Topic for #milkymist is now Milkymist One, Milkymist SoC & Flickernoise development channel (LLHDL/Antares are welcome too) :: Logs: :: JFDI
aw_ joined #milkymist
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wolfspraul joined #milkymist
<aw_> ( second pre-rc4 ) just tested well on reset and 7181C, next to rework usb power switch.
wolfspraul joined #milkymist
elldekaa joined #milkymist
<wpwrak> aw_: nice ! meanwhile, my parcel is about 2 flight hours from BUE. will probably arrive tonight and hopefully clear customs during the day tomorrow. then it'll sit at some depot until next week because thursday and friday are holidays :-(
wolfspraul joined #milkymist
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<aw_> wpwrak, great ! Be noticed that I glued with surroundings ( ugly ) on all pins of both usb connectors to strengthen its structure :
<wpwrak> aw_: how do you like the general mechanical stability of those USB connectors ?
<wpwrak> (picture) ah, don't see anything unusual there
<wolfspra1l> wpwrak: seems rejon has trouble with the mouse on his m1
<wolfspra1l> too bad, I don't know much just that he's under stress for the meeting/demo and trying to run out to buy a new one :-)
<wpwrak> argh. he too ? all MY mice work :)
<wpwrak> well, one is a bit bumpy. but it always was. and it's nominally functional, although you wouldn't want to use it
<wpwrak> so that would be three mouse regressions: stekern, aw_ , and rejon
<wolfspra1l> I don't know whether rejon has the latest sw on his m1
<aw_> wpwrak, the original Molex USB connector mechanical with four pins are strong while soldering well on pcb, but I 'lifted' up about maybe 2mm high, so it won't be stronger even when I soldered those 4 pins of shielding case.
<wolfspra1l> and I don't think he should update right now, too risky
<wpwrak> maybe i should go to the computer shops and get a bag of rodents ...
<wolfspra1l> don't know why it suddenly doesnt' work for rejon, too bad
<wpwrak> aw_: ah ... so does the case still fit for the USB connectors ?
<aw_> wpwrak, ha ~ no more. so you need to mill those two usb holes by yourself. :-)
<wpwrak> (upgrades) yeah, we currently have a bit of a mess. lots of things changing at different places, with interfaces between them changing as well
<wpwrak> aw_: good that it's one of the small sides of the case, so i can do it with my mill :)
<aw_> wpwrak, yes. :-)
<wolfspra1l> well, I can just hope the update button in the GUI keeps working and our update path is functional
<wolfspra1l> it will not update the standby bitstream, for one
<wolfspra1l> then about soc, bios, rtems/flickernoise - don't know
<wpwrak> the general update mechanism looks good. the versio numbers probably don't amke much sense, though. better to just use the build date
<wolfspra1l> is it properly tested? I doubt it
<wolfspra1l> yes, build date is good
<wolfspra1l> I don't think we have many users right now that would actually use web update
<wolfspra1l> the few we have we have to manually uptick, ask them to come into this channel etc.
<wolfspra1l> it'll get smoother over time...
<wpwrak> they could probably use the web update for anything but standby
<wolfspra1l> ok good, Jon bought a mouse that works
<wpwrak> great ! :)
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<roh> hrhr
<roh> check that schematic... and see how power sequencing is done *g*
xiangfu joined #milkymist
<wpwrak> during our epic struggles with the PCF506xx, i was actually thinking of a very similar approach to put an end to all that misery :)
<roh> yeah. i would also try that next time. i mean.. its not that we have had issues with getting such stuff to work as long as it was programmable and works when applying vcc (mcus)
<wpwrak> yeah. and you have some wiggle room when it comes to things like inrush current. remember Vsys ? :)
<GitHub103> [scripts] xiangfu pushed 1 new commit to master:
<GitHub103> [scripts/master] copy the images to patchpool - Xiangfu Liu
rejon joined #milkymist
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<aw_> ( 2nd pre-rc4 ) results after uses of different mouses:
<aw_> seems the mouses from Logitech and ASUS work well.
r33p joined #milkymist
<wpwrak> i think i'll go mouse chasing next week. go to the local computer mall and get a bag of rodents. then see how they do.
aw joined #milkymist
aw_ joined #milkymist
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wolfspraul joined #milkymist
<wpwrak> ARGH. shipment dropped out of the "simplified" process :-(((
<wolfspraul> which one?
<wpwrak> the things adam sent
<wpwrak> "Paperwork available for non-FedEx broker" this is bad news
<wolfspraul> hmm
<wpwrak> this means that they'll only deliver some paperwork (and charge extra for it)
<wolfspraul> yeah now it's too late
<wolfspraul> 35 USD most likely too low
<wpwrak> then i have to go to customs, most likely at the airport, do the 3 doors game, and i'll find out within 2-3 hours what they didn't like. then they'll decide if it's a minor issue (maybe a technical verification, which only adds 1-2 hours) and allow me to proceed. or whether i have to involve a customs broker, which means bribes.
<wpwrak> (and a second trip to the airport)
<wpwrak> maybe there's a hint in the letter fedex will send
<wolfspraul> aw_: did you put an invoice into the shipment to Werner?
<aw_> wolfspraul, yes.filled up an fedex formal invoice
<wolfspraul> do you have a copy?
<aw_> no
<wpwrak> it may not be the invoice. could also be that customs are putting up some other random obstacles
<wpwrak> but of course, anything with a value below the shipping cost is automatically suspicious
<aw_> 'bribes' ?
<aw_> I filled up in that Fedex formal invoice with 'repair' purpose.
<aw_> not sure if a very low value will be suspicious.
<wpwrak> aw_: (bribes) argentine customs are very corrupt
<wolfspraul> I think such a low value of 35 USD for so much stuff is not good. should be 200 USD or so.
<wolfspraul> and it should roughly list the various things on the invoice, and I would not try anything about 'sample', or 'gift', or repair/damaged/used/etc.
<wolfspraul> basically all those words are over-used by people who try to cheat customs, and will be scrutinized a lot
<wolfspraul> in German customs you can read entire books full of explanations what makes a correct 'sample', and what not
<aw_> wpwrak wolfspraul hmm... I think i was not clear about Argentina customs, so next time will definitely declare the real price about them.
<aw_> wpwrak, but the pre-rc4 is a damage board surely with diy soldering, maybe you can tell them those else stuffs are going to 'repair' that Milkymist One ? or customs there don't care anymore just bribes ?
<wpwrak> we'll see :)
<wolfspraul> there are many types of values
<wolfspraul> it may not matter whether something passes customs for repair/exchange, whether money is paid or not, etc.
<wolfspraul> from my experience, see above
<wolfspraul> 1) do not price too low
<wolfspraul> 2) do not use sample/gift/exchange/repair/damaged/used
<wolfspraul> 3) include an invoice that more or less lists each bigger item
<wolfspraul> then cross fingers and pray :-)
<aw_> next I'll follow them above though.
<wolfspraul> yeah but no worries, let's see how it goes now for Werner. not much we can do I think.
<wpwrak> i guess it has to go wrong from time to time so that people believe me that it's tricky :)
<wpwrak> what i don't know is if the trouble floor has changed. e.g., if also things that would have passed in the past now bounce. that can also happen.
rejon joined #milkymist
<wpwrak> e.g., for a long time, it wasn't allowed to import things that connect to mains that didn't have a argentina certification, but they only started to enforce this something like five years ago
<wpwrak> and there are probably more such "dormant" restrictions. and of course, they can always make something up if they feel it may be worth it
Alarm joined #milkymist
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xiangfu joined #milkymist
<xiangfu> anyone know that it the DMZ of Scopeuk-AFK?
<xiangfu> I play a little with the DMX controller.
<xiangfu> I needs buy more DMX cables for connect all those stuff together.
<xiangfu> here is the controller :
<kristianpaul> wpwrak: do they track you what you import?
<kristianpaul> s/import/receive from exterior
<wolfspraul> don't make Werner think
<kristianpaul> *g*
<wpwrak> kristianpaul: they should. not sure if they do in all cases, though
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Thihi joined #milkymist
antgreen joined #milkymist
<wpwrak> lekernel: i think i'll finish the first round of parser changes today. so far, all inside libfpvm. will you prefer something like 20 individual patches or rather one big patch with everything combined ? (or both ?)
<lekernel> you can send one big patch
<lekernel> btw, is it against the latest fpvm.c you sent to the ML? (but which I have not merged yet)
<wpwrak> it would either be based on that set or include it, whatever you prefer
<wpwrak> the changes are all over libfpvm, though
<lekernel> well, if you changed everything, you can also send a tarball =]
<wpwrak> but what could have been the final stroke finally broke patch compilation. so i have to figure out what i did wrong there :)
<wpwrak> (tarball) hehe ;-)
<wpwrak> yeah, thinking of it, it's almost that much :)
<lekernel> but if you have intermediate local commits already, it's better to keep them
<wpwrak> i currently have ~17 individual commits
<lekernel> ok... then, send 17+ patches :)
<wpwrak> alright :)
<lekernel> should I already merge your 6?
<lekernel> note that, those 6 don't include the macro change that mwalle proposed
<wpwrak> i think they're safe to merge, yes. lemme post the macro change ...
<wpwrak> sent
<lekernel> thanks!
rejon joined #milkymist
<GitHub41> [milkymist] sbourdeauducq pushed 7 new commits to master:
<GitHub41> [milkymist/master] libfpvm: wrap some overlong lines in fpvm.c - Werner Almesberger
<GitHub41> [milkymist/master] fpvm.c: replace code patterns involving add_isn with macros - Werner Almesberger
<GitHub41> [milkymist/master] fpvm.c: replace code patterns of register allocation with macro - Werner Almesberger
<wpwrak> i guess now would be the time to figure out how to use rebase to plant the remaining patches on the new head :)
antgreen joined #milkymist
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<wpwrak> hah ! a NULL pointer :)
<wpwrak> hmm. interesting. a "make clean" later, it seems to be gone
<GitHub189> [milkymist] sbourdeauducq pushed 2 new commits to master:
<GitHub189> [milkymist/master] delete all script file. Makefile soon - Xiangfu Liu
<GitHub189> [milkymist/master] use Makefile manage the build progress cleanup the gcc output, make V=1 will output all detail message - Xiangfu Liu
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<wpwrak> phew. that'll be tricky. we now have overlapping changes :-(
<lekernel> if it's too messy, just send one diff or a tarball
<lekernel> don't waste time with the rcs
<wpwrak> actually, the changes don't overlap. hmm. just can't pull or rebase
<wpwrak> if i pull, it complains about fpvm.c. if i try to rebase, it tries to go back to some ancient softusb change
<wpwrak> and one last build dependencies issue ... now, let's see if it still works
<lekernel> yeah, the dependency system is lousy, to say the least
<lekernel> actually, I don't know of any build system that handles that nicely... cmake isn't the best for cross compilations
<wpwrak> my dream is a nice top-level makefile that then recurses into everything we need
<lekernel> yeah, but make doesn't handle #include (and others) automatically
<lekernel> and updating makefiles everytime you add an include is messy
<wpwrak> by why do it that way ? :)
<lekernel> well, any good tools that do that automatically...?
<wpwrak> a Makefile with a wee bit of instrumentation:
<wpwrak> see the %.o: %.c rule (and the link above it)
<kristianpaul> 3 screens wow
<wpwrak> and i want bigger ones ! :) dell have some nice 23" screens with ~2500 pixels horizontally. and want three of these. plus graphics hardware that can actually drive them
<wpwrak> 11 patches coming :)
<lekernel> more lurkers will leave the list =]
<wpwrak> ;-))
<kristianpaul> he, i was thinking same time ago better i dint said it first but i agree
<kristianpaul> i mean, guessing people buy M1 suscribe to list
<wpwrak> someof thesedays, we really ought to set up a forum
<wpwrak> the average user must be scared by all the hardcore tech
<kristianpaul> also the patch flood in his imbox ;)
<kristianpaul> :)
<wpwrak> :)
<wpwrak> well, the patch flood will only get worse. now i have relatively simple things for a while. this means many patches per week :)
<kristianpaul> nice :)
<wpwrak> just got a mail from fedex. "A confirmation of the value of goods is required." so it seems it was indeed the declared value
<kristianpaul> confirmation = you are LIER !
<kristianpaul> or, what is probably the solution in this case?
<wpwrak> just called fedex. yup. customs didn't accept the declared value.
<wpwrak> well i should get the documentation today. one problem is that i have to leave soon, so maybe i'll miss the fedex guy. not sure if he'll leave it with the porter.
<wpwrak> then, with the documentation, i have to go to customs. thursday and friday are holidays. so that'll be monday. not sure which customs office, but probably at the airport. that's some 45 minutes drive.
<kristianpaul> so there is polite way to solve this?
<wpwrak> i'll find out during monday :)
<lekernel> wpwrak: how much was that declared value?
<wpwrak> USD 35
<lekernel> ha, yes... pretty low indeed
<wpwrak> and also customs know how to google ...
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<kristianpaul> lol
<kristianpaul> google really? ;)
<kristianpaul> thast game over...
<lekernel> wpwrak: does this "unique string repository" actually improve performance?
<lekernel> also it introduces a list of patch variables into libfpvm :(
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<GitHub139> [milkymist] sbourdeauducq pushed 11 new commits to master:
<GitHub139> [milkymist/master] libfpvm: make scanner aware of function names and handle arity in parser - Werner Almesberger
<GitHub139> [milkymist/master] parser.y: move node allocation and initialization to shared function - Werner Almesberger
<GitHub139> [milkymist/master] libfpvm: pass token in struct ast_node - Werner Almesberger
<kristianpaul> mwalle: but tilling trought all that windows... well,i prefer the mouse sometimes..
<GitHub11> [migen] sbourdeauducq pushed 2 new commits to master:
<GitHub11> [migen/master] fhdl: cleanup value bv - Sebastien Bourdeauducq
<GitHub11> [migen/master] fhdl: fix implicit slice index - Sebastien Bourdeauducq
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<GitHub97> [datasheets-m1] sbourdeauducq pushed 1 new commit to master:
<GitHub97> [datasheets-m1/master] Add ADV7181C manual - Sebastien Bourdeauducq
Topic for #milkymist is now Radical Tech Coalition :: Milkymist One, Migen, Milkymist SoC & Flickernoise :: Logs:
<wpwrak> lekernel: (performance) not sure. i saw compile time go from 6 to 5 seconds at one point, but that wasn't the state before anything else
<wpwrak> (list of variables) we can get rid of that. but ... both sides should grow together anyway, so it may be natural to share them.
<wpwrak> but let's find out ...
<wpwrak> what would you call the variables _Xi, etc.? and ... do you remember any more internal variables that aren't listed in pfv_names, pfv_from_name, and pvv_names ?
<wpwrak> ah, here are more: x, y, rad, and a whole crowd in finalize_pvv
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