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<tom____> hi can i get some help with an error iv been stuck on?
<tom____> it is for sgs2
<tom____> #teamhacksung
<tom____> thats the error
<tom____> anyone have a clue?
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<Espenfjo> yup.. but you disconnected...
<imneveral0ne> he hates answers
<a3Dman> good morning
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<pickpoket> how do i get to the help- nondeveloper chat
<slick_rick> clcik #teamhacksung-support
<pickpoket> Thanks
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<sbrissen> codeworkx:
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<codeworkx> sbrissen: nice. any sound?
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<iKillCypher> code
<iKillCypher> why isnt cm10.1 kernel updated for SGS2 ?
<paulk-desktop> iKillCypher, most likely because they didn't release it?
<paulk-desktop> (they being samsung)
<paulk-desktop> and also because userspace should match it as well as 4.x
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<sbrissen> codeworkx: yea, i havent been able to talk to anybody cept myself on another phone so its hard to tell how good the audio is
<paulk-desktop> codeworkx, ping
<angelsl> should i update smdk4210 to 3.0.60?
<iKillCypher> uh you should
<iKillCypher> cause samsung commits alot of rubbish
<iKillCypher> btw angelsl what phone are you using?>
<codeworkx> iKillCypher: no time
<iKillCypher> lol you dont have time :P
<angelsl> i9100.
<iKillCypher> ouch same as mine
<iKillCypher> hahahaha
<iKillCypher> CM10.1 ? Kernel ?
<iKillCypher> Mods?
<codeworkx> sbrissen: feel free to overwrite my patch with a new set
<angelsl> cm10.
<iKillCypher> o.o
<iKillCypher> the sound has issue am I right ?
<iKillCypher> unless you use sound fix or other kind
<angelsl> what, the headphone volume?
<iKillCypher> yes
<angelsl> doesn't bother me, i don't care
<iKillCypher> oh lol well it does to me :(
<iKillCypher> and it is everywhere !!
<iKillCypher> im getting a new phone soon like screw this phone sgs2
<codeworkx> iKillCypher: hope you've learned and will buy another exynos phone. e.g. sgs3
<paulk-desktop> codeworkx, Is the ics branch for p3100 and p5100 tablets stable enough? ie: is ICS support complete for these devices?
<paulk-desktop> hi btw
<angelsl> codeworkx: tsk.
<iKillCypher> lol sacarism
<codeworkx> paulk-desktop: yep
<paulk-desktop> codeworkx, nice, thanks
<iKillCypher> im moving onto freexerpia :)
<iKillCypher> sony is so much more loved !
<codeworkx> xperia z ;-)
<angelsl> oh lawd..
<iKillCypher> ;) indeed
<iKillCypher> xperia v isnt bad compare to sgs2
<angelsl> isn't bad is an understatement
<angelsl> codeworkx: do you still maintain smdk4210?
<iKillCypher> of cause he does
<iKillCypher> lol
<iKillCypher> what kind of question is that
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<Espenfjo> angelsl: Why upgrade it?
<codeworkx> angelsl: if my non-existing freetimes allows is, then yes
<codeworkx> but i haven't done anything for a long time
<iKillCypher> Espenfjo, why not
<iKillCypher> a huge number of people still uses SGS2
<codeworkx> iKillCypher: then do it?
<angelsl> Espenfjo: i guess 3.0.15 works fine, but since sammy doesn't seem like it'll release anything soon..
<codeworkx> jb kernel sources should be out
<Espenfjo> angelsl: They just released JB some days ago, so they will have to release kernel sources asap
<codeworkx> they've release a spanish 4.1 rom
<angelsl> really?
<Espenfjo> ya'rly
<angelsl> meh, i'm horribly out of date
<angelsl> ..spanish?
<angelsl> no english
<angelsl> yay samsung
<Espenfjo> It will definately be 3.0.15 as well
<angelsl> it's probably carriers' fault though, but whatever
<iKillCypher> the JB release was on 3.0.31
<angelsl> does samsung touch upstream code a lot?
<Espenfjo> They bork everything
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<iKillCypher> yeah they do
<angelsl> joy to the world
<angelsl> meh
<iKillCypher> but Im why havent they took hands from the open source developers ?
<iKillCypher> and why modified framework so much from AOSP and not even help !!
<Espenfjo> Korea logic
<iKillCypher> good thing sony is in Japan
<codeworkx> no jb sauce, only CHN and HK
<iKillCypher> lol
<angelsl> i now fear `git diff linux-3.0.y`
<sbrissen> codeworkx: to submit a patch on your gerrit do I want to do a checkout?
<Zhenech> does this on a slow spinning disk and you not only fear it, but die from boredom
<Zhenech> s#does#do#
<codeworkx> sbrissen: repo start blah blah, then cherry pick it from gerrit, modify, git add -A
<codeworkx> git commit --amend
<codeworkx> repo upload
<iKillCypher> tbh I tested the JB 4.1.2 official :P it sucks balls
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<sbrissen> codeworkx: i sux at teh gerrit, it made a new gerrit instead of patch
<angelsl> Espenfjo: honestly, would updating smdk4210 to .60 be pointless?
<cdesai> sbrissen: you gotta keep change ID on last line of commit message same as original
<sbrissen> ah ok that makes sense then
<angelsl> samsung uses a broadcom chip in their i9105
<angelsl> the hell
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<codeworkx> sbrissen: device/samsung/t0lte/audio/audio_hw.c:643:17: error: too few arguments to function 'csd_start_voice'
<sbrissen> uploaded patch 3
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<angelsl> athurh: eh
<codeworkx> sbrissen: switching devices works now
<codeworkx> sbrissen: but speaker sounds also shitty xD
<sbrissen> lol yea
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<sbrissen> codeworkx: does audio work on first call?
<codeworkx> no
<codeworkx> could be a wrong mixer state
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<codeworkx> sbrissen: hmm no, mixers are same on 1st and 2nd
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<codeworkx> sbrissen: might be a sampling rate issue
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<codeworkx> sbrissen: ok, sounds good now ;-)
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<sbrissen> what was it?
<codeworkx> sampling rate
<codeworkx> most providers around the world are using narrowband
<codeworkx> 8000 hz
<codeworkx> 16000 is wideband aka HD Voice
<codeworkx> but qcom always nees 16000
<codeworkx> at least it looks like
<sbrissen> awesome, so next big issue is the no audio on first call
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<codeworkx> sbrissen: blueooth also works
<sbrissen> nice,. what issues remain then?
<sbrissen> adn we dont need the a2dp delay anymore?
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<codeworkx> sbrissen: right
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<codeworkx> sbrissen: check firstcall with latest patchset ;-)
<sbrissen> lol just needed to call the init?
<codeworkx> yep
<codeworkx> throws an error
<codeworkx> but seems to work
<sbrissen> works for me
<codeworkx> hehe
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<sbrissen> we can dump libssaudio-client and audio-ril now too
<codeworkx> D/audio_hw_primary( 1972): DLOPEN successful for CSD CLIENT
<codeworkx> D/audio_hw_primary( 1972): setCsdHandle csd_handle: 0x40198964
<codeworkx> E/CSD_CLIENT( 1972): open_device_control: QMI - result 0, error 0, CSD - valid 0, status 0
<codeworkx> D/audio_hw_primary( 1972): adev_open: calling csd_client_init
<codeworkx> E/CSD_CLIENT( 1972): csd_client_init: Error -1 opening device control
<codeworkx> but works
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<sbrissen> codeworkx: nice work, works great. think we need to bump volumes tho
<sbrissen> actually, the volume changes don't do anything,
<codeworkx> if possible
<codeworkx> sbrissen: incall volume changes?
<sbrissen> yea
<codeworkx> i'm on it
<sbrissen> need to call volume_index i bet
<sbrissen> lol patch set 8 , that was fast
<codeworkx> D/audio_hw_primary( 5485): adev_set_voice_volume: calling csd_volume, volume=0
<codeworkx> V/CSD_CLIENT( 5485): csd_client_volume: volume in percentage:0,volume in index =5
<codeworkx> some missmatch
<sbrissen> I/AudioHardwareTinyALSA( 1974): ### setVoiceVolume (0.800000)
<sbrissen> V/AudioRil( 1974): csd_client_volume_index(4.000000)
<sbrissen> V/CSD_CLIENT( 1974): csd_client_volume_index: 4 previous volume =0
<codeworkx> hmm
<sbrissen> brb
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<sbrissen> codeworkx: so how long does it typically take to hear back on official cm? Its been about week so far
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<codeworkx> sbrissen: hmm?
<sbrissen> i sent the email to devrelations and included links to my github
<sbrissen> not sure if there was more I needed to do or not
<sbrissen> l900 and i605 are pretty much at the same place the gsm variants are
<codeworkx> those two?
<codeworkx> or the t0ltecdma?
<sbrissen> all 3
<codeworkx> sbrissen: the jellybean tree can be wiped?
<sbrissen> yea
<sbrissen> i have a pull request on the muppets too
<sbrissen> plz
<codeworkx> sbrissen: did you setup wiki?
<sbrissen> no, not sure how
<codeworkx> i'll do
<sbrissen> ty
<sbrissen> do i need to do anything else to get builds rolling?
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<codeworkx> sbrissen: check the wiki
<codeworkx> especially supported bands
<codeworkx> thats probably wrong
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<sbrissen> great thanks!
<codeworkx> sbrissen: have to add them to gerrit
<codeworkx> but it doesn't like it currently
<sbrissen> codeworkx: updated the wiki. What do I need to submit to gerrit?
<Turilo> everything working much better now, just camera video recording audio plays back in low buff rate on playback very odd t0lte note 2
<codeworkx> sbrissen: you cant
<codeworkx> sbrissen: but me can
<sbrissen> o ok
<sbrissen> thanks for the help
<codeworkx> sbrissen: do a patch for vendor/cm and add you to the contributors file
<sbrissen> k
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<sbrissen> codeworkx: is gerrit having issues right now?
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