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<Tenkawa> wow.. this gk802 flies being backed by an ssd
<hste> Tenkawa: how have u connected ssd to it?
<Tenkawa> hste: usb
<Tenkawa> even with the usb bus slowing it a bit it is very noticeably faster
<hste> Tenkawa: do u use a 4.0.0 kernel?
<Tenkawa> i use ajay's 4.0.0 yocto
<Tenkawa> with a lot of tuning
<hste> running without vivante?
<Tenkawa> if there is something newer to try i'm up for it
<Tenkawa> correct.. completely headless
<Tenkawa> so i wanted as much of the resources back i could get
<Tenkawa> nice to have all gig of the memory useable
<hste> you could try 4.1.0 he has on his git
<hste> Do u use usb eth dongle or wifi?
<Tenkawa> i might.. i'd really prefer something newer than 3.0 kernel itself
<Tenkawa> wifi
<Tenkawa> i am pondering a usb hub to add another drive and see what performance is like
<Tenkawa> be back in a few..need to go run an errand... afk
<abrasive> did anyone get sata working?
<hste> don't think so
<hste> abrasive: picking dust of your dongle? :)
<Tenkawa> back
<Tenkawa> what units physically could support sata?
<hste> Tenkawa: sata could be possible
<Tenkawa> ahhhh
<Tenkawa> nice schematic
<Tenkawa> that would be some tight soldering yikes
<Tenkawa> well time to work..bbl
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<Tenkawa> 4.0.1 didnt boot
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<hste> Tenkawa: did u add devtmpfs to the defconfig?
<Tenkawa> oops
<Tenkawa> didnt realize that one supported udev
<Tenkawa> (which is something i'd like)
<Tenkawa> let me try that again
<Tenkawa> _mount too?
<hste> yes
<Tenkawa> ok
<Tenkawa> let me recompile and try that
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<Tenkawa> oops.. i even had the # wrong... 4.1.0
<Tenkawa> wow i'm a dork todau
<Tenkawa> er today
<Tenkawa> ok its compiling again
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