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<PandaUK> well.
<PandaUK> that was just uncalled for
<DAGr8> what was ?
<PandaUK> i got banned from hacksung support
<PandaUK> by bbqbot
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<IbrahimA> lol it was chadouming
<PandaUK> oh.
<PandaUK> well that wasnt very nice
<raymonddull> bummer
<PandaUK> IbrahimA: well can i get unbanned? i didnt do anything wrong
<IbrahimA> no idea, im not anyone important or involved with teamhacksung directly
<PandaUK> unless you count avoiding a nuclear disaster a bannable offence
<IbrahimA> heh he did something similar to me except he only kicked me, not banned, for saying java was better than C++
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<diegoviola> hi
<diegoviola> just installed the latest cm10 in my sgs2 i9100g
<diegoviola> the battery indicator issue went away
<diegoviola> ty
<diegoviola> "Unfortunately, the process has stopped"
<diegoviola> but i'm getting that crap now
<imnuts> /join #teamhacksung-support
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<diegoviola> ty
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<Wout`> Entropy512: random thought, what if the next nexus from samsung uses the exynos 4212 (roadmap showed dual a9@1,5ghz). Would that force them (together) with Google to opensource all the stuff you guys need?
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<stickyboy> Wout`: Code quality is also an issue.
<Wout`> well, an exynos based nexus would have code written by google
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<stickyboy> I bet Google engineers hate working with Exynos code too though.
<stickyboy> :P
<stickyboy> Like, rewriting Samsung's code ;)
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<mad-murdock> i urgently need help... i am doing some stuff on frameworks, but cannot compile i9300 because i get errors during kernel compile again... i care crap about the kernel... but its the second time it stops me from doing something productive
<mad-murdock> doing a -j1 V=1 run atm to get details
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<mad-murdock> guess i was wrong - compiling bootimage alone didnt create an error - sorry
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<stickyboy> :)
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<biggi> is the known issues list up to date for the i9300 CM10 current built? I mean all the issues mentioned there are present?
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<Entropy512> Wout`: Exynos-based Nexus would help
<Entropy512> although the evidence points to an Exynos5-based Nexus
<cdesai> it did help already
<cdesai> crespo <3
<Entropy512> I still call that "hummingbird"
<Entropy512> it wasn't until long after the chip was released that they started calling it Exynos3
* cdesai mv hardware/samsung/exynos3 hardware/samsung/hummingbird
<Entropy512> Exynos5-based Nexus might not help Exynos4
<Entropy512> just like Exynos3 shit is minimally useful on Exynos4
<Wout`> Entropy512: evidence? you mean the kernel google and samsung are working on?
<Entropy512> yeah
<Wout`> could be
<Wout`> although a nexus 10 with 2560x1600 is also rumored
<Wout`> and that would need the 5250
<Wout`> and all the leaks on the next galaxy nexus speak of dual a9 @1 ,5GHz
<Entropy512> Exynos 4212 is likely to be for minor upgrade (small speed boost and improved battery life) of 4210-based devices
<cdesai> Wout`: evidence linked
<Wout`> so my guess is omap 4470, or (hope) exynos 4212
<cdesai> last commit was 8 hours ago
<Wout`> cdesai: i know it cdesai, been following it
<Entropy512> Wout`: I think there seems to be a 4470 device too. I find it hard to believe that Google would deliver such a minor upgrade
<Wout`> Entropy512: depends on the price point
<Wout`> LG Nexus could go for about 500-550, and the upgrades Gnex foor 400-450
<Entropy512> yeah, it might be the "budget Nexus"
<Wout`> and maybe the rumored 5" htc phablet at 600
<Entropy512> it's such a minor upgrade my guess is they'll kill the current GNex and replace it at the same price if it's 4470
<Wout`> well, it would also need a better camera, bigger battery, and improved screen
<Entropy512> all fairly minor improvements that, considering GNex has been $350 for over 6 months, could probably be achieved at the same price point
<Wout`> yup, so thats my hope
<Wout`> i9100 is slowly dying on me, so a cheap nexus would be great
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<stickyboy> Wout`: Still got my I9000 here... ;)
<Wout`> i sold it to get a i9100 :/
<cdesai> stickyboy: yaay
<Wout`> but now my audiojack is dead
<cdesai> my br0, i haz p1000
<Wout`> and phone without audio, aint no phone of mine
<stickyboy> I sold my I9000 to buy Gnex in February. Gave Gnex to girlfriend and took her I9000... :P
<stickyboy> better audio quality on I9000 than Gnex. But I miss the speed and screen.
<Wout`> i just want a high-end 4,3" device, no need for anything bigger
<stickyboy> Wout`: I feel the same way. I might look at the Xperia line actually.
<Wout`> and I cant believe I'm saying this, but I actually prefer lcd over amoled nowadays
<Wout`> samsungs color reproduction is just awefull, whites are either blue or green and brightness is low. Love the contrast though
<Xello> get those colorimeters out
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<Wout`> Entropy512: you still there?
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<Entropy512> i'm leaving for work now
<Wout`> ok, sent you some stuff in private
<Wout`> get back to me later if you can, and want :)
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<mad-murdock> Wout`: is LCD not still consuming much more battery than AMOLED is? when i switched from ace to i9300, i was impressed by its low power consumption... screen did its thing to that
<Wout`> depends, amoled consume more while displaying white (browsing)
<mad-murdock> always had the impression, it consumes less overall, but much less on black
<mad-murdock> but hell, i compared it to a two year old phone
<mad-murdock> with the 2100mah stock battery, i achived 28 hours 100->0 with 3:30h usage - impossible on my 1700mah ace
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<Espenfjo> amoled should use less overall, yes
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<mad-murdock> hmm... flashing my own snapshot creates black screen just after s3-poweron-font
<mad-murdock> same when i flash a different kernel
<mad-murdock> anyone had that before?
<cdesai> mad-murdock: own as in self-compiled ?
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<codeworkx> mad-murdock: wrong proprietary files?
<codeworkx> mad-murdock: missing vsync?
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<mad-murdock> cdesai: yes
<mad-murdock> codeworkx: i just repo-sync'd and made bacon
<mad-murdock> no changes (yet)
<cdesai> no extract-files ?
<cdesai> you need teh props
<codeworkx> where did you get proprietary files from?
<mad-murdock> aehm - they are like 2 month outdated jb props
<mad-murdock> you got a point
* mad-murdock melts in shame
<codeworkx> get the from latest nightly
<mad-murdock> will do
<codeworkx> not from any samsung rom
<codeworkx> will not work
<mad-murdock> sorry - still used that prop's are updated via local manifest... you do it differently on samsung stuff
<codeworkx> if you don't add it to your local manifest, nothing gets updated :-D
<mad-murdock> last time you told me, there is no props-repo for i9300
<mad-murdock> maybe it changed
<cdesai> mad-murdock: the usual place
<mad-murdock> cdesai: i am a bit outdated on usual places, since my last activity spike was on cm7
<mad-murdock> and all my cm9 projects have gone to dust - mainly since compiling got much worse
<codeworkx> mad-murdock: TheMuppets
<mad-murdock> i see - thanks
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<codeworkx> see cm chan
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<Jumper_Thunder> hello, i just wanted to know if this list is still up to date cause there seem to be some roms which havent those problems
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<Jumper_Thunder> oh. developer only.. sorry :/
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