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<jas-hacks_> otavio: Hi, I got gpu running with BSP 4.1.0 + xorg 11.3 . However I get the following error when running tutorial6_es20 from the viv_samples
<jas-hacks_> ./tutorial6_es20 > tutorial6_es20.txt
<jas-hacks_> X Error of failed request: BadLength (poly request too large or internal Xlib l
<jas-hacks_> ength error)
<jas-hacks_> Major opcode of failed request: 138 (vivext)
<jas-hacks_> Minor opcode of failed request: 2 ()
<jas-hacks_> Serial number of failed request: 53
<jas-hacks_> Current serial number in output stream: 57
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<otavio> jas-hacks_: I didn't try it here
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<jas-hacks_> otavio: which one is newer xserver-xorg-video-imx-viv-3.5.7-1.0.0.tar.gz or xserver-xorg-video-imx-viv-3.5.7-1.0.0-alpha.2.tar.gz ?
<otavio> .2
<jas-hacks_> otavio: same for hfp.bin?
<otavio> yes
<jas-hacks_> otavio: it's working with .2 :)
<jas-hacks_> otavio: although the frame rates seems to be lower with .2
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<otavio> :-)
<otavio> jas-hacks_: really?
<jas-hacks_> otavio: with .2 tutorial7 now displays in a window and showing 80fps, with the old version it was full screen and showing 300 fps
<jas-hacks_> but glmark-es2 works with .2
<otavio> jas-hacks_: run it with -fullscreen
<jas-hacks_> otavio: doesn't take arg '-fullscreen'
<otavio> I mean the es2gears
<jas-hacks_> es2gears works fine in a window
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