3p0 kernel support
<libv> that means sunxi-mali should just work
<libv> i should actually try that and see whether the command stream uses all PPs
<libv> if not, the ioctl wrapper that achieves that is 200 lines.
<ssvb> android is still the lowest common denominator no matter how you look at it
<libv> ssvb: for those with unbelievably low standards and no hope or clue, yes
<libv> but we've come a long way in the last two years
<libv> and are not far away from our goal
<libv> i really hate to see libhybris being used as a reason not to take provide some sort of open source strategy
<libv> s/take //
<vgrade> so you would need RE of all andriod blobs not only gfx
<vgrade> to use any recent device
<libv> vgrade: how does that tie in with wayland?
<libv> vgrade: oh, and erm, amd just now provided uvd support
_BJFreeman has joined #linux-sunxi
<libv> vgrade: now that they removed the prince of darkness and procrastination, john bridgman
<vgrade> uvd?
<libv> vgrade: 6ys ago, i was writing, together with egbert eich and matthias hopf, the document that AMD ended up following, the document with their open source strategy
<libv> universal video decoder
<libv> introduced in ati r600
<libv> 6y ago, give or take a few days
_BJFreeman is now known as BJFreeman
<ssvb> yeah, that's good
<libv> anyway, we'll always be disappointed
<libv> but aim low, and achieve even less+
<libv> so as for other blobs, what other blobs are there
<libv> the big one is media
<ssvb> I remember using ndiswrapper some years ago, just because otherwise wlan would not work
<vgrade> wifi, gps, ril
<libv> and guess what, it is not as big a stumbling block as 3d support
<ssvb> now the wlan problem is more or less solved
<libv> ssvb: because, or despite ndiswrapper?
<ssvb> I don't think it was related
<libv> ssvb: my feeling is that ndiswrapper slowed things down
<libv> just like the competing amd video drivers made sure that neither properly supported all users.