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<ikr_> anyone tried compiling u-boot for android?
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<jas-hacks_> hste: Hey, good job on the xbmc armhf rootfs.
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<hste> jas-hacks_: its nice work by stephan
<hste> jas-hacks_: got some imx6 toy to play with?
<jas-hacks_> hste: yes got that board back, so just tried your your xbmc rootfs
<hste> jas-hacks_: so u had a 4.0.0 kernel to play with?
<jas-hacks_> hste: yes made up a 4.0.0 kernel
<jas-hacks_> jas-hacks_: testing to see how hot it gets ;)
<hste> jas-hacks_: got a nice cooling on that board?
<jas-hacks_> hste: its got a heat sink (2 cm x 5cm)
<hste> jas-hacks_: hope u don't need to send it back this time.. :)
<jas-hacks_> hste: what resolution did you test at?
<hste> jas-hacks_: I use 1080p
<hste> jas-hacks_: have u changed dirty regions
<jas-hacks_> no, should I?
<hste> jas-hacks_: it works ok with 1 for me, 3 gives a little less temp
<jas-hacks_> hste: which screen causes the most temp loading
<hste> I think just system info screen where it shows temp
<hste> I got one temp warnng on a video that didn't use vpu
<hste> I run mine at 1.2GHz. Can't see diff in temp compared to 1GHz. I think gpu is the heat problem and not cpu
<hste> Running cpu stress testing doesn't give that high temp as when using gpu
<jas-hacks_> hste: After 10 mins I get a black screen
<hste> have u consoleblank=0 on your boot.scr?
<jas-hacks_> ok, them me try
<jas-hacks_> did you get this on the serial console "libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile"
<hste> thats a known xbmc message
<hste> I get it too
<hste> Mine did blanking too before I put that on boot.scr. I gould get out of it by kill xbmc from a ssh-shell
<hste> s/g/c/
<jas-hacks_> Could only try 720p, max temp is 69 degrees
<hste> almost the same temp as stephan have on wandboard
<jas-hacks_> what temp did you reach?
<hste> 79
<jas-hacks_> but at 1080p
<hste> yes
<hste> and stephan also use 1080P on his wandboard and he get about 10C lower than me
<hste> and the temp gets lower when playing a movie
<jas-hacks_> i'll try 1080p when i can lookup a monitor
<hste> I tried 720P and the temp was almost the same, maybe 1-2 degrees lower
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<jas-hacks_> thats interesting, i thought there would be a bigger difference
<hste> I think it makes bigger difference when it use heavy gpu stuff
<jas-hacks_> When I get time I will try to build 4.1.0
<hste> then u have to replace the gpu-vpu with the one from 4.0.0
<hste> I did that
<hste> beacuase 4.1.0 use new galcore
<jas-hacks_> did it work ok?
<hste> almost the same
<hste> I guess some vpu stuff would run better
<jas-hacks_> There's also fixes for GPU
<hste> yes but the xbmc is compiled for the old one so have to rebuild that
<jas-hacks_> I'll try to create a ubuntu build first
<hste> jas-hacks_: Think there is one here that u can use,
<hste> jas-hacks_: Do you know if some 3rd part is going to sell the board u got?
<jas-hacks_> hste: not sure about the board
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