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<jero> anyone here that worked on the cooper ?
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<koud> has the insignal stuff helped anything?
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<Assert> koud, no.
<koud> I thought so
<Assert> still waiting for the "full sources" release that Samsung promised but no one here thinks that will help
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<paulk-desktop> hi
<paulk-desktop> did you ever try to get the galaxy s2 camera working with a crespo/galaxys-derivated camera module on ICS?
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<codeworkx> paulk-desktop: no
<paulk-desktop> ok
<codeworkx> paulk-desktop: different interfaces
<codeworkx> fimc is painfull
<paulk-desktop> not v4l2 with the FIMC thing?
<paulk-desktop> yeah well, could be worse
<codeworkx> the interface changes a lot between phones
<paulk-desktop> ok
<paulk-desktop> that's a pain
<paulk-desktop> is it v4l2 at least ?
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<Espenfjo> Some form of it
<Espenfjo> fimc bastardisation
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<stickyboy> Lord: Nope.
<stickyboy> Lord: Look in arch/arm/configs/cyanogenmod*
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<stickyboy> The in the i9300 device tree will also have the name of the defconfig to use, look for TARGET_KERNEL_CONFIG
<Lord> i'm a complete noob, i'm looking for nfs support on cyano10 for i9300 intl
<stickyboy> Ok, well kernel configs are always in arch/arm/configs
<stickyboy> And CM always names them "cyanogenmod_*"
<stickyboy> So now go and compile away
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<Lord> i don't have enough free space on my computer.
<peterperfect> cool
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<Lord> will nfs be included in future cyanogen kernels for i9300 ?
<stickyboy> Lord: If you submit a patch :)
<Lord> if it's just enabling the option in the config i can submit it ;-)
<Lord> i'm not sure it would be enough
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<Lord> this kind of patch ?
<stickyboy> eeehehe
<stickyboy> Did you try to compile the kernel?
<Lord> i can't on this computer
<stickyboy> :(
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