<B0101> azonenberg: I will be creating a wiki page for my lab notes (JJ qubits)
<azonenberg> B0101: ok
<azonenberg> I just got back from a weekend in the woods and am planning out work to do over the coming week
<CIA-67> homecmos r127 | wiki/PageName.wiki | New page.
<CIA-67> homecmos r128 | wiki/PageName.wiki | Edited wiki page PageName (Stub Page)
<B0101> Azonenberg: I need your help
<azonenberg> What?
<B0101> I was doing up the page, but forgot to put in the page name
<azonenberg> Yeah, I noticed
<B0101> could you rename it?
<azonenberg> What do you want it to be called?
<B0101> SQUIDfab
<CIA-67> homecmos r129 | wiki/ (SQUIDfab.wiki PageName.wiki) | Renamed wiki page "PageName" to "SQUIDfab"
<B0101> thanks
<B0101> ok thanks
<B0101> i will do more editing after i come back from lunch. ttyl
<azonenberg> k
<B0101> is away: 0x004cffff
<azonenberg> Adding pics to the wiki so it looks cooler for people
<CIA-67> homecmos r130 | (7 files in 2 dirs) | Uploading pics for wiki
<CIA-67> homecmos r131 | (trunk/wikipics wikipics) | Moving files added to wrong directory
<CIA-67> homecmos r132 | (wiki/images trunk/wikipics) | Moving again (still in wrong place)
<CIA-67> homecmos r133 | wiki/images/ (6 files) | Updating image MIME types
<CIA-67> homecmos r134 | wiki/CurrentStatus.wiki | Edited wiki page CurrentStatus through web user interface.
<CIA-67> homecmos r135 | wiki/CurrentStatus.wiki | Edited wiki page CurrentStatus through web user interface.
<B0101> is back (gone 00:16:21)
<CIA-67> homecmos r136 | wiki/images/ (S7301603_fullres.jpg S7301603_thumb.jpg) | Added another wiki photo
<CIA-67> homecmos r137 | wiki/Overview.wiki | Edited wiki page Overview through web user interface.
<CIA-67> homecmos r138 | wiki/Overview.wiki | Deleted wiki page Overview through web user interface.
<azonenberg> Check out the new home page http://code.google.com/p/homecmos/
<B0101> cool!
<azonenberg> Any comments?
<B0101> no comments
<B0101> I feel that the addition of the pictures make the wiki better
<B0101> at least people can see what we have done, or what are our fab processes
<azonenberg> Yeah, it seemed a little bare before
<azonenberg> i also moved it from the overview page to the project description
<B0101> wow, I really need to set cleaning rules for my lab...
<B0101> what type of light do you use for photo lithography?
<azonenberg> I use a halogen microscope lamp
<B0101> i wonder if UV light would work
<azonenberg> B0101: Depends on the type of UV
<azonenberg> the problem is not exposing it so much as doing it evenly
<azonenberg> I have, at one point or another, successfully *exposed* photoresist with:
<azonenberg> AA mag-lite
<azonenberg> 500W halogen searchlight
<azonenberg> 15W UV-C germicidal mercury vapor lamp
<azonenberg> 1W 385nm UV LED
<azonenberg> and my current tool of choice, a halogen microscope illuminator
<azonenberg> The resist that I use (shipley SP24) is most sensitive to 405nm
<azonenberg> which is what blu-ray diodes emit
<azonenberg> Its also included in the output from halogen and mercury vapor lamps
<azonenberg> s/halogen/incandescent/
<azonenberg> The resist is sensitive from i think around 365 to 450ish nm
<azonenberg> so a wide-band source will work (at the expense of energy wastage and chromatic aberration, which slightly blurs the image but usually not enough to be problematic at these feature sizes)
<B0101> hmm... I was thinking of making my own "photolithography box"
<B0101> where I place the wafer inside a box which contains 6 halogen bulbs
<azonenberg> Halogens heat up a lot though
<azonenberg> if you have a sealed box go with UV fluorescent
<azonenberg> and the problem is that you cant align easily in such a setup
<B0101> hmm... yellow light conditions for photoresist...
<B0101> lol, i was about to ask what is red light until i thought about LED's
<B0101> Azonenberg: hows your spin coater project?
<azonenberg> B0101: I use yellow bug lamps for illumination during litho
<azonenberg> And you mean the more accurately controlled one?
<azonenberg> Low priority, the one i have is good enough for now
<B0101> ok
<azonenberg> Heading off to bed in a bit - its after 1 AM here lol
<B0101> I am also heading off to my lab to do experiments, cya later
<bart416> Mhhh, computer with corrupted bios
<bart416> It still sort of boots
<bart416> But after the first I/O input from keyboard it hangs up
<bart416> or first attempt to move mouse
<bart416> - I/O
<bart416> anyway, attempt to flash the rom without booting the computer or not? :P
<B0101> Azonenberg: Hi, I've found the PDF file of the book "Introduction to Microfabrication"
<B0101> you want it?
<bart416> B0101, why wouldn't we want it xD? :P
<B0101> bart416: Your IRC client can receive files?
<bart416> Nope :(
<B0101> whats your email?
<bart416> Had to disable DCC all together cause I got attacked too much >_>
<bart416> sorry, have a policy of not handing my email out on irc anymore either >_>
<B0101> ok then
<bart416> dxz29JNZw9fIwznN@x.trillianpro.com
<bart416> I always wondered if spambox supported forwarding of attachments :P
<B0101> we'll see
<B0101> sending it over
<B0101> darn it
<bart416> I guess not lol
<bart416> oh well, was worth a try
<bart416> I'll come online anyway later with a client that supports DCC
<B0101> wait
<bart416> At university it doesn't matter if I get DDoSed with DCC requests
<bart416> I can draw a full 100 mbps anyway there
<bart416> worked
<bart416> Thanks!
<B0101> i don't know if the file can be read, I had to cancel it off as i got the still working message for a long time
<B0101> test opening it first
<B0101> well? does it open?
<bart416> Sorry, was putting a dish in the oven
<B0101> never mind
<bart416> works like a charm
<B0101> how many pages are there in in total? (verification check)
<B0101> there should be 422 pages altogether
<B0101> Sorry if it troubles you
<bart416> Yeah 422
<bart416> The thing about PDFs is, if they're damaged they often don't open at all
<bart416> Or all the data is lost
<bart416> It's a really fucked up format in that way
<bart416> I've found the best description of the format's redundancy to be zero nilch
<B0101> I agree
<B0101> wth? so fast?
<bart416> ?
<B0101> nothing really, just that 1 of my servers went down (CPU fail)
<B0101> total uptime 3 months only
<bart416> Hardware failure or segfault?
<B0101> hardware failure
<bart416> What's broken?
<bart416> (I mean what cpu)
<B0101> AMD Phenom 2 X6
<bart416> mhhh, what socket is that one?
<B0101> give me a second...
<B0101> socket AM3
<bart416> Argh :(
<bart416> sorry, don't have CPUs for that socket
<B0101> well, not an intel fan but their Xeon processor is more stable, my AMD server would crash at least twice every week
<bart416> Refurbished single core xeons are brilliant, but the cooling and power requirements are nuts
<B0101> yup, but for me, stability is more important
<bart416> Well, if your power bill can afford it...
<bart416> current uptime of my server here is a half year at this point
<B0101> My intel servers have been up for 9 months since the last maintenance session
<B0101> oh dang!
<B0101> i just remembered, the AMD server was hosting FTP
<B0101> but i don't think i should be running FTP anymore
<bart416> heh
<bart416> FTP can be pretty CPU intensive :(
<bart416> A friend of mine uses routers as FTP and web servers at home
<bart416> He doesn't want to believe me that getting company/industrial power line drawn into your house and then using that is actually more profitable once you run a few servers :S
<bart416> Yes, your yearly service costs increase
<bart416> But price per kWh is so much lower
<B0101> It will be hell running a FTP server on a P2
<B0101> i agree about the power thing
<bart416> lol
<bart416> The thing about a P2 is that they last forever if you slap a big enough cooler on them
<B0101> well about the P2, its overclocked to 500MHZ (as i was told by the other admin)
<B0101> I thought the maximum for a P2 is 450?
<B0101> btw, I just finished fabricating a JJ qubit, want to see?
<B0101> its a SQUID actually
<bart416> Later today :P
<bart416> It's too warm to think straight
<bart416> And I've been designing a 16 bit ALU this morning xD
<B0101> a lot of work eh?
<bart416> Well, I initially limited myself to only using pencil and paper
<bart416> But I've decided to use espresso to optimize the ALU
<bart416> Want a single cycle for every major mathematical expression
<bart416> addition, multiplication, division, exponents, base 10 and e logarithms, etc...
<B0101> heh, luckily for you, its a normal ALU
<bart416> Define non normal? :P
<B0101> I am trying to design a quantum computer
<B0101> you cannot do a copy operation on a QC
<bart416> Yeah, that's a bit trickier :P
<B0101> why can't you do that? because of the no-cloning theorem
<bart416> couldn't you just make a function that has one input and two outputs?
<bart416> And use that to copy?
<bart416> Feed one output back to the initial qubit and the other to the new one
<bart416> or do AND 1
<bart416> Not the most efficient way either
<bart416> But strictly speaking it's not a copy
<B0101> you're right, but i will look for better ways
<bart416> How are you storing the qubit?
<bart416> or is it a strictly theoretical design and not a physical one?
<B0101> its a physical one
<B0101> right now, its stored in a plastic box
<bart416> You don't know yet or what?
<bart416> Cause depending on how it's physically stored you might have a few options
<B0101> so what options can there be?
<bart416> Well, are you using entangled light?
<B0101> no
<bart416> mhhh, fiber optics are out of the question then
<bart416> can't think of a non destructive way :(
<B0101> the qubit is solid state (Its fabricated on silicon) and is operated using electricity
<bart416> ah
<bart416> sort of skipped every solid state physics class when he was studying physics :(
<B0101> and thats why its called a SQUID
<B0101> or Superconducting QUantum Interference Device
<bart416> Aaaaaaargh, acronyms!
<bart416> dodges
<bart416> raises the dictionary as a shield
<B0101> I will experiment on QD's soon (Quantum Dots)
<B0101> its some kind of Electron trap
<bart416> Aren't those sort of big?
<bart416> as in 0.5 µm scale?
<B0101> yup
<B0101> there are also 400+ NM double quantum dots though
<bart416> Interesting
<B0101> but what people frequently ask me about Quantum Computing is: "Why am I trying to make one?"
<bart416> Cause you can? :P
<B0101> Well, because I with QC's I might be able to crack normal encryption algorithms faster
<B0101> and, i might improve security with QC's
<bart416> That's also a good reason
<bart416> But somehow I doubt the first implementation will be of much assistance in that goal, well not directly
<B0101> yup
<bart416> But it'll be a good test bed for future designs
<B0101> you know whats the current record for a computation made by a QC?
<B0101> *world
<B0101> actually, the world record 3 x 5 = 15 on 5 qubits
<B0101> to many, this will seem like: wth? that simple?
<B0101> but its hard
<B0101> decoherence is the problem
<B0101> if the atoms decohere, the atoms will turn into normal "useless" atoms
<B0101> those cannot be used for computation
<bart416> How much bits are you using?
<B0101> 2 bits only
<B0101> just trying to do a normal 'not' operation
<B0101> but i think i could just use 1 qubit
<B0101> They had plans on Diamond Quantum Computers
<bart416> mhhh
<bart416> Also B0101 you don't happen to have a fitness store thingy/chain/whatever in real life do you?
<bart416> A friend of mine who noticed your name in my mailbox just asked lol
<B0101> nope i don't own a fitness chain/store
<bart416> Ah, cause when she lived in singapore she used to know somebody with the same name as you that did :P
<B0101> I'm going off to bed, see you tomorrow
<bart416> brb, going to do some network maintenance