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<rhcp> Entropy512 Yea, it was when it was an app
<rhcp> now its all java
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<exan> hey guys is still the latest version of CWM ?
<cdesai> nope
<cdesai> also, wrong channel
<exan> i actually popped in here to ask is team hacksung is related to CM?
<exan> i've found the thread where codeworkx release cm10 for sgs2.. but can't see cm10 on the CM website
<cdesai> yes, could say it's a part of CyanogenMod, working on devices with Samsung SoCs
<exan> thx :)
<exan> also wanted to say thx for the hard work making this available
<exan> just quickly is cm10 good enough for daily use yet?
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<turizm> Hulla wanna build pa, I know, its not cm, thanks, - but anyway I stumbled over that its the same issue 4 hours ago ->
<turizm> hardware/libhardware_legacy/wifi/wifi.c this is your work ain't it?
<codeworkx> we've no idea about PA and we don't care about it
<turizm> but I take hardware/libhardware_legacy/wifi/wifi.c from you
<turizm> do you care about that, please
<stickyboy> turizm: But CM builds fine. :D
<codeworkx> and just because you took 5kb of us and are using 15gb of pa its our problem?
<stickyboy> turizm: Look through CM's gerrit. There are patches for that maybe.
<codeworkx> you can't simply copy stuff around. this is code, there's logic behind
<cdesai> yea there's a fix merged already
<turizm> ok thanks. I don't really
<cdesai> go find it
<turizm> ok I'll do a repo sync
<stickyboy> turizm: We just get really annoyed when people ask all the time. If it's a CM kang, it's not CM.
<turizm> I know but you are very helpful stickyboy
<turizm> yesterday u helped aways too
<stickyboy> cdesai: I saw the fix already. :P I wanted to make him work for it.
<stickyboy> turizm: So PA people don't help you? :P
<turizm> while I was assisting him building cm10
<turizm> git://
<turizm> is it there?
<stickyboy> turizm: Gerrit. :P Not git.
<stickyboy> Recently merged...
<turizm> stickyboy, they have a chan but nobody's there and I'm just an irc guy
<stickyboy> Now go find it :D
<turizm> I'll do
<stickyboy> CyanogenMod is like CentOS with regards to RedHat. Oracle is like AOKP/PA. :P
<turizm> it's kinda debian (ubuntu,mint,...)
<stickyboy> CentOS doesn't pretend they did all the shit themselves. They acknowledge RedHat's work.
<stickyboy> Oracle just comes along and kangs everything then tries to make people switch. All the n00bs get excited.
<turizm> I did it noobstyle downloaded new file and copied it by hand
<turizm> again thanks for the good work
<stickyboy> np
<turizm> all of you :)
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<diego-ch> @codeworkx: I see you are working on the i9070
<diego-ch> I had set up a kernel repo for u8500 a while ago, do you think it can be useful?
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<codeworkx> diego-ch: nope
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<diego-ch> @codeworkx can cpu governors/ ioschedulers be included in cm kernel?
<diego-ch> or should it only include those standard/common cpu governors ?
<codeworkx> no overclocking
<codeworkx> everything else is fine
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<Entropy512> and if you're talking about the 4412 or 4210 kernels, it's going to go under intense scrutiny if it's a CPU governor
<Entropy512> I have yet to see a single governor that could outperform conservative or ondemand with mild tuning
<Entropy512> except for integrated hotplug+governor solutions like pegasusq
<Entropy512> some ioscheds are appropriate though
<Entropy512> last time someone tried to put a new CPU gov into the 4210 kernel it caused all sorts of stability issues even for those that didn't use it
<codeworkx> diego-ch: before you think about adding stuff, we should make it booting with cm ramdisk
<Espenfjo> Gah.. IONisation of gralloc of course depends on new Mali blobs
<Espenfjo> pmem ftw :(
<Espenfjo> Entropy512: Seems like they are removing the fimc1 usage flag from exynos5
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<Espenfjo> only doing ION
<codeworkx> 4.2 is having qcom and exynos support by default. that safes some time
<Espenfjo> What do you mean?
<Espenfjo> exynos5?
<Espenfjo> yeah
<codeworkx> it doesnt matter which phone samsung throws out
<codeworkx> we've platform support
<codeworkx> except it's STE or something like this xD
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<codeworkx> ah, our audio haxx0r is back
<codeworkx> paulk-desktop ^^
<paulk-desktop> lol :)
<codeworkx> diego-ch: do you work on i9070?
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<Espenfjo> heh, it seems exynos5 is still shipping mali 2rp4
<Espenfjo> r2p4
<Espenfjo> wonder wth is wrong with r3 :P
<Entropy512> yeah... I wonder if maybe in the exynos5 stuff we can figure out how to make gralloc not leak memory
<Entropy512> with r2p4
<Espenfjo> Perhaps, altough they are changing everything in exynos5
<Espenfjo> I have poked briefly at the exynos5 gralloc today, it seems very nice, but depends on new blobs
<Espenfjo> ump_import symbol
<Entropy512> yeah, just like a ton changed between exynos3 and 4
<Entropy512> so exynos5 phones might be more viable
<Entropy512> however
<Espenfjo> If it hadnt been for that ump_import thing I think we could have used its gralloc
<Entropy512> there's still the fact that Mobile is a fundamentally corrupt and incompetent organization
<Entropy512> and so Exynos5-based phones that are not Nexus will probably have a nice pile of nightmares
<Espenfjo> Perhaps ill buy the arndale board just to get familiar with the platform
<Espenfjo> just $250
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<Entropy512> i'm kinda mixed on getting an origen or odroid... It would be nice to confirm these bugs also exist on origen
<Entropy512> but I really don't want to waste my money on another exynos4
<Entropy512> for 5250... nexus 10 is probably a better bet. :)
<diego-ch> @codeworkx yep. I ported twrp to it
<Espenfjo> Yeah, I wouldnt waste money on exynos4 boards
<Entropy512> IF hwc actually worked on it, it would possibly be worth it, as it might have hints as to what we're missing
<codeworkx> diego-ch: ok, that's not helpfull for cm :-D
<Entropy512> but if hwc DIDN'T work
<Entropy512> i'd consider it a massive waste
<Espenfjo> I would almost consider it a waste anyways
<Entropy512> and the fact that support for exynos4 devices is pretty much dead puts the nail in the coffin
<Entropy512> we had two major complaints about the previously existing reference source:
<diego-ch> @codeworkx: I did build cm a few times but none of the builds got to the homescreen
<Entropy512> 1) Outdated
<Entropy512> 2) Broken
<Entropy512> It's still broken, and even if it turns out we've made an integration mistake
<Entropy512> it is fundamentally outdated
<diego-ch> I think you even saw one of my logcats
<codeworkx> diego-ch: i hardly defuxxed it
<Espenfjo> Yeah, I find it weird that they cant just push the exynos4 jb branch. It has to be there :)
<codeworkx> diego-ch: now i've setup two stage boot so that we can use cm ramdisk which are getting build
<Espenfjo> I dont want to mail the insginal people, as some XDA users have done
<codeworkx> diego-ch: but dunno if it boots at all
<diego-ch> I'm syncing cm7 source right now.. but it will take some time
<Espenfjo> $302 for the arndale board with shipping
<Espenfjo> which would mean 380 with tax
<Entropy512> Espenfjo: Eventually, I might email huisung, once I have a detailed summary of exactly what's going on
<diego-ch> @codeworkx : if you have the flasheable zip I could install it and see what happens
<Entropy512> Espenfjo: damn close to the price of a N10
<Entropy512> of course N10 would have more tax/shipping too
<Entropy512> but I'm holding off on emailing huisung until Samsung has had additional time
<Entropy512> I don't like the fact that XDA users are bothering him
<Espenfjo> Yeah, perhaps. I see the N4 listing for $680 here
<Entropy512> I hope he doesn't think Originator is me.
<Espenfjo> :D
<Entropy512> I'm 90% certain he's the guy I talked to at BABBQ
<Entropy512> heck he might be expecting an email from me
<Espenfjo> ah, thats nice
<Entropy512> but as I said, giving it some more time
<Espenfjo> Yeah, their about page state that they are working on updating the smdk4x12 code into their origen_board branches before december
<Entropy512> just sticking to beating up on the social media/marketing guys for all the "look how good we are, we've fixed shit!" when they haven't
<Espenfjo> heh, yeah, wonder if I ever will get an answer from SamsungExynos
<Entropy512> yeah but it also implies that no JB code will ever be released for exynos4
<Entropy512> they did give a "our team is looking into it"
<Entropy512> they actually folow codeworkx and I
<Entropy512> and I gave them more details on the NHK thing... and reminded them I mentioned that app was broken over a week ago
<Espenfjo> :)
<Espenfjo> heh, its quite funny a list of people they are follwing. you, cody, xplodwild, supercurio, steve, etc
<codeworkx> i still didn't drive them mad?
<codeworkx> impressive
<Entropy512> I think early on, users hinted that they wouldn't be happy if we were
<Entropy512> however, no one ever really discussed with us our specific issues
<Entropy512> other than I emailed H and she never responded
<Entropy512> when she contacted codeworkx and atinm and I, I basically said "go back to last week's email which you never responded to"
<Entropy512> I think that email MIGHT have been eaten by Samsung's firewall somehow
<Entropy512> but
<Entropy512> if Samsung's firewall is a derped-up mess
<Entropy512> not my problem
<Entropy512> in fact, the amount of censorship Samsung Mobile's devrel people must deal with is a fundamental part of the problem
<diego-ch> @codeworkx just finishing the backup and then I'll flash cm7
<atinm> they're fucked if they can't fix their firewall.
<atinm> talk about "echo chamber" . . .
<Entropy512> I came out of BABBQ with hope of improvement, esp. since we had a few new contacts
<Entropy512> but when their response to codeworkx's request for some info on that whole P5100/P3100 Bluetooth thing was "no we won't provide anything"
<Entropy512> I lost all hope
<Entropy512> they HAD to have known by then they were being closely watched
<Entropy512> and not providing ANYTHING to something as simple and basic as that... wtf?
<Entropy512> (More on that is planned for the final installment of my saga...)
<Entropy512> which reminds me, I need to do parts 3/4 of Superbrick today
<codeworkx> Entropy512: they didn't even look at it. respond came a few minutes after i asked
<Entropy512> codeworkx: what... the... fuck?
<Entropy512> maybe they blame you for starting this... they're idiots
<codeworkx> Entropy512: ok, 4 hours
<Entropy512> it's shit like that which got them into this in the first place
<Entropy512> I feel really sorry for H
<Entropy512> she does care
<Entropy512> but she's operating within a corrupt organization that permits all other departments to pretty much lie to her face
<diego-ch> @codeworkx it doesnt boot
<codeworkx> like expected
<codeworkx> does adb come up?
<diego-ch> @codeworkx it keeps rebooting before adb comes up
<codeworkx> ah ok
<codeworkx> can be init.u8500.rc derp
<codeworkx> can be 1st stage derp
<codeworkx> or whatever
<diego-ch> hmm
<codeworkx> diego-ch: it's up to you guys. i've no device
<diego-ch> this did happen a while ago when I was porting twrp
<diego-ch> when I was trying to repack the zImage it failed to boot
<diego-ch> I had to build the kernel from source
<codeworkx> i did build from source
<codeworkx> with a 1st stage ramdisk attached
<codeworkx> cm build then appends android and recovery ramdisk
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<diego-ch> I'll see if I can get it to boot replacing original init files with the ones you updated on a new kernel...
<diego-ch> maybe it could be something related to how the image was generated
<diego-ch> brb
<codeworkx> diego-ch: lemme give u the files
<Entropy512> SPH-D710 FI27 kernel was built on Sep. 27
<Entropy512> there goes Samsung's "test cycle takes a long time" excuse
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<paulk-desktop> anyone with a galaxy s around?
<paulk-desktop> just to know the original size of the /data partition
<paulk-desktop> is 1Go OK?
<paulk-desktop> mhh assuming /datadata is another partition, maybe even less
<Entropy512> hmm good question on that
<Entropy512> btw, need any help finishing up that mc1n2 work?
<paulk-desktop> it's done
<paulk-desktop> it works
<Entropy512> oh nice
<Entropy512> where is it now?
<paulk-desktop> except bluetooth and HDMI
<Entropy512> HDMI doesn't work anyway
<Entropy512> and I can maybe poke at BT
<paulk-desktop> so I was told :)
<Entropy512> just A2DP, or all BT?
<paulk-desktop> all BT
<paulk-desktop> I don't have hardware to test
<paulk-desktop> and the audio lib that comes along is tinyalsa-audio:
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<Entropy512> hmm, later today I'll see if I can get this working on N7000
<paulk-desktop> same chip?
<Entropy512> yeah
<Entropy512> and in fact, lemme double-check
<Entropy512> but I think we're using the exact same blobs
<paulk-desktop> ok
<Entropy512> yup
<Entropy512> all audio blobs are in galaxys2-common
<paulk-desktop> ok
<Entropy512> is that ICS or JB you have that working with?
<paulk-desktop> ICS
<paulk-desktop> but should work as well in jb if you s/LOG/ALOG/
<Entropy512> hmm... It'll prolly work as-is on JB if we keep the blob backcompat directives
<Entropy512> will eventually need to make it JB-compatible
<paulk-desktop> ah ok
<codeworkx> Entropy512: doesnt work. needs a few mods
<codeworkx> audio hal changed
<Entropy512> codeworkx: oh doesn't even work with the ICS backcompat stuff?
<codeworkx> not much changes
<codeworkx> can be done easily
<codeworkx> compare tuna ics and jb
<Entropy512> yeah, but figured we might be able to get it to WIP status using the ICS backcompat stuff, then clean it up for JB and eliminate the backcompat shit
<Entropy512> will need to work on the TARGET_DEVICE checks to handle the fact this will likely be in galaxys2-common
<Entropy512> e.g. initially keep -DICS_AUDIO_BLOB to test the libs and rework to proper JB
<Entropy512> paulk-desktop: do you have a CM gerrit account?
<paulk-desktop> Entropy512, probably yes
<paulk-desktop> I'll check if I can recall what it is
<Entropy512> ok, I'm going to try and get this integrated into our galaxys2-common JB tree
<Entropy512> when it's sorta working i'll upload it and add you to review if I can
<paulk-desktop> okay
<paulk-desktop> nice :)
<Entropy512> codeworkx: paulk-desktop: should I be removing libaudiohw_legacy from PRODUCT_PACKAGES?
<paulk-desktop> probably
<paulk-desktop> it's legacy for which android version?
<Entropy512> not sure tbh
<Entropy512> codeworkx probably knows
<Lord> why NFS isn't enabled on CM10 for i9300 Intl ?
<Entropy512> paulk-desktop: do all of the .txt files from /system/etc/audio still need to be there?
<paulk-desktop> I don't think so
<paulk-desktop> all you need is /system/etc/tinyalsa-audio.xml
<paulk-desktop> which is:
<paulk-desktop> basically, tinyalsa-audio does the standard ALSA stuff
<paulk-desktop> with that config file, that is mixer controls
<paulk-desktop> and libyamaha-mc1n2-audio does the mc1n2-specific stuff (set_path and so on)
<Entropy512> building
<Entropy512> wonder how badly my first attempt will bomb. ;)
<paulk-desktop> :)
<paulk-desktop> also in the tinyalsa-audio
<paulk-desktop> it will use yamaha-mc1n2-audio only for galaxy s2
<paulk-desktop> so you need to adjust that for your device
<paulk-desktop> and also set the BOARD defines to use yamaha-mc1n2-audio and tinyalsa-audio
<Entropy512> already did the boardconfig defines
<Entropy512> and hacked up the tinyalsa-audio
<Entropy512> with a comment saying "find a cleaner way to do this"
<Entropy512> I think I know of one now
<Entropy512> but I'm already building. :)
<peterperfect> Entropy512 your saga is amazing!
<peterperfect> :)
<Entropy512> heh
<Entropy512> later on I'll conclude/wrap-up Superbrick
<Entropy512> then go back to the time when it becan
<Entropy512> and document "everything else that happened"
<peterperfect> nice, will be a great reading for sure
<Entropy512> stories re-merge at BABBQ
<peterperfect> pretty much samsung is very exposed
<Entropy512> and conclusion will be "everything after BABBQ and where we stand now"
<peterperfect> everywhere
<Entropy512> yeah... They've blown too many chances
<peterperfect> including in the very embarassing way along their relationship with google
<peterperfect> with that "no Ken" point
<Entropy512> yeah... I was nervous about publicizing their discomfort with Ken... but since they have refused to take ANY responsibility for the situation and EVERYTHING we have currently comes from Ken...
<Entropy512> I wouldn't have brought up the issue of shutting out Ken if they had deployed their official patch to affected devices
<Entropy512> but they're just fucking around with us now
<peterperfect> Entropy512 i dont know how this story ends, they recently shipped firms are safe?
<peterperfect> i mean, they actually fixed something?
<Entropy512> nope
<Entropy512> Looks like the JB leak for Note has official fix
<Entropy512> but
<peterperfect> heheh...unbeliavable
<Entropy512> it's fucking November and their official patch is nowhere to be seen in affected devices
<Entropy512> I9300 has it... but I9300 doesn't need it!
<peterperfect> hope you repack the whole story full in one article so it can have large media at blogs and stuff
<peterperfect> samsung deserves that for doing nothing
<Entropy512> heh...
<Entropy512> I'm going to talk to Adam and/or Jerdog when I finish
<Entropy512> at the very least, unless Samsung pushes something meaningful to Insignal
<Entropy512> an article on XDA, "What we actually got from Samsung's BABBQ announcement"
<Entropy512> e.g.
<Entropy512> nothing
<Entropy512> another classic Samsung move
<Entropy512> make it sound like you care, claim you care
<Entropy512> but either don't act, or act in direct contradiction of your claim (such as XWLPM...)
<peterperfect> this is very unethical
<peterperfect> but seems that they dont give a fuck
<peterperfect> anyway, we gotta wait till end 2012 to check if they will drop
<peterperfect> since is the proposed deadline
<codeworkx> origenboard code drop anyway
<codeworkx> so nothing changed
<codeworkx> like i've said
<Entropy512> yeah, but so far, everything they've done implies we won't see anything further in the exynos4 tree
<Entropy512> and nothing further in exynos4 tree = they didn't do jack shit
<codeworkx> their non existing support is still not existing. ;-)
<Entropy512> there are two small things of use in the new push: LPA/ALP audio, and some extra HDMI stuff
<Entropy512> the latter is not useful when the rest of the HAL stuff is nonfunctional
<Entropy512> we probably would've had HDMI ages ago if the old code worked at all
<peterperfect> dont we have to wait they drop new JB things for exynos4? Till now they are just droping exynos5 pieces on insignal
<Entropy512> well their comments in the "about" page indicate that they will not be pushing JB stuff to exynos4 at all
<Entropy512> it implies that they believe they are now done and have fulfilled their promises for exynos4
<Entropy512> paulk-desktop: audio stuff built without bombing, need to start laundry and take a shower before testing though. :)
<peterperfect> "And, ICS for Exynos4x12 based boards, smdk4x12 and Origen_quad."
<peterperfect> true
<peterperfect> =/
<peterperfect> wtfq
<peterperfect> this about if full of writing errors
<peterperfect> koreans..
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<diego-ch> codeworkx: trying to build the kernel here with your u8500 sources and the ramdisk you sent me but build breaks compiling mali source
<diego-ch> some "file not found" errors
<diego-ch> I could this be a typo somewhere
<diego-ch> ?
<diego-ch> its looking for " /drivers/gpu/mali/mali400ko/driver/src/devicedrv/mali/Makefile.common" instead of " drivers/gpu/mali/..."
<codeworkx> needs to be run via
<codeworkx> and located in cm tree
<diego-ch> ok
<codeworkx> we didnt disable
<codeworkx> its just not enabled by default
<Lord> is it possible to enable it in future cm builds ?
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<stickyboy> Lord: So you can stream porn from your server while in bed?!
<Lord> childporn of course
<turizm> \o/
<codeworkx> Lord: send a patch
<Lord> like this ?
<Lord> ( i'm not a coder at all, i'm not very confident with this)
<codeworkx> gerrit
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<Entropy512> paulk-desktop: what did you do for the audio_policy libraries?
<paulk-desktop> meh, they're usueless
<paulk-desktop> useless*
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<paulk-desktop> basically, I use only
<Entropy512> ok
<Entropy512> so, I think that confirms: I need to upgrade your code to be JB-compatible
<Entropy512> -DICS_AUDIO_BLOB only works if EVERYTHING is ICSed
<Entropy512> but if building audio_policy from source (e.g. the default)
<paulk-desktop> ah ok
<Entropy512> you get ICS audio libs and JB audio_policy
<Entropy512> and it seems to get all crashyloops
<paulk-desktop> ok
<paulk-desktop> you could use the default ICS audio_policy though
<Entropy512> yeah I'd have to go find one
<Entropy512> hmm
<Entropy512> hmm... I have, not
<Entropy512> hmm
<Lord> i need to create a google account or any other openid a
<Lord> account in order to register to gerrit :-(
<Entropy512> ok gotta make some small changes here, I don't think any of the new libs actually built. :P
<diego-ch> hey guys, why is cm7 source complaining about HTC files if I'm building for a samsung device?
<diego-ch> I resynced everything now, but I'm getting the same error
<Entropy512> codeworkx: what are all thes low_latency and deep_buffer changes in the i9300 JB audio libs?
<Entropy512> looks like ICS->JB is gonna need some significant work...
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<codeworkx> Entropy512: if you dont set deep buffer capability in policy conf then you dont need it
<codeworkx> think just some data types changed
<codeworkx> compare tuna ics and jb
<codeworkx> thats easier
<Entropy512> tuna has deepbuffer shit in a separate commit
<Entropy512> the blob backcompat hack doesn't exactly play well when you're trying to compile legacy stuff from source. :)
<diego-ch> codeworkx: just tried a kernel with the ramdisk you sent me
<diego-ch> logcat
<diego-ch> E/AndroidRuntime( 1813): *** FATAL EXCEPTION IN SYSTEM PROCESS: main
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