clifford changed the topic of #yosys to: Yosys Open SYnthesis Suite: -- Channel Logs:
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<sorear> does icetime do multiclock?
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<corecode> i doubt, how would it know
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<lutsabound> sorear: nextpnr supports multiple clock timing. There's no longer any need for icetime
<sorear> lutsabound: mm, can you instruct corecode on how to use nextpnr to compute a timing analysis for a bitstream generated by iCEcube? I was under the impression that was not possible with nextpnr
<lutsabound> I'd have to go back to the nextpnr docs myself
<lutsabound> I know its in there, I've seen the capability, but havent done multiple clocks yet myself
<lutsabound> daveshah knows more about it than I do
<sorear> specifically I was under the impression icetime could ingest an externally-generated bitstream, but nextpnr was limited to timing bitstreams it itself generated
<lutsabound> Hmm... that may be the case
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<daveshah> sorear: yes, icetime can read bitstreams which is great for calibration against the vendor tools
<daveshah> micko started work on ingesting bitstreams into nextpnr, but I don't think that's really working yet
<corecode> icetime says 34MHz, icecube says 51MHz
<corecode> so i think icetime is a bit conservative
<daveshah> interesting
<daveshah> can you provide the asc?
<corecode> yes
<daveshah> and the icecube report?
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<corecode> should i run using
<daveshah> No need, GUI is fine
<tpb> Title: gist:7dd007a1c343b6666118b488f005a3e9 · GitHub (at
<tpb> Title: top_u4k_bitmap.asc · GitHub (at
<daveshah> do you have the critical path report from icetime too?
<corecode> no
<daveshah> ah, it's in the middle, i see
<corecode> icecube yes
<daveshah> that looks like 51MHz before routing
<corecode> yes
<daveshah> whereas icetime runs on the routed bitstream, so the two aren't directly comparable
<daveshah> icecube should be able to run timing analysis after routing too
<corecode> hm
<corecode> aaah
<corecode> so why doesn't it print the estimated time after routing
<daveshah> no idea
<corecode> there is a report that says 39MHz
<daveshah> that sounds more like it
<corecode> yea
<corecode> thanks
<corecode> i guess i need to change my spi synchronizer to work at higher speeds
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