ZipCPU, i managed to get the Ethernet port working on the Nexys Video, it was a mixture of a few issues, wireshark came in super handy
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chaseemory: Can you tell me what you used for the clock on the transmitter?
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i made two 125MHz clocks in an mmcm, one 90degrees out of phase, i dug through the layers of the code in the repo and thats the clock it seems to be using for the tx_clk
but I don't love to utilize DDR on FPGA
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daveshah: ok, i think the last thing is to fill the extra_cells_db
corecode: yeah
for SB_WARMBOOT, create one and trace the routing in icebox_vlog
for the remaining IP, hopefully the script for the UltraPlus is adaptable
warmboot i already handled
well, i'll skip the i2c and spi for now
but hfosc and lfosc is important
i guess there is no test fixture for it yet
what's the easiest way to figure out where config bits sit?
set them and look in the explanation?
oh my laptop's LCD screen is too small in points to use the DDR2 controller IP from Quartus ;-)
daveshah: do i have to modify the standard cell library to access the TRIM input?
huh, icecube says "no top-level module"
what's that about
found it
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daveshah: trying to find the extra_cells for the hfosc - how do i know the location of the CLKHF output? i used it for a SB_IO output clock, but vlog says:
wire io_19_31_0;
// (0, 0, 'glb_netwk_4')
// (9, 31, 'io_global/outclk')
// (19, 31, 'io_0/PAD')
// (19, 31, 'padin_0')
is (0, 0) credible there?
yes, it is global network glb_netwk_4
routed through the padin of 19, 31
because on the 5k it is (0, 29)
the global networks are really in every tile, so it doesn't matter
it's the glb_netwk_4 that's important
hm, why doesn't vlog show the HFOSC
it doesn't support them
aha :)
hm, i thought HFOSC was global network 5 according to docs
wouldn't be the first mistake in Lattice docs
it's glb_netwk_4 on the up5k too
is that different from some other global buffer stuff?
the only difference is the SB_GB driving a different glb_netwk_i to the SB_GB_IO/padin at the same location
now i question my padin_io and padin_glb_netwk
so the HFOSC is global network 4, but routed via padin_glb_netwk 5?
or is that output of icebox_explain just what i did
the HFOSC is global network 4 plain and simple
this is entirely padin
ok, so i need to switch those two around
which two?
HF and LF padin
ok i need to redo my gbufin
i had some bogus data on it which confused me
the important thing gbufin is totally unrelated to padin
it's just coincidental that the locations are the same
especially if i cannot trust the ice docs
which means my explain output is unreliable as well
no, the explain output will always be correct
it doesn't rely on gbufin or padin at all
for the extra bits it uses the extra bit info
which was wrong for me
ah, right
inside logic, IO tiles, etc the glb_netwk_* will always be correct though
they are based on the low level routing bits determined by icefuzz and the glb files
ok, i'm looking at gbufin right now
i have clk on pin 44
which the docs say is G6
The global numbers for the docs are for padin
not gbufin
what? how would that be useful
i.e. the global numbers in the docs (if they are correct) will only apply if using SB_GB_IO
SB_GB are driven from fabric rather than an IO pin
yes, i thought gbufin is from the outside
no, gbufin is for SB_GBs from fabric
god damn, these names are so confusing
padin is for SB_GB_IOs from the IO pins
alright, back to padin
beware that connecting to a SB_GB to a pin doesn't guarantee that icecube will place that GB next to the pin (unlike an SB_GB_IO)
so i have a sb_gb_io, and explain says it uses glb_netwk_1
but the docs say it is G6
this is inside a logic/io tile and not extra bits?
it also sets extra bits
ignore the extra bits for now, just look at the routing in logic/io tiles
should i use explain or vlog?
also, extra bitS or just one extra bit?