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<Tenkawa> greetings all
<Tenkawa> got a q... if i already have a sd card with a fat uboot partition and 1 with the os. is there a straightforward way to get a uboot img and kernel on the sd card that would boot up my gk802?
<Tenkawa> thanks
<Tenkawa> ideally something newer than a 3.0 kernel too
<Tenkawa> i have been
<hste> Do u use linux or windows on your pc?
<Tenkawa> i specificly only want a boot/kernel mod though
<Tenkawa> hste: slackware
<Tenkawa> i already have 3 other arm builds running
<Tenkawa> but they are shall we say a bit more open uboot
<Tenkawa> i would like to get one of those running which is why i'm tryin to find a method to inplace replace the boot/kernel
<hste> If u put the multiuboot onto the internal. U can put whatever rootfs onto the external sd or usb
<Tenkawa> that xubuntu image... how many partitions does it create?
<Tenkawa> hste: good point
<Tenkawa> what about the kernel itself
<Tenkawa> am i stuck with 3.0?
<Tenkawa> not sure if all the drivers/etc made it into upstream
<Tenkawa> ahhh
<Tenkawa> will do thanks
<Tenkawa> who "isnt" using github nowadays yowza
<hste> If u want more recent kernel I think yocto is the way to go
<Tenkawa> ok.. thanks for the tips
<Tenkawa> cheers all.. got to get ready to fun
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<ajayr> can someone point me in the right direction
<ajayr> I started with vanilla 3.11.0 added pH5 imx6q-gk802.dts from barebox sources adjusted makefile to build it
<ajayr> but it is not booting
<ajayr> kernel config is imx_v6_v7_defconfig
<hste> do u use dvi or plain hdmi?
<ajayr> and this is the dts source
<ajayr> no display i just want a console boot
<ajayr> oh hste if you want to try my yocto boots and wokrks fine with what is in github just now
<hste> looks like it has some problems with monitor detecting
<ajayr> i cannot uplaod a 2GB file or I would offer a rfs
<ajayr> I am using a dell ST 2220 1920x1080 hdmi monitor
<hste> I'm using yor 400 git
<ajayr> oh good can you confirm that it works wel for you if its ok then I can clean it up and pust to otavio he was open to taking patches its just that I want testing to happen
<hste> why do u have one named yocto 4.0.0 and another 4.0.0?
<ajayr> one has the external rtl8192.ko the yocto one does not have the huge extra wifi driver so the diff to freescale is very small
<hste> ok. Because wifi is whats not working
<ajayr> c2817892960b2fd14189c92adf61f97184fac092
<hste> one hasn't the gk802 defconfig. Should I use another defconfig?
<ajayr> i want testing of the branch without yocto in the name
<ajayr> gk802_3.0.35_4.0.0
<ajayr> the defconfig is in the meta-ar802 recipes-kernel
<hste> ok
<hste> So its not in the git?
<ajayr> also once the yocto builds you will have to either blacklist rfkill or add options rfkill master_switch_mode=2 default_state=1 to the /etc/modprobe.d/rfkill.conf
<ajayr> no not in the kernel git yocto keeps it outside in the machine def
<ajayr> if you have 50 gb free you can build yocto rfs from scratch
<hste> I guess I'll have to set up the yocto system then :)
<ajayr> and a powerful pc
<ajayr> my w700 overheats and shuts down while bulding it
<hste> have to find some space :) have only 23G free for now
<ajayr> so i do it on my old p4 desktop it takes 8 - 10 hrs
<hste> I have a fast dell M4700 with 16GB and ssd
<ajayr> a shortcut you can try - go to and get a rfs for sabresd
<ajayr> and just build kernel / u-boot etc
<ajayr> but i dont recommend
<ajayr> also another quirk in my meta-ar802 is that i have 2 sd in the gk802 one internal is a 1GB with only u-boot and no partion
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<ajayr> and the 8GB in the external to keep changing os
<ajayr> so my boot script is set up fot that
<hste> the sameway I use it now. with jas multi uboot
<ajayr> i was able to play the sample bigbuckbunny included in my ar802-core-image at 480p 720p and 1080p smoothly
<ajayr> with the included mplayer2
<ajayr> the qt demo media player fails with the ac3 sound track
<hste> and now u re going for master-next? :)
<ajayr> the /opt/viv_tutorial tutorial7 give 77 -78 fps
<ajayr> no just master
<ajayr> once all that is OK i can push it over to otavio and he can take over
<ajayr> and wanted t try the same
<hste> ok
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<ajayr> in any case if i want to target master-next with yocto then i will have to make the dts for 3.5.7
<ajayr> that is what yocto will have
<ajayr> did you see the use of bootz to start the kernel in the bootlog above - that is u-boot 2013.04 freescale + abrasive built in yocto agin from the same ar802-core-image
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<ajayr> yay - it works
<ajayr> for some reason the dt marks the external sd card as mmcblk0
<ajayr> will fire a download of that fedora-20 rfs and go to sleep tomorrow try and boot the fedora kernel with my dt
<ajayr> good night all
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<hste> ajayr: I have now got enough space. I'll try to setup yocto. I guess it will take some time
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<Tenkawa> greetings all
<Tenkawa> got along with the gk802 experimentr
<Tenkawa> however
<Tenkawa> here's whats happening and the setup so far
<Tenkawa> internal sd card using uboot-multi
<Tenkawa> external sd card with one ext4 part (slackware) and the uImage with cpufreq from Jas
<Tenkawa> the hdmi triggers (my tv shows a signal) but the screen stays black no output..
<Tenkawa> if i take the external card out it doesnt even get a signal so thats got me thinking its something with the boot
<Tenkawa> is there any options I can readd and rebuild my boot.scr to get screen output?
<Tenkawa> for kernel debugging
<hste> Tenkawa: You sholud get a usb-serial
<Tenkawa> hste: trying to... vendor issues
<Tenkawa> would an fdti work?
<Tenkawa> er ftdi
<Tenkawa> feel like I'm so close
<hste> ajayr: what machineid and distro should I use?
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<Tenkawa> ahhh haa!!!!
<Tenkawa> got it
<Tenkawa> took out the console variable and got output
<Tenkawa> kernel too old
<Tenkawa> is what the panic was
<Tenkawa> darn
<Tenkawa> thats why I need something newer than 3.0
<Tenkawa> I'd compile one right now if 3.8/3.9/3.10/3.11 would work
<Tenkawa> any of those have the upstream changes needed?
<Tenkawa> at least now I know the uboot -> kernel part is working
<jas-hacks_> Tenkawa: There is a an alpha 3.5 kernel but you would need to patch gk802 files into it and see if it works.
<Tenkawa> jas-hacks_: thats fine with me..
<Tenkawa> I'm still worried 3.5 might not be new enough
<Tenkawa> thanks
<jas-hacks_> Why do you need a later kernels?
<Tenkawa> where are the gk802 patches residing
<Tenkawa> jas-hacks_: my slackware install panics "kernel too old"
<Tenkawa> jas-hacks_: its probably the udev/fdt handling bits
<Tenkawa> thanks
<hste> jas-hacks_: I tried stephens xbmc, and its working nice till the screen turns off because of inactivity.
<Tenkawa> slackware runs 3.10 currently
<jas-hacks_> I separated the gk802 stuff so it can be transplanted into newer kernels
<jas-hacks_> hste: Does it hang?
<Tenkawa> as much as I've seen available from freescale I'm surprised this hasnt made it into upstream yet
<hste> nope. but can't get it out of sleep without killing xbmc
<Tenkawa> jas-hacks_: I had to go through all of this to get my beaglebone back past 3.8
<hste> jas-hacks_: fast an temp is well below 70
<Tenkawa> this is nothing new
<Tenkawa> er black
<Tenkawa> sadly I consider this "fun
<Tenkawa> "
<Tenkawa> jas-hacks_: know which of the patches in your list by chance need to be applied?
<hste> Tenkawa: they are working on newer kernels using yocto as build system
<Tenkawa> note: I'm using this as a headless general purpose server. so no audio needed at all or video tuning
<Tenkawa> hste: yeah I need to read up on yocto
<hste> Tenkawa:ajayr is working on 3.11 now. If u reead the irclog just before u logged in again u can read about it
<Tenkawa> sweet
<Tenkawa> that would be awesome
<jas-hacks_> Tenkawa: All my commits (user mtx512) from 18th May onwards
<Tenkawa> jas-hacks_: ahh ok
<jas-hacks_> Tenkawa: Should be less than 10 files that have changed
<Tenkawa> btw I love having a 4 core x86_64 cross compiler
<Tenkawa> makes this so much quicker
<Tenkawa> so what is your opinion of the gk802 itself so far?
<Tenkawa> I bought one for the heck of it
<hste> jas-hacks_: had add devtmpfs to get your kernel to work with the xbmc-build
<Tenkawa> yes I'm a geek
<hste> the cooling is terrible on it
<Tenkawa> yeah I've noticed it gets a bit warm
<jas-hacks_> Tenkawa: wait till you stress the GPU warm is an understatement!
<Tenkawa> jas-hacks_: I dont plan on using the gpu much at all
<hste> hehe. jas should know...
<Tenkawa> like i said.. headless
<jas-hacks_> Tenkawa: then it works well
<Tenkawa> no graphics output at all once I get it built properly
<Tenkawa> cool :)
<Tenkawa> thanks for the patience too btw all of you
<Tenkawa> heheh ehci errors
<Tenkawa> oops
<Tenkawa> (trying without patches first)
<Tenkawa> do you know the LOADADDR off hand?
<hste> Tenkawa: Some info here
<jas-hacks_> Tenkawa: 0x10800000
<Tenkawa> thanks.. (sorry had to run and grab a phonecall)
<Tenkawa> hey there any efficient way to pull all of those patches since may 18 with one git command?
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<Tenkawa> ok.. got all the site info I need to start digging into the kernel.. thanks all.. afk
<jas-hacks_> otavio: Do you know the what major changes are in BSP 4.1.0?
<Tenkawa> back..
<Tenkawa> time to do a little more experimenting
<Tenkawa> jas-hacks_: will those commits you made patch against that freescale 3.5 kernel? I'd think the variances would be too different
<jas-hacks_> Tenkawa: they shouldn't be too hard. I can do it for you in a day or so.
<Tenkawa> I can rebaseline if needed.. .I just didnt know if it was likely to be time consuming...
<Tenkawa> I kind of hope ajayr does have luck with the 3.11 attempt
<Tenkawa> I'd really like to test that out
<jas-hacks_> I'll create one for you test
<Tenkawa> the whole "kernel too old" just seems odd to me
<Tenkawa> I'd think even 2.6 kernels would still run
<hste> jas-hacks_: xbmc runs well now. had to set consoleblank=0 in bootargs
<jas-hacks_> hste: Are you running yocto build?
<hste> jas-hacks_: running 4.0.0 kernel own built and stephens rootfs
<jas-hacks_> hste:cool
<hste> jas-hacks_: he is using yocto :)
<jas-hacks_> hste: did you set 'dirty regions' to '1'
<jas-hacks_> and no news feed to get 70 degrees
<hste> jas-hacks_: nope. its armhf based also
<jas-hacks_> hste: ah .... interesting
<jas-hacks_> hste: you can push out an image for GK802 users :)
<hste> jas-hacks_: its still something missing in his build like ntp, but its getting closer
<jas-hacks_> hste: ... have to get another i.mx6 board
<hste> jas-hacks_: not sure if its my cpu thats better with heat or the cooling. It wasn't hotter when I hardcoded 1.2Ghz
<jas-hacks_> hste: you got the special' CPU everyone else go the crap one.
<jas-hacks_> 'got the crap one'
<hste> jas-hacks_: hehe. maybe
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<otavio> heh
<otavio> well 4.1 includes the new GPU code
<otavio> so GLES performance is improved
<otavio> GL is still not good
<otavio> (both in window mode)
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<Tenkawa> ajayr: hows the 3.11 experiment going?
<Tenkawa> ajayr: i'm interested in testing it on my gk802 if you get it working
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<hste> ajayr: I have tried building the 4.0.0 kernel and cat /sys/devices/virtual/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp alway gives me 74 like its static
<Tenkawa> well.. figured out the problem
<Tenkawa> glibc was compiled to only support 3.1 kernels and higher
<Tenkawa> went back to the prior slackware version (14) and it works perfectly
<Tenkawa> mind you I now need to build up the system again
<Tenkawa> (and get a lot of kernel modules)
<Tenkawa> I would definitely prefer still to try out 3.11 once it will run on the gk802
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<Tenkawa> out of curiosity.. why no udev on the kernel?
<Tenkawa> the 3.0. one
<Tenkawa> yay my 802 is up and running
<Tenkawa> cpu load at idle is awfully high
<Tenkawa> any of you experienced this?
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<Tenkawa> hmm.. with the cpufreq kernel my cpus show a max of 996mhz.. that sound right?
<Tenkawa> i thought these could hit 1.2ghz
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<Tenkawa> oh... no cpu_idle
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