<swkhan> azonenberg_work: that sounds good. i'm not sure were i can pick them up without alerting other group mates to what i'm doing
<swkhan> i should specify one thing. the furnace usually grows some iii-v semiconductor nanowires
<swkhan> and the surrounding quartz will need to be cleaned. do you mind if i keep some of the pieces of silicon? like take a wafer and cut it into a bunch of pieces and try to grow the thermal oxide on some for you + send them to you and then keep some for myself so it looks like i'm doing something with it too?
<azonenberg> Just got back from a meeting of the Capital District Microscopy and Microanalysis Society  (http://cdmms.org/)
<azonenberg> I highly recommend similar groups if you can find any locally
<azonenberg> the lecture today was on microscopy of semiconductors, by a FA engineer at IBM
<kristianpaul> cdmms know about your current work about homecmos?
<azonenberg> kristianpaul: A few of the members do
<azonenberg> i havent presented or anything
<azonenberg> But i've asked around for advice on sample prep etc
<azonenberg> I actually just joined today
<azonenberg> I know several of the members and wnated to join before but coudlnt make the last meeting
<azonenberg> its usually every couple of months (3-5 times a year)
<azonenberg> They seem to be mostly focused on the various forms of electron microscopy but there is definitely interest in light microscopy as well as general sample prep techniques etc
<gkwhc> Hi, I'm new to semiconductor design & fabrication. I'd like to know if it will be hard to design/fabricate a simple logic/counter chip that runs on 0.005uA? Would this be a design problem or a fabrication problem, or both?
<azonenberg> gkwhc: Depends on what fab you're using, to start
<azonenberg> This channel is a little less about chip design (for now, at least) and more on building a working fab from scratch
<azonenberg> if you're using a "real" process in a "proper" lab it's a lot more doable
<azonenberg> 5 nA is low, but for only a few gates on a low-leakage process tech it should be possible
<azonenberg> On 20 micron living room CMOS, i'd say most likely not
<azonenberg> I'm focusing on MEMS right now but in a year or so i'll probably have made a working chip with a couple of gates on it (most likely a 74HC04 or similar in a 14-ball CSP BGA)
<azonenberg> as in power, ground, six in, six out
<azonenberg> In terms of "a simple logic chip"
<azonenberg> what are you starting from
<azonenberg> pre-existing cell library, just arranging gates?
<azonenberg> drawing each transistor yourself?
<gkwhc> azonenberg: I might be drawing each transistor for a greater learning curve
<gkwhc> i know a university that has proper equipments, but I am not sure if the 5nA is achieved through proper design or proper fabrication?
<azonenberg> gkwhc: Both
<azonenberg> Do they have a course in vlsi design?
<azonenberg> And/or fab techniques?
<gkwhc> no, unfortunately
<azonenberg> But you say they have fab equipment?
<gkwhc> well, I am an undergraduate student. most people who operate the equipments are graduate students who have had proper training/knowledge of the manufacturing process
<azonenberg> Oh, i see
<azonenberg> Well, you can always jump ahead in the theory
<azonenberg> start learning layout yourself
<azonenberg> there are a bunch of free tools for design, i linked to several on the project wiki
<gkwhc> yes! i downloaded several of them
<azonenberg> If you hang out here we'll gladly discuss layout issues etc
<gkwhc> can you suggest any getting-started ebooks/guides?
<azonenberg> I'm a bit busy right now as i have homework due tomorrow morning
<azonenberg> and hmm
<gkwhc> ah i see
<azonenberg> wikibooks has a nice one on microfab but thats mostly fab processes
<azonenberg> and less on the design
<gkwhc> mhm
<azonenberg> It depends also on what you want
<azonenberg> For example, B0101 is interested in Josephson junctions
<azonenberg> I'm doing MEMS but want to try CMOS at some point
<azonenberg> You want to do digital logic but are you more interested in MOS, bipolar, or not sure yet?
<gkwhc> I am not quite sure yet - the only constraint is very low current consumption :)
<azonenberg> What's your use case?
<gkwhc> Learning-by-doing a watch/clock logic, like how the industry does it.
<gkwhc> I mean, using a MCU is overkill
<azonenberg> Ok
<azonenberg> Well, there are a couple of things to do
<azonenberg> The first is to prototype your design in an FPGA or (better) a CPLD, using as few gates as possible
<azonenberg> At some point in the future you can then turn that into a netlist suitable for fab
<gkwhc> mhm
<gkwhc> I see
<gkwhc> and then I will need to use the EDA software like Alliance or Magic to create the layout?
<azonenberg> Yes
<gkwhc> thanks :)
<azonenberg> And then as for fab, well, there are a couple routes to go
<gkwhc> mhm
<azonenberg> Send it out to a commercial shop like MOSIS (expensive, doesn't teach you much, but will give you the best chance of working)
<azonenberg> Build it yourself in a proper lab (less expensive, you learn a lot, but you might screw it up)
<azonenberg> and hack it up in a home lab
<azonenberg> Cheaper to operate (though equipment costs may be high as you get started), extremely educational
<gkwhc> I was quite surprised to hear that  ahome lab is possible!
<azonenberg> Possible, yes
<azonenberg> Successful so far, no
<azonenberg> That's my best work to date
<azonenberg> imaged in a SEM on campus
<azonenberg> 20 micron half-pitch copper wires on a silicon substrate
<gkwhc> wow that is neat!
<azonenberg> The wiring turned out pretty well
<azonenberg> the entire chip is around 2x3mm
<azonenberg> of which the patterned area is around 0.5mm diameter
<azonenberg> I am planning to do both etching of the silicon itself (for making MEMS devices) and doping (for transistors)
<azonenberg> But have not yet gotten that far
<azonenberg> Photoresist coating and patterning is being done at home, as is etching
<azonenberg> I did the copper deposition on campus as well, i plan on building a vacuum coating rig
<azonenberg> at home
<gkwhc> wow
<azonenberg> But the chamber hasnt arrived yet (ordered)
<azonenberg> nice little 10x15 inch glass bell jar
<gkwhc> may I ask why do it at home if its possible on campus?
<azonenberg> And i have to use it for somebody else's research project first
<azonenberg> first, the on campus labs cost money to operate
<azonenberg> either out of my pocket or a grant
<azonenberg> Mine is relatively cheap to run
<azonenberg> Once the tooling is set up, that is
<azonenberg> And the processes are potentially scalable to a hgih school chem lab etc
<azonenberg> Which is the ultimate goal
<azonenberg> bring fab to the masses as much as feasible
<gkwhc> oh yeah, I just found out that it costs money to go into the lab today
<gkwhc> thats a good idea :)
<azonenberg> a HS science teacher should be able to build a comb drive in the classroom
<azonenberg> etc
<azonenberg> The second is that by doing all of the process development i have the fun of homebrewing it :p
<gkwhc> haha definitely!
<azonenberg> http://colossus.cs.rpi.edu/~azonenberg/images/homecmos/2011-09-20/overview_001.jpg is an overview of all of the chips i was imaging in that session
<azonenberg> Notice the patterned areas on the one at right are ~4x smaller
<azonenberg> and there are a couple of them
<azonenberg> That was an experimental run of the 5 micron process
<azonenberg> Which was unsuccessful
<gkwhc> from home?
<azonenberg> The pictures were taken in the older of the mat sci department's two SEMs
<azonenberg> The copper was deposited in the mat sci lab as well
<gkwhc> i see
<azonenberg> I did all of the lithograpy (including photoresist coating, exposure, developing, and etching) at home
<gkwhc> its rather hard for me to grasp how such is possible! since the patterns are layed on such a small scale
<azonenberg> gkwhc: My lab notes are in the google code repository under lithography_tests/labnotes/
<azonenberg> They go into pretty good detail on fab processes
<gkwhc> great!
<azonenberg> tldr: print mask from layout tool on laser printer
<azonenberg> overhead transparency film
<azonenberg> 600 DPI
<azonenberg> 200 micron line width
<azonenberg> (its actually not exactly 200, it's five pixels / 600 pixels per inch)
<azonenberg> Anything <5 pix you run the risk of lines not being sharply defined on the printer
<gkwhc> interesting
<azonenberg> Then i stick the mask on top of the camera port of my microscope
<azonenberg> and shine a halogen lamp through it
<azonenberg> the objective reduces the mask image appropriately (I usually use a 10x objective)
<azonenberg> Which gives me 20um lines
<azonenberg> I tried the 40x objective for 5um lines but have so far had trouble getting consistent results
<azonenberg> i always under/overexpose
<azonenberg> the window for proper exposure time is narrower than on the 10x since features are smaller
<azonenberg> less margin for error
<azonenberg> I'm confident i'll get there eventually
<azonenberg> Just not there yet
<gkwhc> nice!
<azonenberg> For such a hacked process, not in a cleanroom or anything close to it, i think its turning out decently
<azonenberg> The current roadmap calls for a working MEMS comb drive by end of this calendar year
<azonenberg> and a working CMOS IC by the end of next year
<gkwhc> then its coming pretty soon!
<azonenberg> This is a spare-time project, i'm a PhD student (in computer science) who has classes to take, research to do, exams to grade, etc
<azonenberg> So work that would take a week or two of lab time, if that, takes months of calendar time
<azonenberg> i try to get at least one or two nights a week of work in my lab
<azonenberg> and then every month or two i do an imaging or evaporation run in the mat sci lab
<gkwhc> ah thats good scheduling
<azonenberg> It's rather rough
<azonenberg> You can see exact dates in the lab notes
<azonenberg> Whcih reminds me i never wrote a lab report from my last SEM session
<gkwhc> by the way, Ive been trying to find your lab notes but  couldnt find them..are they under http://code.google.com/p/homecmos/ ?
<azonenberg> gotta do that soon
<gkwhc> thanks!!
<gkwhc> azonenberg: Thank you soo much for the help & advices! Im gonna catch up on some sleep - its 2AM here!
<azonenberg> Photos from many of the lab sessions are at http://colossus.cs.rpi.edu/~azonenberg/images/homecmos/
<azonenberg> I havent uploaded all of them yet unfortunately
<azonenberg> and it is here too
<azonenberg> where you at?
<gkwhc> Virginia Tech :)
<azonenberg> Ah
<azonenberg> RPI here
<gkwhc> cool!
<azonenberg> i'm off to finish two more hw problems before class tomorrrow
<azonenberg> ttyl
<gkwhc> bye! and thanks again!
<azonenberg> AFKs
<azonenberg_work> Well... looks like I may not be getting much lab work done for a few days - homework to do, then busy all weekend
<azonenberg_work> But I want to do some KOH tests soon
<azonenberg_work> hopefully sunday evening or monday
<azonenberg_work> Or, if i'm lucky, tonight
<bart416> azonenberg_work, we had a funny discussion today with some people at university
<bart416> Writing a website in VHDL :P
<bart416> Obviously integrated the web server into the fpga with only an external IC for the hardware layer of the network
<azonenberg_work> bart416: lol
<azonenberg_work> Would that be done with a softcore cpu (easy) or just raw tcp/ip/ethernet?
<azonenberg_work> Would be fun to say the least
<azonenberg_work> the lowest i've gotten so far was a webserver in x86-64 asm (no libc, just linux syscalls)
<azonenberg_work> but i used the linux tcp/ip stack
<lekernel> people did that already
<lekernel> there's a youtube video of it
<lekernel> it's a pretty stupid thing to do however
<azonenberg_work> Yeah
<azonenberg_work> More of a stunt than useful
<bart416> raw tcp/ip ofc
<bart416> No OS
<azonenberg_work> lol yeah
<bart416> You have the hardware layer provided by the IC
<bart416> But that's it
<bart416> lekernel, it's still an interesting exercise
<bart416> Especially if you would write a cross compiler
<bart416> Say convert PHP to VHDL and then send it to whatever FPGA that you have
<azonenberg_work> Oh, lol
<azonenberg_work> server side scripting, not just static content?
<azonenberg_work> better yet, no cross compiler
<azonenberg_work> actually write HDL for the script :P
<bart416> lol
<bart416> That'd be hard
<bart416> But if you'd convert PHP it would actually be useful
<azonenberg_work> reg[511:0] hdrs;
<bart416> meh :P
<azonenberg_work> initial begin \ hdrs = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nX-Server: XC3S200A\r\n\r\n";
<azonenberg_work> lol
<bart416> The latest in Cloud-HDL-Computing!
<azonenberg_work> lol
<bart416> We could start a new cloud hype with this lol
<azonenberg_work> One thing's for sure, it would be fast
<azonenberg_work> imagine having fifty webserver modules muxed into a giant output FIFO and an ethernet PHY
<bart416> yeah, if you think about it, for a system that doesn't change often it'd actually be pretty effective
<azonenberg_work> store static html in block ram
<azonenberg_work> you could probably push Gbps of data without even trying too hard
<azonenberg_work> the NIC would be the bottleneck
<azonenberg_work> have preformed IP packets that you just patch up sequence numbers etc :p
<bart416> Meh, 10 Gbps should be enough :P
<azonenberg_work> lol
<azonenberg_work> XC6SLX75T plus GBIC slot?
<azonenberg_work> s/GBIC/SFP
<bart416> lol
<azonenberg_work> Or ditch the SFP and just have a raw fiber connector
<bart416> What we're actually considering doing is building a complete processor on transistor level (16 bit) without any help from software
<azonenberg_work> who's "we"
<bart416> EE students
<azonenberg_work> and you want to do it by hand, like the 4004 was?
<azonenberg_work> or using cad but no synthesis?
<bart416> by hand
<azonenberg_work> i.e draw out cells, then place and route by hand?
<bart416> No software
<azonenberg_work> THAT is just crazy lol
<bart416> No PCBs though
<azonenberg_work> i could understand doing it without synthesis
<bart416> Just wiring
<azonenberg_work> Oh
<azonenberg_work> i thought you meant vlsi lol
<bart416> Modules can be PCBs
<bart416> You nuts?
<bart416> We're with 7 people
<bart416> It'd take us months
<azonenberg_work> Not really
<azonenberg_work> Do the design on paper, maybe start with HDL and hand synthesize
<bart416> Keep in mind we also have classes
<azonenberg_work> then design a bunch of logic cells
<bart416> I meant VLSI
<azonenberg_work> cut and paste to form a reasonable (though perhaps not optimal) placement
<lekernel> you'd need inane amounts of transistors
<azonenberg_work> draw out routing
<lekernel> 4 bits could be feasible, but 16 ...
<azonenberg_work> You dont draw each transsitor by hand
<bart416> That'd take months in the bit of time we have though azonenberg
<bart416> easily
<lekernel> you'd need a cabinet
<bart416> Yes, we will need a cabinet
<bart416> that's the point
<azonenberg_work> lol
<bart416> We want to prove a professor wrong
<azonenberg_work> Why not use 7400 chips
<bart416> lol
<azonenberg_work> ... oh
<azonenberg_work> lol
<azonenberg_work> Thats a worthy excuse
<azonenberg_work> i've done crazy things to prove faculty wrong
<bart416> Cause with 7400 chips it's just stupid and anybody can do it
<bart416> With 7400 series it takes almost no skill to make a small functional CPU
<azonenberg_work> Like doing full functional programming (including passing a function as an argument to another function) in C
<azonenberg_work> when he said it wasnt possible to do functional programming
<azonenberg_work> Or writing an entire file system emulator (including the command line argument parsing) in x86 assembly
<azonenberg_work> 3000 lines in two weeks, including other homework
<azonenberg_work> Or implementing an algorithm for solving the Towers of Hanoi puzzle (algorithm given to us) in x86 (which was the assignment)
<azonenberg_work> But doing it in 19 instructions
<azonenberg_work> when he said <20 was impossible
<bart416> We had a fun one
<bart416> Random dice throw generator
<bart416> But only 2 d latch flip flops
<bart416> Not as easy as it looks
<bart416> (and it has to be able to hold a *random* value and be able to reset)
<bart416> Using only digital logic
<bart416> And you're not allowed to make new flip flops
<azonenberg_work> Random number generator
<azonenberg_work> Using two dff
<bart416> The random generator is easy
<bart416> Just use the system clock
<bart416> that was available
<azonenberg_work> Ok, if it has one
<azonenberg_work> But two dff
<azonenberg_work> for six values
<azonenberg_work> you only have two bits?
<bart416> It's possible weirdly enough
<azonenberg_work> Oh, i believe you
<azonenberg_work> i'm curious now
<azonenberg_work> was it a dynamic state?
<bart416> I never found it myself either
<azonenberg_work> three bits, two in flipflops and one in motion?
<bart416> I think he used the clock and somehow locked it as the final bit
<azonenberg_work> like a circular shift register
<azonenberg_work> crossed with a delay line
<azonenberg_work> Just caught my pipelining bug
<azonenberg_work> The latest one, at least
<azonenberg_work> Subject: test program busy-waits on UART data ready, then reads byte, adds one, echoes out uart
<azonenberg_work> repeats forever
<azonenberg_work> Symptom: after processing 16 bytes (depth of the FIFO) it goes nuts and starts echoing the same value over and over
<azonenberg_work> Eventually traced it to a bug where issuing a conditional the clock after a memory read would give an incorrect value if you used the result of the memory read
<berndj> bart416, cutting mylar tape?
<bart416> What about it berndj?
<berndj> azonenberg_work, i've actually got a pipe dream of a fully trustable computer that's consist of *only* 74*00's
<mrdata> lol
<berndj> maybe not quite as trustable as relays as switching elements
<bart416> Prepare for a very expensive project berndj :P
<mrdata> "fully trustable"!
<berndj> yes, a bit like "a little bit pregnant" :-/
<berndj> bart416, i was referring to your no-software layout
<bart416> How does that relate to mylar tape?
<azonenberg_work> needs to get some kapton tape
<bart416> We have enough breadboards at college to model an entire x86 cpu on them I think
<azonenberg_work> bart416: lol
<azonenberg_work> maybe an 8086
<azonenberg_work> not an i7 :p
<berndj> bart416, i thought that's how they did 4004-era chips
<bart416> azonenberg, uhm the professor has a few cabinets in his office filled with boxes with nothing but breadboards...
<berndj> and 8086 was about 35000 transistors IIRC, is that an "insane" number?
<azonenberg_work> berndj: if you are going to do that
<bart416> 35000, meh
<azonenberg_work> Design custom PCBs for each 7400 chip
<azonenberg_work> Have a few dozen of each sent out
<azonenberg_work> s/dozen/hundred
<azonenberg_work> and load them up with SOT23 mosfets
<berndj> azonenberg_work, yes, i was going to do it like that, have an "adder" board that gets reused a few times etc
<mrdata> what would a MEMS pressure sensor look like?
<azonenberg_work> s/7400/4000
<bart416> I'd guess a sort of membrane ish structure
<berndj> oh, but i'd make it a (super slow) bit slice processor, taking 16 cycles to do a 16-bit ALU op
<azonenberg_work> mrdata: Thats like saying what would a car look like
<azonenberg_work> It deends completely on the design
<azonenberg_work> parallel membranes is one option
<bart416> and using the capacity between the membranes as reference
<azonenberg_work> Yeah
<azonenberg_work> That would be my first thought
<bart416> Looks the easiest way to go about it
<azonenberg_work> i'd do it from two bonded wafers
<bart416> But there might also be materials that change conductivity based on pressure I'd guess
<berndj> if you used mosfets i guess you could have PCBs with nothing but transistors on them, right?
<berndj> no resistors for bias etc
<azonenberg_work> berndj: yes
<azonenberg_work> Do CMOS
<azonenberg_work> sot23 fets
<berndj> how many SOT23 could you fit on a board?  on the order of 1000?
<azonenberg_work> berndj: i was thinking making them 4000 series actually
<mrdata> likes the parallel membranes; how hard would that be to make?
<azonenberg_work> a wide (0.6 inch) dip14 etc
<azonenberg_work> but if you want to do more complex modules thats fine
<azonenberg_work> mrdata: Hmm
<azonenberg_work> Let's see, we need a framework
<mrdata> ok
<azonenberg_work> two parallel membranes with an air gap between them
<mrdata> sure
<azonenberg_work> Both conductive, and insulated from their surroundings
<berndj> azonenberg_work, ooh, you mean making little modules out of 7400-only, that emulate the other common logic functions?
<azonenberg_work> And not touching
<azonenberg_work> berndj: i was saying to make a DIP14 sized PCB with a few dozen sot23 (wide dip)
<berndj> oh, lol
<azonenberg_work> for a 4x 2NAND etc
<mrdata> how small could it be made? what equipment would i want, to fab these?
<bart416> mrdata, you could do this fairly large scale actually
<azonenberg_work> mrdata: Well, let's see
<berndj> hmm, to make a 7404 you'd need 12 transistors; can you fit them all?
<azonenberg_work> Bonded wafers is something i havent looked into
<bart416> azonenberg, I'd do this large scale
<bart416> Take mylar
<bart416> Space it slightly
<bart416> so you have maybe a mm in between
<azonenberg_work> bart416: i am thinking mems:p
<bart416> yeah, but if you have to make it at home
<azonenberg_work> Actually a pressure sensor would be a cool project once i do the comb drive
<mrdata> yes
<azonenberg_work> let me see, i read an interesting paper on making membranes by KOH etch of silicon
<azonenberg_work> with heavy boron doping as an etch-stop layer
<azonenberg_work> I have a slightly different idea
<azonenberg_work> Bottom wafer is the carrier
<azonenberg_work> the die has a ground terminal on it
<azonenberg_work> and a big conductive disk
<mrdata> is thinking about the size of an LED
<azonenberg_work> mrdata: yeah, thats doable
<azonenberg_work> So i was thinking of having a copper membrane
<azonenberg_work> Deposited over silicon
<azonenberg_work> then you etch the silicon out from under it
<azonenberg_work> leaving it around the edges to support the membrane
<azonenberg_work> you then place this framed membrane over another, stationary, conductor
<azonenberg_work> apply pressure to the hole the membrane is in
<azonenberg_work> and it will bow down
<azonenberg_work> reducing plate separation
<mrdata> yes
<mrdata> and how would you etch the silicon?
<azonenberg_work> KOH, thats easy
<azonenberg_work> the harder part is masking it
<azonenberg_work> Anyway so the thinking is
<azonenberg_work> Bottom wafer, cover in copper
<azonenberg_work> attach a ground terminal to the copper
<azonenberg_work> s/wafer/die
<azonenberg_work> Top die, cover top side in copper
<azonenberg_work> flop over, put etch mask on bottom (material tbd)
<azonenberg_work> put circular hole in the middle of this mask
<azonenberg_work> oh, when you cover the top die in copper
<azonenberg_work> do it over thermal oxide
<azonenberg_work> So you have a circular hole in the mask
<azonenberg_work> then you KOH through the top wafer from bottom up
<azonenberg_work> This leaves us a big silicon die
<azonenberg_work> with copper over the entire top surface
<azonenberg_work> insulated from the silicon
<azonenberg_work> by an oxide layer
<azonenberg_work> the center of the die is just a copper film with nothing under it
<azonenberg_work> thats our sensing element
<azonenberg_work> Then we bond this to the original bottom die
<azonenberg_work> hook a wire up to each copper laye
<azonenberg_work> r
<azonenberg_work> Bonding the dies together is a TBD problem
<azonenberg_work> make sense?
<mrdata> kind-of
<azonenberg_work> the two unsolved problems in that process as far as i'm concerned are how to mask the KOH etch
<azonenberg_work> and how to attach the wafers to each other
<azonenberg_work> the second i havent looked at much
<azonenberg_work> the first is something i am actively exploring
<mrdata> i've etched aluminum with NaOH
<mrdata> but havent etched any silicon
<azonenberg_work> mrdata: NaOH or KOH is simple enough to use, they are very similiar
<azonenberg_work> The hard part is masking them
<mrdata> yes
<azonenberg_work> As they eat photoresist (among other things)
<mrdata> saponification, yeah
<azonenberg_work> So you basically need a metal or oxide hardmask
<azonenberg_work> and they eat SiO2 as well - around 40x slower than Si but its a nontrivial rate
<azonenberg_work> normally they use silicon nitride but thats hard for an amateur to make
<mrdata> do they eat vinyl?
<azonenberg_work> mrdata: not sue
<azonenberg_work> never seen characterizatinos of that reaction
<berndj> do pretty much all SOT23's have the same pinout?
<mrdata> wouldnt assume so
<berndj> or rather, is it less of a mess than through-hole devices
<azonenberg_work> berndj: my guess is, no
<azonenberg_work> mrdata: su-8 is fun stuff but its almost impossible to remove once patterned
<mrdata> oh really
<azonenberg_work> useful more as a directly photosensitive structural material than a photoresist
<azonenberg_work> its epoxy based
<azonenberg_work> you spin coat, expose, develop
<azonenberg_work> then i think anything that was hit by UV is now crosslinked
<azonenberg_work> and super strong
<azonenberg_work> anything that wasnt gets washed off
<berndj> hmm, 2 SOT23s right next to each other already occupy 1/4 of a 300mil-wide DIP14 footprint :(
<azonenberg_work> berndj: use a 6
<azonenberg_work> its gonna be big
<azonenberg_work> also, compnents on both sides
<azonenberg_work> components*
<berndj> hmm, i didn't think of that
<azonenberg_work> also
<azonenberg_work> look into transistor arrays
<azonenberg_work> i think you can get like a TSSOP with 12 pins and four transistors
<azonenberg_work> they're technically ics, but might be ok to use since there is no connectivity on the die
<bart416> SU-8 is also extremely expensive
<azonenberg_work> bart416: how much
<azonenberg_work> never looked into buying it
<bart416> Don't remember exact pricing
<bart416> But remember, I looked at it for my home multi layer pcb project
<azonenberg_work> Yeah
<azonenberg_work> but is it more expensive than other semiconductor grade chemicals?
<bart416> It's far more expensive than regular resist you'd use for semiconductor grade
<bart416> Even when ordered with educational discount through the university
<azonenberg_work> Interesting
<bart416> Chemical structure is fairly complex
<azonenberg_work> Is the epoxy itself photosensitive or is it mixed with an initiator of some sort?
<bart416> It's photoresist
<bart416> check the pdf I linked
<bart416> It mentions A complete SU-8 process consists of: spin coat, soft bake, exposure, post expose bake
<bart416> and development
<azonenberg_work> i know that much
<azonenberg_work> what i meant was, chemically
<azonenberg_work> is it one substance or two
<mrdata> if you skip some of those steps, maybe it isnt permanent?
<azonenberg_work> for example DNQ-novolac resists are DNQ (photosensitive) + novolac (resin)
<azonenberg_work> mrdata: no, the exposure makesi t permanent
<azonenberg_work> PEB is just to smooth edges
<mrdata> ok
<bart416> Good question
<bart416> And it's so complex that I don't even have a clue on how to synthesise it easily at home
<azonenberg_work> ll
<azonenberg_work> lol*
<azonenberg_work> i woudlnt even attempt i
<azonenberg_work> heck, i wouldnt attempt DNQ personally
<azonenberg_work> Some materials it just isnt feasible to homebrew
<mrdata> ++ungood
<bart416> DNQ I'd be willing to try
<mrdata> if i cant homebrew, then my post-apocalyptic MEMS lab will be ruined
<azonenberg_work> mrdata: no, you cant homebrew SU8
<azonenberg_work> that doesnt mean you cant do other stuf
<azonenberg_work> i'm already doing alternate materials as i cant feasibly do CVD or RIE
<mrdata> then i'll have to take up bread baking
<bart416> SU8 is complicated
<azonenberg_work> mrdata: you could also become a nomadic warlord
<bart416> IBM didn't even mention the composition in the patent
<bart416> grrr >_>
<mrdata> hmm... perhaps
<azonenberg_work> patent expired yet?
<bart416> how long do US patents last?
<azonenberg_work> 17 years last time i checked
<mrdata> didn't even mention the composition??!? failure to disclose that would tend to invalidate the patent
<bart416> It was issued Nov 21, 1989
<azonenberg_work> mrdata: actually, the patent might be more generic
<azonenberg_work> and k, it should be expired now
<azonenberg_work> So thats a non-issue
<mrdata> good
<azonenberg_work> The composition is most likely a trade scret
<mrdata> oh, as in, it's a base patent?
<azonenberg_work> that nobody has bothered to reverse engineer
<mrdata> let's reverse engineer a better one, then
<azonenberg_work> Or that somebody has, but not published it
<bart416> They mention some names
<azonenberg_work> Or has, published it, and we havent found it :p
<bart416> But nothing exact
<mrdata> decides to start with vinyl
<azonenberg_work> Alternative solutions are a definite possibility
<bart416> Homebrewing SU8 would be a worthwhile project on its own...
<azonenberg_work> lol, yes
<berndj> mrdata, re post-apocalyptic semi fab, what about bacterial cultures
<berndj> place mask, then feed them sunlight and starch / gelatine
<azonenberg_work> berndj: lol
<bart416> Mhhh, I wonder if I could get the chemicals they list in the example
<berndj> some kind of bacterium that photosynthesizes, of course
<mrdata> berndj, yes, bacterial cultures
<mrdata> that's why bread
<mrdata> sourdough, actually
<berndj> lol, i just took a loaf of sourdough bread out the oven
<mrdata> whee!
<berndj> but how do you selectively kill it?  will UV-A do?
<berndj> UV-B and C might be harder to do optics for
<mrdata> seems probable that UV-A could kill it, yes
<mrdata> but KOH would also etch it, likely
<azonenberg_work> berndj: I've done contact litho with UV-C
<azonenberg_work> unshielded mercury vapor germicidal tubes
<berndj> *post-apocalyptic optics
<azonenberg_work> berndj: Mercury, vacuum, glass tube
<berndj> hmm, the UV-C source i can still imagine, but what is the mask made of?
<azonenberg_work> post-apocalyptic? Harder
<azonenberg_work> i used a laser printer + transparency film
<azonenberg_work> hobbyist friendly but requires some infrastructure
<berndj> same stuff the bulb envelope is made of, i guess
<azonenberg_work> You could do chrome on glass, but have to pattern that somehow
<berndj> yes, with a sharp-pointed rock
<azonenberg_work> berndj: lol
<berndj> might want to reduce the mask though, which would need optics
<azonenberg_work> I think you should get basic chemistry and machining working first
<berndj> yeah
<bart416> basic chemistry is hard without basic machining
<bart416> You'd need to be able to blow your own glass instruments and grind your lenses
<berndj> but i think getting up to manually operated machine tools is a hard, but solved problem
<mrdata> post-apocalyptic optics could fall back to galileo
<berndj> with things like the gingery lathe and opensourceecology, you've got the metal supply and tool design covered
<berndj> soda-lime glass is probably *just* doable
<mrdata> renaissance glass making
<berndj> but something that works well in UV?  much harder
<bart416> You need a blast furnace to make glass
<berndj> you need high-purity silica to start with
<mrdata> in Venice. that's where they learned it
<berndj> not even - a blast furnace is for steel
<mrdata> 1000C should do
<mrdata> for a lot of stuff
<mrdata> maybe 1500C
<azonenberg_work> Conveniently 1200ish is all you need for semiconductor fab
<berndj> you'd need 1500C for steel
<azonenberg_work> Once you have the wafers, that is
<azonenberg_work> CZ process would need more
<berndj> do you actually have to *melt* silicon to grow crystals?  or can you do it like with metals, and let the crystals grow in solid phase
<bart416> berndj, to get high quality you need to go higher temperature than just melting
<azonenberg_work> berndj: for large crystals you need full melt
<azonenberg_work> even for float zone
<berndj> oh, but reflective optics is both UV-compatible and post-apocalypse-accessible
<bart416> + higher temperature allows you to get the impurities out of the material easier
<berndj> higher temperature almost always means faster
<bart416> + a blast furnace is easy to make anyway
<bart416> And fairly easy to operate
<bart416> It's pretty much fool proof
<berndj> uhm, "blast furnace" has a specific technical meaning i don't think you mean to imply?
<berndj> a *blast* furnace is pretty far along in tech, afaict
<berndj> but if you mean just reaching the temperatures accessible in those, then yes
<bart416> You are thinking too high tech
<bart416> The early blast furnaces were easy in construction
<bart416> And use
<berndj> but you don't need the "blast" part to melt sand anyway
<bart416> Good luck melting sand with just coal
<bart416> It sounds easy
<berndj> oh, sorry, you're right; i was thinking of the bessemer process
<bart416> Actually doing it is different :P
<bart416> blast furnaces have been around for over two millenia :P
<bart416> But with the extra oxygen flow you can get a serious amount of heat out of the coal easily
<mrdata> coal is good, that way
<bart416> Is anything in that GVCS thing actually finished lol?
<berndj> some prototypes
<berndj> but there's a whoooole lot to do in not much time at all
<bart416> If they'd be smart they'd throw a contest for engineering students
<bart416> That would get a lot of designs done
<bart416> Additionally I see a serious issue with their list
<bart416> They don't have a metal extruder...
<bart416> Good luck making pipes without that :P
<berndj> bent and welded
<bart416> That's impossible for many shapes
<bart416> And gives horrible properties from a fluid dynamic point
<berndj> hmm, maybe, but maybe round pipes are all the "pipe" the GVCS need?
<berndj> fluid dynamics? what do you mean?
<bart416> Weld joins created turbulence
<bart416> *create
<berndj> i doubt the GVCS needs hydraulics where such turbulence is an issue?
<berndj> also, don't weld like crap then :-P
<bart416> Not to mention weld joins are horrible at containing pressure
<berndj> yeah, there's that
<berndj> and are hard to make gas-tight
<bart416> Useless for high pressure hydraulics
<berndj> which they *are* using
<azonenberg_work> bart416: well done TiG welds are good with negative pressure
<bart416> azonenberg, there you mention something important
<azonenberg_work> in terms of vacuum gear etc
<bart416> WEll done :P
<azonenberg_work> But these are, like, really well done ones
<azonenberg_work> i am not that good, or even close
<bart416> + negative pressure is quite different
<bart416> that'll try to compress the joint
<azonenberg_work> in fact i dont even know TiG lol
<bart416> positive pressure will try to pull it appart
<berndj> azonenberg_work, auto-darkening filters really do make a big difference eh
<azonenberg_work> MiG is on the get-good-at list first
<azonenberg_work> berndj: yeah
<azonenberg_work> going down to the shop to practice again tonight after office hours, actually
<bart416> azonenberg, if you're ever in the area I think I need to teach you how to weld properly :P
<berndj> i tried mine the other day
<berndj> by comparison, the fixed-shade helmet is like working blind
<azonenberg_work> bart416: define"the area" :p
<bart416> Belgium lol
<azonenberg_work> berndj: agreed, i used a fixed shade 10 (i think) in the engineering processes class when i first took it
<azonenberg_work> bart416: no plans to be in europe any time soon
<azonenberg_work> berndj: and yeahm being totally unable to see until you strike the arc? Not my idea of a good working environment
<bart416> could be worse :P
<azonenberg_work> bart416: have you ever tried welding with a fixed shade helmet? :p
<bart416> nope
<azonenberg_work> Good
<azonenberg_work> Keep it that way :p
<azonenberg_work> They'll protect you but are useless for actually getting work done
<bart416> I have welded in a fire proximity suit though
<bart416> lol
<azonenberg_work> lol
<bart416> The metalised foil makes is less than interesting lol
<azonenberg_work> so... you were welding in extreme ambient heat?
<bart416> yes
<azonenberg_work> like inside a furnace or something?
<bart416> Close to one
<azonenberg_work> oh fun
<azonenberg_work> Arc, i assume?
<bart416> Yes
<bart416> Acetylene is too dangerous in high temperature environments
<azonenberg_work> i woudl not want to bring acetylene anywhere near an environemnt that needed a fire suit
<azonenberg_work> lol
<bart416> If you're standing 3m from molten metals you need one no matter what >_>
<azonenberg_work> lol
<azonenberg_work> True that
<bart416> somebody forgot to weld rings onto the metal we had to use so we couldn't lift it into the furnace with the crane
<azonenberg_work> wait a minute, you were welding lifting attachments onto the furnace charge?
<azonenberg_work> a few meters from a vat of molten metal?
<bart416> Yes
<azonenberg_work> Oh
<azonenberg_work> That would explain it
<azonenberg_work> Any issues with shielding gas?
<bart416> No
<azonenberg_work> interms of overpressure, spatter damaging the hoses, etc
<bart416> You can't make the nicest of welds in such environment no
<bart416> But it just has to hold
<azonenberg_work> What i meant was, the equipment being damaged by ehe environment
<bart416> No, it are only small spats of metal
<azonenberg_work> Ok, so it wasnt like 800C ambient temp
<azonenberg_work> in air
<berndj> lol
<azonenberg_work> or something crazy like that
<berndj> that would be insane
<bart416> 800°C?
<bart416> Are you nuts
<azonenberg_work> sorry, i meant 800F
<azonenberg_work> which is like 300C
<berndj> i think even that is nuts, no?
<bart416> I wouldn't dare to enter 300°C ambient air, even with a fire proximity suit :|
<azonenberg_work> They have proximity suits, but then they have entry suits
<azonenberg_work> which are designed for walking through flames for rescue ops etc
<bart416> Advised use was up to 85°C
<bart416> 100°C for 5 minutes
<berndj> with a pack of ice in your backpack?
<azonenberg_work> berndj: the entry suits are designed for very brief exposure
<azonenberg_work> to extremely high temp
<berndj> no doubt!
<azonenberg_work> i think they can handle 1000F+ for a minute or so
<bart416> berndj, the heat can't really go through the clothing
<bart416> Your own body becomes a problem though
<bart416> + it's fairly heavy clothing
<berndj> oh ok
<bart416> Can't imagine what a 1000F+ one must weigh
<azonenberg_work> bart416: those are not meant for extended wear lol
<berndj> so you stay just as long as it takes for your body to heat your mini environment over what's tolerable
<bart416> In the environment of a furnace it's tolerable for several hours actually
<bart416> But you need to drink a lot
<bart416> And be in a somewhat good physical condition
<berndj> oh really? wow
<azonenberg_work> bart416: you mean near a furnace
<azonenberg_work> not inside one
<bart416> yeah
<bart416> Inside, are you nuts?
<berndj> i suppose the fluid intake is a significant heat sink
<azonenberg_work> I think the entry suits are rated for entry for shorttimes
<bart416> I doubt even with fire entry suits that you'd survive that
<azonenberg_work> let me look one up
<azonenberg_work> we're not talking immersion
<azonenberg_work> in molten metal
<azonenberg_work> this is for large ovens etc
<berndj> immersion in molten metal like the terminator!
<bart416> azonenberg, ambient temperature in a furnace to melt iron is fairly high though...
<azonenberg_work> bart416: i'm not talking thati
<azonenberg_work> i'm talking like i said 1000C ish
<azonenberg_work> 1000F*
<azonenberg_work> gtg. class is out - back in a few
<azonenberg_work> 3000 series is rated to 1650C
<azonenberg_work> / 3000F
<azonenberg_work> for short duration
<azonenberg_work> radiant heat
<azonenberg_work> and ambient temperature of up to 1500F / 815C
<bart416> What's short duration?
<berndj> cripes! 1650C!
<berndj> radiant heat != ambient
<berndj> it's a bit fuzzy what "radiant heat" is supposed to mean when they use the term
<bart416> Not really
<bart416> Black body temperature ;)
<berndj> well, how big is the radiator?
<berndj> i'm wearing nothing special, and my clothes can withstand 3000C radiant heat easy peasy!  just switch on a light bulb and see for yourself!
<bart416> yeah, now try that without a vacuum and a few kg of molten metal ;)
<azonenberg_work> bart416: in any case its rated to 1500F ambient
<azonenberg_work> Which is pretty signiicant
<azonenberg_work> significant*
<bart416> True
<bart416> I just wish it'd be acceptable to wear scrubs in public :(
<azonenberg_work> lol who says it isnt?
<bart416> I used to wear them when I was on my way home and people look weird at you on the bus and train heh
<bart416> We all agreed they were far more comfortable than our regular clothes that we wore when we arrived at work
<bart416> But loads of people put on their regular clothes again lol
<bart416> Even if they weren't contaminated
<bart416> Simply to avoid weird faces
<azonenberg_work> lol
<bart416> stopped caring after a while though
<bart416> + it's not as bad as my girlfriend at the time
<bart416> She once wore a lab coat on the bus lol
<bart416> cause she spilled something nasty over her tshirt
<azonenberg_work> lol
<azonenberg_work> shouldnt you be spiling nasty stuff on the lab coat?
<azonenberg_work> and not your street clothes?
<bart416> azonenberg, insane korean girl...
<bart416> I don't think she ever did anything normal
<bart416> That includes liking me
<azonenberg_work> lol
<bart416> If it wasn't for the fact that she moved I think I'd still be together with her at this point heh
<bart416> It's a small wonder we never got arrested heh
<bart416> azonenberg_work, I like blowing up things as much as the next guy...
<bart416> But she...
<bart416> In the US she'd probably be on every single terrorist watch list by now lol
<azonenberg> Lol
<azonenberg> How do you know she isn't still? :p
<bart416> Cause she lives in South Korea?
<azonenberg> But how do you know she isnt on their watchlists? :P
<bart416> She's too cute for that
<azonenberg> Too cute to be on watchlists? Lol
<azonenberg> Knowing some of the cops here that'd put you higher on the list :p
<bart416> lol
<bart416> But seriously, she was the best thing that ever happened to me; and her having to leave was the worst
<azonenberg> Yeah... i know what you mean
<azonenberg> The one person i met at school that i was starting to like transferred out like a month or two after we met :p
<azonenberg> we saw each other irl... twice? in total
<bart416> Heh, I knew her since birth though
<bart416> We grew up together lol
<azonenberg> oh, that would make it worse
<bart416> And always had a thing for each other
<bart416> We were 5 years old and they already said "that's going to become a couple later on"
<bart416> lol
<azonenberg> lol
<bart416> Two over achievers that know each other from young age = not the safest thing
<azonenberg> oh boy
<azonenberg> lol