But the yellow is copper and the background is silicon
I wonder if 60 sec in SC2 is too much
The film is very thin, after all
Maybe i want to water it down...
Yeah, its waaay too much
Etch Rates for Micromachining Processing - Part II, IEEE MEMS journal
gives etch rate for a similar FeCl3 based etchant as 3900nm/min
I'm using HCl : H2O2 but in PCBs they etched at about the same rate
Which means my film (rough guesstimate 200nm) would be etched throuhg in 5 sec
And then 12x overetched :P
azonenberg: :o
HF is acid
it should etch copper
Laurenceb, not all acids etch copper, e.g. hydrochloric acid does not
HF, I don't know
Laurenceb, also, you have passivation phenomena with some strong acids... for example pure sulfuric acid does not etch copper, but diluted sulfuric acid does (iirc)
"In  the  manufacture  and  storage  of  hydrogen  fluoride  and  its aqueous  solution,  i.e.,  hydrofluoric  acid,  equipment  made  of  copper and  its  alloys  is  used"
so it most probably does not ;)
For HF storage, just use teflon
that's a 1962 document
and the question isn't how to store HF but whether it can be used to etch copper
lekernel: In the presence of Cu(2+) it does
ahem, Cu²z
HF or HCl?
and I guess that's a chain reaction?
Well thats good because it means i can use evaporated copper as a hardmask for HF etching
I just might need a little bit more than i used for this deposition run
This might finally solve my patterning problems
Spin coat TaCl5, bake to oxidize
Evaporate Cu
Spin coat photoresist, develop, wet etch Cu hardmask in dilute SC2
Etch Ta2O5 through Cu with hot HF
Strip Cu in SC2
Etch Si through Ta2O5 with KOH
So i'd have *three* levels of masking
But in theory it should work
My last run seems to have had adhesion issues with the Cu, thats my only concern
Wondering if it wasnt pure enough / I didnt clean the surface adequately
but when i tried HF etching a glass substrate with Cu over it, the Cu floated off
Not damaged, but it was undercut
Well, HF tends to do that azonenberg
bart416: Yeah, i was hoping the Cu would actually mask it
Need to figure out if i just etched too long or what
I only need to go down around 100nm
For etching glass I'd just use regular photoresist to be honnest
bart416: Doesnt work
My resist allows F- to diffuse through it
auch :(
you get etching of the substrate with intact photoresist over it
At least, thats my working hypothesis
all i know for sure is what actually happens
not how
So my newly modified process calls for ten different operations to pattern one bulk-etch mask level into a piece of silicon lol
Spin coat TaCl5, bake
Evaporate Cu
Spin coat photoresist, soft bake
Expose, develop, hard bake
Wet etch Cu in dilute SC2
Strip PR in acetone
Wet etch Ta2O5 through Cu with HF
Strip Cu in SC2
Wet etch Si in KOH
Strip Ta2O5 in HF
Standard Clean 2, the second of two cleaning solutions in the RCA clean
1 part HCl : 1 part 30% H2O2 : 6 parts water
I use a slightly different mixture due to lack of 30% peroxide, i use 1 part conc HCl to 6 parts 3% H2O2
A little less of an oxidizer but its pretty close, just slightly slower etch rate on some materials
azonenberg: ebay has 30% H2O2
nathan7: Not saying it cant be obtained
But i dont have it
It also decomposes fast enough i dont want to order it
Not terribly fast
Just keep it in the dark and don't keep it with metal
In any case, cant do too much moe work until sunset in the USA
silly photoresist and my lack of a darkroom...
H202 lasts quite a while if you keep it in the right bottles
As long as you don't expose it to much light and avoid heating it it'll last years
bart416: 3% or 30%?
And i'd use an opaque plastic or brown glass bottle under a shelf
at 75F
Put it in the lab freezer!
nathan7: Dont have one (working at least)
put it in a fridge
I mean, it's not like it's really all that toxic
Unless if you intend to drink it
On general principle i keep lab stuff well separated from food / living spaces
H2O2 is nontoxic
just oxidising
Just keep it in a labeled teflon bottle
And put it somewhere in a cool cupboard
that's my storage procedure for 10% H202 and up
As long as you stay under 50% that should be safe
50%? Lol
I'm not working with rocket fule here
It's only qualified as rocket fuel starting from 65% or something like that
Lol, 50 is still quite possibly explosive
Nah, 50% is still safe if you don't heat it
or stir it with silver spoons
or silver powder
really high-surface area silver powder
that still gets a nice fizz out of 3%
lol :P
how about 50nm nanopowder? :p
nathan7, don't try to feed it iron either :p
And never ever try to feed it alkali metals
Alkali metals...
you know, if you throw a block of potasium in water it reacts violently eh...
Rubidium plus 50% H2O2
azonenberg: I dissolved 97/3 Sn/Ag solder in HCl(aq)
Now try throwing it in high concentration hydrogen peroxide
I'll stand back a bit :P
Violent is an understatement
Its a damned depth charge >_>
bart416: better, put a tube to the bottom
make sure it's dry inside
and drop the K in
then quickly remove the tube
the K will be at the bottom
nathan7, heh we had another method
we put the potasium in a one of those large plastic canisters you can buy chemicals in
And puncture the lid?
attach a brick to it
attach fireworks with fuses that work under water to the lid
and throw it in the river
So you use a small charge to blow the lid off