<tuxbrain> xiangfu kyak, any progress on the building release image issue?
<tuxbrain> I would love to test this http://en.qi-hardware.com/wiki/File:Nanokoder_draft_demo.ogv on NN :)
<xiangfu> tuxbrain: (libgobject-2.0.so) let me check my build log now.
<tuxbrain> xiangfu : thanks! I will try to buil with sdk tomorrow :) ,
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: renamed gerber/ to fab/ http://qi-hw.com/p/eda-tools/0f20739
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: bom/Makefile: added generation of an SMT fab-type BOM http://qi-hw.com/p/ben-wpan/377bbe9
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: makefiles/Makefile.kicad: changed eda-tools/gerber/ to eda-tools/fab/ http://qi-hw.com/p/ben-wpan/ee4c70b
<tuxbrain> wow >600Mb SDK
<tuxbrain> is the full openwrt libs/sources  there?
<tuxbrain> btw to all any comments about nanocoder will be wellcome, maybe ignored, but welcome anyway
<tuxbrain> good night dudes
<wpwrak> SDK = Sizable Development Kit
<tuxbrain> sorry, nanocoder->nanokoder
<xiangfu> tuxbrain: this SDK include all build depends of release.
<tuxbrain> only of the release... wow :)
<xiangfu> (in fact I am always using the SDK for compile package now. build images in buildhost, build release need a loooot of time in my notebook :)
<wpwrak> xiangfu: oh ... your "workstation" is a notebook ? so that's why it's so incredibly slow !
<xiangfu> tuxbrain: (/usr/lib/libgobject-2.0.so: could not read symbols: File in wrong format) for debug this problem, I think I need full build log of pango and the pango 'config.log'
<xiangfu> wpwrak: yes. a notebook. with an old CPU. core 2.0GHz. btw I update my memory to 4GB early this year  :)
<wpwrak> xiangfu: more memory is always good :)
<xiangfu> tuxbrain: make package/pango/{clean,compile} V=99 > pango.log 2>&1  and the build_dir/target-mipsel_uClibc-
<xiangfu> tuxbrain: I have to apply those patches for make openwrt compile fine in buildhost: http://downloads.qi-hardware.com/software/images/NanoNote/Ben/2011-02-23/patches/
<xiangfu> updating wiki page
<xiangfu> tuxbrain: this time I will write the wiki page. at the same time test those instruction on my PC :)
<xiangfu> just meet the first error.
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: fab/pos2fab: condition a KiCAD .pos file for SMT fab use http://qi-hw.com/p/eda-tools/5cb1aed
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: Makefile.kicad: added generation of a positioning for the SMT fab http://qi-hw.com/p/ben-wpan/8885467
<wpwrak> grmbl.                                                                    ^---- file
<kristianpaul> wpwrak: borg yes :p
<kristianpaul> viric: you there?
<kristianpaul> this line [fid, message] = fopen(settings.fileName, 'rb');
<kristianpaul> hmm and i have others  settings.somthing in other codes..
<xiangfu> kristianpaul: I want know more about how RTEMS using the NOR flash in MM1.
<xiangfu> kristianpaul: please give me some tips :)
<kristianpaul> xiangfu: hi
<kristianpaul> xiangfu: what you need to know? if i know i can tell if not point it where find the info
<kristianpaul> rtems is linked to the yaffs2 port by kernel
<kristianpaul> once that is done, i think all the rest is just like using the standard lib
<kristianpaul> for example in flicernise code i'm aware all flicernoise settins are loaded from a file called sysconfig.bin
<kristianpaul> (line 138 syscongfig.c)
<kristianpaul> doing a fast ack-grep i found fd = fopen(SYSCONFIG_FILE, "w");
<kristianpaul> so if you follo ansi c, rtems will be just another friendly os :-)
<kristianpaul> posix too
<kristianpaul> you should do a quick read or take a look at http://www.rtems.org/onlinedocs/releases/rtemsdocs-4.10.0/share/rtems/html/
<kristianpaul> was the first thing i did when seriosully start looking at rtems
<kristianpaul> you can do easy tasks like:
<kristianpaul> making a driver for thre second uart port i added to mm1 core ;-)
<kristianpaul> porting a util from busybox like ping
<kristianpaul> (of course leaning tasks)
<kristianpaul> leraning*
<kristianpaul> also checkout examples-v2 from  http://www.rtems.com/wiki/index.php/RTEMS_CVS_Repository
<kristianpaul> but well, i lost the track with the NOR question
<xiangfu> I will reading today.
<xiangfu> then see if I can ask some real question :)
<xiangfu> thanks kristianpaul
<kristianpaul> so basicaly flicernoise NOT rtems is linked with yaffs2 and lekernel also added a custom command to the rtemns shell in order to be able to do formating (line 227 main.c flickernoise source code)
<kristianpaul> flickernoise**
<kristianpaul> src/shelltextx.c
<xiangfu> the line 227 of my main.c is only one "}". my git last commit is : 79f88b0091c79b5ce2e70b4a70c15061d4bbc3f3
<xiangfu> Mon Mar 14 12:54:23 2011 +0100
<xiangfu> kristianpaul: I want build a wallpaper inside the flickernoise. like a default wall paper.
<xiangfu> kristianpaul: and I always want start learn at FLASH. is more simply then other device. :)
<kristianpaul> xiangfu: line 241 sorry
<xiangfu> kristianpaul: this shelltextx.c is for reflash mm1. right?
<kristianpaul> reflash NOR (wich is part of mm1) yes
<kristianpaul> from _rtems_ shell
<rjeffries> kristianpauk is rtems the OS used my milkymist?
<rjeffries> s/my/by
<kristianpaul> rjeffries: Yes Sr
<rjeffries> interesting
<kristianpaul> a lot :-)
<kristianpaul> xiangfu: wallpaper.png, just do some gimp and thats it ! :-)
<xiangfu> kristianpaul: this shelltextx.c is only 'erase' for now.
<kristianpaul> xiangfu: is harcoded in the code
<rjeffries> is linux launched as a task on top of rtems ? or instead of rtems
<kristianpaul> xiangfu: fow now ;-)
<kristianpaul> rjeffries: linux is not part of rtems or flickernoise
<kristianpaul> also is a bit complex to be a "task" :-)
<rjeffries> i thought someone said mm could boot linix so i guess that was bogus
<xiangfu> :D
<kristianpaul> rjeffries: it could
<rjeffries> is flickernoise an app on top of rtems
<kristianpaul> rjeffries: but not related with rtems, is another way
<rjeffries> ok
<kristianpaul> rjeffries: lets said yes,
<kristianpaul> for me is not clear tha app concept in rtems
<kristianpaul> i could said flicernoise is a compilation of rtems + mtk + libs + patches
<kristianpaul> mtl is the gui toolkit for the graphics
<kristianpaul> mtk**
<rjeffries> nods understood
<kristianpaul> good :-)
<xiangfu> kristianpaul: now I know how to add a command in rtems. base on shellext.c :)
<kristianpaul> xiangfu: yay :-)
<kristianpaul> is prety easy, isnt? :_)
<kristianpaul> but also shell.pdf have quick explanation also
<xiangfu> kristianpaul: I will try to hardcode a wallpaper to flickernoise first.
<kristianpaul> xiangfu: with other name you mean?
<kristianpaul> will be nice if you can choose at least from two harcoded wallpapers ;-)
<xiangfu> only the REGULAR APP    is yaffs2 right?
<kristianpaul> hmm
<xiangfu> the flickernoise.fbi is flashed to REGULAR_APP.
<kristianpaul> i thik after, i dont remener bios can boot the regular app from a yaffs2 "parition"
<kristianpaul> after regular app i mean
<kristianpaul> wich have a limit btw
<kristianpaul> xiangfu: the wiki is not clear but after regular follow the yaffs2 partition
<kristianpaul> *I think*
<kristianpaul> so there is a limit on the refular app size
<xiangfu> ok.
<kristianpaul> thats why lekernel impleneted the lzma i think
<kristianpaul> also !!!
<kristianpaul> the flash NOR is not intednded as a data storage FS
<xiangfu> so. if you right. the REGULAR_APP should be only 4MB. then the rest is for yaffs2 partition.
<wolfspraul> I think the partition sizes are arbitrary. there is a large (24mb?) data partition right now.
<wolfspraul> we can change this, if necessary
<wolfspraul> total we have 32 mb in flash, right?
<kristianpaul> we can change this, if necessary <- yes
<wolfspraul> of course changing will cause trouble in all sorts of tools etc. so it needs to be thought through, and communicated well. not right now.
<kristianpaul> just change the bios
<kristianpaul> i dunno id erase command is harcoded and also rtems
<kristianpaul> and so on..
<kristianpaul> ;)
<wolfspraul> oh sure, I can imagine those partitions are hardcoded in several places
<kristianpaul> but my point is
<wolfspraul> let's be very careful about changing this. I'm just making the point that the flash is flat.
<kristianpaul> you can also boot from a external memory
<kristianpaul> aka 8:10 here
<kristianpaul> but
<kristianpaul> software side acording to lekernel need some polish
<kristianpaul> as NOT all memory cards
<kristianpaul> works
<kristianpaul> but in theory you can try boot from a memory card
<kristianpaul> fsboot command in milkmist bios
<kristianpaul> i just have kingstone and cant boot or even mount it..
<kristianpaul> but i think you see the plan :-)
<kristianpaul> wolfspraul: should be flat until you hit the yaffs part and bigh ouch  for some data saved there :-)
<kristianpaul> s/bugh/big
<kristianpaul> strugling with octave
<xiangfu> the 'reset' command not working. instead 'shutdown' make MM1 reboot :)
<kristianpaul> really?
<kristianpaul> ah rtems
<kristianpaul> yes
<kristianpaul> as Fallenou about that
<kristianpaul> btw write mails to rtmes list is good
<xiangfu> kristianpaul: what is the detail? I don't know
<kristianpaul> and also they are very helfull
<kristianpaul> xiangfu: me eiher i dont do the port
<kristianpaul> you can track it ;_)
<xiangfu> kristianpaul: for now. I know the flickernoise is running memory. the flash(24M nor flash) is mount to /flash
<xiangfu> like '/' is mount to a memory filesystem.
<xiangfu> right?
<kristianpaul> rtems-milkymist/c/src/lib/libbsp/lm32 <- mainlly code milkymist port/bsp
<kristianpaul> yeah some part of the NOT is mount, but actually i dont have the details of this
<kristianpaul> s/NOT/NOR
<kristianpaul> details to confirm, but it should be like that i guess, (jus some part of the NOR is maped as flash for rtems)
<kristianpaul> so i shall say, right xiangfu  :-)
<xiangfu> ok.
<kristianpaul> but please check the drivers
<kristianpaul> to confirm
<xiangfu> yes.
<kristianpaul> or ask sebastien ;-))
<kristianpaul> drivers are also not so hard, even i can understand it :-)
<kristianpaul> #define FLASH_BASE                      (0x80000000)
<xiangfu> kristianpaul: just ask you said:   { .start_address = 0x80920000, .length = 0x0400000 }, \
<kristianpaul> rtems-milkymist/c/src/lib/libbsp/lm32/milkymist/include/system_conf.h
<kristianpaul> good :-)
<xiangfu> the REGULAR_APP is only 4M. then the rest is for /dev/flash5
<xiangfu> line 271 of system_conf.h
<kristianpaul> he i tought was five ;)
<xiangfu> I will update wiki.
<kristianpaul> please :-)
<wpwrak> tuxbrain: ah, and you should also ask the SMT fab what to do with the USB connector of atusb. this is a through-hole component and i have no idea how this sort of thing is normally mounted. unfortunately, it seems that through-hole is the only common form for this kind of connector. (probably because of mechanical properties)
<kristianpaul> ohh
<kristianpaul> qtoctave show gplt wich wasnt when runnning octave from console :o
<wpwrak> tuxbrain: specifically, if the smt fab wants a stencil for the solder paste, they should tell you if the usb connector should have solder paste, too (or if it shouldn't have solder paste or if it doesn't matter)
<kristianpaul> hmm, how i can show cotent of line 145 and column 32 for all files in my directory?
<kristianpaul> cat -n *.m | grep -a1 145
<kristianpaul> argg
<kristianpaul> why octave tell me wich file have the error!!
<xiangfu> kristianpaul: find ./ -name "*.c" -exec sed -n '154p'  {} \; | cut -b35-36
<kristianpaul> wow!
<xiangfu> find ./ -name "*.c" -exec sed -n '145p'  {} \; | cut -b32-33
<xiangfu> find ./ -name "*.c" -exec sed -n '145p'  {} \; | cut -b32-32 :D
<kristianpaul> hmm.. not helping too much ://
<kristianpaul> better i read how debug code in octave..
<kristianpaul> zzz
<kristianpaul> gn8
<xiangfu> night
<tuxbrain> wpwrak: the holes of USB are specified in the gerbers for the PCB maker drills it?
<wpwrak> tuxbrain: they're specified in the drill file (excellon, not gerber)
<wpwrak> tuxbrain: but yes, that's part of the package
<wpwrak> tuxbrain: another thing to check is the point where their pick and place tool would grab the usb connector
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: fpdoc: new utility to generate a PDF with the footprints used in a project http://qi-hw.com/p/eda-tools/47b53c8
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: added generation of SMT fab file package (in progress) http://qi-hw.com/p/ben-wpan/d53c2c2
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: include overview images in PCB and SMT fab packages http://qi-hw.com/p/ben-wpan/2e53290
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: makefiles/Makefile.kicad: fix dependency bugs http://qi-hw.com/p/ben-wpan/ef6dd28
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: added project-specific footprint reference for SMT fab http://qi-hw.com/p/ben-wpan/507e6c3
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: generate SMT fab package http://qi-hw.com/p/ben-wpan/2aed515
<wpwrak> tuxbrain: the *110323* files should be what you need
<wpwrak> xiangfu: and there are a few updates for fped as well :)
<roh> wpwrak: morning
<roh> any clue what happened with the shipment?
<wpwrak> roh: no idea. did anything show up on your side ?
<wpwrak> roh: maybe the postman wasn't able to find the building of the space agency and it was returned ? the tracking on the .de side looks extremely untrustworthy, so it may never show up in that system (i also looked on DHL, without success)
<qi-bot> [commit] werner: fped: don't output pad names consisting only of spaces http://qi-hw.com/p/fped/e1f4e03
<qi-bot> [commit] werner: fped: added option  -1 package  to select a single package to output with -p/-P http://qi-hw.com/p/fped/f44accd
<qi-bot> [commit] werner: hack: set errno to ENOENT when -1 fails, so that the error isn't too ugly http://qi-hw.com/p/fped/2de385e
<wpwrak> xiangfu: whee, that was quick ! :) thanks !
<xiangfu> making debian package...
<roh> wpwrak: nope. nothing showed up
<xiangfu>   CC        y.tab.o
<xiangfu> fpd.y: In function ‘yyparse’:
<xiangfu> fpd.y:678: error: too few arguments to function ‘dump’
<xiangfu> make: *** [y.tab.o] Error 1
<roh> and ive got all mail from the last year. nothing missing so far
<xiangfu> wpwrak: ^
<wpwrak> xiangfu: argh
<wpwrak> xiangfu: fixed
<wpwrak> roh: sometimes, mail between .de and .ar can take unusually long. that happens at least for journals. (e.g., c't)
<wpwrak> roh: not sure if this parcel takes a similar route, though
<roh> hm
<qi-bot> [commit] werner: fpd.y: dump() requires a dummy "one" argument here too, oops http://qi-hw.com/p/fped/335ddb6
<wpwrak> roh: not much we can do but wait :-(
<tuxbrain> wpwrak: two cuestion, the smt vendor tellsme is very important to have the "fiducial"(I don't know if it's called like that in english) marks on the PCB and in the panel
<tuxbrain> also if they can change the 22 Pf  que es High Q, Low Loss by the one they have standarized 22 pf 50V 0402 COG  AVX04025A220JAT2A
<viric> kristianpaul: Now I'm here
<tuxbrain> we have such fiducials marks?
<roh> tuxbrain: know a german word? /me doesnt understand what you mean
<roh> or spanisch?
<tuxbrain> fiduciales
<roh> aaaah.. fitting marks? for the picknplace robot to align on?
<qi-bot> [commit] werner: fped: don't output pad names consisting only of spaces http://qi-hw.com/p/fped/e1f4e03
<qi-bot> [commit] werner: fped: added option  -1 package  to select a single package to output with -p/-P http://qi-hw.com/p/fped/f44accd
<qi-bot> [commit] werner: hack: set errno to ENOENT when -1 fails, so that the error isn't too ugly http://qi-hw.com/p/fped/2de385e
<qi-bot> [commit] werner: fpd.y: dump() requires a dummy "one" argument here too, oops http://qi-hw.com/p/fped/335ddb6
<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu Liu: add debian package stuff http://qi-hw.com/p/fped/a3b3e94
<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu Liu: clean up the Build-Depends. http://qi-hw.com/p/fped/efa4fd5
<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu Liu: use the new version rules. http://qi-hw.com/p/fped/92b0841
<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu Liu: add debian/fped.manpages  for install manpage http://qi-hw.com/p/fped/01039f2
<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu Liu: update to svn rev 5982, enable dh_auto_test http://qi-hw.com/p/fped/222ef26
<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu Liu: use usual name for orig tarball top-level directory http://qi-hw.com/p/fped/f5f48c2
<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu Liu: update take svn rev: 5983 http://qi-hw.com/p/fped/0e88d0e
<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu Liu: remove the Build-Depends ttf-liberation http://qi-hw.com/p/fped/649c47f
<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu Liu: update to svn rev 5986 http://qi-hw.com/p/fped/769d1e1
<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu Liu: override dh_auto_clean, use make spotless instread http://qi-hw.com/p/fped/ae5b87f
<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu Liu: add ghostscript to Build-Depends http://qi-hw.com/p/fped/b639a29
<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu Liu: update the homepage to help webpage http://qi-hw.com/p/fped/5630e97
<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu Liu: update to r5997 http://qi-hw.com/p/fped/74852e1
<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu Liu: debian package update to 5999 http://qi-hw.com/p/fped/4f2ca0b
<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu Liu: update to r6005 http://qi-hw.com/p/fped/3fb567b
<tuxbrain> yeah roh :)
<roh> you mean the 'test dummy icons' ;)
<wpwrak> tuxbrain: (fiducial) i think that's a set of crosshairs, for alignment. i've never used that. do they need them per board or per panel ? in the latter case, they would come from the pcb fab
<roh> narf. qi-bot is annoying and worthless
<tuxbrain> on both
<tuxbrain> roh : I like to see the commits :)
<roh> tuxbrain: something yes. but the flooding is not helping
<wpwrak> tuxbrain: how many do they need per board, two ? and how wide should the lines be ? 3 mil ?
<wpwrak> tuxbrain: (22 pF) maybe it works, maybe not. the problem is that regular caps don't have well-defined behaviour at such high frequencies
<tuxbrain> wpwrak: then better use the one you specified, if it doesn't work it will be your fault and I will have some one to blame
<wpwrak> ;-))
<viric> wpwrak: you either sleep according to CET time, or you take some heavy drugs :)
<kyak> did someone say drugs?!
<viric> You are always "in the foot of the canon"
<wpwrak> viric: i take catnaps :)
<roh> viric: timezones are for users
<kyak> cat is napping ~18 hours a day
<wpwrak> kyak: alright, what's colloquially called "catnaps" ;-)
<viric> wpwrak: so you sleep periods no longer than half an hour?
<wpwrak> kyak: and with only 18 hours, that's a hyper-active cat :)
<tuxbrain> viric wpwrak is not real, is a virtual entity generated by the collective mind waves of qi-hw community and an asado
<roh> .oO(wpwrak is being kept awake by caffeine and women i believe)
<kyak> wpwrak: insomniac cat :)
<wpwrak> viric: hmm, maybe 2-6h at a time. depends.
<viric> wpwrak: do you end up being awake more than 16h every day?
<wpwrak> roh: naw, have to banish the women from my lair. too distracting.
<viric> wpwrak: I mean.. is your purpose to be more time awake, or to break the usual phase-locked-loop with the day and night?
<wpwrak> viric: duh, no idea ;-)
<viric> :)
<wpwrak> viric: i just take a nap when i feel i need one. and i wake up when ... well, when i wake up. easy, no ? ;-)
<viric> so you have no PLL with day and night :)
<wpwrak> viric: i tend to drift into nighttime when i can. and then i get some sort of jet-lag when the outside world forces me to synchronize with solar time :(
<kyak> wpwrak: do you consume any food? (i think wpwrak is failing the Turing test ;)
<wpwrak> ;-))
<viric> aah
<wpwrak> kyak: just beer :)
<wpwrak> tuxbrain: so .. how many marks ? and how thick shall the lines be ?
<tuxbrain> asking
<wpwrak> tuxbrain: oh, and can they be obscured by components or do they have to be visible also after smt ? (in this case, the usb connector - there's a nice big empty space underneath it that i'd like use for one such mark)
<tuxbrain> roh the boards didn't arrive yet? at this rhythmI will be able to send you production ones before the werner's ones arrives :P
<viric> kristianpaul: you are aware of modules like this, right? http://www.cooking-hacks.com/index.php/gps-module-for-arduino.html
<tuxbrain> any one with qt compiling knowledge?
<tuxbrain> ld is bitching me
<tuxbrain> here is more detailed info about my qt fight http://pastebin.com/xr5D6wUY
<roh> tuxbrain: i fear something like that (shipping time)
<tuxbrain> where is this damn ld loocking at!!!, the gcc_s thing is on -L /home/mutrox/Proyectos/tuxbrain/productos/nanonote/SDK/OpenWrt-SDK-xburst-for-Linux-x86_64-gcc-4.3.3+cs_uClibc- also
<viric> tuxbrain: if you use '-v' on the g++ call, you will get the '-L' passed to ld
<viric> you sohuld also paste the command line of the g++ linking call issued
<viric> m'ho miro en acabat de dinra!
<viric> dinar
<tuxbrain> gracies nen :)
<tuxbrain> I'm so tired of build trial and error.... :(
<tuxbrain> and error and error and error...
<viric> tuxbrain: where is libgcc_s.so* ?
<viric> it looks as if you have it in multiple places
<tuxbrain> /home/mutrox/Proyectos/tuxbrain/productos/nanonote/SDK/OpenWrt-SDK-xburst-for-Linux-x86_64-gcc-4.3.3+cs_uClibc-
<tuxbrain> /home/mutrox/Proyectos/tuxbrain/productos/nanonote/SDK/OpenWrt-SDK-xburst-for-Linux-x86_64-gcc-4.3.3+cs_uClibc-
<tuxbrain> /home/mutrox/Proyectos/tuxbrain/productos/nanonote/SDK/OpenWrt-SDK-xburst-for-Linux-x86_64-gcc-4.3.3+cs_uClibc-
<tuxbrain> /home/mutrox/Proyectos/tuxbrain/productos/nanonote/SDK/OpenWrt-SDK-xburst-for-Linux-x86_64-gcc-4.3.3+cs_uClibc-
<xiangfu_> tuxbrain: Hi
<viric> tuxbrain: hm I don't see it at once.
<xiangfu_> tuxbrain: I am also try to re-compile the whole openwrt in my PC.
<tuxbrain> hi xianfu
<xiangfu_> tuxbrain: how about your pango compile problem?
<xiangfu_> tuxbrain: for now. I meet some alsa-utils problem. as kyak said every PC give you different errors :)
<tuxbrain> uff I have changed them for qt compile problems
<kyak> xiangfu_: there is a patch for alsa-utils problem
<xiangfu_> kyak: then I am try to collect those patches put them at : http://downloads.qi-hardware.com/software/images/NanoNote/Ben/latest/patches/
<xiangfu_> kyak: :)
<tuxbrain> viric I have rid off the the gcc_s problem, now I have a new one
<viric> ahh
<viric> tuxbrain: how did you do for the gcc_s?
<tuxbrain> I changed the path of libs to /home/mutrox/Proyectos/tuxbrain/productos/nanonote/SDK/OpenWrt-SDK-xburst-for-Linux-x86_64-gcc-4.3.3+cs_uClibc-
<tuxbrain> but now http://pastebin.com/WXnLAuEk
<kyak> xiangfu_: i think these patches are related to release build, not latest build.. some of them are not needed anymore, and some more patches are needed
<tuxbrain> but again the exasperate thing is that the libs are in same path!!!
<roh> yay. werners package arrived. finally
<wpwrak> tuxbrain: any update on the fiduciary marks ?
<tuxbrain> roh: yay!
<tuxbrain> wpwrak: nop
<wpwrak> roh: heeey hooo !! :)
<roh> yay.
<tuxbrain> gcc hates me :(
<roh> german post fucked up. didnt meet me on the 16th.. wrote a card. which i got in the mail _today_.. a full week later
<roh> if i wouldnt have fetched the package today it would have been sent back. *sigh*
<wpwrak> roh: wow ;-) didn't they think of just leaving a note on the 1st attempt ?
<wpwrak> roh: nice timing :)
<roh> wpwrak: the dhl guy doesnt have a doorkey so he cannot get to the mailbox
<roh> only the letter guy
<wpwrak> roh: oh, complicated mailbox access
<wpwrak> roh: did customs charge anything ?
<roh> nope
<wpwrak> roh: excellent
<kyak> xMff: ping
<roh> ack. did you really pay 30$ for sending it?
<wpwrak> roh: 30 pesos, a bit less than EUR 6. these things are something like 2-3 days of work, so even at USD 30, the shipping cost would be insignificant ;-)
<roh> wow is that stuff tiny
<tuxbrain> votes for motto for 8:10 thingys: "wow, that stuff is tiny" :)
<wpwrak> ;-))
<wpwrak> tuxbrain: btw, did the smt fab give you a cost estimate at least ?
<kristianpaul> viric: sure
<tuxbrain> wpwrak: np
<tuxbrain> nop
<viric> tuxbrain: post about the gcc errors
<viric> tuxbrain: you have such a long paths that it is almost impossible to understand anything at glance
<tuxbrain> viric I have already posted (well really not gcc, is ld that really hates me)
<viric> ld does what gcc tells it to do
<tuxbrain> viric: (paths) sorry dude
<viric> hey don't call me dude :)
<tuxbrain> perdona nen :)
<viric> ;)
<viric> així m'agrada
<viric> tuxbrain: et cal -rpath-link
<wpwrak> tuxbrain: ah well, there are still a few work hours left in the day. let's hope they'll get back to you so that we can finalize things this week.
<tuxbrain> wpwrak: hope so
<viric> tuxbrain: when a dynamic library depends on OTHER dynamic libraries, you need to tell ld "-rpath-link"
<viric> tuxbrain: it means "if any library depends on more libraries, find them at this -rpath-link path"
<wpwrak> (long paths) OpenWrt-SDK-xburst-for-Linux-x86_64-gcc-4.3.3+cs_uClibc-   wow, and not a single slash in there :)
<viric> tuxbrain: ld looks at -L directories only for "-l" libraries
<viric> tuxbrain: for dependencies of the libraries, it looks at -rpath-link
<viric> (if I recall well)
<roh> wpwrak: did you really solder all these gnd layer connecting wires by hand?
<tuxbrain> rpath-link, for each file reclaimed?
<tuxbrain> /home/mutrox/Proyectos/tuxbrain/productos/nanonote/SDK/OpenWrt-SDK-xburst-for-Linux-x86_64-gcc-4.3.3+cs_uClibc- file not recognized: Is a directory
<roh> btw.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KZrP3KlmHto&hd=1 deshakers are cool stuff. (no worries.. it cant be rods.. they would be different sized and _hot_ when there
<wpwrak> roh: (vias) every one of them ...
<roh> wow
<wpwrak> roh: the main problem are the large ground areas in atusb. in atben, the vias weren't so much trouble. i just put solder paste on both sides, stick a wire through each hole, and go around with the soldering iron. then check visually and fix whatever doesn't look right. takes maybe 0.5-1 hours.
<wpwrak> roh: i had a lot of trouble with atusb, a) because the large ground areas suck up so much heat, and b) because i had chemical surface degradation on some of the boards
<tuxbrain> mipsel-openwrt-linux-uclibc-g++: unrecognized option '-rpath-link' :(
<roh> i see
<wpwrak> tuxbrain: something like -Wl,-rpath-link=path ?
<tuxbrain> mipsel-openwrt-linux-uclibc-g++: unrecognized option '-rpath-link=/home/mutrox/Proyectos/tuxbrain/productos/nanonote/SDK/OpenWrt-SDK-xburst-for-Linux-x86_64-gcc-4.3.3+cs_uClibc-'
<wpwrak> with -Wl,... ?
<tuxbrain> ok now did'n compain but thows same error like withou rpath-link or rpath
<wpwrak> tuxbrain: if all else fails, run the build with  strace -f -o log  and then search from the end for gcc_s. that may give you a hint where it looked and what it found.
<tuxbrain> wpwrak, you understand spanish?
<kristianpaul> tuxbrain: he *should*
<wpwrak> tuxbrain: as long as it's not overly poetic ;-)
<kristianpaul> como la roza que derramo lagrimas sobre la nube? ;-)
<tuxbrain> kristianpaul eso no lo he entendido ni yo
<kristianpaul> tuxbrain: jajaj ;)
<tuxbrain> wpwrak: I have resend you the smt vendor answer.
<tuxbrain> if there is something you don't understand let me know
<wpwrak> tuxbrain: easy enough :) okay, i understand now what they mean. i was thinking of a different type of marking.
<tuxbrain> wpwrak: any more question to fordward?
<kristianpaul> viric: (sirf gps + arduino) But the idea is dig on the IC part wich you'll amaze all the software involved there, and most people asume it like "hardware"
<viric> clear
<kristianpaul> :-)
<kristianpaul> btw i as trying some mathlab code in octave
<kristianpaul> but
<kristianpaul> it uses catch for catch errors
<kristianpaul> it said something like:
<kristianpaul> number of rows must match (0 != 1) near line 145, column 32
<kristianpaul> but no tellme in wich file too look..
<wpwrak> tuxbrain: two open issues: 1) what about the stencil ? does the smt fab need one ? if yes, you need to ask the pcb fab if they can make it and how much it would cost.
<wpwrak> tuxbrain: 2) how is the usb connector soldered ? specifically, if we need a stencil, should the usb connector have solder paste or not ?
<kristianpaul> viric: if you are curios you can grab the code from http://kristianpaul.org/~paul/tmp/GNSS_SDR.tar.gz
<viric> I'm not curious enough.. sorry
<viric> kristianpaul: I don't know 'catch' in octave
<wpwrak> tuxbrain: regarding 1), they may also have a dispenser that doesn't require a stencil. in this case, the interpretation/application of the solder paste layer would pass from the pcb fab to the smt fab
<kristianpaul> viric: i also have to modify temporaly a pwelch fuction was not compatible with same values as mathlab..
<kristianpaul> ok viric
<GNUtoo|bug20> tuxbrain, hi I'm seeing a lot of activity about smt vendor etc... a new board is in preparation?
<tuxbrain> GNUtoo|bug20: yep the atben and atusb WPAN RF comm in the ben finallly
<GNUtoo|bug20> ok nice
<GNUtoo|bug20> btw I saw that:
<GNUtoo|bug20> let me launch midori
<GNUtoo|bug20> it takes time on a armv7@500MHz
<GNUtoo|bug20> I've the requirements
<viric> you can run midori in the nanonote?
<GNUtoo|bug20> I've some gpio
<GNUtoo|bug20> no
<GNUtoo|bug20> on bug20
<GNUtoo|bug20> and I run a linux kernel 2.6.31
<viric> I don't know any bug20
<GNUtoo|bug20> what does this rf control permit me to do?
<tuxbrain> viric search for buglabs
<GNUtoo|bug20> viric, imagine an arduino running GNU/Linux and java
<GNUtoo|bug20> tuxbrain, btw the bug 2.0 is usable
<GNUtoo|bug20> unlike the 1.x
<GNUtoo|bug20> software is not totally perfect
<GNUtoo|bug20> but hardware seem way more solid
<GNUtoo|bug20> I can comment on it if you want
<tuxbrain> GNUtoo|bug20: still being so pricy?
<GNUtoo|bug20> it's not copyleft hardware but MIT like btw
<GNUtoo|bug20> yes
<GNUtoo|bug20> still not cheap
<GNUtoo|bug20> since I was the best contributor of their community...
<GNUtoo|bug20> you imagine what happened....
<GNUtoo|bug20> *you caan
<GNUtoo|bug20> *can
<GNUtoo|bug20> I didn't test the java part yet on the 2.0 but the hardware seem mostly fine
<GNUtoo|bug20> basically so far I found the following issues
<GNUtoo|bug20> *I had to recalibrate the screen => software issue
<GNUtoo|bug20> the screen is so great now, top precision
<GNUtoo|bug20> but the borders are still a bit problematic
<GNUtoo|bug20> it's usable tough
<GNUtoo|bug20> I had to recalibrate to be able to scroll
<GNUtoo|bug20> the VGA display is not very usable but with an hdmi->vga or hdmi->dvi adapter it
<GNUtoo|bug20> 's ok
<GNUtoo|bug20> there is a little ffff with sound
<GNUtoo|bug20> not earable when using a hifi set
<GNUtoo|bug20> only trough headphones
<GNUtoo|bug20> also there is some pop at volume change
<GNUtoo|bug20> that is totally softwaRE
<GNUtoo|bug20> I know even why
<GNUtoo|bug20> that's described in pop and click in the kernel documentation in asoc
<GNUtoo|bug20> basically the incorrect power sequence was applied
<GNUtoo|bug20> so that's software
<GNUtoo|bug20> apart that it's so great
<tuxbrain> GNUtoo|bug20: regarding RF modules we work bitbanging gpios in c so I suppose is only matter to asign to the righ gpios and done
<GNUtoo|bug20> ok
<GNUtoo|bug20> the bug1.x was a nightmare harware wise
<GNUtoo|bug20> the 2.0 is fine
<GNUtoo|bug20> so if you want I can put you in touch with them
<GNUtoo|bug20> or do some test for you
<GNUtoo|bug20> basically it's the dream device for hardware/software hackers
<GNUtoo|bug20> pre-requisite: knowing how to program in java ,or GNU/Linux, or any other programming language
<tuxbrain> I was once in touch with them... but we stop comunicating (no aparenting reason, things that happens) I'm fine to retake contact with them
<GNUtoo|bug20> ok
<GNUtoo|bug20> maybe they were too busy trying to get the bug 2.0 out
<GNUtoo|bug20> so I was wondering what you can do with the RF modules
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: modules/INFO, modules/Makefile, modules/fiducial.fpd, AUTHORS: added fiducial http://qi-hw.com/p/kicad-libs/de2174d
<GNUtoo|bug20> and is bitbanging done in userspace
<GNUtoo|bug20> such as using /sys/class/gpio
<GNUtoo|bug20> what frequency can you use with the rf module from hackday/community news
<GNUtoo|bug20> hmmm the source code seem to contain a kenrel module source
<GNUtoo|bug20> can't it be done totally in userapace?
<GNUtoo|bug20> because else it requires porting
<GNUtoo|bug20> for each kenrel version
<tuxbrain> you should ask mirko the author about this, is quite silence lately here
<tuxbrain> I must leave
<GNUtoo|bug20> ok
<wpwrak> tuxbrain: if they're still around, can you check if this looks okay ? http://downloads.qi-hardware.com/people/werner/wpan/tmp/atben-110323-overview.png
<GNUtoo|bug20> see you later then
<GNUtoo|bug20> ah nice 80215.4
<GNUtoo|bug20> altough I don't know the compatibility with zigbee
<wpwrak> GNUtoo|bug20: the RF is ZigBee-compatible. you just need the protocol stack :)
<GNUtoo|bug20> ok
<GNUtoo|bug20> is a bit confused between zigbee and 80215.4
<GNUtoo|bug20> 80215.4 is like the MAC layer
<GNUtoo|bug20> and zigbee is on top of it?
<wpwrak> yes
<GNUtoo|bug20> ok
<wpwrak> or you can put 6LoWPAN on top of 802.15.4. unlike ZigBee, 6LoWPAN is an open standard (IETF)
<GNUtoo|bug20> yes I know zigbee has some issues with freedom
<GNUtoo|bug20> for instance can you make a microcontroller talk 6LoWPAN?
<GNUtoo|bug20> or are the zigbee stuff from sparkfun zigbee-only?
<rjeffries> wpwrak have all of your atben/atusb packages now arrived at destinations?
<GNUtoo|bug20> because I bet their stack are some kind of black box
<wpwrak> rjeffries: yes. all three have reached their destination.
<wpwrak> GNUtoo|bug20: 6LoWPAN is designed for low resources, yes
<wpwrak> GNUtoo|bug20: no idea what sparkfun have
<GNUtoo|bug20> ok
<rjeffries> wpwrak now the race is on to see who confirms a transmission across the ether (outside of Argentina) FIRST! My money is on... roh?
<wpwrak> mine too :)
<wpwrak> i'm actually a little surprised that he hasn't reported any success yet :)
<GNUtoo|bug20> ahh I understand
<GNUtoo|bug20> basically it uses cheap radios like the sparkfun ones @433 Mhz
<GNUtoo|bug20> and bitbang the protocol
<GNUtoo|bug20> so all is in softwaree
<GNUtoo|bug20> so it ccan talks to everything
<GNUtoo|bug20> that is in 433 Mhz
<GNUtoo|bug20> right?
<GNUtoo|bug20> or at least in theory
<wpwrak> no no ... very different
<wpwrak> it's in the 2.4 GHz band
<wpwrak> also, bitbang is only the communication with the transceiver's buffer. the transceiver takes care of the bit timing.
<GNUtoo|bug20> ok
<GNUtoo|bug20> but....
<GNUtoo|bug20> I was talking not about the 80215.4 one
<GNUtoo|bug20> but this one:
<wpwrak> ah, that one's different, yes. i think the chip also controls the bit timing, though
<GNUtoo|bug20> ok
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: makefiles/Makefile.kicad: added target "overview" http://qi-hw.com/p/ben-wpan/b93494e
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: atben: added two fiducial marks http://qi-hw.com/p/ben-wpan/0923d24
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: atusb/atusb.brd: some more silk screen cleanup http://qi-hw.com/p/ben-wpan/c335721
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: atusb: added two fiducial marks http://qi-hw.com/p/ben-wpan/7a9e518
<wpwrak> (having automated the process is starting to pay back. doing all these things manually several times would really suck :)
<wpwrak> tuxbrain: erm, will you buy the components they don't have in stock or will they buy them on your behalf ?
<roh> rjeffries: wpwrak ? the package is here now
<roh> or what do you mean?
<rjeffries> roh when will you see if it transmit/receives? ;)
<roh> heh. dunno. i only have a very old nanonote prototype.. no clue what i need to patch to make it work
<roh> i think it only has half the ram or flash. havent used it a while
<xMff> kyak: pong
<kyak> xMff: i had a look at that perl @INC problem, and proposed a patch in #9111. Coudl you have a look?
<xMff> kyak: already seen it but I avoid openwrt stuff at work altely, too distracting :)
<xMff> will check now
<kyak> thanks :)
<xMff> after defining otherlibdirs, the @INC is free of /usr/local stuff?
<kyak> nope, not really
<kyak> let me explain...
<kyak> there are siteprefix and vendorprefix that can be defined (together with otherlibdirs, but otherlibdirs just gets appended to the end)
<kyak> the problem is, that siteprefix and vendorprefix expand liek this:
<kyak> /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/$version/$archname
<tuxbrain> wpwrak: at fisrt glance they will buy and put in the quote, then I will check out if in farnell, Mouser, RSelectronics or in DigiKey would be more convenient.
<kyak> xMff: in this case we could define siteprefix and get paths in INC like staging_dir../usr/lib/perl5/$version/$archname
<xMff> kyak: I've seen some discussion about making perl relocatable, it involved passing very long pathes during compilation and then later patch them in the binary
<kyak> instead of just /usr/local
<kyak> hm..
<kyak> and $version is 5.10.X, but modules get installed into 5.10 (which is defined in perlmod.mk)
<kyak> so i decided just to use otherlibdirs for that (i was reading INSTALL file, all these desribed there)
<xMff> I wonder how perl reacts if we just replace /usr/local/foo with foo
<kyak> is it done be sed?
<kyak> *by
<xMff> I just wonder what happens if some stuff using perl that is crosscompiled does not find required stuff in the otherlibdirs
<xMff> and then skips to /usr/local
<kyak> this case is not worse than it is now :)
<xMff> if there are perl modules there and they're using XS they mightn ot fit to the staging perl and crash
<kyak> when there are only /usr/local
<xMff> true
<kyak> i didn't test perl on target
<kyak> but as it seems, it is build in a separate directory
<xMff> ah yes, that the other issue. it will have full paths embedded
<kyak> not host-perl
<kyak> so it should not be a problem
<xMff> ah, right
<xMff> well I'll just apply your patch for now
<xMff> it looks like an easy enough workaround
<xMff> and no distro is shipping perl in /usr/local
<kyak> no distro shoudl ship anything in /usr/local...
<xMff> hm one thing in your fix... the 5.10 path component
<kyak> yep
<xMff> it should be inferred from the version
<kyak> the problem is, that it is hardcoded in other place
<kyak> and all modules go into 5.10 directory
<xMff> there is PKG_VERSION
<kyak> while actually the $version is 5.10.x
<kyak> PKG_VERSION:=5.10.0
<kyak> i can't use this
<kyak> PERL_LIB := $(STAGING_DIR)/usr/lib/perl5/5.10 in perlmod.mk
<kyak> therefore modules install there
<xMff> why don't you jsut use this then?
<kyak> hm..
<kyak> i need to include this Makefile then, right?
<xMff> it already is
<kyak> i'm testing now
<xMff> okay
<xMff> I am waiting then
<kyak> shouldn't take long.. after i replaced my SATA cable the HDD is UDMA-133 again, before it always fallbacked to DMA-33 -\
<xMff> ;)
<kyak> xMff: here goes : http://dpaste.com/524921/
<kyak> built fine, the directory is in @INC
<xMff> great
<xMff> committing now
<kyak> thanks again, and nice hint :)
<xMff> okay, done
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: fpd2pdf/fpdoc: added option  -a module  to manually add modules http://qi-hw.com/p/eda-tools/e92f458
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: miscellaneous integration of fiducials http://qi-hw.com/p/ben-wpan/16ac7e5
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: makefiles/Makefile.kicad: replaced a few $(NAME) with patterns (%, $^, $<) http://qi-hw.com/p/ben-wpan/33f320e
<LunohoD> lars_: jz47xx_i2c_xfer shouldn't always return ret
<LunohoD> master_xfer should return the number of messages successfully
<LunohoD> processed, or a negative value on error
<LunohoD> if(ret) return ret; else return i;
<LunohoD> something like that
<rjeffries> wpwrak re fiducial marks. some type of cross mark would make it easier to locate center of the mark