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<thecageybee> rocking a heatsink and fan here ;)
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<abrasive> water cool that thing
<thecageybee> i saw some liquid nitrogen cooled pc's on the web the other day. maybe i could do that :)
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<Noskcaj> thecageybee, I saw a guy put hi raspberry pi on DICE, try that.
<Noskcaj> *his
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<Kajo> hello guys, is someone here who can answer some questions related to the secure boot of richtechie's imx6 tablet board. i am no engineer and only know the fundamentals of electricity. but i did some research, to get an idea of how things work. for a better understanding - where is the internal ROM/HAB library located/stored at? When they talk about "programming the Fuse", they mean programming of internal ROM? Inetnal ROM/Fuse = PIC12F675,
<Kajo> Key-files = DM2016N? what data are send through DM2016N EEPROM? Thanks
<rz2k> Kajo: hi
<rz2k> these boards dont use HAB
<rz2k> both gk802 and tablet
<rz2k> dm2016n is not used in kernel, they probably wanted to store something there, but it is not used
<rz2k> drachensun has this tablet and can run whatever he wants
<Kajo> oh ok cool, do you know if he use a custom u-boot source or the one richtechie released?
<rz2k> richtechie did release something?
<Kajo> nah it was a fake or so with richtechie configs commented out
<Kajo> whatever i try u-boot interrupts after 2 seconds, if i set bootdelay @5 last output line is "Hit any key to stop autoboot: 5" and with bootdelay @0 one more line is printed before the interrupt "mmc1 is current device"
<rz2k> i bet i saw that somewhere
<rz2k> mmc hang
<rz2k> on mmc set 1 command
<rz2k> check if you have mmc card in 1 slot and your u-boot is configured right
<Kajo> i cheked both slots and tried different u-boot configs with same result - sudden interrupt. only richtechie u-boot loads beyond "hit any key to stop autoboot". thanks anywayn, i'll wait for drachensun then, may be some u-boot settings i miss :)
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<drachensun> Kajo: I haven't messed with it in a long time
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<drachensun> the LCD didn't work
<drachensun> I think it would boot thought, just I could only work over the serial console
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<Kajo> I've read some some pages of the irc log so far. do you mean uart in u-boot console?
<rz2k> in kernel
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<Kajo> ahh i see. thanks! suggestions for a good book to start with?
<Kajo> and wich github repo would you recommend to start with?
<rz2k> books - The C programming language by K&R; The Linux kernel development by Robert Love; Linux Device Drivers; Understanding Linux Kernel by Greg KH;
<rz2k> also good night
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<Kajo> ahww perfect, thank you!
<Kajo> good night :)
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