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<jomp16> Hello! | Why Jenkins don't build CWM touch/non touch for P3110?
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<jomp16> Hey, the recovery.img on this site: http://jenkins.cyanogenmod.org/job/android/13025/ is the
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<piluex2> Hi, sorry to bother in here, but I'm not getting answers anywhere else.
<piluex2> someone knows how to disable encryption? I've tried factory reset and it doesn't work (tried 5 times already)
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<xooxs> cyanogenmod nexus 4 ?
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<paulk-desktop> can anyone upload galaxy s glgps somewhere?
<paulk-desktop> ah, found it
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<Rebellos> Anybody got idea what's the difference between flagging oneNAND partition (in BML table) ATTR : RW SLC (0x1001) and ATTR : RW STL SLC (0x1101)? ;d
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<Rebellos> Looks like non-STL are raw partitions, and STL one has got some filesystem on it (possibly Sammy'sTFS4)
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<Entropy512> Rebellos: may be the case, I'm a bit rusty
<Entropy512> I think modem/kernel were bml
<Entropy512> various filesystems were on stl
* Rebellos is wondering how to fuse these partitions together and choose if it should be STL or not STL if I want to keep filesystem on it. ;d
<Rebellos> Hm, do you think MTD-onenand driver will handle both STL and non-STL partitions properly?
<Rebellos> I finally got to communicate with this damn CP yesterday, now it wants me to read thousands of files from some of oneNAND partitions.
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<Entropy512> Rebellos: I think it can, although some things did need hacking, don't recall exactly what
<Entropy512> thousands of files is odd... usually it's just EFS and the radio image
<Rebellos> Huh, not in SHP.
<Rebellos> Well, maybe thousands is just me overestimating. Few hundreds lets say ;P
<Rebellos> Or even no: http://pastebin.com/TJE0gz7i :D
<Rebellos> This is it
<Entropy512> the LBS stuff looks like various GPS-related items
<Entropy512> ephemerides and such
<Rebellos> Yeah. No, I don't know, whatever.
<Rebellos> LBS is probably as complex as telephony on Wave so I don't care about it for now.
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<Entropy512> never seen anything stored with that many cryptic files
<Entropy512> at least not by any Android RIL
<Rebellos> Because Samsung devs were actually thinking abit when writing Android RIL.
<Rebellos> Every few functions it's just #WTFSAMSUNG Y U DO THIS TO ME?!
<Rebellos> Like my favourite ones - interface to R/W PMIC RTC *seconds* (and seconds only) register by CP. Why?!
<Rebellos> Or L72 in file I linked - it's like "oh, that's interesting, these CPUs are actually *talking*"
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<Rebellos> But don't you worry Sammy, no matter how hard you try to make mess in this, 200 packet types more and I'll send my first SMS from Badadroid.
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