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<voltagex> hey, why will FM
<voltagex> oops. phone keyboard
<voltagex> why will fm and hdmi never be supported in custom roms?
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<bhundven> finally have sgh-t959v ported to aries in the ics branch
<bhundven> but, I'm getting a backtrace I can't figure out with enable_irq
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<bhundven> here is the full log from that backtrace:
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<coldEvo> someone know the wallpaper size for galaxy tab 2 7.0?
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<bhundven> eh, three hours later I'm still trying to figure this one out
<bhundven> hope someone here has a love for serial drivers and can spot waldo on this backtrace
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<bhundven> oops, I figured it out
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<twittergal> hi what is the brightness level code?
<twittergal> to view the current light level
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<antiochasylum> xplodwild: is everything on teamhacksung to build cm10 yet? I've already added everything i need, changed the lunch combo as well
<antiochasylum> but it stops here. make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/beast/cm10/kernel/samsung/smdk4210' make: *** No rule to make target `out/target/product/n7000/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/libmediayamahaservice_intermediates/export_includes', needed by `out/target/product/n7000/obj/EXECUTABLES/mediaserver_intermediates/import_includes'. Stop. make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
<xplodwild> you didn't extract-files
<antiochasylum> ah, crap
<antiochasylum> wow, totally forgot about that, lol
<antiochasylum> feel like sending them to me? :P
<antiochasylum> can i be lazy and pull them from cm9?
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<Espenfjo> antiochasylum: no
<antiochasylum> ok
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<antiochasylum> blah, another error
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<funky81> hi
<funky81> some1 here?
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<funky81> hmm..
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<smadel> Anybody been able to compile aosp for the p3113? I have downloaded the source, and cloned the samsung proprietary files found at I cloned the files into aosp/devices/samsung/p31xx. Afterwards I added a file. File contents and output of next commands is at
<Entropy512> codeworkx isn't around I think, he's the one that maintains that
<Entropy512> not sure if anyone else here are p31xx users
<Entropy512> hmm don't manually mess with
<Entropy512> and that directory is wrong
<Entropy512> device/samsung/p31xx
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<Entropy512> not devices
<Entropy512> best to clone it in using local_manifest.xml
<smadel> ahh. Ok. Let me check that out.
<smadel> Entropy512: Where exactly is that file located? I can't find it in my aosp directory.
<Entropy512> .repo
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<funky81> guys, could anyone gives me a hint
<funky81> i'm workin for dual boot n7000
<funky81> but somehow rotation is not working in cm9
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<funky81> anyone know where i could start from? i already try to merge w/ cm9 source, but still cant
<funky81> it always failed after probe
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<funky81> anyone?
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<Entropy512> no extra work needed to dual boot
<Entropy512> nandroid backup
<Entropy512> then nandroid restore
<Entropy512> done
<funky81> sori
<funky81> i mean dual kernel
<funky81> so it can work two side either cm9 or touchwiz
<Entropy512> see above
<Entropy512> nandroid backup
<Entropy512> nandroid restore
<Entropy512> you've switched
<Entropy512> easy peasy
<Entropy512> no fugly hacks
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<funky81> but somehow it doesnt work :(
<Entropy512> I have no problem with nandroiding back and forth
<Entropy512> sounds like whatever TW kernel you're using has a broken recovery that doesn't nandroid properly
<funky81> okay, i'll try again
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