i was thinking that a neuron is like a generic gate with a resistor network
i dont know neurology enough to know how they work lol
where the resistor values can be modified
basically, an axon fires when its chemical potential reaches a threshold; but synapses can enhance of inhibit this
so analogously, a transistor will non-linearly amplify its inputs; the resistor network simulates the synapses
^^ synapses enhance *or* inhibit, that is
so, each generic gate generates a pulse when it fires; a transistor with a small capacitor on its output can do that
and, neurons tend to fire spontaneously also; so pulse rate and timing is probably the more significant
I know there is work being done in the field but i'm not familiar with it myself
i've read a few papers; most are either attempting to simulate artificial neurons in large AI frameworks in lisp, or studying precise behaviour of real life neurons in microbiological sense
i see
but i havent seen attempts to build programmable gate arrays, of them yet
So you want to build an FPGA-like programmable brain?
that would be nice
the problem is, the connections architecture, which is of crucial significance, is unknown
but, if the thing i build can be a physical manifestation of some of the artificial neural networks made with genetic algorithms, then the connections architecture can be decided by the genetic algorithms
Very interesting
the important step will be, how to adequately represent the behaviour, both in an FPGA, and in a simulator
so that they map
not sure if its possible in an fpga
this project sounds analog
homecmos to the rescue
goal: build and make scalable artificial neurons
Worthy goal, just not an easy one
but this was predicted to occur; and so it should be done
would be satisfied with a network of half a dozen axons, to start
with re-programmable connections and strengths
You're probably talking a couple hundred transistors
definitely possible but at least a year out
why not 6 transistors?
I'm assuming you will need a few more than that in order to amplify inputs
it's that simple only if you don't model channeling, receptors, etc
and act as resistors
then programmable drive strength will be a task in itself
probably means having four or five transistors that you can turn on one, two, three, four, or all
hooked up in parallel
And in any case i have yet to make even one working transistor
i havent even attemptd them as my MEMS focus has kept me from buying the materials
bets each synapse is a small capacitor and resistor; and a single axon will have no more than 2 transistors
but a variable resistor or a fixed?
since a not gate is modeled as a single NPN
and if you are doing cmos, remember you need two for everything as a push-pull
you generally cannot drive high and low with a single transistor
the resistor and/or the capacitor may be variable
variable caps are highly nontriial
variable resistors a bit less so, you have a big resistive element and transistors to short out each segment on request
ok, i imagine fixed capacitance will do
but R must be variable
can be quantized
to about 250 or so values
256? You can do that with whats basically an 8 bit DAC
or digital port
you have a N/2 ohm segment you can short out when r[7] is low
an N/4 ohm segment you short when r[6] is low
up to an n/256 ohm segment you short when r[0] is low
so eight transistors and eight resistive elements
ok, so each neuron becomes a couple transistors for the axon, and an 8-bit DAC, and stuff, for each synapse
plus latches for each transistor to hold the on/off state
you are looking at eight switching transistors, eight D flipflops, and an 8-segment resistor
ok. latched
or atlternatively, a sample-and-hold circuit (analog flipflop, pretty much)
and eight comparators
going to the transsitors
that way you can control the resistance by an analog input
You might even be able to have the S&H output go straight to the gate of a transistor operated inthe linerar region
and use it as the resistive element
that'd probably be the best option
So you have a capacitor, some kind of feedback circuit that compensates exactly for leakage by recharging as it leaks
and a single transistor
to form your latchable variable resistor
then one more transistor connecting your control input to the capacitor so you can charge or discharge it on demand
and all these are in simplest possible elements that can be printed onto a die
transistors are easy, caps arent bad
not sure how the sample-and-hold works
in real life, there are many synapses for each axon; 100:1 may be common
but in a small device of half a dozen, full connection is 6:1 (including back-propagation)
and these values should be brought to output. so about 6 inputs, 36 outputs, and some lines to program it
lol yes, that will be nontrivial to construct
Very interesting research project for sure
But my process is a couple years from being able to build it i think
i will try breadboarding it first, ithink
just to verify the circuitry on a small scale
it will be important for the simulator to give pretty-close to identical results to the physical device
otherwise the connections architecture cant be evolved
You will likely have to train on the physical hardware
especially if using a homebrew process with lots of variation between parts
the device's little variations will become almost a part of the program
i expect they will, yes
so, so long as the variations are "small enough" that they may be compensated-for with minor training, the connections architecture will be common to both simulator and physical device
Well, i suggest that you test it out on a breadboard because its quite a ways from being IC-able
at least on my process
I'd love to see results
sure. i can throw these ideas into a circuit simulator even before that
even before i spend $ on parts
cant promise timing, but i have some time before xmas