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<corecode> Assertion failure: switches_locked[chip_info->pip_data[pip.index].switch_index] == WireId()
<corecode> hm
<corecode> can't read its own asc?
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<corecode> is there interest in supporting .*?
<daveshah> Yes, definitely
<corecode> i'll look into that
<tnt> .* ?
<corecode> assigns same-named ports to nets
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<corecode> ZipCPU: Warning: Driver-driver conflict for \reset between cell $procdff$565.Q and constant 1'0 in top_u4k: Resolved using constant.
<corecode> i think your POR suggestion produces this
<tnt> corecode: is the code somewhere ?
<tnt> corecode: and wrt to the assert above yeah ... nextpnr can't load the asc it writes :/
<lutsabound> corecode: a negative logic reset would work
<lutsabound> The ice40s can't handle nonzero initial values
<daveshah> they can
<daveshah> Yosys automatically wraps the offending one-initialised FFs in inverters to make it zero-initialised
<corecode> okay, something[tm] doesn't work
<corecode> so i guess it is time to simulate what icebox_vlog produces
<corecode> where do i get simulation models for SB_RAM40_4K etc?
<tpb> Title: yosys/cells_sim.v at master · YosysHQ/yosys · GitHub (at
<daveshah> BRAM initialisation might be worth checking
<daveshah> there is a test for that
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<jayaura> Hi, I tried synth for a riscv verilog file generated by SpinalHDL, but getting errors which I do not understand:
<tpb> Title: yosys error - (at
<jayaura> the source file is
<tpb> Title: [VeriLog] VexRiscv.v SpinalHDL generated - (at
<jayaura> Could someone tell me whether this error is fixable ?
<tpb> Title: Fix WREDUCE on FF not fixing ARST_VALUE parameter. by litghost · Pull Request #824 · YosysHQ/yosys · GitHub (at
<jayaura> daveshah: thanks for the quick response. I'll try rebuilding
<jayaura> oh wait, was that for me?
<jayaura> daveshah: thanks that patch fixes the error!
<daveshah> :)
<daveshah> it was a recent regression
<jayaura> I see!
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<ouznext> hi. my project passed building (synthesizing) last week just file (, it was using yosys at commit e45f62b0c56717a23099425f078d1e56212aa632. Today my same code is failing to synthesize with error: "hrmcpu.v:146: ERROR: Identifier `\program0.PROGRAM' is implicitly declared and `default_nettype is set to none.". Today it's at Yosys commit c521f4632f1c82b48a5538c832980668044e8fd9 .
<tpb> Title: Travis CI - Test and Deploy Your Code with Confidence (at
<ouznext> Is it possible there is some regression between commit e45f62b0c56717a23099425f078d1e56212aa632 and c521f4632f1c82b48a5538c832980668044e8fd9 of yosys, regarding parameters? Offending line in my code according to yosys is:, defparam program0.PROGRAM = PROGRAM;
<tpb> Title: hrm-cpu/hrmcpu.v at master · adumont/hrm-cpu · GitHub (at
<corecode> maybe the default nettype changed
<corecode> good idea
<corecode> you should explicitly declare all your nets
<daveshah> But this is a parameter not a net
<daveshah> bisecting now
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<ouznext> I am using `default_nettype none , but code hasn't changed since Feb 10. Was sinthesizing fine 7 days ago with that.
<corecode> oh parameter
<daveshah> Offending commit seems to be 23148ffae14318bb34cb311eb13494e25ebf4593
<corecode> do you already have a testing setup
<corecode> i guess yosys compiles faster than nextprn
<corecode> pnr*
<ouznext> @daveshah I can try to build yosys at the previous commit, run my tests, then build yosys at that commit and test again. I 'll come back and tell you results. Thanks
<daveshah> The problem commit is definitely 23148ffae14318bb34cb311eb13494e25ebf4593
<tpb> Title: [regression] defparam failing with default_nettype none · Issue #826 · YosysHQ/yosys · GitHub (at
<tnt> ouznext: you can try the #() syntax in the mean time, it might work.
<ouznext> @daveshah: confirmed, synthesis goes well with yosys@974927ad (previous commit), then fails with yosys@23148ffa
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<corecode> what do i need to do to use SB_HFOSC in a design?
<corecode> to simulate it
<corecode> ah
<corecode> vlog exposes the pin
<corecode> fair
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<corecode> is it possible that i have to tell iverilog to initialize flops?
<tnt> well if you don't have a reset they will start as 'x'.
<corecode> yea
<tnt> you can just assert the reset line of your core at the beginning of execution.
<corecode> yea, i had a bug in my POR generator
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<corecode> so there is a difference between my top simulation and the chip top simulation
<tnt> ? Usually you have a testbench that wires things up.
<corecode> yes i do
<corecode> and after nextpnr i dump a verilog of the synthesis and simulate tis
<corecode> this*
<corecode> meaning that either yosys and iverilog interpret my design differently
<corecode> or somewhere in the yosys/nextpnr chain something changes the design
<tnt> ah well, it's not too surprising, if you have anything else than '0' or '1', the post-pnr simulation will probably be different.
<corecode> well, most of it is X
<tnt> some hw block also lack simulation models.
<corecode> yes
<corecode> given that i assert a global reset, i'd expect at least the first instruction pointer to be asserted right
<corecode> but not so
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<tnt> is the clock properly running ?
<corecode> yes
<corecode> now, is it a simulation error or a synthesis error, or my code error
<corecode> !!!
<corecode> well the design is doing something
<corecode> some LEDs are on
<corecode> but they don't toggle
<corecode> so the simulation still does something else
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<tnt> do you have your code somewhere ?
<corecode> yes
<corecode> sec
<corecode> so with a 1:20 chance the design will run correctly on the fpga
<corecode> so there is clearly a race condition somewhere
<corecode> might by my high spi speed
<corecode> but why doesn't it simulate?
<tpb> Title: forth-cpu/rtl at master · corecode/forth-cpu · GitHub (at
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<tnt> corecode: I don't have the U4k support, could you put the synth result verilog ?
<corecode> sure
<tpb> Title: forth-cpu-u4k_chip.v · GitHub (at
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<tnt> your SCK seems a bit fast compared to the clock btw.
<tnt> The result from ip_comb is undefined, so some of the inputs must be missing resets.
<corecode> yes that was deliberate
<corecode> yea, my is ip_comb undefined
<corecode> why*
<corecode> because it can run on the fpga
<tnt> Well 'x' don't exit on the fpga :p
<corecode> must be something about what is fetched from ram
<tnt> It's doesn't even fetch anything from RAM.
<corecode> how do you know?
<tnt> Well, I looked at the simulation trace ... address is always underfined.
<corecode> yes
<corecode> i think it's a cycle
<corecode> it fetches data using an undefined address
<corecode> and then dispatches the next instruction pointer generation based on the undefined result
<corecode> a fix point, basically :)
<tnt> instruction pointer is always undefined ...
<corecode> no, IP is defined while in reset
<tnt> but not iaddr
<corecode> yes
<corecode> because that's the address to fetch in this cycle to execute next
<corecode> so it is IP+1
<corecode> i did not really know how to implement this elegantly
<tnt> some of the control signals to actually make it ip+1 are obviously not reset properly.
<corecode> i have the feeling i should add some pipelining - the core is a bit too slow for my liking
<corecode> tnt: yea, they come from RAM
<corecode> i guess the question is, what do i execute in the first cycle after reset, when there is no instruction word fetched yet
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<tnt> corecode: well, the RAM wouldn't be in reset so it should fetch the first instruction if your logic ensured that iaddr == IP if reset is asserted.
<corecode> yes
<corecode> the problem is that i am fetching from ip_result
<tnt> you could combinatorially force iaddr to 0 during reset.
<corecode> in ip_comb?
<tnt> for instance
<corecode> so why don't i get this problem when i simulate the design, not the synthesis result
<tnt> not sure ... but the 'x' won't behave the same in the original verilog and in the synth result just because the order of operation isn't preserved.
<corecode> i tried to avoid another LUT in the imem fetch path
<corecode> but okay
<corecode> let's keep this for now
<corecode> yep
<corecode> that fixed it
<corecode> thanks!
<tnt> The reset process and initial pipeline fill is tricky ... I also had trouble with it when I first made my cpu.
<corecode> how did you solve it?
<tnt> By adding resets on every FF that influence the fetch address.
<tnt> but I don't have any direct combinatorial dependency between the RAM output and the next address because I have a pipeline.
<tnt> The downside of the pipeline is the added jump latency of course.
<corecode> yes
<tnt> What's the fmax on the U4k btw ?
<corecode> unless you have a pre-decode, maybe?
<corecode> on this design?
<tnt> No idea how the fabric is compared to the up5k.
<tnt> yeah.
<corecode> same timing as the up5k
<corecode> says 29MHz
<corecode> however, synopsys estimated >40MHz
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<corecode> but the icecube2 placer is buggy
<corecode> and can't place my design
<tnt> Oh ok. Yeah, I built it here with up5k target at 31 MHz.
<tnt> The synopsys 'estimates' are meaningless ... I had variation up to +- 50% of synth estimate vs actual placed timing with icecube depending on the design.
<corecode> okay
<tnt> What's the issue with the placer ?
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<corecode> RAM cpu_top.iram_iram_0_0 Illegally placed at (0,21)
<corecode> RAM cpu_top.cpu.cpu_execute.rstack.stack_mem_stack_mem_0_0 Illegally placed at (0,1)
<corecode> used logic cells: 622
<corecode> Packing failed due to placement violation!
<tnt> That's huh .. weird.
<tnt> Did you try another target ? (like up5k or hx),
<corecode> so yosys can deal with localparams that are declared after they are being referenced
<corecode> synopsys cannot
<corecode> so i guess i need to make it a parameter
<corecode> icarus can deal with it as well
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* sxpert is having issues with synch between modules. this thing is probably more complicated than it should
* sxpert is about to throw it all out and start over
<corecode> what's the problem
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<sxpert> corecode: well, the thing is becoming a big mess of inter-acting stall flags...
<sxpert> it's no good, period
<corecode> ok
<sxpert> when it starts looking like spaghetti and timing horror, it's because it's coded the wrong way ;-)
<corecode> any idea why this is?
<sxpert> started with the wrong bit, I guess ;)
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<sxpert> no problem, I'm doing this to learn, so I can start over as many times as it will take ;-)
<tnt> sxpert: heh, I feel you. Always takes me a while to figure things out ... paper helps in my case (drawing block diagram / logic diagram / timing waveforms ...)
<corecode> oh now synplify shits its pants
<corecode> conflicting driver!
<sxpert> hah !
<sxpert> seen that before ;-)
<corecode> but not during compile
<corecode> but during map
<corecode> that sounds to me like some optimization side effect
<tnt> ... or you have two drivers :p (which is valid in verilog ... and you can produce that with yosys too ... but nextpnr would complain later on)
<sxpert> yeah
<sxpert> maybe synplify checks that at compile time
<corecode> @E:MF529 : | Tristates on constant net GND (in view: work.top_u4k(verilog)) triggering multiple-drivers failure:
<corecode> @E:MF531 : gpio.v(38) | Conflicting driver top.cpu_top.membus.gpio.genblk1\[7\]\.un59_pins (in view: work.top_u4k(verilog))
<corecode> on GND?
<corecode> i think what happens is that it can't deal with mismatched port sizes
<corecode> and somehow decided to connect the unused net to gnd
<corecode> and now complains that gnd is being driven
<sxpert> there, moved everything to the attic
<sxpert> time to start over ;)
<corecode> are you using CVS still? :)
<tnt> sxpert: is that your first experience with fpga btw ?
<sxpert> tnt: yeah, apart from your basic blink
<sxpert> corecode: god no
<corecode> sxpert: i'm a beginner too; i noticed that heavy factoring into modules is useful
<corecode> you can test them separately, you can synthesize them separately and see what the tool produces
<tnt> sxpert: you sure didn't pick something trivial :p CPU are always a bit tricky with the control logic, and the Saturn is especially twisted architecture.
<sxpert> yeah
<sxpert> that's where the fun is ;-)
<sxpert> tnt: but I learned from my mistakes, will start from the ground up...
<sxpert> tnt: I did start by the instruction decoder, which was the wrong move
<corecode> yea
<corecode> first start with the functional units
<tnt> yeah you probably want to start with the datapath ... see what needs to move where. Then figure out how to generate all the control signal to pilot that DP.
<sxpert> also, maybe I need to use systemverilog and not classic verilog
<corecode> then you can't use yosys tho
<tnt> yosys doesn't do SV though.
<corecode> or icarus
<sxpert> ah
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<sxpert> hah !
<sxpert> ok
<sxpert> never mind ;-)
<corecode> why did synplify change my reset counter to 4 bits and replaced the top 4 bits with 1s?
<corecode> haha what is this
<sxpert> because it tried to synplify your thing and tripped on it's own socks
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<corecode> tnt: the icecube2 placer estimates 47MHz
<corecode> but then of course it also fails to place
<corecode> so it might not be correct at all
<tnt> :/ I'm wondering wtf is causing it to fail placement. Could you pastebin the complete logs ?
<corecode> yes
<corecode> but you can just try yourself
<tnt> (but yeah, icecube often still beats yosys+nextpnr in fmax ATM)
<corecode> hm, when i add the pcf, it says E2792: Instance pins_obuft_0 incorrectly constrained at SB_IO_OD location
<daveshah> In icecube you need to use an SB_IO_OD primitive to use these pins
<corecode> yea
<corecode> but, how?
<corecode> in my top design then?
<corecode> meh
<daveshah> Yeah
<tnt> " unknown variable npins."
<corecode> that means i either would have to route the enable, in, out signals all the way to the top
<daveshah> Also beware that the ports of an SB_IO_OD primitive have no underscores unlike the normal SB_IO
<corecode> ah yea, i had to convert this localparam to a parameter
<corecode> or i have to put the SB_IO_OD deep into my design
<corecode> tnt: updated
<tnt> corecode: huh. Placed just fine here.
<sxpert> have been getting those, am puzzled
<sxpert> saturn_bus.v:27: warning: Port declaration of i_clk inherits dimensions from var/net.
<corecode> tnt: !!! WHAT
<corecode> what icecube version?
<tnt> 2017.08.27940
<tnt> I didn't put any constraint files for the pins or anything though.
<corecode> on what part
<tnt> ice5lp sg48
<tnt> 4k
<corecode> hm
<corecode> so something in my project settings failed
<corecode> now i made a new project and it works
<corecode> ...
<corecode> wow, 51MHz vs 29MHz
<corecode> that's a huge difference
<corecode> well i guess pebkac lead to u4k support in icestorm and nextpnr
<corecode> what could make such a significant difference?
<daveshah> Two biggest differences are likely carry chain optimisations and placer quality
<corecode> i guess to decide we'd have to have nextpnr place the synplify output
<daveshah> Adding '-relut' to synth_ice40 might improve the former, and the latter
<tpb> Title: [EARLY WIP] HeAP-based analytical placer by daveshah1 · Pull Request #219 · YosysHQ/nextpnr · GitHub (at
<corecode> and the lattice tool place yosys output
<sxpert> the lattice tool looks like something escaped from the early 2000
<corecode> daveshah: is there a way to test yosys vs nextpnr? do the edifs work across?
<daveshah> corecode: no, Yosys doesn't parse EDIF and the icecube EDIF parser segfaults on Yosys EDIFs
<corecode> yey :/
<daveshah> You can export Verilog from Yosys and import to icecube, although I had some trouble with that too
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<corecode> hm, what's the easiest way to selectively use SB_IO_OD...
<daveshah> Sounds like a case of an if/generate
<emeb> corecode: how's your u4k addition to icestorm going?
<sxpert> tnt: ok, put down the basics, time to go to bed ;-)
<tnt> corecode: why the ul4k btw ?
<tnt> sxpert: o/
<emeb> tnt: as you suggested a few days ago, I tried to build the TinyFPGA BX bootloader in icecube2 - managed to get it done but it didn't meet timing @ 48MHz.
<emeb> best I got was ~39MHz
<emeb> was wondering if that's what you saw too?
<emeb> (targeting a up5k device)
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<tnt> I'm pretty sure it met timing. I might have cheated a little by using 'typical' settings instead of 'worst case' :p
<emeb> heh
<MoeIcenowy> emeb: how about nextpnr?
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<corecode> tnt: it's the chip i have on my board
<emeb> MoeIcenowy: what about nextpnr?
<emeb> tnt: Yep - changing the timing condition to Typ makes it pass
<emeb> 60MHz instead of 39
<corecode> oh wow
<emeb> good enough for hobby work. probably not something I'd want to ship in volume.
<corecode> wow what on best with icecube2 it shows 83MHz for my design
<emeb> zippy!
<emeb> looks like the long paths in the TinyFPGA bootloader are some of the adder carry chains in the ROM address generator.
<emeb> IIRC that's all stuff that can be made to run @ 12MHz.
<emeb> I looked over the pull request where they split the design into 48MHz and 12MHz sections and it didn't look too bad. That hasn't been accepted yet though.
<corecode> doesn't most of the design only have to run at much lower speeds?
<emeb> that's my understanding
<emeb> I haven't studied the design closely though.
<emeb> I'm going to knock out a PCB with the USB circuit & oscillator for a UP5k / u4k SG48 package so I can try fiddling with it.
<corecode> i still am baffled by the difference in timing between icecube and nextpnr
<emeb> Is it due to differences in routing, or differences in the way timing is computed?
<corecode> i don't know
<corecode> critical path is a different one
<emeb> do the icestorm and icecube timing estimates agree for the same design?
<corecode> it has RAM out, 4 LUTs, carry chain, 3 more LUTs
<emeb> all in one async path?
<corecode> oh that is a good question - how do i get a timing report from a .asc or vlog output?
<corecode> from clock to clock
<daveshah> corecode: use icetime
<corecode> thanks
<daveshah> The timing differences are for lots of reasons
<corecode> so there are 7 luts and routing between them
<daveshah> one issue is how Yosys is quite poor at optimising certain things like carries
<corecode> i don't quite understand why some luts are 1.2 and some are 1.3
<daveshah> Another is nextpnr not being very well tuned
<daveshah> corecode: different LUT inputs have different delays
<corecode> out of 35ns, carry is 5.8
<corecode> so not really much
<daveshah> The problem is optimising around the carry chain
<corecode> aha
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<corecode> icetime estimates 35MHz for the icecube output
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<emeb> how well does that compare to what icecube estimates?
<corecode> icecube says 51MHz
<emeb> hmm... that's a fair difference for the same design.
<corecode> yes
<emeb> timing analysis has always seemed like it involves a lot of "art" and some luck though.