<kristianpaul> reading about o11s
<kristianpaul> ah.. nothing new to the hw side :(
<wpwrak> o11s ?
<kristianpaul> wpwrak: o11s.org
<kristianpaul> some body asked me about iot today and i have no word to answer :)
<wpwrak> ah, mesh. probably boring :)
<kristianpaul> yeah :)
<kristianpaul> well, make alternatives networks to the internet/gms is a way to go, but.. based on what we already know about wifi well..
<kristianpaul> but i could be wrong
<kristianpaul> wpwrak: http://cozybit.com/our-projects/embedded-networking/mobile-ipv6/ dont sound you familiar what they said?
<wpwrak> kristianpaul: yeah, vaguely familiar :) probably still centered around that mesh, though. so of questionable value. i don't quite buy the "flat mesh" meme. i can see the use of a two-layer mesh, with one layer the access and the other the interconnect between local area nodes, but that's usually not what people have in mind.
<wpwrak> well, the "flat" mesh could also make sense in cases where have plenty of power. the usual example is a group of tanks traveling in the desert. as your nodes get smaller, power becomes more and more an issue. i don't quite buy the "mesh your mobile phone" idea. not before batteries increase their energy density by maybe a factor for 10.
<wpwrak> another niche there a flat mesh makes sense are very low-traffic networks. but again, that's not what the average user is interested in.
<wpwrak> so meshes are often solutions intended for military or industrial uses hyped for consumer devices
<wpwrak> now what could possibly be wrong with that picture :)
<kristianpaul> (traffic) yes the problem of the commons i guess
<wpwrak> heh, in a way yes :)
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: m1/perf/eval.pl: process both programs (frame and vertex) and dump all assigned-to fixed registers (master) http://qi-hw.com/p/wernermisc/b3796c8
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: m1/perf/: calculate effective register allocation and how it in comparison table (master) http://qi-hw.com/p/wernermisc/c5df76a
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: m1/perf/tabulate: added HTML mode with highlighting (-h) (master) http://qi-hw.com/p/wernermisc/69cfc40
<tuxbrain> mmm interesting tutorial :) about implement arduino on FPGA http://pepevi.blogspot.com/2011/09/tutorial-emulacionsimulacion-de-arduino_16.html
<tuxbrain> in spanish
<wpwrak> aha, they also discovered the potential of FPGAs. nice :) next challenge: do a real cpu ;-)
<viric> there is an rtl for arduino?
<tuxbrain> viric yes http://www.dfrobot.com/index.php?route=product/product&path=36_68&product_id=511
<viric> you mean RTC
<viric> :)
<tuxbrain> ops :P
<viric> tuxbrain: sóc a moscou, vaig quedar amb en kyak fa dos dies :)
<viric> tuxbrain: m'ha regalat una plaqueta ubb
<viric> tuxbrain: és molt trempat.
<tuxbrain> :) espero que le hayas dado un abrazo de oso , que sea de mi parte retroactivo :)
<viric> haha
<tuxbrain> hombre eso se avisa :), has hecho fotos?
<viric> hm no :D
<tuxbrain> vas a tener una de las ubb con mas quilometros a cuestas :P
<tuxbrain> que es rtl?
<tuxbrain> ah un fichero vhdl!!!
<tuxbrain> en el link que he puesto antes lo mencionan  http://pepevi.blogspot.com/2011/09/tutorial-emulacionsimulacion-de-arduino_16.html
<whitequark> afaik, there is an avr vhdl ip core (it has been around for quite a long time), and that emulator is based on it
<wpwrak> tuxbrain: how's the spi going ?
<tuxbrain> I'm seting up the atduino in slave mode based on this tutorial http://www.rocketnumbernine.com/2009/07/03/using-spi-on-an-avr-3/ , then I will retouch to be able to work with your code , compile your code and cross finguers that something happens
<wpwrak> good :) in the worst case, at least a cursing tuxbrain will happen :)
<xiangfu__> the linux 3.0 image ^
<tuxbrain> heheeheh, without programing the arduino at all, using spiio on ben , is emiting (pin13 led reacts as do when using avrdude) and it read garbage, so somthing is happens :P now let make that that something is the somthing I want :P
<wpwrak> (something happens) great ! ;)
<tuxbrain> pin 13 (the led) is the SCK pin in arduino also , so I think is good news :)
<tuxbrain> for the logs and courious the Arduino SPI library I will use is that one http://code.google.com/p/rocketnumbernine/downloads/list
<wpwrak> seems straightforward enough
<tuxbrain> I hope
<wpwrak> :)
<wpwrak> the evil day star is rising. time for a nap ...
<tuxbrain> dream with MOSI MISO SOMI MOIS SOMI etc
<Jay7> hm
<Jay7> flashed 2011-08-27 image
<Jay7> keys are behaving strangely in gmenu2x
<Jay7> R is not working
<Jay7> so only L is usable
<Ayla> R/L are for switching the tabs?
<Jay7> yes
<Jay7> as I understand
<Jay7> and fonts are fuzzy..
<Jay7> or it may be my NN's screen
<Ayla> I did remove the need of the Y and X (on gp2x) buttons on gmenu2x
<Ayla> but I didn't touch the L/R buttons so they should be working fine
<Jay7> hm.. any mount helper?
<Jay7> or should I mount my SD by hands? :)
<Jay7> ah.. that was broken card
<Jay7> good one mounted automagically
<Jay7> sh$t.. no mp3 decoder
<viric> is it me, or w3m, lynx, elinks, links2, are all leaving margins without text at the left and the right of the page, in the terminals?
<Jay7> open hardware/software is so open :(
<Jay7> no wifi, no mp3..
<kristianpaul> tuxbrain: learning HDL, very nice !!
<kristianpaul> viric: new ubb!! nice :)
<kristianpaul> that rememnber i that vga out working for next month floss related event
<zoltanh7211> Hi guys
<kristianpaul> hello
<zoltanh7211> I'm preparing to hold a talk about Nanonote and Milkymist at Szeged Hungary Software Freedom Day
<zoltanh7211> and I would like to have some background story of both devel platform
<zoltanh7211> if possible
<kristianpaul> had you read both nanonote and milkymist wikipedia articles already?
<zoltanh7211> kristianpaul: yes
<kristianpaul> I think they have some basic background, but if still not fill your needs feel free to ask
<DocScrutinizer> ola`, what's new? :-)
<zoltanh7211> I think it's enough to know what was the new basic idea - or the origin
<zoltanh7211> and the year if possible
<kristianpaul> well i think make, use sell copyleft hardware
<kristianpaul> oops
<kristianpaul> milkymist is think started by 2005, i thik ther are some related blog post in lekernel.net blog
<kristianpaul> afaik he is not here right now to ask more
<zoltanh7211> and the nanonote?
<kristianpaul> zoltanh7211: about qi check this post //www.openmobilefree.net/?p
<kristianpaul> qi/nanonote yes
<zoltanh7211> Thx Kristianpaul
<zoltanh7211> 2009 júl 14
<zoltanh7211> thx
<kristianpaul> may be lars can add something? i just mets this projects 1 year and a half ago,
<wpwrak> this is a very rough timeline a draw up about a year ago: http://downloads.qi-hardware.com/people/werner/tmp/timeline.pdf
<zoltanh7211> oh thanks
<wpwrak> ah, and here's a more accurate list of dates, especially M1:
<wpwrak> it's interesting to note that most of the predictions didn't come true :)
<zoltanh7211> btw about the milkymist - why VJ machine had been the target? Why this was the base idea
<zoltanh7211> ?
<wpwrak> e.g, Xue got unceremoniously buried, we still don't have a ya and even less a ya-mm, etc.
<zoltanh7211> thx
<wpwrak> (m1) probably because sebastien thought it would be a cool idea :)
<zoltanh7211> :)
<zoltanh7211> I will add this to the slide :)
<kristianpaul> he was tired of carying its PC at 6am or soemthing
<kristianpaul> as i remenber he coded an app fore VJing or similar, but i get he noticed soem constraights :)
<zoltanh7211> thx
<kristianpaul> thars ina  slide from him.
<kristianpaul> let me find better source, i dont trust my minf for thid
<zoltanh7211> ok, I'll wait
<kristianpaul> zoltanh7211: http://lekernel.net/presentations/ one of this it is
<zoltanh7211> Checking
<kristianpaul> remenber that of caryinf the pc adn 4 am, thas the slide !
<kristianpaul> i guess/hope :)
<wpwrak> ah yes, he mentioned the joy of carrying PCs around :)
<wpwrak> mobile computing, the hard way :)
<zoltanh7211> I want also turn nanonote into an portable tabletpc that could be an "smartphone" and desn't need too much modifications
<kristianpaul> had you read werner talk from fsil first? :-)
<kristianpaul> fsil**
<kristianpaul> fisl***
<kristianpaul> argh
<zoltanh7211> :)
<zoltanh7211> nope but I will
<kristianpaul> really, there is a video, very worth to wacth before your presentation i'm sure
<zoltanh7211> Thx Kristianpaul
<kristianpaul> DocScrutinizer: hello
<kristianpaul> Mya be you want to check the ogv link above
<Freemor> Thanks for posting the link to the video
<Jay7> hehe.. nn show me WSoD
<wpwrak> Wicked Screen of Depravity ? see, that's what you wouldn't get on those "clean" iPhones ;-)
<Jay7> White Screen of Death :)
<Jay7> battery is over
<Jay7> now charging
<Ayla_> hello
<Ayla_> anyone familiar with UBI?
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: Backlight: use different sysfs name for NanoNote and Dingoo. (master) http://qi-hw.com/p/gmenu2x/b997485
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: Call deinit() method on exit. (master) http://qi-hw.com/p/gmenu2x/53a73ca
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: Corrected name of USB power supply device. (master) http://qi-hw.com/p/gmenu2x/0acbd35
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: Minor cleanup: group handle init code together. (master) http://qi-hw.com/p/gmenu2x/799bb13
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: Minor cleanup: better usage of fscanf. (master) http://qi-hw.com/p/gmenu2x/84ec66c
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: Use existing brightness value instead of overriding it. (master) http://qi-hw.com/p/gmenu2x/7a97822
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: Removed per-application brightness setting. (master) http://qi-hw.com/p/gmenu2x/e73a8d0