<tuxbrain> wpwrak: an diode IN4007 will be ok for VTG?
<wpwrak> seems that i need to hack avrdude some more ...
<wpwrak> tuxbrain: better use a schottky
<tuxbrain> IN4007 is the only one I have right now
<wpwrak> well, that answers the question then ;-)
<wpwrak> i don't dare to open the atmega8 data sheet to see if this would work or not :)
<tuxbrain> ok then let's use the "crossfinger" technique
<wpwrak> just make sure the diode points the right way ;-)
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: avrdude/patches/nanonote.patch: oops, clock math was old, slightly broken version http://qi-hw.com/p/ben-blinkenlights/ea5b8af
<tuxbrain> catothe pointing to ICSP
<tuxbrain> the painted side pointing the board
<tuxbrain> (I hope so.... it's already soldered....)
<wpwrak> tuxbrain: ;-)
<tuxbrain> why superglue allways glue everything else in seconds but intended pieces to glue take ages......
<wpwrak> tuxbrain: because your fingertips are more humid than the intended piece
<wpwrak> that was "A1:"
<wpwrak> A2: because your definition of "intended piece" is wrong
<wpwrak> aw_: i'm learning about taipei's new structure. seems that fedex are on the right track ;-)
<aw_> wpwrak, new structure?
<wpwrak> aw_: new taipei city
<aw_> wpwrak, yeah..i see, just all cities are renamed to 'New Tapei City' where I live is.
<tuxbrain> well good news , arduino an NN pluged toguether an no smoke anywhere... now (well better said tomorrow) test if it works or not...
<roh> wpwrak: hm. somehow nothing happens with the shipment.. i guess its in the 'toll booth'-circle now
<tuxbrain> arduino (plugged at 5v)
<roh> mmmh
<wpwrak> aw_: yeah, i saw it in wikipedia. two months ago.
<wpwrak> tuxbrain: already stopping at 2 am ? :)
<roh> somehow i think one should add some 220 ohms series resistors into the io lines on the ubb
<wpwrak> roh: we're having a looooong weekend with two holidays added for carnival. tomorrow will be the first work day
<roh> nn is 3.3V for also sdio?
<roh> cant arduino run on that also?
<wpwrak> roh: (3.3 V on sdio) yes
<roh> wpwrak: aaah. i see. yes. makes sense (carnival)
<wpwrak> roh: (obsolete avr) we'll see :)
<wpwrak> roh: (220 R) tricky - depending on what you want to do, they may get in the way
<roh> true. or use 100R
<wpwrak> roh: besides, the less protection, the more ben sales, right ? ;-)
<roh> just something which limits current if you get the input/output config wrong ;)
<roh> especially when combining 5V and 3.3V logic. maybe add some zehner diodes?
<roh> the (old (classic) style) was 220R on the parport ;) soldered into the db25
<roh> see classic wiggler schem.
<wpwrak> roh: well, Ron is usually in the order of 100 Ohm, so that's a start :)
<tuxbrain> roh at lest for flashing  we are attacking directly to the atmega328 chip, and I think it can be flashed at 3V3... well will see tomorow..., I'm more worried on how it will work when Arduino is powered and try to comm with it running...
<roh> tuxbrain: if it doesnt work, lower the clock. 20mhz is not possible at 3.3V
<wpwrak> tuxbrain: should be interesting to see how the ben handles this. maybe put a resistor into MISO while you're at it
<tuxbrain> arduino works at 16mhz
<tuxbrain> wpwrak: maybe on V2 , V1 UBB->ICSP is already siliconed ,
<wpwrak> tuxbrain: you could make a little pcb that plugs into ICSP ...
<wolfspraul> roh: did you see my case feedback mail?
<wpwrak> tuxbrain: what does the connector on the AVR look like ? just plain 100 mil header ?
<wolfspraul> I just thought I write it all up...
<roh> wolfspraul: yes i did.. just havent had the time of peace to answer it
<wolfspraul> oh sure, take your time
<wolfspraul> no rush
<wolfspraul> everything is moving, many details
<roh> i thought i packed 8 identical screws.. but there may be some kits with mixed ones
<wolfspraul> the most annoying little thing is to find a way to remove the film residue in between the characters engraved in the acrylic
<roh> fingernails ;)
<roh> doesnt scratch, but get off the cover
<wolfspraul> not with mine
<wolfspraul> but sure, it's solvable. just annoying.
<wpwrak> apply suitable solvent. wipe off solvent with film ? :)
<roh> the alternative would be nasty stains wich need to be removed with solvents like alcohol and mechanical rubbing
<wolfspraul> I would be worried that the solvent damaged the acrylic surface.
<wpwrak> hence the "suitable" ;-)
<wolfspraul> no worry, this is a small thing. I just feedback.
<wolfspraul> it's a fact. need to manually fiddle these leftovers out of 18 characters :-)
<roh> i used 98% alc. 'spiritus'
<wolfspraul> for every case...
<roh> but be careful.. thats correct.
<wolfspraul> yeah so when you get to it you can reply to some of the questions, no rush
<roh> the protective film doesnt have any adhesive or glue.
<wpwrak> roh: maybe peel off the film before laser-cutting, then wrap it in some film for kitchen use ?
<roh> wpwrak: nah. same problem, even worse because you dont know how clean the kitchen film melts
<wpwrak> roh: AFTER lasering ;-))
<roh> ?
<wpwrak> remove film. laser. add new protective film. ship.
<roh> if i laser without film i get stains from the vapor
<wpwrak> oh :-(
<roh> the protective film isnt there for shipping protection. its for protecting the workpiece where not lasered from dirt while lasering
<roh> also scratches from metal etc
<wpwrak> ah, i see. i thought it was just the usual scratch-while-in-transit protection
<roh> i'll test a commercial laser service soon and then i'll know more details
<tuxbrain> wpwrak: I uploaded some quick pics on http://www.tuxbrain.org/downloads/nanonote/arduino/
<tuxbrain> the diode is inside the amount of silicon :P
<tuxbrain> I also have recorded the process on video
<tuxbrain> but it must be edited to let it no more longer than 2 mins.... actually is about 50min
<wpwrak> tuxbrain: in hot glue we trust ;-)
<wpwrak> nice pix
<wolfspraul> nice, I like 17 the most
<tuxbrain> I'm not very proud on how it looks, on my defense I have to say is my first contact with hot silicon glue, and I bought it today on the chinese shop for 6¬ glue included :P
<wolfspraul> will upload to wiki, include in news etc.
<wpwrak> tuxbrain: 50 min may be a little long, yes :) well, better than a live coverage of your 3+ days of gcc ;-)
<tuxbrain> wolfspraul: hold on until is demonstrated it works
<wpwrak> wolfspraul: (#17) the ben looks just as if it always belonged there - like a laptop
<wolfspraul> tuxbrain: ok sure, you know I'm super hard on news that talk about something that doesn't actually work. But given that we are on the 9th today, I thought I give you the benefit of the doubt :-)
<wolfspraul> if it doesn't really work by the first, the news item is simply pushed forward to the next month
<wpwrak> tuxbrain: (hot glue) you may get a smoother finish with silicone paste. if you wet your finger with alcohol, the silicone will lose viscosity where you touch it and you can easily shape it
<wpwrak> tuxbrain: e.g., i did these this way: http://downloads.qi-hardware.com/people/werner/f32x/c2ben-run1.jpg
<wpwrak> roh: it's moving ! :)
<roh> ?
<wpwrak> meanwhile, in distant taipei, a driver is trying to make sense of adam's address :)
<tuxbrain> wpwrak: but silicone is not lot more flexible?, maybe in the UBB part it sould be ok due cable is also glued with superglue but in the ISCP hot glue will avoid the soldering to suffer mechanical stress...
<wpwrak> roh: the shipment. LLEGADA AL CENTRO DE PROCESAMIENTO
<wpwrak> roh: that's the international processing center. if we're very lucky, they'll even put it on a plane tonight.
<wpwrak> tuxbrain: yes, good point
<wpwrak> tuxbrain: of course, one should always pull on the connector, never on the cable ;-)
<tuxbrain> wolfspraul: tomorrow I will put all pieces toguether, avrdude, avr toolchain+arduino libs and cable.... let's see
<tuxbrain> wpwrak: (pull on conector) yeah I aaaaalways do so.....¬¬
<tuxbrain> n8 dudes
<kristianpaul> n8
<wpwrak> aw_: whee ! now, did they survive ?
<aw_> wpwrak, i am soldering somethings. :-)  and just receive that super gift! thanks.
<kristianpaul> soldering?
<kristianpaul> it was a DIY package ?;-)
<aw_> kristianpaul, yes..adding N-MOSFET to do experiments. :-)
<aw_> still working on..;-)
<wpwrak> aw_: yay, it made it ! :)
<aw_> wpwrak, yeah!
<kristianpaul> wpwrak: 1 of 3?
<kristianpaul> or 3 of 3 already?
<wpwrak> kristianpaul: he hasn't seen the horribly awkward flashing procedure yet ;-)
<kristianpaul> hehe
<kristianpaul> yeah
<wpwrak> kristianpaul: 1/3. 2/3 is still in buenos aires. 3/3 is still not sent.
<kristianpaul> 2/3 stil? wow how long so far?
<wpwrak> kristianpaul: with a little luck, 3/3 will have DFU, so i won't have to send another atusb-pgm with it. those pogo pins are kinda expensive
<aw_> kristianpaul, wpwrak i think that now yes I haven't seen the related procedures for super gift yet...
<aw_> meanwhile I am working for sourcing parts and experiments for M1 rc3... I am not sure I'll digging into it in short time. but it's okay i received them now.
<wpwrak> kristianpaul: we have a very long weekend here, with the carnival. monday and tuesday were holidays.
<kristianpaul> wpwrak: what carnical?
<kristianpaul> carnival*
<wpwrak> kristianpaul: oh, just carnival. nothing particularly exciting around here. it's not like rio :)
<kristianpaul> i see
<kristianpaul> wpwrak: when a system lack mmu, i can say dma is just "maped"
<wpwrak> kristianpaul: you mean identity-mapped ? yes
<kristianpaul> i should mean that..
<wpwrak> kristianpaul: that is, unless you have a weird DMA architecture
<kristianpaul> i still understanding mm1 dma arch..
<kristianpaul> of course it doest mean is weird, i guess is too simple and i'm just getting picky trying to understand it :-)
<wpwrak> kristianpaul: e.g., i think the IBM PC design has a limitation on the number of bits in DMA addresses. so you could only DMA to the first something kB
<kristianpaul> hmm
<kristianpaul> so dma is too especific for every arch and system?
<wpwrak> kristianpaul: maybe sebastien, when facing the decision whether to make this nice and simple or evil and weird chose evil ? ;-)
<wpwrak> kristianpaul: yeah, there's no "standard" DMA design. although most simple modern DMAs look pretty similar
<kristianpaul> i hope dont, milkymist isnt that hard to understand
<kristianpaul> hmm
<wpwrak> kristianpaul: but you can get some fun extras, like "scripted" DMA, different views of the memory structure, iommu if you're "lucky", ...
<kristianpaul> iommu sounds fancy
<wpwrak> it is ;-)
<kristianpaul> wpwrak: does ti look related to dma https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/File:Wishbone_cross_bar.jpg
<kristianpaul> Or may be i'm confusing a part of the wishbone as dma..
<kristianpaul> look ar larsc for some comments :-)
<wpwrak> i guess dma could be one of these entities, yes
<wpwrak> or it could also sit somewhere inside the ip core
<wpwrak> err, master
<wpwrak> grmbl. now that silly avr-glibc tells me the atmega32u2 has no boot loader support ! rubbish. of course it has !
<kristianpaul> ok, acording to the mico32 cpu ref manual, CPU is master 1 in a shared-bus arbiter
<kristianpaul> ok i think i have more clear path for reading tomorrow
<kristianpaul> nite all
<kristianpaul> dont give nite to wpwrak as he never sleep
<larsc> hmpf... the jz4760 dies when i try to access vmalloced memory :/
<wpwrak> i only suspend ;-)
<wpwrak> larsc: no mmu ? ;-)
<larsc> wpwrak: hm, maybe i used the vpu by accident instead of the cpu ;)
<wpwrak> ;-))
<kristianpaul> ok, wikipedia vpu article was not wat i was waiting for, at least larsc means the vpu is a virus  :-)
<larsc> kristianpaul: video processing unit
<larsc> maybe now is a good idea to add jz47xx support to openocd
<wpwrak> sigh. not even avr-libc 1.7.1 has it :-( i'm always amazed by how little actually works in certain areas of our little free software universe ...
<wpwrak> hmm. interesting. this actually ought to work. now.. where's the bug this time ....
<wpwrak> aah ! my bad. i fail in the dependencies, not the compilation. subtle :)
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: avrdude/patches/: added skipping of untouched bytes in write/verify http://qi-hw.com/p/ben-blinkenlights/d7874e3
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: atusb/fw/usb/: corrected type of user-provided descriptor http://qi-hw.com/p/ben-wpan/0293911
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: atusb/fw/: moved USB IDs from descr.c to board.h http://qi-hw.com/p/ben-wpan/79b5daf
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: usb/fw/atusb.c (main): removed 100 ms LED flash http://qi-hw.com/p/ben-wpan/0676bef
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: usb/: added DFU implementation from f386base/fw/boot/ (unported) http://qi-hw.com/p/ben-wpan/fb2204a
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: atusb/fw/usb/: adapted DFU engine to current stack and abstracted Flash ops http://qi-hw.com/p/ben-wpan/f91738c
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: atusb/fw/: flash a boot loader instead of the application (in progress) http://qi-hw.com/p/ben-wpan/e8bed1f
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: atusb/fw/Makefile (clean): also remove the boot loader http://qi-hw.com/p/ben-wpan/341b348
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: atusb/fw/README: avr-libc 1.17.1 has been released http://qi-hw.com/p/ben-wpan/6ac82fc
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: atusb/fw/Makefile: put -mmcu into CFLAGS so that DEPEND uses it, too http://qi-hw.com/p/ben-wpan/1dcc833
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: atusb/fw/flash.c: added basic writing support (untested) http://qi-hw.com/p/ben-wpan/b8fc1a7
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: atusb/fw/Makefile: lock fuse refuses 0xef; set it to 0x2f to pass verification http://qi-hw.com/p/ben-wpan/b5fd6e3
<tuxbrain_away> mmm seems than the avrdude in the standard repo is not the patched one....
<tuxbrain> wpwrak:  :( first test not going very well...
<tuxbrain> wpwrak: im using the following command avrdude -v -v -U flash:w:applet/Blink.hex -V -F -C /etc/avrdude.conf -p
<tuxbrain> atmega328p -c nanonote_ICSP
<tuxbrain> if I execute it with the board unpowered , NN shuts down , when "avrdude: Calibrating delay loop..."
<tuxbrain> if I execute it with the board powered http://pastebin.com/nwQAXbTA
<tuxbrain> but the flash didn't happen...
<tuxbrain> triying to flash directly the chip out of the board...
<wpwrak> tuxbrain: (initial problems) that's normal :)
<wpwrak> tuxbrain: you also need -e
<wpwrak> and why -F ?
<tuxbrain> wpwrak:  (-F) dunno was the Makefile I used on debian with NN uart
<wpwrak> device signature 0000 means that communication didn't happen
<tuxbrain> mmm only with the chip it also shuts down at same point
<wpwrak> if the ben shuts down, maybe the capacitative load is too large. in this case, try adding a delay in avrdude-*/nanonote.c:nanonote_powerup before the gpio_low
<wpwrak> something like  sleep(1);
<wpwrak> maybe check the signals with a scope. i.e., that reset has a long pulse, that sclk has something that looks like a clock, that mosi has something that looks like data, and that miso at some point in time has something that looks like data, too
<tuxbrain> wpwrak: no scope at hand :(
<dvdk> morning
<dvdk> any news about UBB? already shipped?
<tuxbrain> dvdk: yes it should arrive today or tomorrow
<dvdk> cool.
<dvdk> needs to know in advance, because he usually pretends to not be home when the bell rings
<tuxbrain> mmmmm executing it unplugged also shuts down.....
<tuxbrain> mmm without the cable it doen't shut down so somethings wrong with the cable :(
<wpwrak> dvdk: hehe ;-) i often do that, too :)
<wpwrak> tuxbrain: did you  echo jz4740-mmc.0 >/sys/bus/platform/drivers/jz4740-mmc/unbind
<wpwrak> tuxbrain: (before doing anything else; needed after each ben reboot)
<roh> needs to get his nn working again first
<roh> i still only got that dead old thing with only half the flash or so
<kyak> xMff: may i remind you about the libglade patch that fixed the build problem? :) http://dpaste.com/481917/
<tuxbrain> damn the echo thing does the nn not to shutdown :)
<tuxbrain> arduino power brigt for a moment the pin13 led (sck) also blinks for brief instants but seems there is no flashing and avrdude output is the same as the powered board test
<tuxbrain> IT WOOOOOORKS!!!!!!!!!
<wolfspra1l> that's clear :-) congrats!
<tuxbrain> ha! it works even on a powered board!!!
<tuxbrain> works unplugged and works plugged !!!
<jow_laptop> kyak: moment
<tuxbrain> wpwrak: btw you have a mistake on the 8:10 pin out comments on avrdude.conf
<tuxbrain> cmd =6   not 5
<jow_laptop> kyak: done
<kyak> jow_laptop: thnkas!
<kyak> jow_laptop: finally, there is a package (libxfce4util) that failed to build, and updating to a newer version + removing libtool fixup made it built! Some developers do learn.. I'll update other packages from feeds/xfce accordingly
<tuxbrain> ardunote era has arrived! (bwahahahahaahaha!)
<tuxbrain> wpwrak: there is a way to flash bootloader+program?
<kyak> jow_laptop: finally, config.full_system has built. Please accept this patch: http://dpaste.com/482391/
<jow_laptop> kyak: does the newer xfce stuff not use libtool anymore?
<kyak> jow_laptop: it uses libtool, but doesn't need the fixup (it fails with the fixup)
<jow_laptop> kyak: problem with shipped libtools is that they're often not cross compiel safe
<jow_laptop> kyak: it often fails on ppc for example
<jow_laptop> either it wants to link the host libc or relink into /usr/lib
<kyak> jow_laptop: i don't see any warnings about "unsafe include path for cross-compilation". Does it mean it's ok??
<jow_laptop> kyak: not really, we had the case where libtool compiled fine for brcm47xx but failed for ppc44x
<jow_laptop> within the same environment
<kyak> ah ok
<kyak> with this fixup in place, there are many and many warnings about missing marcos etc...
<jow_laptop> can you show me?
<kyak> when i try to patch configure.in, it ends up being unable to find glib.h
<jow_laptop> we remove aclocal.m4 by default
<kyak> ok, one momment
<jow_laptop> some packages have their required macros in there
<jow_laptop> without having an extra m4/ or acinclude.m4
<jow_laptop> if this is the case for xf* try PKG_REMOVE_FILES:=
<jow_laptop> it defaults to :=aclocal.m4
<kyak> ok
<jow_laptop> (reason for removing aclocal is that packages have a full copy of libtool.m4 in there which in turn has a full copy of ltmain.sh embedded which in turn overwrites whatever we patch...)
<kyak> yeah, i foudn at least one missing macros in default aclocal.m4
<kyak> trying with PKG_REMOVE_FILES:=
<kyak> hm..
<kyak> it didn't change anything
<jow_laptop> can you paste the log?
<kyak> the generated aclocal.m4 is missing it.
<kyak> sec
<jow_laptop> hm it shouldn't generate it in the first place...
<jow_laptop> at least if it exist already
<kyak> this is the build log
<kyak> the aclocal.m4 from tar ball and build dir  are differenet
<jow_laptop> I think the proper fix is to ship the xfce dev tools
<jow_laptop> we did the same for gnome and xorg
<jow_laptop> fun, it uses autoconfig to ship autoconfig macros
<jow_laptop> I'll take a look
<jow_laptop> might take a while though to compile the whole needed stack for xfce
<kyak> ok, thnaks
<jow_laptop> kyak: please try this: http://dpaste.com/482513/
<jow_laptop> kyak: make tools/xfce-macros/install V=99
<jow_laptop> kyak: make package/libxfce4utils/{clean,compile} V=99
<kyak> Makefile:32: *** missing separator.  Stop.
<kyak> it is make tools/xfce-macros/install V=99
<jow_laptop> oh might be copy & paste
<jow_laptop> moment
<kyak> some warning and the error
<kyak> pasting th elog...
<jow_laptop> kyak: svn revert -R tools and try to re-apply
<jow_laptop> kyak: I suppose there was bitrot from the previous patching attempt
<kyak> ah hm, i reverted the patch with -R :)
<kyak> ok, i git checkouted tools
<kyak> applied the patch
<kyak> let's see
<kyak> xfce-macros installed fine
<kyak> jow_laptop: libxfce4util built fine!
<jow_laptop> can you check xfconf too?
<kyak> sure
<jow_laptop> hmm
<jow_laptop> I still get an error in libxfce4util
<jow_laptop> GTK_DOC_EXTRA_CFLAGS undefined
<kyak> hm.
<kyak> i use 4.6.1
<kyak> i.e. no patches for libxfce4util
<jow_laptop> ah no, the xfc4-dev-utils I just packaged seem too old
<jow_laptop> they lack XDT_SUPPORTED_FLAGS
<kyak> xfconf just built fine, too
<kyak> thanks a lot!
<kyak> (i have no idea btw why we have those in image)
<jow_laptop> heh
<kyak> might be a weird dependency of something
<jow_laptop> hm
<jow_laptop> I cannot find the current upstream of the xfce4-dev-tools
<jow_laptop> the first google hits points to some page that was last updated in 2007
<jow_laptop> nvm
<jow_laptop> xfce.org :P
<kyak> )
<jow_laptop> yeah
<kyak> now.. seems that we will have to survive another merge of backfire
<jow_laptop> there should be no big changes anymore
<jow_laptop> hm
<jow_laptop> from which tree is your libxfce4util ?
<jow_laptop> mine behaves completely different...
<jow_laptop> its from svn.owrt.org/openwrt/feeds/xfce
<jow_laptop> is there a copy in Qi packages?
<kyak> $ svn info |grep -E "URL|Revision"
<kyak> URL: svn://svn.openwrt.org/openwrt/feeds/xfce
<kyak> Revision: 25973
<jow_laptop> odd
<jow_laptop> found the breakage... was in gtk docs
<viric> I think that I could run staroffice back in the late 90s with 24MiB of RAM.
<viric> Do I have a distoted memory?
<kyak> i do rememeber running MS Office 95 or something on Pentium 75 Mhz with 32 Mb RAM
<viric> the software industry is totally mad then :)
<viric> Why are we nowadays that far from that?
<tuxbrain> wolfspraul: you are save now on adding to news than NN has become an portable avr/arduino compiler/flasher ,
<tuxbrain> update your microcontroler while listen your favorite music :P
<viric> tuxbrain: with the UBB boards?
<tuxbrain> yup!
<viric> nice ):
<viric> :)
<viric> how big is the intersection of nn users and arduino users?
<tuxbrain> with board powered and unpowered, now I gonna test just the bare chip, but all is pointing to this is also totall feasible
<viric> on an unrelated topic...
<viric> 'gmenu2x' is the only program of "that kind", right?
<viric> some kind of program menu/file browser/ for SDL
<wolfspraul> tuxbrain: you are selling bare arduinos, are you also selling shields?
<wolfspraul> which shields sell best, or you think which shields sell best at other arduino shops (if you don't sell them)
<tuxbrain> ethernet and motorshield
<wolfspraul> ok nice, very clear
<viric> tuxbrain: do you supply universites or any other studying institutions?
<tuxbrain> some but not really big orders , the most 20 units, but I feel growing interest on secondary schools on arduino platform.
<roh> wpwrak: the boards you sent.. they are preprogrammed/have a bootloader?
<roh> or how do i flash em?
<tuxbrain> wpwrak: flashing the chip alone fails..
<tuxbrain> where the VTG(VDD on 8:10)  has to be connected on ... on VCC on the chip?
<tuxbrain> it  fails on signature
<tuxbrain> avrdude: Device signature = 0x0f0002
<tuxbrain> avrdude: Expected signature for ATMEGA328P is 1E 95 0F
<tuxbrain>          Double check chip, or use -F to override this check.
<tuxbrain> and with -F fails on flash verification
<tuxbrain> wpwrak: mmm on chip only the device signature give random numbers...
<tuxbrain> bridging VCC and AVCC doen't help
<tuxbrain> plugin just AVCC pass the device signature but fails in flash verification and also complains about fuses missmatch
<tuxbrain> wpwrak: need schematic or a clue on what pins you have connected VDD on Atmega48 to figure out where to plug them on Atmega328, for the moment ardunano will start with flashing on board only :)
<kristianpaul> argg!]
<kristianpaul> nanomap segfault .. :-(
<wpwrak> roh:  they have a basic firmware. the boot loader doesn't work yet :)
<roh> ah. there is isp on it?
<wpwrak> roh: there's even a ben-atusb cable
<roh> wpwrak: whohoo
<kristianpaul> tell us !!
<tuxbrain> wpwrak: have you read my questions?
<kristianpaul> discovers the usefullness of screen -x
<Jay7> is always using screen -Ax
<viric> kristianpaul: I recommend you 'tm' :)
<wpwrak> tuxbrain: (Qs) checking ...
<wpwrak> tuxbrain: first, congratuations !
<wpwrak> tuxbrain: (how to flash bootloader) i'm experimenting with this these days. maybe have a look at ben-wpan/atusb/fw/Makefile
<wpwrak> tuxbrain: not entirely sure if it really works yet, though
<wpwrak> tuxbrain: (bug0 oh, right. thanks !
<kristianpaul> viric: (tm) ohhh!  :-)
<wpwrak> tuxbrain: (chip) hmm, is the chip used to start with the internal clock ?
<viric> kristianpaul: it's for sure a great tool! ;)
<kristianpaul> viric: tm is tmux in debian?
<kristianpaul> ah mixer
<viric> it's not in debian
<kristianpaul> no multiplexer
<kristianpaul> yeah
<kristianpaul> even better ;-)
<viric> :))
<wpwrak> tuxbrain: (chip) also, there are often several VDD and GND. are they all connected ? not sure what the chips really require
<viric> kristianpaul: only nice distributions have 'tm'
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: avrdude/: fixed confusing typo in avrdude.conf, added tuxbrain's nanonote_ICSP http://qi-hw.com/p/ben-blinkenlights/6ef2b39
<kristianpaul> viric: the eth/mac mode is awesome !
<kristianpaul> It was code from sec?
<viric> I don't know sec
<viric> kristianpaul: from 'cec', yes
<kristianpaul> cec sorry !
<viric> well, I had to modify that code a lot :)
<viric> but I used it, yes
<kristianpaul> lol Thanks "To GNU, an ugly but working and helpful ol' UNIX implementation. "
<viric> Don't you agree? ;)
<kristianpaul> helpful yes
<kristianpaul> i cant speak about the ugly, may be i still so newbie ;-)
<kristianpaul> looks at wpwrak
<viric> how many gnu code you tried to dig in? :)
<kristianpaul> zero
<viric> aaaah
<viric> no wonder.
<kristianpaul> i diged in on busybox once :-)
<viric> kristianpaul: from the same factory you may like http://vicerveza.homeunix.net/~viric/soft/ts/
<wpwrak> oh yes, definitely ugly
<wpwrak> two spaces for indentation. blargh :)
<viric> wpwrak: when lisp writers go to C...
<kristianpaul> viric: i lied, i look at coreutils once, and yes that was just before i was getting busybox code ;-)
<viric> kristianpaul: hehe :)
<dvdk> hi,
<dvdk> got my shipment of 50 UBBs today
<dvdk> can anybody give me an accurate number for the weight/UBB?
<kristianpaul> hey
<dvdk> approximately 1g/UBB, but don't have a digital scale here
<dvdk> (need it for calculating the postage to pay)
<wpwrak> tuxbrain: (ubb) ah, did you send mine with ups ? did they give you a tracking number ?
<wpwrak> dvdk: they measure by a single gram ? wow
<dvdk> wpwrak: mine came with ups today, but wrapped in an envelope, just thrown into my mailbox
<dvdk> wpwrak: on an old mechanical scale, accurate to 20g
<dvdk> put all 50 on it.
<dvdk> take it with a grain of salt
<wpwrak> dvdk: (ups but not like ups) interesting :)
<dvdk> wpwrak: you're the expert.  what is the specific weight/m^3 of the .8mm board material used?
<dvdk> and what is the total area of one board? :)
<wpwrak> dvdk: puah ;-) a home-made UBB is 0.50 g
<dvdk> cool.
<wpwrak> dvdk: three without tin are 1.51 g
<wpwrak> dvdk: not sure how much the solder mask and the silk screen add. probably not a lot
<wpwrak> ah .. one without tin but etched: 0.47 g
<wpwrak> and two without tin and unetched: 1.04 g
<wpwrak> so probably ~ 0.6 g for an "industrial" UBB
<wpwrak> i.e., the real weight is in the envelope :)
<kristianpaul> dvdk: you live in germany?
<kristianpaul> (have a feeling)
<dvdk> yup
<dvdk> kristianpaul:^
<kristianpaul> ha i knew it !
<dvdk> kristianpaul: judging from you name, you're too? :)
<kristianpaul> dvdk: i dont
<wpwrak> kristianpaul: what gave it away ? the .de at the end of his domain ? ;-))
<kristianpaul> wpwrak: he, i wanted to confirm :-)
<dvdk> heard my german accent? :)
<kristianpaul> I still wonder you have to pay per gram
<kristianpaul> dvdk: I just noticed on this channel, well, all the regulations in germnay
<kristianpaul> dvdk: Thats why asking :-)
<dvdk> ..busy..
<viric> pay? gram? What is this about?
<Jay7> they are selling LSD over UBB sheets :)
<Jay7> ooops
<Jay7> hides
<kristianpaul> dvdk:In you mplayer experience on the nanonote, already tried ogv?
<viric> dvdk: ah, you were doing the GPU code, right?
<viric> dvdk: my personal congratulations. That's the kind of work I like to see!
<wpwrak> Jay7: i was about to comment that i was wondering if they weigh their shipments in colombia by grams, too ;-)
<dvdk> kristianpaul: *only* tried ogv (theora)
<dvdk> viric: thanks, just i'm very constrained on time currently (kind of weekend project), this is going to take a few more weeks.
<roh> sees custumers licking their ubb in the hopes of being one of the 'the lucky 25' ;=)
<tuxbrain> is liking the boards first if so :P
<tuxbrain> wpwrak: still no pdfviewer?
<kristianpaul> wpwrak: i'm lucky, for postal mail before 2kg i'm free of paying tax and handling :-)
<tuxbrain> wpwrak: (shipping) I will do tomorrow, my daughter is on vacation and I can't go to postal office, tomorrow she will be out all day so I will send to you(50) , kristianpaul(10) and rjeffries(10)
<kristianpaul> s/before/upto/
<tuxbrain> dvdk: Do you like them?
<kristianpaul> tuxbrain: (send) oh great, how much i must pay first? ;-)
<dvdk> tuxbrain: the ubbs?
<dvdk> very nice.
<tuxbrain> kristianpaul: due I don't know in advance how much the shipping will cost , I will ship and send you the proforma then
<kristianpaul> tuxbrain: (glup) ok !
<tuxbrain> mth:any advance in packaging the avr toolchain?
<tuxbrain> kristianpaul: (glub)?
<tuxbrain> wpwrak: atben/atusb gervers and bom in windows readable format?
<kristianpaul> tuxbrain: glup = me be prepared to pay whatever ;-)
<tuxbrain> wpwrak: I will ask for quoting 100 units of each to make them here in spain.
<kristianpaul> tuxbrain: just pcb? or also SMT ?
<tuxbrain> kristianpaul: 30¬+shipping (no more than 15¬ I guess)
<tuxbrain> kristianpaul: also smt
<tuxbrain> and if roh find a solution, even box/envelop
<tuxbrain> final product :)
<kristianpaul> wait for adam comments about ubb is proper i would suguest
<kristianpaul> of course, not saying you can lead the run this time :-)
<kristianpaul> s/can/cant
<tuxbrain> also if some one is motivated enough to make an WPAN shield for arduino I will also love to work to include in the catalogue, we(qi-hw) can be the  first to put 6LowPan seriously on market
<viric> ingenic started publishing the manuals?!
<viric> ftp://ftp.ingenic.cn/2soc
<viric> I can't access there
<tuxbrain> kristianpaul: of course Adams words are gold
<tuxbrain> kristianpaul: but to have an idea on costs, actual state can be good enough.
<kristianpaul> i agree
<kristianpaul> may try atben/atusb PCB manufactuing with local company
<tuxbrain> kristianpaul: if you achive same price ration as with the MM1 cases, I will buy directly to you :)
<tuxbrain> ration->ratio
<kristianpaul> he, lets see :-)
<roh> viric: same here
<viric> dvdk: what documents are you following for the GPU?
<dvdk> viric: have a look at the header of teh source code (svn on sourceforge)
<wpwrak> tuxbrain: i can make the gerbers tomorrow. today, we have a little asado, so i'll be busy soonish. for the bom cost ...
<kristianpaul> wpwrak: make gerbers = export gerbers from kicad right? anyway, i just fill the form and send all data this company ask
<kristianpaul> 0.8mm
<viric> dvdk: I'll wait for the answer to come :)
<viric> I have time
<wpwrak> kristianpaul: yeah, output gerbers, dxf for the outline, and zip/tar them all together
<viric> kristianpaul: the connection does not work
<kristianpaul> dxf out, ok
<wpwrak> tuxbrain: (boms) http://pastebin.com/EqUTxZ4F   (pricing from digi-key, 100 pieces each)
<kristianpaul> viric: dns are slow
<viric> kristianpaul: I have the openmobilefree.net resolved
<kristianpaul> i dont :(
<viric> connection to www.openmobilefree.net ( could not be established.
<kristianpaul> wpwrak: hi
<viric> I just wrote a program that reports (finally) interesting numbers about memory usage in prcoesses
<mth> tuxbrain: I don't know, I'm not involved in the avr toolchain
<tuxbrain> mmm isn't you that offer to make a proper port to openwrt? I will review the logs, sorry dude
<xMff> tuxbrain: that was me
<viric> kyak: you cared on memory usage, isn't it?
<tuxbrain> xMff yeah!! how it's going?
<xMff> tuxbrain: did not get very far yet
<xMff> tuxbrain: mainly due to other projects, but I intend to look into it during this week again
<tuxbrain> xMff: at least we know at the end it will work :)
<xMff> yeah
<viric> hm c++ compiling in the nanonote...
<viric> cross fingers
<viric> no way
<Jay7> viric: try to compile boost ;)
<Jay7> I just wonder how much time it may take :)