hm what's this pi_eb_bank that i can't find in glbinfo now?
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i need to make up padin bits
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daveshah: yea i don't know where i get the io_clktoq from
or the model params
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I'm doing some serial communication however the results differ from synthesis to synthesis and that's not only confusing but wrong
I guess there's some bug in the synthesis tool itself otherwise the result wouldn't be random
and I highly doubt that this has anything to do with setup/hold/propagation delays
random in terms of .. it's stable for the image (even if I reload it) but if I do the synthesis again the result might be unexpected in another way
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I'm transferring some frames, the first value of the frame should be static, one line is used for synchronisation how comes that the static value is different from time to time if it is there at all
I never had such a basic issue with any other lattice part so I guess the ice40up5k is shit
looking at the rtl ... it's even synthesising things which it should cut out ... no no this thing is so wrong
it feels like when counting from 1 to 10 things break at 1
what a damn shit part ... it's like if rising_edge(shitclock) then if iter=2 then output<='1' else output <='0' end if; end if; is not working
iter++ of course
whatever it's so basic that it is impossible to fail normally
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iin my experience when the synthesized design isn't doing what I expect it's usually down to me not having fully understood something.
mrec: try Lattice Radient or iCEcube2?
if it works with them, but not with Yosys/NextPnR/Icestorm
it's a severe bug
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corecode: have you got timing html file?
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daveshah: i only see propagation delays and timing checks
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mrec: just pastebin the exact code you're trying to run ...
corecode: what you want is the propogation delay from posedge:clk to lcout
in LogicCell40
ooh, i thought it is for SB_IO
1050, it says
somehow i have all propagation delays twice
Can you post the file? From memory if icecube.sh isn't creating the project correctly then icecube can produce funny timings
daveshah: you can only use 5V if the min Vf is large enough AFAIK.
corecode: nextpnr always uses a SB_GB for global signals
you can tell it not to for testing with "(* ROUTE_THROUGH_FABRIC=1 *)
on the HFOSC
your chipdb for HFOSC has a port named 'CLKLF_FABRIC 0 18 slf_op_7' that seems suspicious.
doesn't the HFOSC directly go to the global network?
well, through a padin
the SB_GB is used to enable that, and also prevent anything else using that global buffer site
corecode: SB_GB kind of represents the 'global network'.
in the HFOSC tile
so SB_GB can be used for both fabric signals and for signals that can be connected directly to the glb
in nextpnr, this is how we represent this
daveshah: I dug into the issue, and found that when dealing with VQM, the width of some intput/output of altsyncram depends on its parameters
however yosys seems to have no support of this
(Quartus uses its proprietary format to define altsyncram
Yosys supports this for normal cells
I don't know how it works for blackbox cells
how to use it?
oh sorry I found me wrong
the uppercase and lowercase naming of the parameters are the same within Quartus when parsing VQM
but is different on Yosys
so why are there only 18 cbits, and it is trying to access bit 21
I just wrongly used lowercase in parameter def and lowercase in portdef
hm, it's trying to set a config bit in ipconn cell 0/19
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Ultra doesn't have IO tiles at the side
* corecode
makes up a song about rebuilding chipdbs
we should add music like those old keygens
daveshah: Who's building that HugeFPGA?
Is that just the tinyFPGA EX renamed?
yes, it was a bad combination of inspect element and gimp :P
So ... there's really nothing there then? Got it.
I got manually defined altsyncram work now
but inferred ones still not work
I don't think Intel RAM inference really works yet
ZipCPU might know more?
What device are we discussing? Altera?
ZipCPU: yes
I've been building a design with inferred RAM within it ... is that not working for you? Which device?
ZipCPU: do you use Yosys to synth and Quartus to PnR?
I have used Yosys to synth, but I'll admit my path stopped there
My design needs DDR I/O elements, as well as the PLL, and I'm not (yet) certain how to properly synthesize those for Quartus PnR
The inferred thing seems well, but it just doesn't work ;-)
How so?
corecode: inside the FGPA the actual SB_GB circuit is probably not used, but 'virtually' instanciating a locked SB_GB for cores that drive the global network is how it's done in next pnr. This made it easier to support and also 'lock-out' that particular SB_GB from being used (since it would drive the same global network ...).
Quartus has strict check on altsyncram parameters and ports
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and VQM is not Verilog -- it has a more narrow grammar
hm, unable to find config bit IpConfig.CBIT_3
IpConfig.CBIT_3 B2[7]
it's in the chipdb tho\
hm no, i think this is a different CBIT_3
no, it's the hfosc, pretty sure
corecode: are you sure that location is an ipcon tile?
and that is going into the database correct
it's a dsp tile
but bitstream.cc replaces the name with IpConfig.
Is it a dsp3 tile?
Looks like only CBIT_0 is present in the config bit database for that
Title: ice40: support u4k by corecode · Pull Request #241 · YosysHQ/nextpnr · GitHub (at github.com)
I'll take a look
thank you
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What's SMCCLK btw ?
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tnt: my limited understanding is SMCCLK exposes the internal configuration clock
I don't exactly know how it behaves after startup
But on the iCE40 Ultra iCEcube uses it to clock a register (with D input at 1'b1) driving output enables
Has anyone tried writing a partial bitstream to an ice40 device without restarting it? (a warm boot perhaps?)
I'm interested to know if it would be possible to lay things out such that the devices attached to a buss in an SoC could be swapped during operation
As far as I know, any reconfiguration will lose CRAM and register values
I don't even know a way to keep the config port open while the design is running
OTOH, preserving BRAM across reconfig is supported
wow hot hardware update
and reload state from bram
corecode: Can you elaborate a bit? I did see some info on enabling/disabling warm/cold rebooting, but nothing on what a 'hot' update would entail
i'm just extrapolating from the information
I'm guessing this would reconfigure the device and clear all registers, but you're suggesting to recover from bram?
So BRAM will be kept if the bitstream doesn't initialise it
dump all state into a bram via some shift register or mux, then in the new design reverse direction
I see.
atm the tools always include bram init in the bitstream, but that would be easy enough to change
i don't think an fpga is really made for that
i mean, can you load the DFF optionally from a different signal?
Still requires explicit start/stop, but saves having to do a full reboot of the core.
well, I think the FPGA is definitely not made for this, but then again it definitely wan't made to work with icestorm
daveshah: what might be fun is to configure a simple logic circuit that responds to outside signaling, and measure at what point you lose CRAM/register contents
and see if it can be skipped over, maybe
I have attempted to readout CRAM after asserting CDONE and not got anything useful
like, maybe it's only wiped if you're writing to the same block? I'm not aware of any trials and I'd be interested to know if anyone tried this during initial reverse engineering
Title: Project IceStorm Bitstream File Format Documentation (at www.clifford.at)
so I don't know what you're talking about :(
creset is a pin
config pins
You assert it to reset the device, and you have to assert it to re enable the SPI programming interface
As soon as you assert it, CRAM is wiped
is there somewhere I can read about the programming procedure?
and i guess clocks stop running
yes, there is an app note
when does the SPI interface become disabled?
i think CDONE goes high at some point
and that's it
I ask because I guess the next logical question is if it's possible to get into an inbetween state where running and programming are both possible.
is the app note on lattice's site somewhere?
i'd home not
SPI is disabled once you send opcode 0 payload 6 to wakeup and start running the bitstream
It's possible there's a different command to run the design without disabling SPI
ah so far i've just pushed out the bin
It's also unlikely given the structure of the device
Yeah, effectively the bin is a series of commands
might be fun to fuzz it and look for undocumented commands, but it sounds like you might be correct
what dos warm boot in opcode 9 refer to?
It enables use of the SB_WARMBOOT primitive
but warmboot is spi master
Exactly the same commands are read off SPI flash in that mode
Just the iCE40 is driving the clock and sends a read command first
and I assume it will read the same opcodes and look for the same sort of termination?
so, do i try to upload a blinky design to my board
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noname_Matt: the termination is the wakeup command again
well, opcode 0/6
what if you send it a reboot instead? how does SB_WARMBOOT fit into it?
reboot: 0/8
Reboot just resets things
WARMBOOT basically indexes into a jump table that points to the image, iirc
reboot just starts everything over again?
so warmboot allows you to select a starting point to read opcode from one of several locations, but requires the same resetting? is it related to is 4/*?
Yes, warmboot also performs a reset of all but BRAM
Yes, warmboot will index into a jump table of 4 opcodes that point to the real images
that is, opcode 4/* not literally a table four entries long?
I presume such a table is located at a certain spot and is indexed on some condition?
I think each "warmboot applet" is 32 bytes in total
With a 4 command to set the jump address and a reboot command which jumps to that address
The warmboot primitive selects one of those applets
when you say warmboot primitive, is this a series of opcodes, or a hardwired procedure?
controlled by opcode 9/*?
A signal on the chip?
and this starts the procedure to select and load a bitstream?
i think you apply signals that select the bitstream
ok. that makes sense
thank you. I have a much better idea how all this work now.