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<Entropy512> a3Dman: yup. primarily hwc right now
<Entropy512> I think gralloc is close to complete, the missing stuff only matters with hwc
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<a3Dman> and of course hwc needs a lot of hard work to get finished, which isn't worth it...
<rekoil> i think its worth it
<rekoil> :P
<a3Dman> well, depending on how failsung acts, it's not worth it at all...
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<Entropy512> i'm not fucking with it any more until they honor their promise to publish proper reference source for the platform
<a3Dman> completely fair
<Entropy512> decompiled hwc source is too much of a fucking pain to read
<Entropy512> I get far more results per unit of time spent with other devices
<a3Dman> true
<a3Dman> even if the hwc is fixed, still blob problem...
<a3Dman> so they must publish sources...
<rekoil> fingers crossed
<a3Dman> I think sources should have been out since december
<humberos> Entropy512: ohai!
<humberos> I saw that you wrote comments in codeworks patch (about trace kernel config enable).
<humberos> I used that and it fixed the trace error in logcat.
<a3Dman> like they said
<a3Dman> xD
<rekoil> a3Dman: yeah, well, getting source code from big corporations is always a difficult task
<rekoil> not holding my breath
<a3Dman> rekoil: well they promised...
<rekoil> and htc promised unlocked bootloaders via htcdev
<a3Dman> it's just ethics now
<rekoil> they are at best semi-unlocked by htcdev
<humberos> Entropy512: sorry, my device is a N8013
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<Entropy512> I have yet to see any negative to having that trace stuff disabled in kernel
<Entropy512> and enabling it seems to contribute to HSIC drops on various devices with modems
<Entropy512> maybe can be revisited with the new modem driver stuff
<Entropy512> that just went in on 4412
<Entropy512> if that modem driver fixes hsic drops when backported to 4210
<Entropy512> can consider reenabling stuff that caused HSIC drops before
<Entropy512> i might poke at it later this week
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<humberos> Entropy512: Thanks. I understood. So, the N8013 is a Wi-Fi only device. If you'll still get errors then we can set that only for N8013.
<Entropy512> maybe, but we should figure out what the hell is looking for function tracing stuff that shouldn't be necessary in a production kernel
<humberos> ok. I will try to figure it. Do you have a N8013 too?
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<slick_rick> does the us galaxy note 2's use yamaha audio? anybody know off the top of their heads?
<Entropy512> humberos: yeah. n8013 is my only 4412 device
<Entropy512> note2 uses wolfson
<Entropy512> all 4412s use wolfson wm1811
<slick_rick> Entropy512: thanks
<Entropy512> n7105/i317/etc call audio is due to audio HAL requiring different RIL interface
<Entropy512> i9300 HAL needs to be redone for libcsd-client
<slick_rick> was asking because im getting some errors in log cause it to hang at boot ani line 363 i believe. someone told me it might have to do with missing yamaha commits
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<slayher> slick_rick, I think fatal signal 11 sigsegv is a memory error, but not for certain
<slick_rick> neither am i lol. thanks though
<slayher> slick_rick, did you try a data wipe?
<slick_rick> slayher: thats from a clean install. hangs on initial boot
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<slayher> W/AudioPolicyService( 3003): loadInputSource() empty element camcorder
<slayher> W/AudioPolicyService( 3003): loadInputSource() empty element camcorder
<slayher> I see that before every sigserv
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* slayher shrug
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<slick_rick> slayher: thanks for pointing that out, had not noticed that
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<slick_rick> hey Entropy512 how exactly do you make netflix think its on an older version of android exatly? you said that here noticed my netflix app wont load videos on new cm10.1
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<slick_rick> ahh thanks!
<slick_rick> works perfectly
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<ankitkv> how would I call a method in a C++ sensor HAL from an app in Java?
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<Espenfjo> jni
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<a3Dman> signal bar problem is on i9100 also
<codeworkx> known
<a3Dman> kool
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: See, it's never because i9100g's not cool xP
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