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<skysbird> hey buddies, I'm the CM10 developer for E120L in China...
<skysbird> and now I encounter a very hard problem
<skysbird> that random reboot
<skysbird> is there some clue for me?
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<skysbird> i' so frustrating because of random reboots :(
<skysbird> nearly once per day
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<shaaan> E/dalvikvm( 1556): Can't open dex cache '/cache/dalvik-cache/system@framework@core.jar@classes.dex': No such file or directory
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<DuperMan> yeah yeah google plussed :)
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<royale1223> Hi, are you guys using omapzoom kernel?
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<DAGr8> hi
<DAGr8> is this the cm10 bootanimation ?
<DAGr8> im asking as I know how to go a round samsung weirdbuffer
<DAGr8> and I ll make a rle and push it to gerrit
<DAGr8> if someon canjsut tell me hwo it loks liek
<DAGr8> lol
<imnuts> yes, that's what the cm10 boot ani looks like
<Espenfjo> Almost
<Espenfjo> That is an old version
<DAGr8> that ?
<DAGr8> hmm
<DAGr8> my bad
<DAGr8> i go tit wrong
<DAGr8> im looking for the kernel splash screen not hte bootanimation
<peterperfect> no, not that ugly one
<DAGr8> i have no idea how it looks like a syou can see
<peterperfect> is more like the first you showed
<DAGr8> can you find me one ?
<DAGr8> the splash screen right ?
<peterperfect> no, the bootanim
<DAGr8> jus tlink me one ill push a few sizes to gerrit
<DAGr8> i wan tthe splash screen
<peterperfect> humn... #cyanogenmod-dev
<DAGr8> initlogo.rle
<DAGr8> i asked nobody responded
<peterperfect> ask there
<peterperfect> the splash screen i dunno
<DAGr8> but only samsung devices dont have that screen
<DAGr8> yea you probabaly never seen it like me
<DAGr8> lol
<peterperfect> i dont have them
<peterperfect> exactly
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