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<slayher> codeworkx, the Props you have up on github, are those from a n7105? or one of the other variants?
<slick_rick> i dont think it really matters, they are pretty much the same device lol
<slick_rick> but most likely a n7105 since thats what he owns
<slayher> slick_rick, I agree, I am just seeing very unusual APN behavior
<slayher> trying to track it down
<slick_rick> ahh ok. yea idk about that. i have a sprint gnote
<slayher> slick_rick, ya its weird, when I first got the phone, and the last couple i could use IPV6 apn for Tmo no issue. I loaded a n7105 rom that was mashed up for the tmo variant, and since then I am unable to load an ipv6 apn unless I go back to the original n7105 rom.
<slayher> its weeeiirrd
<slayher> I even did a full odin back to stock, still doesn't work. So only think i can figure is that a prop somewhere
<slayher> is jacking it up
<slayher> trying to build my own, so i can play with the props, but egl is crashing
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<slayher> grrr… surfaceflinger is still crashing on me. WTF is up with EGL.
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<RHCP-iPhone> Yawn
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<Rebellos> Entropy512, we could create some documentation on vendor commands.
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<rhcp> codeworkx Yea it pairs
<rhcp> just no sound
<rhcp> i saw a nightly. did it include anything?
<rhcp> i was going to cherry some stuff
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<rhcp> somesay with my build from yesterday
<rhcp> they get A2DP
<rhcp> shrug
<rhcp> might get the nightly and flash
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<rhcp> was looking at that
<rhcp> also the sensors are whacked on me.
<rhcp> wonder why it works for some and not all
<rhcp> i saw a thread flash PA -> CM
<rhcp> stupidest thing I've ever seen
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<rhcp> lol build with breakfast is broken
<rhcp> neat
<rhcp> vendor is missing
<rhcp> Jiangyi found this for me yesterday
<rhcp> <project name="TheMuppets/proprietary_vendor_samsung" path="vendor/samsung" remote="github" revision="cm-10.1"/>
<rhcp> is the fix
<slick_rick> Well u need that to build
<cdesai> or you just pull em from the device
<rhcp> it should be in the breakfast -manifest
<rhcp> imho
<slick_rick> Yea I think he updated extract script
<cdesai> nope
<slick_rick> Just pull them
<rhcp> i just put that in the manifest
<rhcp> insta fix
<rhcp> never know what gets updated
<rhcp> if i clone. or pull
<rhcp> I'm on old shit
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<rhcp> damn my a2dp headset is not here
<rhcp> guess ill use my speaker
<rhcp> too lazy to go to office
<rhcp> no go
<rhcp> it doesn't detect the BT A2DP profile
<rhcp> and you need to turn on/off BT for it to scan
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<paulk-desktop> where are developer options on CM10.1?
<paulk-desktop> ie: how to enable adb?
<rhcp> lol
<rhcp> use google
<paulk-desktop> mhh
<rhcp> go to settings -> about phone
<rhcp> click the last thing 5 times
<paulk-desktop> right that's it
<paulk-desktop> thanks
<paulk-desktop> that's a bit silly though
<rhcp> disable it :)
<paulk-desktop> I mean as a default setup
<rhcp> make an option for it
<rhcp> easy stuff
<rhcp> might not merge :)
<Jiangyi> paulk-desktop: Google added it in 4.2 :-P
<paulk-desktop> Jiangyi, I remember reading something about that indeed
<paulk-desktop> also, what's the best CM version to recommend to a friend for daily use on Galaxy S2?
<paulk-desktop> sorry for being off-topic
<Jiangyi> Which variant of the S2?
<paulk-desktop> international (exynos4)
<Jiangyi> CM9 I guess?
<paulk-desktop> ok
<Jiangyi> That or 10.1
<Jiangyi> Either ways, it's not that stable lol
<paulk-desktop> with a quick look, it seems to me that CM9 is a bit more stable than 10.1
<Jiangyi> Would make sense, since Samsung blobs were made for 4.0 in the first place.
<Jiangyi> lol I love how Google says unlocking the bootloader *may* void the warranty, not will :p
<paulk-desktop> I think if you unlock and then reflash stock and relock, you warranty can still work
<paulk-desktop> I think I've already done that on a nexus s :)
<Jiangyi> Yeah, that's what people told me :-P
<paulk-desktop> (GPS fuse was blown due to incorrect resistor)
<Jiangyi> I'm not sure whether the vibrator on my new N4 is broken or not, but it is weak.
<Jiangyi> Compared to Sammy devices that is :-P
<paulk-desktop> galaxy s2 vibrator is weak too
<Jiangyi> Nah, that was very strong for me.
<paulk-desktop> compared to htc dream, it's not :p
<Jiangyi> If s2 was weak, then this is almost non-existent xD
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<diego-ch> anyone online? I'm trying to get cm10 working on the GT-I9070
<diego-ch> I finally got cm10 booting, but i dont have usb access to the phone (when I plug the cable, the computer doesn't detect it)
<diego-ch> lsusb and dmesg show nothing
<diego-ch> maybe something wrong with my init.usb.rc ?
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<Espenfjo> Probably (or kernel)
<diego-ch> is there a way to enable usb via terminal emulator?
<Espenfjo> setprop persist.sys.usb.config mtp,adb
<Espenfjo> Or look at init....usb.rc and see what kernel interfaces it would touch by enabling adb (stuff under /sys)
<Espenfjo> Seems sane enough
<diego-ch> bluetooth works, I'll try to get a dmesg log via bluetooth
<Espenfjo> Check that you have /sys/class/android_usb/android0/ and that the files under there corresponds with the values in that rc file
<Espenfjo> (You can also do adb over network you know)
<diego-ch> yea but I didnt fix wifi driver yet
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<diego-ch> Espenfjo: got a dmesg log via bluetooth: but its not complete
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<Espenfjo> Something is wrong atleast, but nothing odd points out
<Espenfjo> sorry
<diego-ch> okay no prob, I'll try to find what's wrong
<diego-ch> looks like init.usb.rc is on a loop
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<Espenfjo> Or something odd with the driver since it inserts/removes the usb plug all the time
<Espenfjo> <7>[ 507.901153] usb: enable_store enabled=1, !dev->enabled=1 <7>[ 507.901947] usb: enable_store enabled=0, !dev->enabled=0
<Espenfjo> or yeah, it may be a loop of some kind
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<John__> Been trying to debug bt on note2
<John__> No luck
<John__> Thinking to try a diff blob
<slayher> John__, the T889 uses a different firmware and that may be the issue. In /system/bin its bcm4334_semco.hcd. The 7105 uses bcm4335_semcosh.hcd. That may be the issue.
<slayher> John__, might want to push the blob from the tmo one, to see if that does anything
<John__> Yea that is what I was thinking
<John__> It was working using the intl 4.1.
<John__> 4.2.1 blob
<John__> Rather
<John__> On cm10
<John__> Blah 4.1.2
<John__> Lol
<slayher> And it may just be that audio changed enough in 4.2 that it doesn't matter.
<John__> Not sure
<John__> Really the only thing borek
<John__> And mic issues
<slayher> just a quick poke around shows that the d2 is using bcm4334_semco.hcd too.
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<slayher> *shrugs
<John__> Running it there?
<John__> Im on phone
<slayher> John__, not sure, I just see it in the prop repo
<John__> No I meant can you try it? Im not near my box
<John__> Lol
<John__> Wife fell asleep on me with dogs
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<slayher> oh I don't have it loaded atm, I am trying to chase down my own EGL issues.
<slayher> Think its a prop issue
<slayher> Oh and needed a dependable phone, cause I was out all afternoon
<Jiangyi> Sammy used multiple chips in different batches, hence why different firmware
<Jiangyi> afaik
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