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<netmaxt3r> guys where s jellybean branch of galaxys2 ??
<Entropy512> i9100
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<netmaxt3r> thanks ...
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<paulk-desktop> codeworkx, hi
<paulk-desktop> do you have audio on sgs2 with JB btw?
<Espenfjo> We have it by using the ICS legacy audio system, and the ICS blobs
<paulk-desktop> mhh ok
<paulk-desktop> 'cauz I have written a free replacement for all that crap. I just got audio during calls working :)
<Espenfjo> :D
<Espenfjo> Very nice work
<paulk-desktop> thanks :)
<paulk-desktop> anyway, at some point, I'll probably be stable enough for you to perhaps be interested in it I guess
<Espenfjo> Yeah :)
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<pier> jo pp :)
<peterperfect> Me
<pier> you!
<pier> eheh
<peterperfect> :-)
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<peterperfect> Entropy512, how is it going with sammy new push?
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<codeworkx> paulk-desktop: sure, if everything is working. great job
<paulk-desktop> I think I will only leave bt and hdmi unimplemented for now
<paulk-desktop> though it'll be quite easy to add support for it later, assuming one has the necessary equipment to do so (I don't own a2dp speakers nor HDMI cable)
<Espenfjo> HDMI in non-stock is broken beyond any hope anyways :)
<paulk-desktop> oh ok
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<Entropy512> paulk-desktop: and bt shouldn't be too difficult... I'm sure we can get those last bits up and working!
<paulk-desktop> nice
<Entropy512> peterperfect: first impressions not looking good. Almost identical to the old crap... of course, sometimes just one line makes all the difference
<Entropy512> I haven't had a chance to build and test yet
<Entropy512> just looking at the diffs
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<datagutt> Any developers in here want a meizu? ...
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<pier> cody
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