<DocScrutinizer> LOL, intel kills meego?
<wpwrak> DocScrutinizer: wasn't the technical term "merges" ? :)
<DocScrutinizer> for tizian or whatever it's called the IRC channels are full of "kill"
<DocScrutinizer> no merger mentioned
<DocScrutinizer> unless you mean a merger with HTML5
<wpwrak> ah, yesterday the rumor was "intel merges meego with limo"
<DocScrutinizer> seems they abandon meego for a webOS-alike concept called tizian
<DocScrutinizer> haven't read any details yet, as meego as such makes me fall asleep on my kbd
<wpwrak> ah yes,kill qt. nice :) who needs native applications anyway ? ;-)
<DocScrutinizer> sure ;-P
<DocScrutinizer> rosenkrieg
<DocScrutinizer> XP
<DocScrutinizer> not that QML, Qtquick, whatnot else the name of the day been, was any good a concept either
<wpwrak> one problem with application development is that development speed doesn't keep up with the rate of changes in buzzword fashion
<DocScrutinizer> exactly
<wpwrak> so today it's HTML5. maybe next year too. but what comes then ? by the time it would be a "solid and dependable" platform it would be way too boring to use as a differentiator, so they have to pick something else. and all the herd will follow.
<DocScrutinizer> next year too? you're dreaming. I'm surprised when it suvives next month
<wpwrak> naw, one year of big hype. one more year because you can't kill a project after just one year. but then ...
<DocScrutinizer> with much luck your "next year" picture will hold true as in "it sees new year"
<DocScrutinizer> >>Join the Tizen Group to stay in touch with all the Info regarding this new awesome Plateform!<< X-P
<DocScrutinizer> >>Today, the Linux Foundation and LiMo* announced Tizen(TM), an open-source, standards-based software platform for multiple device categories, including smartphones, tablets, smart TVs, netbooks and in-vehicle infotainment systems.<<
<DocScrutinizer> >>Tizen builds upon MeeGo* and LiMo and will deliver an application framework built upon HTML5/WAC 2.0 standards to help developers reuse and extend their code across multiple OS's, app stores, and devices.<<
<methril_work> Tizen, it`s like all the other anonuncements (Mobling, MeeGo,...)
<DocScrutinizer> YAWNS, bored
<DocScrutinizer> ""to help developers bin their existing apps and write everything from scratch, to bin it again when we change our mind next new year's eve"
<DocScrutinizer> F U smartphone/embedded indistry, F U intel
<wpwrak> what the world needs isn't a new smartphone OS. all it needs are plenty of naive fanboys. and of these, it seems to have in abundance :)
<DocScrutinizer> indeed
<wpwrak> "naive" as in "they still reach for a piece of soap a big corp drops"
<wpwrak> "the register": "Zombie mobile Linuxes mate"
<hiyuh> gug
<kyak> heh, i read "VJing" and at first thought it was a name of some Chinese guy :)
<wpwrak> introducing Victor Jing ;-)
<wpwrak> yeah. and that name exists ;-)
<kyak> what if Victor Jing finds out we are discussing him here?
<wpwrak> maybe he'll get curious and buys an M1 ? :)
<kyak> Victor Jing, if you reading this, please buy the M1 :)