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<paulk-desktop> hi there
<paulk-desktop> codeworkx, hey, I have sound on sgs2 with free sw :)
<whitequark> paulk-desktop: that is, without yamaha blobs?
<paulk-desktop> right
<whitequark> oh. impressive.
<paulk-desktop> just mixer control + soem magic
<paulk-desktop> some*
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<Entropy512> got a repo somewhere?
<paulk-desktop> Entropy512, thanks :)
<paulk-desktop> not pushed yet, but frankly, the code is quite simple
<Entropy512> you win at life, and I'm not being sarcastic here.
<paulk-desktop> lol
<Entropy512> hmm, maybe you found some trick we didn't.
<Entropy512> every time I looked at the kernel code I got scared and ran away
<Entropy512> just figuring out micswap for i777 was painful
<Entropy512> the path setting functionality was either designed by a crackhead or someone from a primitive tribe with no concept of 0
<paulk-desktop> lol
<paulk-desktop> yeah it's a bit messed up
<paulk-desktop> though it took me the day to figure it out
<paulk-desktop> that code is very messy but works
<paulk-desktop> basically you do that + regular alsa mixer settings and it works
<paulk-desktop> through regular alsa
<paulk-desktop> (I used tinyplay and tinymix)
<Entropy512> hmm, looks like you have the path hardcoded, how do you change the path when you need to?
<paulk-desktop> I'll get all the paths
<paulk-desktop> or try to figure out how these are done
<Entropy512> lemme pull up some abandoned stuff for path reverse engineering
<paulk-desktop> nice
<paulk-desktop> thanks
<Entropy512> the first one being the most important
<Entropy512> you probably have the second already
<Entropy512> :)
<paulk-desktop> grat
<paulk-desktop> great*
<paulk-desktop> I'll look
<paulk-desktop> though I think I'll just trace the good values for each routing scenario
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<paulk-desktop> store it to files and load them along with an alsa-compliant audio module
<paulk-desktop> I guess I'll write that over next week and come with something working by next week-end
<paulk-desktop> I'm off, be back later
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