<kristianpaul> yup
<kristianpaul> confirmed, next week i'll be in pasto giving a talk about copyleft hw http://ur1.ca/5jupb
<wolfspraul> kristianpaul: Jon and I are in deep reflection mode about the need and value of 'copyleft'
<wolfspraul> Jon is planning a major push towards his new sharing license/agreement, which is essentially public domain
<wolfspraul> like cc0
<kristianpaul> cool
<wolfspraul> well, we kept saying qi hardware = copyleft hardware for over 2 years, kinda annoying people along the way :-)
<wolfspraul> so I don't know, let's see
<kristianpaul> so copyleft is a practice not a lincese
<wolfspraul> but Jon is moving forward with his sharism stuff
<wolfspraul> hah
<wolfspraul> good point!
<kristianpaul> yeah, sharim, i still hard to get in to but yeah ;)
<wolfspraul> yes, copyleft is about fairness. you ask me something, I reply nicely.
<kristianpaul> sharism*
<kristianpaul> good feeling anyway :)
<wolfspraul> oh no worries, we will exactly not go on another sharism crusade
<kristianpaul> he
<wolfspraul> but maybe public domain is the more natural concept, and copyleft is the practice, like you say
<wolfspraul> of course - it's an *honor* to give back
<wolfspraul> if someone really thinks they have to hide something, gee. sorry, can't help them I guess.
<wolfspraul> if I'm asked something, I reply. everything, even the secret 'bom', and the secret supply chain, and the oh-so-secret design files, process, bla bla bla
<wolfspraul> we are in the Internet age, right? :-)
<wolfspraul> kristianpaul: what's the next product you believe we could add to our lineup?
<wolfspraul> not that I want to start anything new, but somehow I think about direction once in a while
<wolfspraul> we have a pocket computer, and a visual computer that can hopefully emerge into a more powerful general purpose computer
<wolfspraul> what's next? there are so many options :-)
<kristianpaul> networks ..
<wolfspraul> I still like camera a lot, also laser projector, Jon talked me into speakers, another friend talked me into LED lamps
<wolfspraul> networks?
<wolfspraul> like what? more connected devices?
<kristianpaul> sure i need be more specific
<wolfspraul> I think we introduce that with the next NanoNote, that's the pocket computer
<wolfspraul> I was thinking about product category
<kristianpaul> like wpan bu better ;)
<wolfspraul> oh sure
<wolfspraul> but I think it's clear how to improve the NanoNote
<wolfspraul> higher res screen, more connectivity, more memory, case that is better suited to low-volume production
<wolfspraul> I was thinking about new devices/products
<wolfspraul> hey we should integrate GPS into the next NanoNote :-)
<kristianpaul> sure :)
<kristianpaul> about network i would said routers but... the wifi-part of course well..
<wolfspraul> what features does your router have?
<wolfspraul> you mean a router for your home?
<kristianpaul> yes
<wolfspraul> one idea I had about routers was to challenge the typical client-server idea there
<wolfspraul> the little home router talking to the big telco switch
<wolfspraul> maybe we can make a router that can be more naturally geared towards a p2p network over the same wires
<kristianpaul> also that can still dial on a line line for p2p?
<wolfspraul> I don't know the details, just imagining
<kristianpaul> sure
<wolfspraul> many people have tried to enter the router business, but they all fail on the economics
<wolfspraul> so I had this idea
<wolfspraul> imagine you create a new city in inner mongolia somewhere
<wolfspraul> ok, wait. let's move it to democratic 'real' mongolia first
<wolfspraul> :-)
<kristianpaul> ;-)
<wolfspraul> so, a new city in Mongolia
<wolfspraul> you run some wires between houses
<wolfspraul> how do you network?
<wolfspraul> is RF always superior? I think wires have some very unique networking properties, in terms of speed/immunity from noise etc.
<wolfspraul> so let's say we run some wires in that new city
<wolfspraul> then we need routers/switches
<wolfspraul> what's on the other side of the typical 20 USD wifi router/dsl/cable/fiber modem?
<wolfspraul> I don't know
<wolfspraul> thinking not leading anywhere :-)
<kristianpaul> other side should be more big and power hungry i guess
<kristianpaul> at least that was my experiencied when met the local central telephony
<kristianpaul> but instead, when you have a network switch well all looks more simple
<kristianpaul> of course you just said, problem is economics ..
<kristianpaul> cameras intesting too indeed
<kristianpaul> what about energy? i dont from where but just thinking
<wolfspraul> sure
<wolfspraul> solar?
<wolfspraul> but what product is that exactly?
<kristianpaul> power generator
<wolfspraul> how?
<kristianpaul> from heat perhaps.. different ait presures.. jsut guessing actually :)
<kristianpaul> DocScrutinizer, pointed a werable watch the other day
<kristianpaul> watch clock*
<DocScrutinizer> hmm?
<kristianpaul> wearable**
<DocScrutinizer> this is kinda interesting and feels like sparking ideas: https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Nonlinear_Acoustics
<wolfspraul> wpwrak (or anybody): just as an idea, what do you think about making qi-hw.com the main domain and qi-hardware.com just redirecting to qi-hw ?
<wolfspraul> I don't plan to make any disruptive changes now, if anything it would be slow and to make sure old links keep working.
<wolfspraul> but is the idea any good? should we redirect things over to qi-hw.com ?
<wolfspraul> instead of redirecting some things from qi-hw.com to the full qi-hardware.com ...
<wolfspraul> (which is what we have right now, and Werner suggested to add more redirections)
<wolfspraul> wpwrak: btw, I think you said somewhere in the backlog that we didn't even announce the M1 lauch on our list/announce/etc
<wolfspraul> that's not true, we did
<wolfspraul> (really badly formatted, but just to proove the announcement)
<wolfspraul> the problem was - nobody cared :-)
<wolfspraul> and the reason for that, I think, is because the story is just not attractive or understandable enough. So we need to polish that a little, and then go at it again.
<DocScrutinizer> err, add more links? I thought this is handled by a record in DNS
<DocScrutinizer> ooh, actually not - "5?? permanently moved"
<DocScrutinizer> think there's a apache plugin for that, to redirect http://A.tld/$1 to http://B.tld/$1
<DocScrutinizer> ct.de obviously won't create a hardcoded link to www.heise.de/ct for each if the several 100 subpages per day
<DocScrutinizer> s/ if/ of/
<wolfspraul> sure redirects all understood and easy
<wolfspraul> temporary permanent regex etc.
<wolfspraul> but the question is what the direction of the redirect should be. from qi-hw.com to qi-hardware.com, or the other way round
<wolfspraul> personally I start to believe we should move the central domain over to qi-hw.com, and redirect from the longer qi-hardware.com to it
<DocScrutinizer> I don't think I can contribute any opinion on that. Just noticed ct.de redirects to www.heise.de/ct
<DocScrutinizer> if there's a rationale behind it, I missed it yet
<wolfspraul> shorter
<DocScrutinizer2> www.heise.de/ct is *not* shorter
<DocScrutinizer> that's what I meant