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<disasternero> hi everyone
<disasternero> i have one qyestion here..
<disasternero> *question
<disasternero> trying to flash devil kernel..but every time i flash devil kernel will having bootloop
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<codeworkx> disasternero: we don't support custom kernel.
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<raymonddull> pretty sure devil kernel has a channel, you could go there
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<DarkRyoushii> pardon my ignorance in advance but I was wondering how much effort would be needed to pull the camera.apk from a stock S3 ROM and use it in the CM10 preview? I love the stock S3 camera but I love everything else about CM10
<DarkRyoushii> is it as simple as pulling the apk and setting correct permissions or is there more to it?
<imnuts> odds are, there is a lot more to it
<imnuts> probably several touchwiz specific methods that would need to be brought in
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<DarkRyoushii> yea that's what I thought too unfortunately :( ah well I'm sure it will get included one day >.< Thanks!
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<Wout> hey codeworkx, will this fix the halfbroken hwcomposer sometime in the future? or do you guys still need blobs? http://review.cyanogenmod.com/#/c/19925/
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<Espenfjo> Wout: It is one step in the right direction
<Espenfjo> it fixes vsync :)
<cantIntoCode> :)
<Wout> cool :)
<Wout> so whats missing then? triple buffering?
<Espenfjo> I wonder if the triple buffering is done in the surfaceflinger only
<Wout> vsync is pretty crucial to project butter though, so thats good news
<Wout> because I think the internal timing is linked to it
<Espenfjo> I am not sure if camera, movies etc. are working
<Espenfjo> but will find out asap as I am booting with gapps :P
<Wout> with the latest changes I linked to? cool
<Wout> let me know :)
<Johnou> well that's just a wip patchset no Wout? not in version control yet
<Johnou> either that or I am watching the wrong git repo
<Wout> could be that Espenfjo merged it himself localy to tryout
<Johnou> guess so since he is one of the reviewers
<Espenfjo> :)
<Espenfjo> Stuff that are open (not merged) in gerrit/review.cyanogenmod.com isnt merged to git
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<julianjm> I'm trying to build CM10 for I9100, but i'm getting this error: Repository for i9100 not found in the CyanogenMod Github repository list.
<Wout> is there a specific modem thats recommended for JB on the i9100?
<julianjm> not sure... anyway, you can change it anytime...
<xplodwild_work> julianjm: repos are at teamhacksung github
<xplodwild_work> not CM
<xEnt> i c
<xEnt> xplodwild_work wanna tell us what 'hwcomposer' means/is?
<xplodwild_work> @kick xEnt
<xplodwild_work> fu
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<xEnt> y so srs
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<Wout> ah, nm , doesnt seem to be modem related ->http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=29393206#post29393206
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<Johnou> xEnt, wrong channel maybe? :)
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<archann> hey bro xplodwild_work :)
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<xplodwild_work> ohai archann
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<xplodwild_work> Kaik541: is TF201 JB tree ready?
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<archann> xplodwild_work: wts new bro :D my fav question
<xplodwild_work> archann: nothing since before
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<Kaik541> xplodwild_work: y u ask me?
<xplodwild_work> Kaik541: you're the closest Asus member here xD
<Kaik541> xplodwild_work: you have tf300t, I have grouper
<Kaik541> you're more asus than me :P
<Wout`> grouper <3
<Kaik541> xplodwild_work: nexus or die, new motto
<xplodwild_work> ah
<xplodwild_work> will ask bumble-bee on cmpriv
<Kaik541> xplodwild_work: http://i.imgur.com/oihcN.jpg
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<xplodwild_work> Kaik541: <3
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<julianjm> Can anyone provide the local_manifest.xml for building CM10? I managed to add the project device_samsung_i9100 and device_samsung_galaxys2-common, from teamhacksung github, but i'm missing something: "hardware/samsung/exynos4210.mk" does not exist.
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<Espenfjo> julianjm: hardware/samsung from cyanogenmod github should be enoug
<Espenfjo> but.. I thought the roomservice took care of that
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<codeworkx> Espenfjo: it does
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<Wout`> codeworkx: pm'ed you a logcat on rilcrash with i9100
<Wout`> hope it useful
<codeworkx> no
<steinex> :D!
<Wout`> ok. wont bother then
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<netchip|lap> hi codeworkx
<netchip|lap> I submitted new patch set
<netchip|lap> coudl you check if my sysfs_read function is right?
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<xz> lulz, netchip :D
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<utkanos> hey guys, do you know which kernel branch cm uses on the n7000 ?
<utkanos> (and why the stripped out the defconfig :\ )
<utkanos> quincy (us version) uses msm8660-q1 kernel
<utkanos> does the international have a diff source or does it build from there
<utkanos> nvm, found it.
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<netchip|lap> xplodwild: added dynamic governor choosing
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<Entropy512> codeworkx: xplodwild: invite to special happy place
<Entropy512> :P
<Entropy512> nm, seems like that's fixed
<xplodwild> can't do ^^ cody will do
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<pickpoket> anyone alive
<pickpoket> ?
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<antiochasylum> Ok, question, building on the grouper, 100% build, nothing else done, just your brunch grouper, built fine, no errors, yet wont boot, cant even got a logcat, cherry picked this before the build too. http://r.cyanogenmod.com/#/c/19559/
<antiochasylum> I dont get it. I'm stumped
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<antiochasylum> any clue as to why it wont boot, doesnt even show the animation
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