<wolfspraul> good morning qiots
<wolfspraul> a-qi-vers
<wolfspraul> :-)
<DocScrutinizer> morning wolfgang
<wolfspraul> DocScrutinizer: morning
<kristianpaul> morning wolfspraul
<wolfspraul> good morning!
<kristianpaul> you read exited, have something to tell? :-)
<kristianpaul> s/read/look
<wolfspraul> no
<wolfspraul> :-)
<kristianpaul> okay, enjoy your morning coffe then :)
<wolfspraul> yes have to speedup today, scary todo list
<rejon> oh great, lekernel we have an interested business in using m1 as an advertising box
<rejon> i guess could fake having image support by point the camera at a small little constructed set that mice could even use
<wolfspraul> yes correct [camera]
<wolfspraul> that we can demo Monday :-)
<wolfspraul> for advertisement purposes I would think readability will be quite important
<wolfspraul> not exactly an m1 strength right now
<xiangfu> where and when use m1 as advertising box?
<kyak> oh god, what happened to my irssi nick coloring.. Suddenly xiangfu is pink, though he used to be green! :)
<wolfspraul> xiangfu: it's some company Jon found that is operating screens with advertisements
<wolfspraul> this is just a meeting with them now, but good chance to hear their thinking
<rejon> wolfspraul, do you have an extra m1 case?
<rejon> we can assemble a box and make a sanctuary to the commercial holy trinity
<rejon> and bring some mice to put in it, banksy
<rejon> mcdonalds, starbucks, apple
<wolfspraul> I may have but don't understand your idea
<wolfspraul> empty box?
<rejon> i mean make a little play set with company logos
<rejon> so we can do real 3d fly throughs with the camera
<rejon> to show them that it can work
<rejon> so sad
<rejon> hahaha
<wolfspraul> yeah it's hilarious!
<wolfspraul> let's do taht
<wolfspraul> they will be on the floor, maybe they buy one unit out of mercy?
<rjeffries> wolfspraul kristianpaul wpwrak reading backlog a day or so ago saw discussion of how to get photos etc into M1. someone suggested etherent, but then internet may not be available
<rjeffries> here's a hac that would work: use some small cheap device that has an ethernet port and one or more usb. one example of many is Seagate Diskstar $25 USD closeout. but many cheap little routers would also work
<rjeffries> these devices ften run OpenWrt. so in therouter box have code that reads a memory card (they come with this) and then send a file out the Ethernet to M1
<rjeffries> sorry for caps lock
<rejon> what do you guys think of this? http://thewire.co.uk/articles/7347/
<DocScrutinizer> USB->ethernet adapter? Not exactly anything new
<DocScrutinizer> duh, hostmode missing - OK....
<DocScrutinizer> hell, who thought missing out hostmode on a device that runs real software would've been a brilliant idea :-/
<DocScrutinizer> so yeah, if you can't make you host play host, make your peripherat with that smal little cpu do that task for the host
<DocScrutinizer> points to FritzBox which come with USB host port to operate storage etc, and obviously run linux and support 4 ethernet ports
<DocScrutinizer> the cheapish ones won't be exactly 25USD but then it's always a DSL router box
<juri_> yes, i hack all day. hardware, software, etc. http://linuxpmi.org/trac/wiki/UnsortedInfo
<wpwrak> DocScrutinizer: (USB-ether) M1 has USB host ... but no drivers (among other things) ;-)
<DocScrutinizer> err, yes I seem to recall sth that needed just a bit of soldering for pulldowns rather  than pullup
<wpwrak> rejon: (PAL198X)  that's ... 1970es, right ? :)
<wpwrak> DocScrutinizer: is has footprints for configuring the USB ports for device, yes. not sure if this actually works, though, or if there's any software (firmware, etc.) for it
<DocScrutinizer> hmm so what's the fuss about how to get ethernet to m1 then?
<DocScrutinizer> usb-periph->ethernet adapters are there in an abundance
<DocScrutinizer> hell they even got used with h-e-n on N900 :-D
<juri_> doc: i'm not sure this is the right place to place anything. like coreboot and openwrt, i am expecting to be documenting current hardware on a "distro"'s wiki. i really think this stuff belongs on shr's wiki.
<juri_> don't get me wrong, this is certainly going in my bookmark list. but this is about creating *new*, free hardware. i'd hate to crud it up with vendor crap. :)
<DocScrutinizer> hmm
<DocScrutinizer> the sciphone is not "new"
<DocScrutinizer> there are other instances of hw getting "just documented"
<DocScrutinizer> on qi wiki
<DocScrutinizer> ask wolfspraul - he shall have the final word on that
<juri_> yea, but thats not any more linked from the "distro" than just documenting it on my wite.
<juri_> site even.
<juri_> I've got my own wiki. I just need a proper place to link to images, so i don't hurt the sites i'm contributing to's bandwidth.
<DocScrutinizer> :shrug:
<DocScrutinizer> wiki.om.org is a safe place to document things for SHR as well
<DocScrutinizer> (as long as chandra server stays up now)
<wolfspraul> oh he left
<wolfspraul> I didn't even understand yet what his question was, maybe next time...
<DocScrutinizer> weird guy, wants to upload highres photos of "hw that gets destructed here"
<DocScrutinizer> see #openmoko-cdevel
<DocScrutinizer> [2011-09-02 08:39:44] <juri_> ok, yet again, i'm going to ask if there is a spot in the official wikis for linking to documentation of non-manufactured phones. i'm representing a recycling company, willing to host images and hack devices, as best as possible.
<DocScrutinizer> [2011-09-02 08:40:43] <juri_> right now i'm staring at an arm9 235mhz, with 32 megs of ram, in an nokia e62. i'm fine with giving up on the device... but i'd like to really expand the 'device porting' stuff on the wiki, as what i've found is VERY lacking.
<DocScrutinizer> seems to relate to SHR
<DocScrutinizer> and bearstech has no great record about giving bandwidth and storage to SHR
<DocScrutinizer> iirc
<DocScrutinizer> I wonder if he's aware porting a distro to a new hw is mostly about errr porting, not about documenting hw
<DocScrutinizer> well hw docu might be fine, but not exactly on a strictly RE level of a recycler making highres shots
<kyak> what is SHR?
<DocScrutinizer> ~shr
<DocScrutinizer> grr no infobot
<kyak> hm
<kyak> apt sent me a PM
<DocScrutinizer> :-D
<kyak> thanks )\
<Jay7> kyak: iirc, SHR is OE-based distro for phones :)
<Jay7> used on OM/n900/etc
<Ayla> hi
<Ayla> is /etc/fb.modes present on Nanonote?
<Jay7> hmm.. using MM as advertizing box is interesing idea
<Jay7> e.g. run some predefined video and merge with camview..
<Jay7> should consider this
<Jay7> and btw, labsw is nice thing as well :)
<kyak> Jay7: i see :)
<wpwrak> Jay7: thanks ! :)
<viric> kyak: BK 2 :>:>< 3>@>45?
<viric> ABL <>A:28G8 745AL?
<viric> silence
<DocScrutinizer> maybe some ideas for m1 can be found when googling about fairlight video synth
<DocScrutinizer> is pondering a library of emulations
<DocScrutinizer> hell, see "animation harness." at http://www.audiovisualizers.com/toolshak/vidsynth/animac/animac.htm
<DocScrutinizer> plus picture there
<rjeffries> wpwrak has leveraged Ben's 8:10 port in clever ways. Next target with a LOT of possibilities will be Ben's (client) USB port. DocScrutinizer has mumbled about s/w to make it support USB Host, which may or may not work. imo
<rjeffries> what can work is BenDongle as I mentioned a couple of days ago. Inspired by: http://android-developers.blogspot.com/2011/05/bright-idea-android-open-accessories.html
<rjeffries> a BenDongle that can connect USB keyboard and mouse (but does not attempt more general USB Host)... and has AVR chip so we also get a collection of digital and analog i/o that can be handled by the AVR (read arduino dongle) then  a program
<rjeffries> on Ven talks with the BenDongle now and again (but real time is only for mouse and keyboard) would be IMO a very interesting accessory. Then Ben serves as display and has higher level software running on Linux.
<rjeffries> Would a next-gen Nanonote be even cooler? sure. But that an a much bigger effort than BenDongle.
<rjeffries> s/Ven/Ben
<wpwrak> (usb accessory) small detail - you still need an accessory capable of doing all this :)
<wpwrak> (usb host on the ben) you could try the V-USB approach and implement USB host via software and, say, UBB. plan to spend a bit of time on this, though ...
<wpwrak> (usb accessory) you also need to solve the problem of supplying power. you could of course take 3.3 V from the ben and up-convert them to 5 V. applies to a V-USB-like UBB board, too.
<wpwrak> for development, you could just use a lab power supply, of course. then all you need is a UBB, a USB A receptacle, a few wires, and one resistor. well, and a bit of time to write the code ;-)
<wpwrak> and don't worry, while you may not consider yourself an engineer now, you'll have grown plenty of confidence by the time you finish that project :)
<wpwrak> in a way, it would even be easier than V-USB, because all the timing is controlled by the USB host. and i think the device's maximum response time it quite tightly limited. (but i don't know the values ... they must be somewhere in those 650 pages of the USB spec) you can find it here: http://www.usb.org/developers/docs/usb_20_071411.zip
<wpwrak> or, for an easier read, consider revision 1.1: http://esd.cs.ucr.edu/webres/usb11.pdf
<wpwrak> it should have all you need for low-speed and even full-speed. and it's only 327 pages.
<wpwrak> for a quick lay of the land, this is useful: http://www.beyondlogic.org/usbnutshell/usb1.shtml