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<nicksydney> wpwrak: what's new
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<whitequark> DocScrutinizer05: it's just the Wordssmashedtogether
<whitequark> Capitalizedwordssmashedtogether :p
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<DocScrutinizer05> hm?
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<whitequark> nevermind
<larsc> I don't get it either ;)
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<whitequark> sigh... DHL, FedEx, Pony Express, UPS and DPD don't work with individuals in Russia anymore
<whitequark> because customs
<viric> they don't want to deliver to individuals?
<whitequark> (they) who?
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<lekernel> whitequark, register a company then :)
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<whitequark> lekernel: unfortunately that's a very expensive pain in the ass
<whitequark> you'd need to pay about $3k/year to the retirement fund (which will be stolen anyway; Olympics 2014 was financed from that), and on top of that there's a ton of paperwork
<whitequark> soon, it seems that the easiest way would be to deliver to some european country and then just fly there and pick it up as baggage.
<whitequark> (or just buy it in EU, but for US it's not an option--too expensive to fly.)
<whitequark> that website is hilarious. assumes you're going to actually pay all taxes.
<lekernel> even better then :)
<whitequark> I don't know how it's in Germany, but here I've yet to see (closely) a single company to pay all of them
<whitequark> I actually suspect it's economically impossible to bring in any profit while paying all taxes
<whitequark> (unless you're a multinational conglomerate or something)
<lekernel> those conglomerates are sending the profits overseas, take them off their balance sheet, and avoid taxes that way
<lekernel> maybe we should start one together
<lekernel> having a network of companies registered in different parts of the world also helps when you bid on certain contracts
<whitequark> hehe
<whitequark> btw: in Russia, you can pay for utilities in bitcoin now!
<whitequark> I will try them out the next time a bill arrives
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<CYB3R> I have got few more questions about UBIBoot and jzboot.
<CYB3R> Does anybody know how to set this option in jzboot config: PHMDIV # Define the frequency divider ratio of PLL=CCLK:PCLK=HCLK=MCLK
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<whitequark> I want to believe, but... delivery at May 2014? with funding ending with Feb?
<whitequark> two months?!
<CYB3R> isn't it just IR sensor?
<CYB3R> looks like on 1:25
<whitequark> hm, then how does it work?
<whitequark> there's really no details, and what details there are, aren't clear
<whitequark> it's apparently not actually a LIDAR
<whitequark> "signature correlation" is not a scientific term as well
<whitequark> or maybe it is, hmm. seems relevant
<whitequark> it's also irritating that in order to discuss the project you need to back it (although common on crowdfunding sites)
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<CYB3R> Not sure, but may be a fraud
* whitequark submitted it to HN:
<whitequark> perhaps that generates some more ideas
<CYB3R> whitequark: does jzboot use the same config with proprietary usbboot?
<whitequark> CYB3R: I don't remember if the format is exactly same
<whitequark> but the values should be
<CYB3R> Because I failed to find out what PHMDIV actually is, maybe I just should leave it as a magic number
<whitequark> PHMDIV = 3 # Frequency divider ratio of PLL=CCLK:PCLK=HCLK=MCLK
<CYB3R> yes, I already got this line, but the datasheet only mentions that " ICLK, PCLK, SCLK, MCLK and LCLK frequency can be changed separately for software by setting division ratio "
<CYB3R> It doesn't say what CCLK, PCLK, HCLK, MCLK should be
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<whitequark> similar "LIDAR": a camera looking at the size of the laser dot:
<whitequark> not really a LIDAR, of course
<whitequark> but that pulsedlight thing doesn't appear to have a camera...
<lekernel> that's a lattice fpga on there
<lekernel> well, cpld
<whitequark> mmm, fascinating
<whitequark> .ru?
<whitequark> and it's ECONNREFUSED
<lekernel> that's just US patent 8125620, you can find it elsewhere
<whitequark> hm, wait, that's the great russian firewall apparently... works via UK proxy
<whitequark> ooo, I think I understand... it doesn't directly measure the time, it measures how far out of phase the emitted and received signals are, right?
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<apelete> larsc: started testing dma on mmc driver, cannot mount filesystem on sdcard any longer:
<apelete> so, dma breaks mounting the rootfs on sdcard but there's no data corruption: kernel boots just fine when dma is deactivated, what a relief
<apelete> anyway, back to reading mmc code
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