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<DooMMasteR> hi there… any word how to fix the inverted colors bug?
<DooMMasteR> I flashed a n7000 with CM10.1/10 and the colors are all inverted on boot
<rhcp> wrong chan:)
<rhcp> Entropy512 i posted him a decompiled function
<rhcp> per your XDA comment :P
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<Entropy512> DooMMasteR: inverted colors? never seen that
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<rhcp> Entropy512 you should get this
<rhcp> its quite cheap for what it does
<rhcp> thinking of getting it myself
<Entropy512> MacOS only
<rhcp> no its not
<Entropy512> and the real key is: does it do ARM code?
<rhcp> yes it does
<rhcp> the code portion i pasted was arm
<rhcp> i have a friend with IDA + arm decompiler. he's going to decompile all those functions for mack
<rhcp> he said he has to press F5 on each one
<rhcp> if you are into reversing like i am
<rhcp> you should check out ##re on here
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<d3tul3> anyone working on a 3.4 kernel for 8960?
<Entropy512> i prefer not to have to RE shit... :)
<Entropy512> d3tul3: look at Son7 8960 kernel for 10.1
<Entropy512> Sony
<d3tul3> thanks....almost there with this sgs3 kernel
<rhcp> most of anything today is RE
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<rhcp> unless you just so happen to get lucky with blobs
<d3tul3> stupid usb sending spurious reset interrupts
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<Entropy512> sounds almost like the bullshit we're dealing with on exynos4210 with HSIC dropping all the time
<d3tul3> i need to get usb up, burning a whole through my boot partition always rebooting to get a ramconsole
<d3tul3> s/whole/hole/
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<krabador> be honest... it will be an acceptable cm10.1 on i9100 with mali and exinos4210?
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<rhcp> he's right about the loopback device
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<rhcp> Entropy512 lol
<rhcp> hopper is funny
<rhcp> Hopper.Disassembler.v2.7.3.MACOSX.Incl.Keyfilemaker.and.Patch-Lz0
<rhcp> thank god i never listen to people to buy
<rhcp> its crap
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<rhcp> its like a front-end to objdump
<rhcp> lol
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<rhcp> damn
<rhcp> I meant to post it here
<rhcp> :)
<Entropy512> madmack needs it more
<rhcp> just saying :)
<rhcp> ask and it shall be deliverd
<rhcp> :P
<rhcp> whom do you guys use jduck?
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