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Tenkawa has joined #imx6-dongle
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<Tenkawa> anyone awake?
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<abrasive> nah.
<Tenkawa> hey
<abrasive> what's news?
<Tenkawa> i finally got udev 100% working with 3.0.35
<abrasive> nice work
<Tenkawa> theres sometging still bothering me in this kernel
<Tenkawa> why cant i disable rtl8192cu support without disabling 8192cu
<Tenkawa> if i dont remove the module it loads up the wrong one which also prevents staticly enabling it in the kernel
<Tenkawa> seems like a bad dependency somewhere in the config
<Tenkawa> i would still so like to see a dtb enabled kernel for this platform
<Tenkawa> but thats out of my area atm
<Tenkawa> brb.. i hope (another experiment)
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<Tenkawa_> hey... i didnt wipe anything out yay
<Tenkawa_> brb
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<Tenkawa> slowly but surely removing all the unneeded kernel code/drivers
<Tenkawa> do you knw off hand what the dma engine is most useful for on one of these boards?
<abrasive> nope.
<abrasive> if it's the real kernel DMA driver then everything will run verrrry slowly without it
<Tenkawa> indeed
<Tenkawa> no.. its one of the extra engines i think
<Tenkawa> time for another experiment
<Tenkawa> bbiaf i hope
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<Tenkawa> holy crap that worked
<Tenkawa> wow this kernel is getting nice and tuned
<Tenkawa> cheers all.. time to finish for the night
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