<DocScrutinizer51> magnetometer for 12mm² cable amperemeter
<wpwrak> hmmm :)
<wolfspraul> it looks like CERN is sponsoring some KiCad work?
<wolfspraul> in the flood of mails I may have identified something like that, need to check a little whether it's a meaningful contribution, but it sounds like
<rejon> wolfspraul, is that spectec wifi chip working on latest builds of nn image?
<rejon> xiangfu is where?
<wolfspraul> rejon: I doubt it's working out of the box
<wolfspraul> xiangfu is traveling over the chinese holidays, online once in a while
<rejon> ok
<rejon> wolfspraul, did you get any more ben-wpan?
<wolfspraul> not yet
<wolfspraul> good point, have to order more from tuxbrain :-)
<kristianpaul> very  interesting threads in cern mail lists http://lists.ohwr.org/sympa/arc/oh-workshop-2011/2011-09/msg00004.html
<wpwrak> grmbl. X crash :-(
<wpwrak> wolfspraul: did you see ? <wpwrak> regarding CERN: https://lists.launchpad.net/kicad-developers/msg06976.html
<wpwrak> and i think our next project should be a communication satellite for wolfgang :)
<wolfspraul> I saw that mail but I thought it was a little light on details
<wolfspraul> but maybe that is all for now
<wpwrak> yeah, that's all i saw about it for now about putting resources into it. there's a bit more technical stuff on the cern side.
<wpwrak> here, a bit hidden in "phase II" of the list here: http://www.ohwr.org/projects/ohr-meta/wiki/Foss-pcb
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: labsw/: redesigned rear connections to pair in/out by "near" potential (master) http://qi-hw.com/p/wernermisc/9ffb0c8
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: labsw/: re-layout for the various design changes (including potential separation) (master) http://qi-hw.com/p/wernermisc/7bc6c89
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: labsw/: added partially populated DIP6 sockets since DIP4 is hard to source (master) http://qi-hw.com/p/wernermisc/162db38
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: labsw/labsw.brd: tightened some traces (master) http://qi-hw.com/p/wernermisc/a124f1b
<DocScrutinizer2> haha, now I see how wpwrak could dig out those weird "green" sockets
<DocScrutinizer2> wpwrak: don't forget by any chance to insert dummy wire stubs into the 2 unused pins of the DIP6
<DocScrutinizer2> or acrylic glue
<DocScrutinizer2> dang
<DocScrutinizer> wpwrak: you don't want to get confused and occasionally insert the chip one position off
<DocScrutinizer> DIP4 ? Hell, yeah, never seen...
<wpwrak> DocScrutinizer: if you mis-insert, nothing bad will happen (except the circuit not operating, of course)
<DocScrutinizer> aaah, of course
<wpwrak> DocScrutinizer: it's for the opto-couplers. i use small ones in DIP4. i pair most of them in DIP8, but there's one pair i can't put next to each other (due to possible difference in potential)
<DocScrutinizer> anyway blocking the unused contacts with a "plug" is a nice thing to do
<DocScrutinizer> (optocouplers) gathered as much
<wpwrak> do you know of such a "plug" ? i know this sort of thing for 100 mil heades (little plastic cones) but i've never seen anything like this for DIP
<DocScrutinizer> well, for mass production you probably would want to use single contacts. For small series you as well could cut away the excessive contacts from a socket, with a saw
<DocScrutinizer> no, I dunno such plugs for DIP etc contacts. I'd use copper wire, insert, cut
<wpwrak> oh, i'll leave holes for the extra contacts. i made a nice 4/6 DIP footprint for that ;-)
<DocScrutinizer> or simply apply a small drop of 2k-epoxy
<wpwrak> that's probably the most professional way :)
<wpwrak> anyway, if you get it wrong, nothing bad will happen. there are other potential mistakes you could make, such as mis-rotating.
<DocScrutinizer> yup, sure
<wpwrak> oh, very good, tyco have not renamed themselves to "TE connectivity". gee. too much brand name recognition ?
<wpwrak> s/not/now/
<larsc> someone recently posted this link: http://www.vimeo.com/29670599 (note lekernel is in the background probably hacking on milkymist)
<wpwrak> is it a demo to illustrate that streaming video doesn't work ? :)
<larsc> it needs flash i think
<wpwrak> that i have. even with firefox. but that doesn't seem to help much.
<larsc> hm
<larsc> maybe it was to offensive ;)
<wpwrak> ah, 33 seconds. then it stopped again.
<kristianpaul> ha, paula i know her :)
<kristianpaul> what small world
<kristianpaul> i had seems similar histories but with coins, i dint knew it some are made from plastic already
<kristianpaul> go a bar, print some before coins, have good beer :)
<wpwrak> good idea. making the plastic coin is probably something like 100x as expensive as the real coin ;-)
<kristianpaul> printcoin beats bitcoin soon?
<DocScrutinizer> isn't bitcoin actually just a very nifty distributed computing project aimed at creating a giant rainbow table? ;-)
<kristianpaul> kinda yes :)
<tsath> question; is the USB port on the Ben fully functional?
<DocScrutinizer> hah
<Ayla> what does "fully functional" means
<tsath> that I could plug in a USB mouse, or other USB devices.
<larsc> tsath: it is not a usb host port
<tsath> ah. ok
<larsc> you can use your nanonote as a usb mouse though
<DocScrutinizer> ben *is* a "USB mouse"
<tsath> i see.
<larsc> or keyboard, or soundcard, or pendrive
<DocScrutinizer> more precisely, ben is a usb peripheral
<kristianpaul> and do not support USB host :)
<DocScrutinizer> sometimes also called gadget iirc
<tsath> yeath. gadget ethernet is nice.
<tsath> any plans for Ben 2.0?
<Ayla> what about USB host on the MMC slot?
<tsath> good question
<Ayla> yes
<Ayla> somebody actually started this or is it just a random thought?
<wpwrak> just a random thought. so you can still grab it :-)
<wpwrak> btw, you may not even need a boost converter for power. i could imagine that quite a lot of USB peripherals also work with VBUS = 3.3 V. but you'd have to give it a try.
<Ayla> I'm a software guy. I'd be lost :)
<wpwrak> this would be 99% software :)
<Ayla> Yeah. Well, I'd gladly help if somebody takes the project
<Ayla> but currently I'm working on so many projects at the same time