<B0101> hi azonenberg
<azonenberg> hi
<azonenberg> abt to head out
<azonenberg> class
<B0101> oh
<bart416> I found a way to skip roughly 200 hours of class in the second semester of this academic year
<bart416> lol
<azonenberg_work> o_O
<azonenberg_work> how...
<bart416> We have to pick a few courses next semester
<bart416> But loads of the options I've already done in my previous degree :P
<azonenberg_work> lol
<bart416> So if I take Nuclear Physics I and II and Nuclear Reactor Theory I and II...
<bart416> Then I automatically have a pass for all 4 of them
<bart416> And I don't have to do shit anymore for almost the entire semester
<azonenberg_work> lol
<azonenberg_work> so you are going to sign up
<azonenberg_work> and then just go to the exams?
<bart416> Nah, exempt from the exams :P
<bart416> I'm really considering to do it
<bart416> On the other hand, I could take Photonics...
<azonenberg_work> lol  dont you already have a degree in physics?
<bart416> Yeah
<azonenberg_work> What are yo ustudying now - EE?
<bart416> Yes
<bart416> But engineering is attached to the applied sciences department :P
<bart416> Physics in particular actually
<azonenberg_work> I see - interesting
<bart416> solid state quantum mechanics pretty much equals semiconductor theory
<azonenberg_work> Yeah
<bart416> I sort of managed to skip all of those classes when I was doing physics heh
<azonenberg_work> lol
<bart416> On the other hand, I did manage to take all the classes relating to nuclear and high energy physics lol
<bart416> damned auto complete
<swkhan> sorry azonenberg_work you said something yesterday but my computer crashed
<swkhan> something about thermally grown SiO2?
<azonenberg_work> swkhan: I was wondering if you had a furnace at your lab that could get up to the 700-1200C range
<swkhan> we do
<azonenberg_work> And if so, whether you'd be able to do dry or wet oxidation of a wafer
<azonenberg_work> if i mailed it to you
<swkhan> we do, but it's a quartz tube furnace, so it probably can't handle much bigger than 1 inch diameter wafers
<swkhan> it can go up to 1100 C i think
<azonenberg_work> swkhan: But you could so, say, quarters of a 2-inch wafer?
<azonenberg_work> do*
<swkhan> yes
<azonenberg_work> Hmm
<swkhan> in fact, i can really easily spin this
<swkhan> i've been wanting to see thermally grown SiO2 for a while
<azonenberg_work> Lol
<swkhan> and so has an intern in our lab
<swkhan> and i'm not getting the results i want with zinc oxide, so i can definitely do this
<swkhan> i'd love to. the grad student that supervised me for the last year or so is gone to mexico so i'm effectively in charge =)
<azonenberg_work> Well, I have a 4-inch <100> wafer now
<azonenberg_work> I'll be buying a pair of 2-inch <110> very soon
<azonenberg_work> i'll send you some subset of them
<azonenberg_work> you can scribe them into pieces small enough to fit
<azonenberg_work> and grow several thicknesses of oxide on them
<azonenberg_work> then keep some and send me the rest
<azonenberg_work> i'll drop you a ping when the other wafers arrive to ask where i should send them
<azonenberg_work> sound like a plan?
<azonenberg_work> It'd most likely be half of a 4-inch and a full 2-inch, each in separate cassettes
<azonenberg_work> Keep the two separate as the 4 is <100> and the 2 is <110>
<azonenberg_work> dont want to mix them up :P