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<lemonxah> good day all :)
<M_N> Hi
<lemonxah> quick question i am sure others have asked this allready
<lemonxah> but just got my sgs3
<lemonxah> and the wifi doesn't work on any rom i have tried .. only on the stock ICS rom
<peterperfect> did you came from official JB leak by samsung?
<lemonxah> kinda
<lemonxah> i installed a leaked JB but it was a rooted one so i installed it with CWM
<lemonxah> HighOnAndroid 420
<Espenfjo> Did you try a CM10 nightly?
<lemonxah> i have
<lemonxah> it does the same thing
<lemonxah> i am downloading the new CM10 nightly now as we speak
<peterperfect> lemonxah
<peterperfect> you flashed sammy-jb based
<lemonxah> yes i am all ears :)
<Espenfjo> A new batch of wifi chips seems to have appeard in the latest i9300 batches
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<Espenfjo> A fix for this went in to CM two days ago
<lemonxah> i dont know what sammy-jb based is
<peterperfect> Espenfjo i think he flashed jb from samsung
<lemonxah> that HighOnAndroid420 is a rom based of an official JB leak
<peterperfect> exactly
<peterperfect> thats the point
<lemonxah> kk so that is bad?
<lemonxah> is there a way of fixing it?
<peterperfect> on this rom
<Espenfjo> It will probably not work, dont care
<Espenfjo> Ask the one who created it
<peterperfect> did you got wifi to work on this HighOnAndroid420?
<lemonxah> yeah it was intermittened though
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<lemonxah> on my home wifi it works
<lemonxah> not at work
<lemonxah> if i go back to the backup i made of the STOCK ICS that came with the phone
<lemonxah> all works again
<peterperfect> you have to flash a working ICS
<peterperfect> ok
<lemonxah> but then going back to a JB rom it doesn't work again
<lemonxah> sry i am new to the samsung arena
<peterperfect> lemonxah go back to ics
<peterperfect> after that
<peterperfect> flash CM10
<peterperfect> using CWM
<lemonxah> yeah i am busy going back to ICS with CWM (restoring the backup i made the day i rooted)
<peterperfect> ok
<peterperfect> restore > check if you wifi works > flash cm10 nightly
<lemonxah> i will flash CM10 using the recovery CWM menu
<lemonxah> the problem i found with CM10 nightly is that full screen video doesn't work
<lemonxah> it freezes or goes black
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<Espenfjo> both cm9 and cm10 nightlies newer than the eight should be OK
<peterperfect> lemonxah know issue
<peterperfect> Espenfjo sammy jb introduced some wifi issue
<lemonxah> ah kk .. i flashed cm10 nightly on the 7th
<lemonxah> i am downloading the latest CM10 nightly at the mo
<lemonxah> i liked the lock screen of the stock with the nice ripples and stuff .. but i have to say i like a working wifi more :)
<iKillCypher> isnt CM10 buggy
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<iKillCypher> and has memory leaks why would anyone want to use that
<lemonxah> which one then?
<iKillCypher> tbh use CM9 it is stable and has everything you want :) wait awhile for CM10 to be mature
<iKillCypher> Hardware Composer dont work well on CM10 and there is memory leak which requires you to reboot afew hours
<peterperfect> i use cm10
<lemonxah> i wanna run JB though
<lemonxah> is cm9 jb?
<iKillCypher> nope
<lemonxah> i thought that was ICS?
<iKillCypher> CM9 is ICS
<peterperfect> CM9 = ICS
<peterperfect> CM10 = JB
<lemonxah> was running cm10 on a friends sgs2
<iKillCypher> well if you dont want to halt my warning :) go ahead flash CM10 but !! dont complain if it does not work
<iKillCypher> well
<iKillCypher> Im using SGS2
<iKillCypher> with CM9 no interest to jump over CM10 yet
<lemonxah> kk confirmed the wifi is now working with the stock ICS
<peterperfect> lemonxah flash CM using CWM recovery
<lemonxah> kk will do just need to copy it over
* iKillCypher dont understand why would anyone like to flash incompleted rom which has issues on their phone
<peterperfect> lemonxah please move to teamhacksung-support for further support
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<lemonxah> thnx man .. this was pretty helpfull allready
<iKillCypher> /j #teamhacksung-support
<lemonxah> i didn't know there was an issue introduced in the sammy-jb leak
<peterperfect> iKillCypher i use cm10 since day -1
<whitequark> iKillCypher: wait, a memory leak? that explains why it's sometimes sluggish.
<peterperfect> aaaand im pretty happy
<iKillCypher> yes there is memory leak in CM10
<lemonxah> i used CM10 on the sgs2 aswell .. was happy with it too :)
<iKillCypher> :S
<peterperfect> please move to #teamhacksung-support
<lemonxah> oh no wait .. was ressurection remix
<peterperfect> for non-dev related discussion
<lemonxah> scratch that :)
<iKillCypher> lemonxah,
<lemonxah> used to use cm9
<iKillCypher> /j #teamhacksung-support
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<stickyboy> Any qcom folks know what's up with CAF's chocolate and strawberry naming conventions?
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