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<Rebellos> Entropy512, ping!
<Jiangyi> Rebellos: He just went to bed :/
<Rebellos> Jiangyi, ty for info. I just got up. :P
<Jiangyi> np
<Jiangyi> Nice work with the galaxy cam and all :-)
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<philhug> Rebellos: do you still need the hashes of the signing key on the odroid?
<Rebellos> philhug, no, it's been done long time ago. :P
<philhug> what was the result? are they identical?
<philhug> s3/odroid...
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<DuperMan> c3po
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<stickyboy> cdesai: How are you liking your mint?
<stickyboy> And hi, btw.
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<cdesai> hi
<cdesai> it's awesome
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<stickyboy> cdesai: I got one too.
<cdesai> sweet
<cdesai> how are you liking yours ?
<stickyboy> I like it. The stock ROM is actually pleasant to use.
<cdesai> indeed
<stickyboy> Flashing it is a bit of a pain though.
<stickyboy> That Java flashtool is kinda weird.
<cdesai> it's ok once you get used to it
<cdesai> there's emma too
<stickyboy> But Emma's Windows-only last time I looked.
<cdesai> yea
<cdesai> there's fastboot too for flashing kernel / system
<stickyboy> Yah
<stickyboy> I do like their method of entering fastboot / flashmode. It seems more effective than holding certain keys at boot.
<stickyboy> And their "force reboot" (Volume Up + Power) is handy.
<stickyboy> And the color coding of the LED for fastboot / flashmode / recovery is nice.
<cdesai> yep
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<stickyboy> So yeah, I'm happy.
<stickyboy> I tried CM10.1 a few weeks ago but it still wasn't ready. I'm back on stock for now.
<_paco_> which device?
<stickyboy> _paco_: Sony Xperia T.
<cdesai> 10 is good if you grab Entropy512's patches from gerrit
<_paco_> oh that bond phone?
<cdesai> 10.1 - no cam
<cdesai> _paco_: yep
<_paco_> have fun with it
<stickyboy> cdesai: Ah, I might try that.
<Entropy512> cdesai: any idea why config_screenBrightnessDim isn't working on the T
<Entropy512> my min brightness is 20
<Entropy512> even though it should be 1 with that overlay
<cdesai> nope, haven't looked at anything since a few days
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<stickyboy> Weird.
<cdesai> Entropy512: you on 10 or 10.1 ?
<Entropy512> still 10.0 for now
<cdesai> it seems to be 10 here on 10.1
<Entropy512> I need to make an ingress portal submissions run soon, need cam for that
<Entropy512> it's odd, overlays say it should be 1, but it's 20
<cdesai> i guess dual boot would come in handy here
<Entropy512> cdesai: hmm not really
<Entropy512> it's going to the default in both
<Entropy512> just checked
<Entropy512> apparently default is 10 on 10.1
<cdesai> for cam i meant
<Entropy512> frameworks/base/core/res/res/values/config.xml
<cdesai> yea saw that
<Entropy512> not really, for the same reason I'm not making the transition even with nandroid yet
<Entropy512> unless CWM has a storage layout un-migration tool
<stickyboy> Entropy512: I hear that... :)
<cdesai> i just adb pull /sdcard, wipe, and push sdcard/0 back in xD
<Entropy512> cdesai: dim_brightness in the kernel has nothing to do with config_screenBrightnessDim
<cdesai> but current brightness does right?
<Entropy512> however brightess should match config_screenBrightnessDim at min brightness
<Entropy512> but it's matching the defaults
<cdesai> yea, i set it to lowest manually
<Entropy512> not the setting in device overlay
<Entropy512> device overlay says 1
<Entropy512> default in 10 is 20
<Entropy512> default in 10.1 is 10
<cdesai> i think i found the problem
<cdesai> read the comments in config.xml
<cdesai> it does get to 1 here when it times out
<cdesai> s/when/before
<Entropy512> aaah
<Entropy512> tbh minimum should be 5 or 10 not 20
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<Entropy512> cdesai: that patch isn't in 10.0
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<Entropy512> ok off to work, will figure this out tonight
<Entropy512> ok figured it out, now really off to work
<Entropy512> if you don't have custom levels enabled for autobacklight
<Entropy512> even manual backlight will not allow you to dim below 20
<Entropy512> afk
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<_paco_> good night
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<sbrissen> codeworkx: im still running into the screen on issue on the i605 note 2. I tried adjusting earlysuspend levels and it still occurs. can seem to track it down
<sbrissen> weird thing is if I do the mdnie invert, when I screen on it is white, just no graphics
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<sbrissen> Entropy512: I'm using opensource HWC sorry for delayed response on your question.
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<rhcp> hehe
<rhcp> i always miss sbrissen_gone
<Entropy512> sbrissen_gone: ok that's odd, since those symptoms were classic of closed HWC
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<rhcp> did cody get my decompiled file for him?
<rhcp> didn't notice
<rhcp> he asked me for some BT file
<slick_rick> Is Cody codeworkx?
<codeworkx> maybe
<slick_rick> Oh lol
<codeworkx> rhcp: got it and fixed it ;-)
<codeworkx> rhcp: thanks again
<rhcp> np
<rhcp> glad it helped :)
<slick_rick> Yea was going to saybu saw it
<rhcp> hows about some help on the note2? :)
<rhcp> :P
<codeworkx> still not done?
<rhcp> has issues
<codeworkx> which kind?
<rhcp> with the correct hands. would be nice
<rhcp> Well, the ril madmack made for the LTE/GSM people i think has issue
<rhcp> it jumps too much
<rhcp> thats #1
<rhcp> #2 BT range
<codeworkx> "jumps" ?
<rhcp> #3 call audio works but sometimes sounds like robts
<codeworkx> signal strength?
<rhcp> yea, like it will be H+
<rhcp> H
<rhcp> E
<rhcp> G
<codeworkx> that's normal :-D
<rhcp> all jumping
<rhcp> no way it jumps that much :)
<codeworkx> we've also the bt issues
<rhcp> I've had stock devices
<rhcp> lol
<codeworkx> call audio might be HD voice
<codeworkx> aka amr wideband
<rhcp> not sure, I posted the C for both
<codeworkx> but this is implemented
<rhcp> decompiled
<rhcp> i assume you saw
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<rhcp> everyone is using the HAL and the tinymux or w/e
<codeworkx> this passes an audio parameter to audio hal
<codeworkx> and there you can handle it
<codeworkx> but it's implemented in i9300
<rhcp> this is for GSM?
<rhcp> his is quite small :)
<codeworkx> generic
<codeworkx> this is gsm yes
<codeworkx> but setamrwb is generic
<rhcp> hmm you see his RIL implamtation
<rhcp> ?
<codeworkx> should work on nearly all samsung phones
<codeworkx> where is it?
<rhcp> sec its on your review
<rhcp> afaik
<slick_rick> It was merged I think
<rhcp> don't think so
<rhcp> the devices weren't merged yet
<rhcp> afaik
<slick_rick> No I mean his exynoslteril or whatever
<rhcp> there you go
<rhcp> its open
<slick_rick> Ahh
<codeworkx> rhcp: this would mean RIL isn't messed up
<rhcp> depends
<codeworkx> rhcp: we need tons of shit to get data working
<rhcp> these are his tests on a ATT unit
<codeworkx> i never worked with samsung lte
<codeworkx> no idea about it
<rhcp> from what he said
<rhcp> he used stuff on CM git + logcat -b radio
<rhcp> to make this file
<codeworkx> thats needed for sure
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<codeworkx> robot voice happens if you're on a provider which supports amr wideband
<codeworkx> and your phones uses a wrong rate
<rhcp> i hear that robot stuff :)
<rhcp> the most annoying thing
<rhcp> is you have to press down on volume then up
<rhcp> and A) you get a BLAST of audio
<rhcp> or B) low as hell
<rhcp> Feel free to post yourself. Entropy512 does
<rhcp> decompiled files are on 10.1 thread
<Entropy512> codeworkx: setamrwb depends on secril-client, right?
<Entropy512> anything that depends on secril-client is fucked on Exynos LTE devices
<Entropy512> as they need csd-client instead
<codeworkx> oh right
<codeworkx> aren't they using prop hal?
<codeworkx> dont think that they changed that little parameter
<codeworkx> this is used on all phones
<codeworkx> how the hal handles it, is another story
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<rhcp> had to reboot to 12D50
<rhcp> new osx :)