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<thecageybee> @ajayr hi there. I'm trying to do a build with yocto using your setup. How do I get yocto to access the recipe? Just git clone it into the poky directory?
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<thecageybee> ajayr. you there?
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<thecageybee> hi ajayr. I need some help I'm getting with yocto
<thecageybee> anyone with yocto experience?
<ajayr> hello, now I'm here
<ajayr> I just git clone meta-gk802 into ~/yocto/sources/
<ajayr> next edit base/conf/bblayers.conf to add meta-gk802 layer at the end
<thecageybee> hmm i don't have a yocto/sources directory. i have a poky-dylan-9.0.0 directory which i thought was the working directory but theres no sources directory in there
<ajayr> ahh then we are starting from different points I started with the tutorial on
<thecageybee> many thanks. I'll give that a go. I was using the yocto 'getting started' guide.
<ajayr> ok do post your findings here lets see if we can tweak the layer to work seamlessly with the gk802
<ajayr> but before you start be sure you sort out the cooling on the gk802 or else there is a very high chance that it will overheat and die