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* madmack wondering how long it takes you guys to build Android on your machines
<Jiangyi> Over an hour for a clean build, 25 min on a second go
* Jug6ernaut thinks Jiangyi needs a faster machine
<Jiangyi> Yep :-(
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<Jug6ernaut> i would sell u mine, but i already sold it hehe
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<madmack> yea.. an hour here too on a fresh build
<madmack> i7 860 here.. i believe it's my bottleneck
<n0credit> 3 hours on a VM
<n0credit> for me lol
<Jug6ernaut> :o
<madmack> that wait game is a killer
<Jiangyi> madmack: I'm on a C2Q Q9550
<Jug6ernaut> building android is mainly a single threaded process right?
<madmack> nope.. it uses all your cores
<Jug6ernaut> orly...interesting
<madmack> my cpu is using the hyperthreading tech too.. but it's still too slow
<Jug6ernaut> what socket does 860 take?
<madmack> LGA 1156
<Jug6ernaut> eh
<madmack> can't put one of those new stuff that fit into 1155
<Jug6ernaut> bo
<madmack> so an upgrade here means pretty much a new machine.. new motherboard, cpu, ram.. the works
<Jug6ernaut> should have mentioned it earlier, i could have sold u my setup on the cheap. i7 3770, 16GB 1886 ram, sad, z77 sabertooth mb
* madmack is wondering how fast these higher end cpus can be when compiling a fresh build
<madmack> missed on that. what's your current spec like?
<Jug6ernaut> shit compared to that, but i don't build android so :S
<madmack> yea, i never needed all that power before getting involved in building android from scratch
<Jug6ernaut> lol yea i hear u
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* Jiangyi was looking at just a GPU upgrade for games before building Android
<Jiangyi> But now, I think I need to upgrade all teh things :-S
<Jug6ernaut> lol
<Jug6ernaut> to bad building android can't be gpgpu
<Jug6ernaut> sleet that shit up a lot
<n0credit> codeworkx doing some godlike commits
<madmack> build is finally done
<madmack> let's see now
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<madmack> bootloop :|
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<madmack> anybody know how to force logcat on a fresh build? anything in init.rc that might remedy this?
<Jiangyi> ADB not working during boot? o_O
<madmack> nope.. coz by default dev options aren't enabled in cm10.1
<madmack> i'm restoring an old data parition that had logcat enabled.. i think this should fix it for now
<Jiangyi> " try entering logcat -f [file] into init.rc" <-The internet says
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<Jiangyi> I have no experience with this, so... :-|
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<rhcp> madmack how it goes?
<madmack> using codeworkx's files.. it won't boot. first because there was a problem with mr0_blob flag in libaudioflinger (i fixed this). and now libdvm is crashing because the sdcard is not getting mounted
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<rhcp> nice :)
<rhcp> so you can't even tell if its talking or not
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<madmack> not yet
<rhcp> hmm. what if you disable the mount of /sdcard
<rhcp> in init
<madmack> that's where i'm looking :)
<rhcp> or does that lib require it?
<rhcp> :)
<rhcp> just as a test. F sdcard
<rhcp> :)
<madmack> i want to get the sdcard rolling. i don't think android can boot without it. there are some descrepencies in our init.* files so that's what i'm trying to fix next
<rhcp> it should since nexus doesn't have one
<rhcp> you can build with device_no_sd
<rhcp> or whichever flag that is
<rhcp> :P
<rhcp> but up to you
<madmack> not ready to dive into that just yet. i'll give that modded init file a shot first
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<madmack> audio hal is a GO !
<rhcp> word
<madmack> need to push some changes to gerrit
<rhcp> using codeworkx thing?
<madmack> yup
<rhcp> figured :)
<rhcp> nice
<rhcp> so what doesn't work now?
<madmack> he was close
<madmack> lemme figure out the litlte remaining tidbits
<rhcp> kk
<rhcp> ill be your test flash
<rhcp> if you want
<madmack> awesome.. will let u know
<rhcp> k
<rhcp> phone is just sitting here :)
<madmack> ril doesn't work
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<madmack> defconfig issue me think
<rhcp> if you want me to test on TMO. just fire an email to rhcp011235@gmail.com with link
<rhcp> gonna go with wife
<madmack> k thanks
<rhcp> np at all
<rhcp> if works quite cool :)
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<slick_rick> madmack: in call audio working?
<madmack> nope.. defconfig is toast so no ril connection at all
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<slick_rick> well making progress atleast
<madmack> if u wrote something, plz write again :-)
<madmack> yea, progress indeed
<slick_rick> thats all i wrote lol
<madmack> seems they added a bunch of HID stuff that needs to be incorproated.
<madmack> but yea, making steady progress with stock HAL
<slick_rick> i think sbrissen will be in here tomorrow. hes working on audio for the cdma gnotes
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<madmack> slick_rick: u know if the work he's doing is on stock hal?
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<slick_rick> i think hes working with the open source hal
<slick_rick> for cm10.1
<slick_rick> not 100% sure though
<imneveral0ne> I seen att note II got some 10.1 ish love
<imneveral0ne> lol
<imneveral0ne> that's the first step :D
<slick_rick> madmack: i thought the goal was to get open source hal working with lte sammy devices or something along those lines
<madmack> it was until i spoke to codeworkx, lol
<madmack> i think he wants to get stock hal working for now until we figure out the in-call audio mess
<slick_rick> oh lol
<madmack> i'm trying to get the radio to work.. want to test in-call to see if we're at least on par with the scene in cm10
* Jug6ernaut is ready & willing to be a ginny pig once again
<madmack> lol
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* madmack will let his faithful ginnypigs know when it's time.. patience my friends
<Jug6ernaut> arg, any1 ever seen an "error: protocol fault (no status)" error from adb b4?
* Jug6ernaut has been trying to get adb to work over the internet hehe
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* Jiangyi has seen ADB say: "Operation failed: Success" before :-P
<Jiangyi> lousy ADB
<Jug6ernaut> lol wtf
* Jug6ernaut hates when his code doesn't do what its supposed to
<Jug6ernaut> my log cat is practically worthless unless its filtered, why, bc ever 1/2 second i get a "Ignoring second debugger -- accepting and dropping"
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<MaXim_> do I need blobs to build cm10.1 for i9300?
<Jiangyi> You always need to pull the blobs :-P
<MaXim_> i'm new at this :p
<MaXim_> so i just use extract-files.sh with my phone connected via adb?
<Jiangyi> Yep
<MaXim_> awesome
<MaXim_> cheers
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<madmack> alrite guys. am done for the day. ril still doesn't work, but audio hal is good to go.
<madmack> good night
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<stickyboy> codeworkx: One quick config change for the Exynos4 tabs: http://review.cyanogenmod.org/#/c/29073/
<Espenfjo> Too bad I dont have +2 on that
<stickyboy> Too bad :)
<stickyboy> Wow, github is ballsy today.
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<MaXim_> yay
<MaXim_> Package complete: /home/maxim/devel/android/system/out/target/product/i9300/cm-10.1-20130112-UNOFFICIAL-i9300.zip
<imneveral0ne> woooot
<imneveral0ne> :D
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<MaXim_> took 4 hours
<MaXim_> on my ooold system
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<imneveral0ne> yeah
<imneveral0ne> it's probably take me about 3 years
<imneveral0ne> on this computer
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<ankitkv> codeworkx: the dash hals stubbornly refuse to work with i9100g
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<paulk-desktop> ankitkv, hi, You're trying to use that? What's the point really?
<ankitkv> trying to write an open sensors hal
<paulk-desktop> ankitkv, as in a HAL that will handle sensor data down from the kernel level?
<ankitkv> yeah
<paulk-desktop> yay !
<paulk-desktop> so basically, DASH relies on non-free blobs
<paulk-desktop> just as well as the "standard" per-device HALs
<paulk-desktop> and DASH is designed to use the sony devices blobs
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<paulk-desktop> what are the sensors you're dealing with?
<ankitkv> sony claims it can be done on any device
<ankitkv> and it works on the galaxy nexus
<ankitkv> mpu3050 is what i was trying to make work
<paulk-desktop> it's not true for every sensor
<paulk-desktop> all the akm897x require a non-free blob
<paulk-desktop> maybe some have complete support
<ankitkv> yea i noticed the requirement of the non-free blob
<paulk-desktop> anyway, invensense sensors already have free software support
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<paulk-desktop> ah, the whole sensors module is non-free on i9100g
<paulk-desktop> anyway, I'd rather use something from hardware/invensense/ rather than DASH…
<codeworkx> paulk-desktop: needs also non-free blob
<codeworkx> which we dont have
<paulk-desktop> libinvensense_mpl.so ?
<paulk-desktop> on galaxy nexus it works well without any blob though
<paulk-desktop> anyway if the free invensense code lacks support for your sensor, it's likely to be missing in DASH as well
<paulk-desktop> DASH doesn't contain actual useful code
<paulk-desktop> it's just a big fat stack of glue code AFAIK
<ankitkv> i noticed that when it did nothing but a return NULL on mpu3050_read :(
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<ankitkv> im going to play a bit more with the open invensense sources before admitting defeat
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<paulk-desktop> mhh Galaxy Tab 2 sensors are non-free it seems
<paulk-desktop> any chance that they are the same?
<paulk-desktop> because I'll most likely reverse engineer them when I get the tab
<paulk-desktop> I reversed galaxy s2 accelerometer btw
<paulk-desktop> thankfully it was linear
<ankitkv> how did you do that?
<paulk-desktop> basically, I start by tracing the data out of the kernel driver and I trace the values coming from the sensors HAL through a non-free library (libakm.so), then if it's obvious, I can stop there
<paulk-desktop> (it was obvious for Nexus S -- I reversed its accelerometer too)
<paulk-desktop> on galaxy s2, I had to change the values by specific ones on the kernel driver to see how it reacted
<paulk-desktop> and I noticed that with values such as 10 100 1000 I obtained k*10, k*100, k*1000
<paulk-desktop> so I just got a precise value of k and wrote a free implementation
<ankitkv> ah.. nice
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<rhcp> codeworkx saw your commits already :P
<rhcp> you are fast
<rhcp> do you even have a device yet? :P
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<codeworkx> rhcp: tomorrow xD
<rhcp> nice
<rhcp> madmack got audio going with your commit
<rhcp> but for w/e reason he couldn't compile or something
<rhcp> lol
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<rhcp> i forget what happened
<codeworkx> i'm gtalking with him
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<rhcp> ah
<rhcp> he likes gtalk now
<rhcp> lolz
<rhcp> ask him about audio. he got it yesterday
<rhcp> then something flaked
<rhcp> dono
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<sbrissen> codeworkx: using the mr0 flag and the proprietary audio blobs, audio including incall audio work on the cdma note 2's
<sbrissen> i imagine itll work for the intl and gsm variants too
<ankitkv> how do you know which /dev/i2c-n is what
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<rhcp> most funny part is he actually likes gtalk :)
<rhcp> quite amusing
<slick_rick> rhcp: thought he hated it lol
<rhcp> hence the lolz
<rhcp> i thought chatting was non-sense :P
<rhcp> YAWN
<slick_rick> glad audio is working now :)
<rhcp> well nothing is working :)
<rhcp> afaik
<rhcp> as of NOW
<slick_rick> working for us lol
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<slick_rick> 5:08 PM <sbrissen> codeworkx: using the mr0 flag and the proprietary audio blobs, audio including incall audio work on the cdma note 2's
<rhcp> slick_rick he knows
<rhcp> he took it from codeworkx's commit :P
<slick_rick> no i was pasting to show u lol
<rhcp> oh i know
<rhcp> i got some other issues I'm working on atm
<slick_rick> good stuff. shouldnt be long thought before its working for all lte note2 thanks to codework mack and sbrissn
<rhcp> Entropy512 may help if needed as well
<rhcp> looks like i got everyone together :P
<rhcp> on a device everyone hates
<slick_rick> always welcomed lol. good job
<rhcp> yea sure
<slick_rick> class time. later
<rhcp> ill get bashed
<rhcp> have fun
<Jiangyi> It's cool to bash on Exynos xD
<Jiangyi> lol j/k
<rhcp> i meant bash on me :P
<rhcp> but lol
* madmack eyeing xperia z for the next device
<rhcp> at 900 USD?
<rhcp> its E750 to order
<Jiangyi> rhcp: Last I heard, it was 500 euros :-P
<rhcp> E750 i saw the pre-order yesterday
<madmack> whatever. I'll wait til it supports at&t's lte first
* Jiangyi would be eyeing it if he didn't order a N4 already
<rhcp> anyone who pays 900 for an android is stupid
<Jiangyi> madmack: $5 says the ATT variant will have a locked bootloader :-P
<madmack> but man.. qualcomm + ex sdcard + 13 MP .. WIN
<rhcp> again
<rhcp> anyone who pays 900 for an android is stupid
<madmack> nah, it won't man. if it does.. then there goes my dream
<Jiangyi> So far, every ATT Sony has been locked :-|
<rhcp> you can get an ipad+iphone for same price
<madmack> for real?
<madmack> damn
<rhcp> yes
<rhcp> per Jiangyi statment
<madmack> then i'll have to get it from canada or something.. crap
<Jiangyi> It's bad enough that ATT has it locked, Canadian variants are locked too T_T
<rhcp> you need the EU version
<madmack> wtf
<rhcp> or be lucky that sony allows you to unlock
<rhcp> eitheor or
<rhcp> either or
<madmack> hmmm
<madmack> too bad. it was the dream device really
<Jiangyi> Sony doesn't seem to differentiate between SIM lock and bootloader lock :-|
<madmack> lol
<madmack> you got a sony device Jiangyi ?
<Jiangyi> Nah, but I was looking into the whole Xperia T variant business :-P
<madmack> and you're on at&t right?
<Jiangyi> No, Rogers in Canada
<madmack> ah, i c
<Jiangyi> Well technically, 7-eleven, which is an MNVO of ROgers.
<Jiangyi> Rogers*
<madmack> i think the best aosp device we have currenlty is the S3 US GSM variant
<madmack> 4.2 there runs smoother than any exynos device i've used
<madmack> too bad i like big screens.. lol
<Jiangyi> Xperia T/TX/V are doing well too
<Jiangyi> FreeXperia's rebasing them onto the N4 kernel :-P
<madmack> i thought the bootloader was locked tho?
<Jiangyi> Not on the Intl. variants
<madmack> oh .. i meant the best lte aosp device
<madmack> for NA
<Jiangyi> Ah....
<Jiangyi> nvm then :-P
<madmack> yea.. can't go back to 3g after using lte
<Jiangyi> I'd say N4 for Canada, since that has LTE up here xD
<Jiangyi> US, it's probably the S3
<rhcp> N4 is a joke
<madmack> yea, well.. no ex sdcard which for me is a must
<rhcp> google has like 29999999999999 of them
<rhcp> and says they are out of stock
<rhcp> lolz
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<Jiangyi> Still waiting for them to ship mine :/
<rhcp> keep waiting
<rhcp> they opened 3 from a shipment
<Jiangyi> Should be this week or the next
<rhcp> 2 were DOA
<rhcp> 1 the screen fell out
<Jiangyi> o_O
<rhcp> you can ask jcase about his exper
<rhcp> two broken secure elements
<rhcp> two diff phones
<Jiangyi> Haven't heard anything like that on the Canadian side of things
<rhcp> matters not the country
<madmack> N4.. I like .. nay, LOVE the price of it. but that's about it for me really
<rhcp> comes from same place
<Jiangyi> Keep in mind we get completely different patches :-P
<Jiangyi> batches*
<rhcp> so you think
<rhcp> my friends work for good
<rhcp> goog
<rhcp> Corp security / warehouse and few others places
<rhcp> :P
<Jiangyi> Bilingual manual?
<Jiangyi> :-P
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<rhcp> funny part
<rhcp> they can't give me one
<rhcp> because it has 4.2.2 and 4.2.3
<rhcp> i told them flash it to 4.2.1 or w/e and send me it. "I'm scared it will come back"
<rhcp> I'm like lolz
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<Jiangyi> ._.
<rhcp> i have 4.2.2 and 4.2.3
<rhcp> and they know i do
<rhcp> lol
<rhcp> even more funny
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