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<nicksydney> Atmel released a new toolchain based on GCC 4.8.1
<nicksydney> wpwrak: what you think of SAM5 from Atmel ?
<roh> hrhr
<roh> there seems to be an exploitable dhl-fail sending stuff to brazil
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<whitequark> cool, the CNC machine vendor agreed to pay for repairs. "send us an invoice"
<nicksydney> whitequark: congrats !
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<wpwrak> ... from whitequark industries :)
<whitequark> something like that, I guess
<wpwrak> roh: tell heise !
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<larsc> haha "In Brasilien gibt es so weit ich weiß nicht sooo viele Möglichkeiten der IP Verschleierung"
* whitequark is watching one of his packages to bounce around
<whitequark> day 35th. the package was sent to St. Petersburg and then immediately back to Moscow
<wpwrak> larsc: yeah, those jungle drums each have very characteristic sounds
<wpwrak> on the 35th of january, the time rift widened ...
<whitequark> hehe
<whitequark> ha, it actually was delivered properly yesterday, right in line with the ebay estimate
<whitequark> ... nevermind it could have been delivered 25 days earlier. did they deliberately bounce it around?
<whitequark> I'm inclined to think "yes"
<wpwrak> it all makes sense now. it arrived yesterday, that's why you're tracking its progress today, to see that on the 35th it will bounce between st. petersburg and moscow.
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<nicksydney> so sound slows down flow of water ?!
<larsc> pressure slows down the flow of water
<nicksydney> larsc: pressure from the sound ?
<larsc> in general ;)
<larsc> and sound is compressed air
<whitequark> 24hz? from that tiny speaker?
<whitequark> I wonder how much power does he pump there
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* nicksydney always wonder what Hz and KHz means :) ... google it later :)
<nicksydney> now it's time to print the design into the yellow transfer paper
<nicksydney> btw if anybody is interested to download the ARM server specification paper you can download it here
<nicksydney> whitequark: so basically you can't use your new CNC toy now ?
<apelete> wpwrak DocScrutinizer05: just got the Xytronic LF-389D, looks much more high quality than my previous cheap iron
<apelete> the shop also sent me 3Kg of iron "brackets for power supply", don't know what I'm supposed to do with that
<apelete> was worried at first that the soldering station might be larger than I thought since I got 2 huge packages, one filled with 3Kg of (useless ?) iron
<apelete> wpwrak: but it's quite small actually, already glad I followed you advice :)
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<apelete> wpwrak DocScrutinizer05: just got the Stannol solder and flux pen right now, w00t
<whitequark> nicksydney: not quite
<whitequark> my adjustable power supply can serve it 3A@24V
<apelete> this is perfect timing, now I can run and try to catch my train to FOSDEM
<whitequark> but what it really needs is 2A@24V+4A@48V
<whitequark> so I can kinda run it at really low speed
<whitequark> and apparently it's very hard to source power supplies on >12V >1A locally, so I'm waiting for ebay
<nicksydney> ebay or aliexpress is your friend :)
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<wpwrak> apelete: great ! not sure what the iron brackets are supposed to do :) got a picture ?
<DocScrutinizer05> is the powersupply equipped with a holder for the iron?
<DocScrutinizer05> and maybe too light to stand without the brackets, when you insert the soldering iron to the holder?
<wpwrak> maybe some wall-mounting stuff or such. but 3 kg sounds weird.
<wpwrak> we'll see when we get the pictures :)
<DocScrutinizer05> hmm, seen such stuff
<DocScrutinizer05> but not done for Neo900
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<nicksydney> DocScrutinizer05: -- "Using fancy test equipment to calibrate the radios." ... what it means ?
<DocScrutinizer05> I llearned fairphone actually is an android phone, with a proprietary HAL/modem-firmware as usual
<nicksydney> DocScrutinizer05: yes it is Android and with BLOB :)
<DocScrutinizer05> proprietary HAL/modem-firmware == BLOB, yes
<DocScrutinizer05> and shared RAM I suspect, also as usual
<nicksydney> Bitcoin back: Major exchange resumes yuan trading -- ... Bitcoin in HOT! again can use Bitcoin to trade stock in China ..woooo
<DocScrutinizer05> well, it's kinda nice, too little too late, too expensive (though yes *I* know, of all critics I know best why it's going to be expensive), it's too androidy
<nicksydney> wpwrak: Will Argentina’s woes hit this country?
<wpwrak> yeah, too late. they'll never know what hit them when neo900 enters the scene :)
<nicksydney> DocScrutinizer05: when neo900 launch we need to throw party in each country !
<wpwrak> anyone remembers Coherent Unix ? they offered a commercial Unix clone for 286 in the early 1990s. a very short while later, Linux came out ... *foof*
<whitequark> DocScrutinizer05: (fairphone) like if that's surprising
* whitequark browses's catalogue. it's sad.
<whitequark> chipdip is more or less russian sparkfun: 2x more expensive, but supposedly only has carefully picked good stuff
<wpwrak> like quality arduinos ?
<whitequark> well, it's much more extensive, but yeah, you're not far off
<whitequark> so I'm looking at fluxes section. about 100 positions.
<whitequark> most of them seem to come via some bizarre form of time travel right from 1970's
<whitequark> what the hell is "soldering fat"?!
<whitequark> $10 for 0.5kg of some weird gunk. "recommended for quality soldering of radioelectronics"
<whitequark> most of the rest is variations of RA and RMA, made to USSR standards, dating back to the ages where the biggest IC you could get would be a TTL quad NAND
<wpwrak> (soldering fat) yeah, remember that stuff :) even 1980s ;-)
<whitequark> boric acid?! flux for bismuth-based solders?!!
<whitequark> was that before dinosaurs or actually after?
<wpwrak> they probably kept a few in the permafrost until they had the industry to turn them into soldering fat
<whitequark> hehe
<whitequark> you are not far off, I'm sure some of that stuff is selling off huge stockpiles dating back to 90s and maybe 80s
<whitequark> and they could maybe still last decades
<whitequark> I know for sure ICs made in 1991 are still actively being sold
<wpwrak> they undoubtedly will. well, at least unless a storm destroys that unmaintained storage facility
<whitequark> you are again spot on, the storage conditions for them are truly horrendous
<whitequark> not uncommon to just lie in a puddle for years
<wpwrak> i suppose "soldering fat" is not very picky ;-)
<whitequark> so if you want to have a yield of more than several % you need to bake them...
<whitequark> well, ICs are more picky
<wpwrak> ah, chips. yeah, them too
<whitequark> it's a weird feeling, soldering an IC which you know is older than you
<wpwrak> and it'll either die that very day ... or outlast you
<DocScrutinizer05> wpwrak: coherent? suuure :-P
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<DocScrutinizer05> and I think they asked "only" a bit over 1000DM for that
<DocScrutinizer05> err, maybe I confuse this with the BSD tapes in mid 80s?
<DocScrutinizer05> anyway I still recall SuSE in Fuerth/By and I got their first Release, some 22 5¼" floppies
<DocScrutinizer05> >> The first version appeared in early 1994 <<
<wpwrak> yeah, suse was fairly late
<wpwrak> before came linus' root and boot floppy, mcc, sls, ...
<wpwrak> there was also a german distro, DLD or such
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<DocScrutinizer05> sls, slackware, yes
<DocScrutinizer05> haha. soldering fat. Recommended for copper tubs
<DocScrutinizer05> or to etch away some unwanted traces on your PCB
<DocScrutinizer05> the "radio electronics" they recmmend it for... is about 3mm diameter wires, huge trafos, and electron tubes
<DocScrutinizer05> the sort of "radio" that fries your nuts with x-ray when you sit in that operator chair
<DocScrutinizer05> aka military Russian mobile radar
<DocScrutinizer05> dang, looking at I really wonder what I managed to get from them, must've been the slackware port, since I'm rather sure the kernel been 0.98 or sth
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<nicksydney> found a good into video between capacitive and resistive and how it works
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<whitequark> DocScrutinizer05: exactly
<whitequark> I've just went to that shop
<whitequark> the prices are literally jaw-dropping. I've bought my adjustable psu for $50... they sell it for $180
<whitequark> practically that exact one
<wpwrak> the difference is of course the one sells you a cheap USD 50 toy while the other one sells you a nice USD 180 professional instrument ;-)
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<whitequark> well, they'll actually repair it on warranty and replace without questions, yes
<whitequark> but it doesn't warrant a 4x markup
<wpwrak> unless if fails rather often :)
<whitequark> even NE555! digikey sells them for 0.34@1, them for 1.2@1
<roh> well.. somebody needs to pay rent.
<roh> parts are always massively uppriced at stores.
<roh> ask for a few thousand.. then you'll get different prices
<larsc> a higher price only shows better quality
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<whitequark> a few thousands... they were caught scraping farnell's catalog
<whitequark> so they forward it to farnell with 2x markup
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<larsc> interesting: "Stallman's position, in short, is that Emacs and other official GNU applications should not incorporate default features designed to work with non-GNU projects (like LLVM)..."
<wpwrak> hmm, so at 60 lucidity begins to wane
<larsc> "RMS only interacts with the GCC steering committee, and that way the gcc developers can develop code in peace without being constantly drawn in to free software purity discussions." :)
<lekernel> didn't rms make sure personally that emacs runs on windows?
<wpwrak> lekernel: i like your evil side ;-)
<larsc> here is the primary source:
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<DocScrutinizer05> LIE!!! RMS interacted with *me* as well!
<DocScrutinizer05> ;-P
<DocScrutinizer05> /o\
<larsc> well you are now GNUified
<larsc> no escape
<wpwrak> DocScrutinizer05: look in the mirror. do you see "GCC STEERING COMMITTEE" written in invisible demon blood on your forehead ?
<DocScrutinizer05> yeah, clearly
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<DocScrutinizer05> honestly RMs seems just as misguided in his ideas about owning and ruling the complete content of gnu-* like Nokia (and Hildon Foundation) is obviously misguided about the status maemo
<DocScrutinizer05> RMS*
<DocScrutinizer05> wtf "M"?
<DocScrutinizer05> "mean"?
<larsc> Matthew or somehting
<DocScrutinizer05> root mean square
<larsc> like LPC ;)
<larsc> although stricly speaking it is only LC
<DocScrutinizer05> nfc
<DocScrutinizer05> lennart poettering crap?
<wpwrak> one systemd to rule them all. now also in Debian.
<larsc> finally
<wpwrak> well, i'm being prophetic. i think they'll still haggle over it some more but the outcome seems inevitable
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: modules/pogo.fpd: add Mill-Max 09xx series TH pogo pins (master)
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: modules/HIERARCHY: give switches their own top-level category (master)
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: modules/HIERARCHY: move FIDUCIAL from "Mechanical" to "Structure" (master)
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: modules/spacer.fpd: add 7.5 mm clearance (bare screw/nut) (master)
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<whitequark> debian decided? :(
<whitequark> ah, no
<whitequark> I still hope they choose upstart, it's much nicer
<DocScrutinizer05> yeah, I love upstart since I seen systemd
<DocScrutinizer05> before I hated it so much that I refused to rouch buntkuh just for that crap
<DocScrutinizer05> touch*
<whitequark> I liked initng the most, but it's dead since like 2006
<whitequark> there's obviously a need for a more advanced init daemon though
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<wpwrak> /bin/ - all the flexibility one could possibly want ;-)
<larsc> without the sh
<wpwrak> it's a symlink :)
<whitequark> wpwrak: brainfuck: infinite flexibility, zero usability
<whitequark> you should be writing it
<whitequark> it's simple--so unix-way!
<whitequark> etc etc. what I mean is there is both subjective (cool beans) and objective (full-disk encryption) to have a faster-booting desktop, plus the whole runlevel system never suited desktop well *at all*
<whitequark> s,to,reasons to,
<DocScrutinizer05> 3k :-o
<DocScrutinizer05> I wonder how we shall handle those plain donations (if that's actually been one) like the "additional" 1500 of those 3k
<DocScrutinizer05> one donation, once device. One donation >=1500: one proto plus one series.
<DocScrutinizer05> s/once/one
<qi-bot> DocScrutinizer05 meant: "one donation, one device. One donation >=1500: one proto plus one series. "
<wpwrak> not all >= 1500 may want a prototype. before you order them to be made, you may want to check that.
<DocScrutinizer05> sure
<DocScrutinizer05> and not all >>1500 may want TWO protos and TWO series
<DocScrutinizer05> A.W.P Is not maybe Almestberger, Werner P. ?
<DocScrutinizer05> (I have no access to the webshop data)
<DocScrutinizer05> aynway, afk for an Argentinian meal
<DocScrutinizer05> o/
<wpwrak> naw, i'm W.A. only one entry. that's all i can afford :)
<wpwrak> GMO soy beans ? yummy ;-)
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<DocScrutinizer05> eh, GMO?
* DocScrutinizer05 knows what's GMO TLA
<DocScrutinizer05> but why?
<DocScrutinizer05> aregntinian food? nah! argentinian entrecote, though much too little
<wpwrak> it's used heavily in soy argentina agriculture now
<wpwrak> ah, better ;-)
<DocScrutinizer05> Argentina is on top with beef/person*year
<DocScrutinizer05> fifty-a-few kg
<DocScrutinizer05> ~1kg/week
<DocScrutinizer05> I think I could live from/with that ;-)
<DocScrutinizer05> >>Die Rindfleischklassifizierung berücksichtigt die Muskelfülle, den Fettanteil und die Kategorie (Kalb, Bulle, Färse); nicht jedoch die Herkunft oder die Rasse.<< MEH!
<DocScrutinizer05> it's incredible but the best place to eat good beef in Germany is Nuernberk Karstadt Steakpoint
<DocScrutinizer05> ambiente has the appeal of a highway parking lot
<DocScrutinizer05> but the meat is awesome
<DocScrutinizer05> nuernberg, OMG
<DocScrutinizer05> now this proves that the human brain just reduces performance when not powered properly
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<wpwrak> it's the relaxing effect of a good meal ;-)
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