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<Rebellos__> Well, I'm afraid I'm not capable of getting it to boot from SD card
<Rebellos__> Maybe it needs destroying boot partition first, maybe im using wrong tools, maybe im just too tired
<Rebellos__> Oh btw. I just found leaked equivaled of S5PC110 security dropped bootloader for Exynos4412, they again forgot to remove it from sourcetree.
<Rebellos__> Well, they wouldnt be able to anyway. I think I might figure out how to create recovery sd card for SGS2, maybe whole system bootable from it... Im just so lazy. :\
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<Rebellos__> What I figured out by probing all that stuff on board that shorting these resistors doesnt change OM setup, but probably does cause error in reading eMMC
<Entropy512> Rebellos__: my guess is it's a fully signed chain that will only do a bootloader copypasta
<Entropy512> oh you found security dropped BL?
<Rebellos__> Yeah
<Rebellos__> Again, Odroid xD
<Entropy512> which sourcetree?
<Entropy512> it's in the 4412 tree but not 4210?
<Rebellos__> yeah
<Entropy512> so samsung uses the same signing key for phones and the odroid?
<Entropy512> epic key management fail for them
<Entropy512> good for us
<Rebellos__> Well, this I can't know
<Rebellos__> :(
<Rebellos__> I suppose. :P
<Rebellos__> But anyway there's a signed bootloader that again allows any code to be added to it.
<Entropy512> well if the sec-dropped IBL actually boots, then Samsung really fucked up key management
<Rebellos__> Wouldn't be the first time. Maybe I'll do JTAG breakout in that I9300 and play with some stuff.
<Rebellos__> Damn, I shoulda go sleep 3 hours ago but then opened this phone and now that time is gone suddenly. :o
<Entropy512> heheh
<Rebellos__> Wondering if it still works.
<Entropy512> yeah, i'm very tempted to just avoid any source tree altogether for a week or two
<Entropy512> if I keep this shit up it'll fry my brain
<Rebellos__> hah, yea
<Entropy512> i'm already so burned out I worry I'll just go into epic rantmode at BABBQ
<Rebellos__> So guess I shouldn't give you link to that odroid sourcetree? :D
<Entropy512> is it that gigantic 2GB file of doom?
<Rebellos__> Yeah xD
<Rebellos__> Though I extracted odroid source from it
<Rebellos__> its few meg
<Entropy512> already grabbed both 4210 and 4412 to look at hwcomposer
<Rebellos__> so yeah
<Rebellos__> pack was called
<Rebellos__> uboot/sd_fuse directory
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<Rebellos__> theres encrypted BL1 + some additional garbage, probably definitions of security zones
<Rebellos__> If you look into scripts you'll see these are glued together with BL2 which, i am pretty certain, isn't signed in any way
<Rebellos__> Gotta figure some script for encrypting BL1 in exynos, its some stupid xor encryption ;d
<Rebellos__> And ofc 1 screw from the case is missing
<Rebellos__> Yawn, gnight
<Entropy512> nn
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<brinsjt_> Sorry to ask but can Codeworxx or someone accept my Wiki user appilication. The name is BrinTaylor and the email is sorry for not posting in teamhacksung-support
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<elliptic1> If I want to build CM10, should I follow Google's instructions for setting up a build environment and try to build from AOSP first? Or is it a different setup?
<elliptic1> I found the page about compiling for the Galaxy S 2 but I have a crespo4g and I don't know what the differences would be in those instructions
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<larsemil> so i have cm10 and got the tip that camera is included in gallery. where do i find this? cant find camera anywhere in gallery, neither in app drawer
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<deck> u guys still have phone process stopping at boot untill sim status is ready on sprint?
<deck> noobnl:
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<Rebellos__> Hey Entropy512, it's exactly the same BL1 for Odroid and SGS3
<Rebellos__> And BL2 after that seems to be only checksum-checked. :)
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<Rebellos__> Entropy512: +BL can be ran from eMMC and ext-SD, I guess USB too
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<larsemil> so i have cm10 and got the tip that camera is included in gallery. where do i find this? cant find camera anywhere in gallery, neither in app drawer
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<vicenteH> hello
<vicenteH> is is samsung fsr driver source code available anywhere?
<vicenteH> same about param driver
<vicenteH> for tass device
<larsemil> so i have cm10 and got the tip that camera is included in gallery. where do i find this? cant find camera anywhere in gallery, neither in app drawer
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<Entropy512> larsemil: it's in the app drawer or in the lockscreen. If it's not, you have a bad download/broken install
<Entropy512> vicenteH: param driver is sort-of floating around
<noobnl> deck: '?
<Entropy512> somewhere... it's not too useful, there's actually little to no reason to mount param in my experience
<deck> hey
<vicenteH> Entropy512: I just try to compile my own kernel, but fail to compile fsr module
<Entropy512> Something appearing to be FSR driver source once leaked, but it didn't work
<deck> toastcfh had told me that sprint d2 was having the same issue we are having on jewel, we get a phone process stopped, till sim / nv status is loaded
<Entropy512> which is why the options are to use the blob module, or go to MTD
<deck> this false?
<vicenteH> Entropy512: but it is not complete here, something in Core/ is missing.
<noobnl> it works fine in jb deck
<vicenteH> thanks Entropy512
<deck> not for us ;//
<deck> htc always breaking things ;/
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<noobnl> maybe it is looking for a precondition til the ril is loaded
<noobnl> it is fine and dandy here deck
<deck> ill check out your ril class
<deck> thanks for the input
<noobnl> nothing special here deck
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<diego-ch> @codeworkx are you there? if you have some time, I have a few questions about cm10 device configs
<codeworkx> just ask here, someone will answer if there's time
<diego-ch> ok, I'm trying to port cm to my phone (galaxy s advance gt-i9070)
<diego-ch> it has no devs working on this except for me and other two people.
<diego-ch> we've writing the device configs based on the i9100 as it is similar
<diego-ch> *we're
<diego-ch> so far I've managed to build cm10 but I get stuck on boot logo
<diego-ch> and I get this on logcat:
<diego-ch> this phone uses ste-u8500 soc instead of exynos
<Espenfjo> Seems like it can not mount your partitions
<diego-ch> cache is mounted
<codeworkx> diego-ch: stock rom is gb?
<diego-ch> yes
<codeworkx> then you're lost
<codeworkx> 1st remove your audio blobs if present. they're incompatible
<codeworkx> the make sure /cache gets mounted
<codeworkx> E/dalvikvm( 1551): Could not stat dex cache directory '/cache/dalvik-cache': No such file or directory
<codeworkx> remove camera blobs and so on
<codeworkx> everything which can break stuff
<diego-ch> mount output shows that /cache is mounted
<codeworkx> show
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<diego-ch> /dev/block/mmcblk0p4 /cache ext4 rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,barrier=1,data=ordered 0 0
<codeworkx> check if /cache/dalvik-cache is there
<codeworkx> with correct perms
<diego-ch> i get permission denied
<diego-ch> also when I try su
<codeworkx> do you have a repo with the proprietary files?
<diego-ch> but I still need to fix all proprietary files
<codeworkx> can you pastebin the file list?
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<diego-ch> which one? stock rom file list?
<codeworkx> your proprietary file list you've used for building cm
<codeworkx> diego-ch: what cpu/gpu is the i9070 using?
<diego-ch> mali 400
<diego-ch> ste u8500
<codeworkx> nice
<codeworkx> throw anything that is called exynos away
<codeworkx> this is not similar to i9100
<codeworkx> this is totally different
<codeworkx> you're probably the first one who is trying to do an gb -> jb port with for u8500
<diego-ch> gpu, bluetooth, wifi, zImage kernel are the same
<codeworkx> kernel is not the same
<codeworkx> i9100 = exynos
<codeworkx> totally different soc and board
<diego-ch> no I mean.. it uses zimage format instead of boot.img
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<codeworkx> but you can't use files from i9100
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<codeworkx> diego-ch: anyway, such a port seems to be impossible. dunno if you really wanna waste your time
<diego-ch> so I should try cm7 instead?
<codeworkx> yep
<diego-ch> do I need to change the device configs to build cm7 or can I compile it using the same files?
<codeworkx> use i9100 cm as base
<codeworkx> cm7 ^
<diego-ch> samsung announced they will upgrade i9070 to jb but they didnt say exactly when ( Q4 - 2012)
<codeworkx> lol
<codeworkx> never
<nebkat> codeworkx: wat new in experminetla
<codeworkx> didn't get ics and they'll upgrade to jb?
<codeworkx> nebkat: ril fixes
<nebkat> codeworkx: fixes wakelock?
<nebkat> cool
<codeworkx> yes
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<diego-ch> all samsung u8500 devices are on the list ( ace2, s-advance, beam)
<nebkat> codeworkx: do we have mass storage support on s3?
<nebkat> really want to make /preload available to pc for my roms :D
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<nebkat> codeworkx: can you accept BrinTaylor on ths wiki?
<peterperfect> no
<nebkat> peterperfect: Y NOT?!?!
<peterperfect> CAUSE ONLY I MESS WIKI
<peterperfect> xD
<nebkat> peterperfect: ADD HIM
<codeworkx> nebkat: s3 internal = ext4 = no windoze can read
<nebkat> codeworkx: hmk, add BrinTaylor to wiki pl0x?
<codeworkx> diego-ch: there's no sign for jb on i9100, i9100g, p31xx, p51xx and so on. if they really do jb for your device then probably 2045
<codeworkx> nebkat: why?
<nebkat> codeworkx: he is mah friend? :P
<peterperfect> nebkat FU
<nebkat> kk
<nebkat> jus askin ;P
<peterperfect> im kiddin
<peterperfect> cody ad if want
<peterperfect> xD
<peterperfect> but if he change shit bad, i will kill you
<peterperfect> :)
<peterperfect> how friendly am i?
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<codeworkx> nebkat: done
<nebkat> codeworkx: thanks ;)
<nebkat> peterperfect: very friendly :D
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<mpreisler> Am I understanding this correctly that we need Samsung to release any JB i9100 ROM to grab their proprietary blobs?
<Espenfjo> Yes
<mpreisler> I wonder wtf can I do to vote with my dollars for corps to release their drivers
<mpreisler> for eternity I have had this problem on Linux, now I got an Android phone and the familiar frustration is in that world too...
<mpreisler> I mean desktop GNU/Linux, the kernel is the same ofc
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<Espenfjo> Dollars are best spent on the nexus devices
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<DuperMan> no, bitches>nexus
<peterperfect> ^^ indeed
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<stickyboy> ohanar: :D
<ohanar> stickyboy: just for the day...
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<stickyboy> Well you've been really active while you were away :)
<ohanar> yeah, and that made last night hell
<stickyboy> :\
<stickyboy> Sage?
<ohanar> no, near impossible homework
<stickyboy> Ah, your coursework started.
<stickyboy> We've had Internet and power problems this week, if it's any consolation.
<stickyboy> ohanar: btw, I moved the dpi stuff out of common and it didn't make a difference with the touch for soft buttons being off in portrait.
<stickyboy> off / askew.
<ohanar> yeah, the navbar config code needs to be fixed for sw600dp
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<Entropy512> mpreisler: we're pretty close with just I9300 blobs
<Entropy512> i'm making headway on opensource HWC
<Entropy512> but i'm sick and tired of this shit
<Entropy512> no more non-nexus Exynos for me
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<mpreisler> Entropy512: kudos for your efforts
<mpreisler> even with the hwcomposer supported there is still the yamaha dac on i9100
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<mpreisler> I am thinking about joining the fun but I may wait a few weeks before I attempt to destroy my newly acquired device ;-)
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<Entropy512> heh
<Entropy512> yeah
<Entropy512> fuck yamaha
<Entropy512> to samsung's credit
<ohanar> didn't paulk have at least a bit of luck with yamaha?
<Entropy512> even samsung is not happy with yamaha
<Entropy512> yeah, but I haven't seen him in a while
<Entropy512> paulk-desktop: ping
<Entropy512> was that path reverse engineering stuff useful to you?
<paulk-desktop> Entropy512, pong
<paulk-desktop> Well, I sort of stopped for now and focused on other devices lately
<Entropy512> ah
<paulk-desktop> though I'm not gonna try to understand how the values passed to the hwdep interface are generated, I'll just dump them, store them and reuse them
<paulk-desktop> so I guess I won't need the patch
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<paulk-desktop> though I have started to write a lib that will handle all that yamaha hwdep stuff
<paulk-desktop> so when it's ready, I'll make use of it on some standard alsa audio module
<paulk-desktop> and that will be it
<paulk-desktop> I'll try to make it fully-featured (speaker, headphones, bluetooth, modem, except for HDMI that I can't test)
<paulk-desktop> I'll get back to you when I'm done with that. Probably during next week if I don't get distracted by other things
<paulk-desktop> have to go, bbl
<Entropy512> don't worry about hdmi since it's busted anyway atm
<Entropy512> paulk-desktop: the patch will help you figure out what's being passed
<Entropy512> it's actually not too difficult to understand the path stuff when you realize that whoever wrote it was with a primitive tribe with no concept of 0
<Entropy512> instead of 0x0 = off and 0x1 = on
<Entropy512> it's 0x2 = off and 0x1 = on and 0x0 = invalid
<Entropy512> so what should be only 4 bits of a byte takes 8 bits
<Entropy512> 0xaa = all off
<Entropy512> 0x2a = one not used/invalid, 3 off
<Entropy512> the patch I linked last week makes it only print what changes
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<krabador> hi people, i'm here because i would know what about project buffer on AOKP on Galaxy S2
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<Entropy512> this isn't an AOKP channeel
<Entropy512> channel
<whitequark> channel eels
<Entropy512> oh god channel eels? where? ohgodohgodwe'reallgonnadie
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