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<Yohan> Since I can't post to the fourm. I figured this would be the next best place.
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<Yohan> The last couple of nightlies I've flashed to my tablet (p3113 WiFi) have caused it to reboot randomly...
<Yohan> and occasionally when I attempt to unlock it...pressing the power button doesn't wake it. Then I just have no choice to hold the power button till it reboots.
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<paulk-desktop> is there any source for omap3 hwcomposer?
<codeworkx> paulk-desktop:;a=tree;f=hwc;h=bac13b01ef92bef5d2d84d3c59141081e3afa4b3;hb=p-ics-mr1
<codeworkx> ics
<paulk-desktop> codeworkx, nice, thanks
<paulk-desktop> why is it absent from CM repos?
<codeworkx> paulk-desktop: we've no omap3 devices
<codeworkx> paulk-desktop: no one wanted to go the painfull way yet
<paulk-desktop> the motorola ones weren't ported to ICS?
<codeworkx> paulk-desktop: i9003 galaxy sl for example. running samsungs messed up 2.6.35 kernel. would need to go 3.x
<codeworkx> paulk-desktop: hard task
<paulk-desktop> ok
<codeworkx> paulk-desktop: someone is working on it. but this can take forever
<paulk-desktop> because there are no newer kernels?
<codeworkx> paulk-desktop: and forever for a already ancient device
<paulk-desktop> ok I see the point
<codeworkx> paulk-desktop: no manufacturer updated. except LG afaik. they did one device. or still at it
<paulk-desktop> ok lol
<paulk-desktop> pretty bad then
<codeworkx> paulk-desktop: samsung doesnt update low activity devices. even if they're new
<codeworkx> paulk-desktop: see i9100. device with the biggest userbase and no JB yet
<paulk-desktop> that's not because of a missing kernel release, is it?
<codeworkx> it's having JB from us (CM)
<codeworkx> but not from samsung
<codeworkx> updating isn't their strength
<paulk-desktop> I see
<codeworkx> making money it is
<paulk-desktop> but mainly, they release kenrels right?
<paulk-desktop> kernels*
<codeworkx> hold updates back to sell more S3s?
<codeworkx> paulk-desktop: only if they release rom
<paulk-desktop> ok
<codeworkx> no jb rom, no kernel update
<paulk-desktop> but is the JB kernel any different from ICS kernel?
<codeworkx> yes
<paulk-desktop> I would be interested what kernel versions are for which android version
<codeworkx> vsync, triple buffering
<codeworkx> needs changes at gpu driver, modem interface
<codeworkx> paulk-desktop: see google devices
<paulk-desktop> ok
<paulk-desktop> basically I'm porting an omap3 device to ICS
<codeworkx> paulk-desktop: 2.3 -> 2.6.35, 4.0 -> 3.0.8, 4.1 -> 3.0.31, 4.2 -> 3.4
<paulk-desktop> which has 0 android support
<paulk-desktop> and basically I used a 3.4 kernel
<paulk-desktop> so maybe it would be better with 3.0.8
<codeworkx> that's fun
<codeworkx> 3.0.8 would at least be easier xD
<paulk-desktop> probably yeah
<paulk-desktop> though I used gingerbread with 3.2
<paulk-desktop> which kinda worked
<codeworkx> paulk-desktop: did you use the official TI omap kernel?
<paulk-desktop> nope
<paulk-desktop> where's that?
<paulk-desktop> I basically took the kernel from GNU/Linux and rebased android common kernel commits on top
<paulk-desktop> the device is basically similar to beagleboard
<paulk-desktop> maybe omapzoom has an ICS kernel for beagleboard
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<codeworkx> paulk-desktop: is TI
<codeworkx> paulk-desktop:;a=tree;h=refs/heads/android-omap-3.0;hb=android-omap-3.0
<codeworkx> paulk-desktop: check if it has omap3 support
<paulk-desktop> there is the beagleboard board file
<codeworkx> paulk-desktop:;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/p-android-omap3-3.0
<codeworkx> this is a omap3 kernel 3.0
<codeworkx> paulk-desktop: the one which matches the omap3 userspace
<paulk-desktop> nice
<codeworkx> paulk-desktop: i would call this support ;-)
<codeworkx> if samsung would give us this kind of support
<paulk-desktop> I don't see any beagleboard defconfig though
<codeworkx> paulk-desktop: zoom3 maybe?
<paulk-desktop> ok sounds good
<codeworkx> arch/arm/configs/android_zoom3_defconfig
<paulk-desktop> ok seems good
<paulk-desktop> uses twl4030 too
<paulk-desktop> will probably be fine
<paulk-desktop> thanks a lot codeworkx
<paulk-desktop> I'll rebase with that kernel then
<codeworkx> np
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<rhcp> yawn
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<rhcp> no one seems to working on this TMO variant
* rhcp wants SMBFS
<rhcp> CIFS
<rhcp> time to build a kernel
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<acidfreeze> Entropy: you around?
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